Discussion 5 Senior Capstone CJUS-4110

Based on what you read in the Haynes article, do you think the courtroom workgroup is good or bad for defendants? Why? If bad, what do you think can be done to solve it? 

DB Replies

Please see attached for responses and instructions. 4 David Cordeau Squares: (fit) your thinking 1. There is one very large difference between the stories found in the Scriptures and the stories we encounter in movies or even some books. The stories of Scripture are all true! (Hulshof & Cartwright, 2019) 2. The main subject of […]


PROBLEM: In February 2002 Adele Lawson purchased a pastel for $29,000 from a dealer London arts group London arts group gave Lawson the following writing signed by Director that stated as follows. This is to be certified that an Indian brave by Frederick Remington drawing done in 1901 purchased by Lawson from Robert James price […]

Confidentiality and Privacy with Telecommunication Devices

 As you learned this week, clients expect the information shared with their human services professionals to be kept private and confidential. With the increase in the use of technological devices (computers, smartphones, tablets, etc.) within the helping professions, human services professionals must be aware of potential concerns regarding confidentiality, privacy, and privileged communication. 

Question 4

  How interlinked are sociology and criminology? The field of sociology studies life and any social changes that might impact a person’s life. Criminology, as we know, is the scientific study of crime and everything that factors into it, including behavior. How do these fit together? Does one have to do with the other? Can […]

reflective response CAPSTONE

see attached  Instructions Reflective Essay on Interview (1-2 page) · What did you learn from your interview?  · Did you gain new insights into the failures or break downs of various roles during this incident from a non-police perspective?  · What steps can be taken to rebuild the relationship between law enforcement and the community […]

Law management law assignment 1

 Patterson v. McLean Credit Union  Read case 2 titled “Patterson v. McLean Credit Union”  Answer the case questions below as they are DIFFERENT from the textbook questions: Based on the chapter reading, do you think justice was served in this case? Please explain. Why do you think Patterson waited so long to sue and how […]


Study Help Unit 3 Assignment: Scenario Police Officer Jones, in full uniform, was walking the midnight shift in a high-crime area at approximately 2:00 AM and is approached by a civilian who told Officer Jones she had been robbed and beaten by someone wearing a red shirt and white pants. The victim’s shirt was blood […]


study help CJ490M4: Research Methods in Criminal Justice Module 4 Worksheet Student Name: _______________________________________________________ Data Collection Methods There are three main ways to collect data: asking questions, making observations, or using existing data (Maxfield & Babbie, 2016). But a fourth way, using a combination, is also often utilized. The data collection methods include: · Survey […]

Criminal evidence

   do you feel without physical evidence a jury should not find guilt in a  case? Is circumstantial evidence just as important? Have the TV shows  influenced jurors as to the types of evidence they may find in a  criminal investigation? 

LS 1100 mod 5 assn 2

  Overview: For this assignment, you will prepare a creative deliverable focused on the pleadings and motions we learned about this week. You will be able to choose whichever format you wish for your deliverable.  Please follow the instructions below and be sure to follow A P fguidelines.  Instructions: This week’s readings and the Module […]

Part 1 capstone – written analysis

reviewed by turnitin  PART ONE – Written Analysis Provide a brief overview (3-5 pages) of the incident and then highlight the response from public safety.  Department of Justice Critical Incident Review: Active Shooter at Robb Elementary School (Uvalde) Make sure you answer the following questions: · What are some things the responding agencies did that […]

part 2 capstone

reviewed turnit in Read: ·   “Robb Elementary School Attack Response Assessment and Recommendations” ALERRT report . You can Access the Report Directly from: ·  ” PASS Safety and Security Guidelines K-12 “.  You can access this directly from: ? Critical Analysis Paper of Interview (3-5 pages) Based on the readings, reflect on the six […]

Law – Criminal homework part 3 capstone

reviewed by turnitin Recommendations of Changes to Agency Students will produce an academic-style paper (not a memo) utilizing APA format and referring to at least 3 peer-reviewed resources less than 5 years old.  The paper should be a minimum of 5 pages long.  Based on what you have learned in your 10 CJCB courses you […]


Choose 1: 1. It is expensive to upkeep a trace unit. Many labs are shutting their units down. Discuss the pros/cons of keeping open a unit that doesn’t give personal identification data, like DNA. 2. The number of trace evidence cases submitted to labs has continually diminished over recent years. Why do you think that is […]

Law – Criminal HomeWork

Please see attached, Instruction on assignment, templet of assignment, blank sheet with assignment. Please let me know if there are any questions, this is a quick turnaround.


    Prosecutors often possess unfettered discretion in making charging decisions.  The prosecutor’s essential duty is to ensure that charging decisions are based upon the existence of probable cause.  However, some would expand the prosecutor’s duty to matters surrounding social justice.  In fact, K. Babe Howell suggests that prosecutors have a duty to seek justice and […]


Legal Research and Writing – Week 7 Assignment Email Memo Assignment You have received the following research assignment by email from Eliza Watkins, one of the senior attorneys in your firm: Hi, One of our clients, Rebecca Winslow, believes she has evidence of federal securities fraud (specifically, insider trading) by her employer, Capstone Investment Group. […]

Criminal Justice

  Supreme Court Opinion Prior to beginning your written assignment, read the Excessive BailLinks to an external site. article and review all previous weeks’ materials concerning the 4th Amendment, due process, the right to remain silent, the right to counsel, cruel and unusual punishment and capital punishment. In the state of Denial, the Capital City […]

criminal justice

  The Secret Trial Prior to beginning your written assignment read the Criminal ProcedureLinks to an external site. article, Right to a Speedy and Public Trial – Public TrialLinks to an external site. article, the Right to Confront WitnessLinks to an external site. article, Right to CounselLinks to an external site. article and review the […]


Legal research  This position paper assignment is designed to develop both your research and analytical skills. You should focus your paper on a legal position/angle that adds something new to the literature. Do not use 1st person in a formal paper. You should use contemporary data & sources in your paper. The cases and journal […]

Journal 2

Discuss the capstone cases from Chapters 4-7. Discuss one Chapter URL from each of Chapters 4-7 from “Legal Resources on the Web,” and the weekly videos. You will find more details on the assignment expectations that I will provide

Task 2: Ethics and Cybersecurity

Introduction:  In this task, you will analyze ethical challenges related to information security and develop a training plan for an organization, which will raise awareness of these challenges, convey strategies, and prevent unwanted developments.   Scenario Review the attached “TechFite Case Study” for information on the company being investigated. You should base your responses on this […]


ENG 130 Module Three Written Response Template Summaries, Quotes, and Paraphrases Complete this template by replacing the bracketed text with the relevant information. Write a brief summary of the text chosen for the project. [Insert text.] Choose one sentence from the text and incorporate it as a quote in an original sentence. [Insert text.] Take […]


ENG 130 Module Two Written Response Template Audience Understanding Complete this template by replacing the bracketed text with the relevant information. Selected text you will use for your project: [Insert text.] Identify an audience for your project: [Insert text.] Identify a second audience for your project: [Insert text.] Describe the writing situation for your project: […]


ENG 130 Module Two Reading Response Template Exploring the Text Complete this template by replacing the bracketed text with the relevant information. Selected text you will use for your project: [Insert text.] Identify a possible primary audience of the text: [Insert text.] Identify other possible audiences for the text: [Insert text.] Explain why both possible […]

Critical thinking final – review

Attached is the instruction for the project and the completed project.  I would like the project reviewed and add something so a reference can be added.  reviewed by turnitin


Please see attached for instruction and guidelines. DISCUSSION ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS You will complete 2 Discussions in this course. You will post one thread between 300 and 350 words by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Thursday of the assigned Module: Week. You must then post 2 replies between 200 to 250 words by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on […]

Criminal Justice

AI Law Enforcement Assignment Answer the following questions using single spaced 12-point font. Each question should be answered in approximately 1/3-1/2 page. Be thorough in your answer and provide any analysis where appropriate. 1. How may physical bots be used in law enforcement? 2. Identify current examples of law enforcement use of AI technologies. What […]

Criminal evidence

   Do you feel this Exclusionary Rule is effective? Do you agree with the exceptions? Should there be more exceptions or none at all?


Currently we see that California is battling extreme fires. Why? Choose an arson incident. Include the facts of the case, evidence, analysis and outcome of the case.

plea bargaining

Need help identifying the pros and cons of plea bargaining for the defense attorney, prosecution, judge, and, the defendant?   

DB Replies

Please see attached 2 replies of at least 250 words each by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Monday of the assigned Module: Week. The student is required to support the content of both their thread and response posts with direct, specific, and properly cited quotations from the assigned textbook reading. Madison Morrow 2. ”Those who have […]


Legal Research and Writing – Week 6 Assignment Letter Assignment You have been given the following fact pattern by Sofia Perez, one of the senior partners in your law firm: The firm represents Alison Nielsen. Last month, Alison’s only child, Kymberly, was killed in a car accident. Kymberly, who was 18 at the time of […]

Emergency Management

Need help in putting together a PowerPoint presentation on the duties of a liaison officer role during time of emergencies.

Criminal Justice

Respond to these posts. 100 words required #1 The most significant communication error occurred between the office clerk who placed the record of the indictment on Mr. Johnson’s file and the officers who authorized his release from prison. This situation and another incident involving a four-time-convicted rapist being released likely occurred as a result of […]

LS 1100 MOD 4 ASSN 2

  Overview: For this assignment, you will prepare a creative deliverable focused on defenses to the different types of torts we learned about this week. You will be able to choose whichever format you wish for your deliverable.  Please follow the instructions below and be sure to follow A    PA form a guidelines.  A     P […]

LS 1100 MOD 4 DB

  Conduct research online and locate an article discussing a recent tort case in the news. Post a link to the article. Identify the type of tort. Discuss its elements and the resolution of the case

Criminal Justice

The right to remain silent Prior to beginning your written assignment, read the  Fifth AmendmentLinks to an external site.  article, the  Competency to Waive Fifth Amendment Rights during Custodial InterviewLinks to an external site.  article,  You Might Have the Right to Remain Silent: An Erosion of the Fifth Amendment With the Use of Pre-arrest SilenceLinks […]

General Principal

study CJ490M2: Research Methods in Criminal Justice Module 2 Worksheet Student Name: _______________________________________________________ Read the following research experiment conducted by the Police Foundation in 1974: Kelling, G. L., Pate, T., Dieckman, D., & Brown, C. E. (1974). T he Kansas City preventive patrol experiment: A summary report. Police Foundation. The experiment focused on the following research […]

Criminal Justice

Case Study Brady Johnson is a 6-foot, 2-inch White male who weighs approximately 260 pounds. He has openly admitted to having a drug problem. During previous prison stays, he attended Narcotics Anonymous meetings, although he claims that he sniffed heroin while in prison. He has been arrested many times for burglary, assault, robbery, and drug […]


compare and contrast the role of a prison warden with that of a jail administrator. Describe some of the challenges of those administrative positions. 

CJ Help

See Attachment Discussion: Explain social power structures and why they are critical in understanding race, ethnicity and gender in the justice system. · Must be 1 page in length · APA Format · Must reference the following text, chapters 1-3 with two in text citations: · Race, Gender, Class, and Criminal Justice, Second Edition Author: […]

Law – Criminal Homework Terrorism response x 2

Reviewed by turn it in  see attached  2 separate projects  see attached instructions  Please completed these separate from the essay These are short answers Please write response/ answer under each question post test 1: How does having an understanding of terrorism (specifically the history of terrorism) serve as a benefit for law enforcement officers working […]


Only pick one to discuss.  2. Sonia Cacy. Read and offer comments.   3. Innocence Project Review. Read and offer your comments.   4. There have several well publicized bombing over the years globally. A few are listed below. Pick one and discuss.    Bali  Oklahoma  UniBomber  WTC – first bombing  Pan Am 103  Olympic Park  Boston Marathon


For this Weekly Wrap-Up, think about the topics that were discussed this week, and then list and explain 5 new things you learned that are directly related to these concepts. Include things that stood out to you or surprised you. Has your opinion about one of the topics changed as a result of what you learned? Be sure to provide examples. Your reflection […]