DB Response
please see attached for instruction and DB’s that need responses. CJUS 340 Discussion Assignment Instructions The student will complete 3 Discussions in this course. The student will post one thread of at least 300 words by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Thursday of the assigned Module: Week. The student must then post 2 replies of at […]
Law – Criminal Assignment I
See attachment Discussion: Describe what the term “invisible punishment” means. What are some examples of invisible punishments that ex-offenders face? How do they impact that person’s ability to successfully assimilate back into society? How do they impact that individual’s ability to have a voice and enact change, and how are groups, as a whole, underrepresented […]
Discussion 5
Is civil liability a meaningful deterrent against police misconduct? Why or Why not?
Focusing on the police, courts, and corrections systems, discuss the ethical challenges each of these components in the criminal justice system face.
Criminal Justice
SAMPLE CASE BRIEF Follow this format (except type double spaced). Your brief should be no more than two or three double-spaced pages. ============================================================= NEAR V. MINNESOTA, 283 U.S. 697 (1931) [complete name of case, citation, date] decision by Supreme Court of United States [name of court issuing the opinion] FACTS: J. M. Near published the […]
Discussion 3
500 word response 2 references/intext citations Due 11/13/2024 D3: Focusing on the police, courts, and corrections systems, discuss the ethical challenges each of these components in the criminal justice system face.
Please see attached for instructions. Below is the topic: Considering the evidence on the association between media and crime, would you recommend that young children be forbidden to view films with violent content?
Unit 9
Study Help Explore an organization or group that has been linked to criminal behavior. At one time or another, all cultures have been linked to criminal behavior, whether organized crime, drug trafficking, terrorism, or civil disobedience. In a 12–15 PowerPoint slide presentation (excluding title and reference slides), complete the following: · Identify one organization or […]
Homicide- Tomorrow
textbook states that violence in the United States has decreased since the mid-1990s. What are your thoughts on this? Why has this been the case? Also, have certain types of homicides become more common than before? Do motives today differ from the mid 1990s? Are crimes in general, and investigations different? If so, how? 2 […]
research and write about language attitudes outside of the United States. Choose a language/dialect outside of the United States and research the attitudes that exist about that language/dialect.
research and write about language attitudes outside of the United States. Choose a language/dialect outside of the United States and research the attitudes that exist about that language/dialect
CJ 3
Discuss the difficulty in determining the time of death. What do you think the standard should be? Justify your answer.
Criminal Justice
SAMPLE CASE BRIEF Follow this format (except type double spaced). Your brief should be no more than two or three double-spaced pages. ============================================================= NEAR V. MINNESOTA, 283 U.S. 697 (1931) [complete name of case, citation, date] decision by Supreme Court of United States [name of court issuing the opinion] FACTS: J. M. Near published the […]
After reading the selected chapters in Everyday Bible Study (Chapters 32-39), identify the following items: From your reading in Everyday Bible Study, describe 3 concepts that improved, adjusted, or clarified your knowledge of the Bible. From your reading in Everyday Bible Study, explain 2 ideas that you believe are crucial to remember when studying the various […]
Case study
See attached CASE STUDY You are currently a Human Resources Director at a company located in New England that has 220 employees on site. Recently, a new employee (Chloe) has voiced concerns to the CEO that she is being sexually harassment by her manager (Stan). The manager, Stan, is friendly and helps her get familiar […]
Criminal Justice
SAMPLE CASE BRIEF Follow this format (except type double spaced). Your brief should be no more than two or three double-spaced pages. ============================================================= NEAR V. MINNESOTA, 283 U.S. 697 (1931) [complete name of case, citation, date] decision by Supreme Court of United States [name of court issuing the opinion] FACTS: J. M. Near published the […]
Criminal Justice
Respond to these questions with 75 words. Question 1 When determining the difference between crimes and inchoate crimes, I would like to start with the quote from Hall, D. E. (2023), “Unfinished crimes are known in criminal law as inchoate crimes” (pg. 214). Crimes and inchoate offenses are both punishable in court and they both […]
Please see attachment, Each response will require approximately 2 pages (double-spaced APA style formatting). Be sure to use citations where appropriate Make sure to use subheadings for each new question response (e.g., Question 1, Question 2, etc.) to clearly identify which question is being answered. You will only need one reference page at the end […]
Law – Criminal Assignment 1
Due 10/25/2024 Focus papers should contain 1250 – 1500 words, excluding references, cover page, and appendices. They must include at least 5 scholarly references/sources and be written in APA 7th edition format. Focus papers should use the following outlines: a. Introduction – what is the theory or thesis and what is the importance of this topic? b. […]
week 4 management law and employee relations
The National Labor Relations Act of the Wagner Act of 1935 ( see Chapter 15) guarantees to non-supervisory employees the right to self-organize, choose their own representatives, and bargain collectively or to choose not to do these things. The act makes it illegal for employers and labor unions to interfere with these rights and establishes […]
Criminal justice 2
What is the difference between crimes and inchoate crimes? Do you think this approach to inchoate offenses violate any rights? Why or why not?
CJ 4230 MOD 2 DB
Using the material from Chapters 4 and 5, are you more comfortable with a behavioral or a cognitive approach to correctional counseling?
Project 1b Excel Module 12 Performing What-If Analysis
instructions and start files are attached OrderID ProductID ProductName Channel Units 105-11 1 Aspen Retailer 10 105-14 1 Aspen Web 5 105-15 3 Santa Fe Web 4 105-20 2 Napa Retailer 4 105-21 3 Santa Fe Web 1 105-23 1 Aspen Web 2 105-25 2 Napa Web 5 105-32 3 Santa Fe Retailer 10 105-37 […]
Law – Criminal packback assignment
1) we move into the realm of Sociology and a drift from Structural Theories of Crime to Process Theories of Crime. Historically, what prompted Criminology to make this shift or perhaps addition to the paradigm? In the early 1920s and through into the 1960s sociological theorists grabbed hold of the stage from early positivists, […]
Criminal Justice
SAMPLE CASE BRIEF Follow this format (except type double spaced). Your brief should be no more than two or three double-spaced pages. ============================================================= NEAR V. MINNESOTA, 283 U.S. 697 (1931) [complete name of case, citation, date] decision by Supreme Court of United States [name of court issuing the opinion] FACTS: J. M. Near published the […]
Criminal justice
Discuss the types of acts that may be included and those omitted from being a criminal act (Evil thoughts). Would you add anything else? Why is this problematic?
response 2
250 word response due 10/18/2024 1 reference/intext citation Wilkinson When referring to the criminal justice system as a non system, the term is used to illustrate the lack of cohesion between the components of said system. According to the Cambridge Dictionary, a system is defined as, “a set of connected things or devices that operate […]
response 1
250 word response due 10/18/2024 1 reference/intext citation Williams The term “non-system” reflects the absence of cohesion among the different components of the criminal justice system. While the term “system” implies an organized, coordinated mechanism where all parts work toward a common goal, the criminal justice system in the U.S. often lacks the necessary synchronization […]
ethics-related global workplace issues
This paper is on the topic of ethics-related global workplace issues. Please use the APA format and cite at least two (2) sources. I have guidelines on using the APA format and citing sources below. Please submit your research paper by clicking the title Final Paper above. Follow the directions below for a step-by-step process. TOPICS: […]
Discussion Question
Find a case where paint evidence was the only evidence law enforcement had. Was this enough to make an arrest? Was the case solved? What was the outcome of the case?
Discussion 1
Due 10/16/2024 500 word discussion 2 references D1: The criminal justice system has actually been referred to as the criminal justice “non-system” by many observers of modern criminal justice in America. What do we mean when referring to the criminal justice system as a “non-system?” Do you believe that the criminal justice system is a true […]
Labor sports Oct 14
SUBJECT – LABOR including directions. It’s due via Blackboard by 12pm tomorrow/Tuesday. One thing — if you are hitting a paywall with the article about Curt Flood in The Atlantic — you can always draw from the one below. Also, we watched parts of the 2-part documentary — The Curious Case of Curt Flood. […]
Research Methods – Week 1 Assignment Milestone One – Topic Proposal Spend some time searching for ideas that will form the core of your project. Once you find a good topic, write a proposal of 250-400 words. In this proposal, explain your future job, the organization, and your presentation audience. (You get to choose the […]
Comparison of Leaders Choose two well-known leaders. Compare and contrast the traits, motives, and or characteristics of each leader. In a 2-3 page paper, describe how those characteristics may have influenced their leadership style. Cite three sources outside of the textbook to support your position. Your week 1 assignment rubric is included in the assignment […]
study help read the first pdf and answer the sheet from the SAGE Social Science Collections. All Rights Reserved. at COPYRIGHT CLEARANCE CENTER on August 25, 2016cad.sagepub.comDownloaded from at COPYRIGHT CLEARANCE CENTER on August 25, 2016cad.sagepub.comDownloaded from at COPYRIGHT CLEARANCE CENTER on August 25, 2016cad.sagepub.comDownloaded from at COPYRIGHT CLEARANCE CENTER on August 25, 2016cad.sagepub.comDownloaded from […]
Overview Proper documentation of an incident provides a critical foundation for subsequent investigative activities, as well as potential court proceedings. In this activity, you describe the elements of an effective incident report and investigation. Scenario Note: Activities and assignments in this course are predicated upon a homicide scenario that is introduced in this activity. […]
Discussion Management Law 3
please discuss, your experience and your opinion on the following scenarios: 1) Chapter 8: Opening Scenario 2 2) Chapter 12: Opening Scenario 2
Last draft
I’ll post the question after I accept ur bid Top of Form Criteria Exemplary Proficient Intermediate Emerging Beginning Criterion Score Thesis 10 points Provides a clear and developed thesis statement that presents the objective and focus for essay, revealing analytical stance. 9 points Solid thesis statement that addresses most of the following: objective, focus, stance. […]
do you believe best explains the wide variance in violent crime? Why?
According to the text (and empirical data), people of color disproportionately commit violent and property crime, and African Americans, Latinos, and Native Americans have higher victimization rates. After reading the assigned chapters and supplemental article from the Vera Institute, answer the following questions: The texts offers many explanations for racial difference in criminal behavior (i.e. […]
LS 1100 MOD 6 db
Conduct research online and locate a Fourth Amendment Supreme Court case. Post a link to the case. Discuss the Fourth Amendment requirements that must be met before a search warrant will be issued. Do you think the Fourth Amendment goes far enough to protect citizens against unreasonable search and seizure? Why or why not? […]
study help Topic List for Research Proposal Border Protection Bullying in Schools Crime Displacement Crime Prevention through Environmental Design (CPTED) Contraband in Prison Community Policing Date Rape Domestic Violence Drug Courts Drug Use Drunk Driving Education programs in correctional institutions Electronic Monitoring Failure to Appear (FTA) Family Court Gangs Gun Control House Arrest Juvenile Delinquency […]
Read and help theres just screen shots then the assignment
EEOC v. WC&M Enterprises, Inc.
EEOC v. WC&M Enterprises, Inc. Read case 1 titled “Garcia v. Spun Steak Co,” at the end of Chapter 7. Answer the case questions at the end of the case.
See attachment please Instructions · 12- point font, double spaced, one inch margins · 300-500 word minimum · MUST be in APA format · Must use 2-3 in text citations from textbook Race, Gender, Class, and Criminal Justice Subtitle: Examining barriers to justice ISBN: 9781531018931 Authors: Danielle McDonald, Cherie Dawson-Edwards Publication Date: 2023-01-31 Edition: Second 1. Watch this clip: 2. […]
Well, we’ve finally made it to the end of our study of Macroeconomics! For this reflection, I want you to reflect on the course as a whole. Some questions to help you get started: What is the biggest thing you learned? What are some completely new things you learned? What things really stood out to […]
Legal Research and Writing – Week 8 Assignment Proofreading Your assignment this week is to proofread and correct a document by completing the following: · Download the attachment below and rename it in the following format: Yourname Week 8 Proofreading. · Open the document in Word. · Carefully proofread the document and make any necessary corrections. · Your corrections should be […]
Please see the attached assignment CJUS 330 Reflection Exercise Assignment Instructions Overview In this assignment, you will demonstrate your ability to apply what you have learned over the duration of this course. Using your textbook as your primary source of authority; Instructions Respond to 2 questions of your choice from the following list: 1. Identify […]
Crown Act
In a powerpoint form. Also you must have include relevant statistics ( how many people have been impacted by or benefited from the policy.). You must identify the target population (s) of the policy
Federal and State Courts
Help needed on how to file a civil lawsuit in both state and federal court in New Jersey. Discuss the differences between the two different courts and the filing process. What determines whether you file a lawsuit at the state or federal level?
Discussion Management Law
please discuss, based on the material given, your experience and your opinion on the following scenarios: 1) Chapter 4: Opening Scenario 3- Lominy 2) Chapter 7: Opening Scenario 2 – Oliverio Express your views on each of the scenarios while using what you’re learning in the chapters
Discussion 4 CJUS-4110 Senior Capstone
What is Compstat? Why was it created? What are the pros and cons? In your opinion, what could be changed to make it more effective?