Clarett v. National Football League 369 F.3d 124

   Clarett v. National Football League 369 F.3d 124 (2nd Cir. 2004) 1. Explain how anti-trust issues apply in this case? 2. What factors must be considered when alleging anti-trust issues? 3. Do you agree with those particular allegations made by Clarett? Why or why not? Use the information from the chapter to justify your […]

annotated bibliography

Prepare a memorandum which includes theories, data, and research findings that relate to a crime prevention program or strategy.

Restricted Housing

 What is restrictive housing? What are some of the criticisms against it? What are some of the issues scholars face when trying to study it? 

LS 1100 mod 3 db

  Conduct research online and find one First Amendment Supreme Court case. Post the link to the case. Did the Court decide this case correctly, in your opinion? Why are First Amendment cases so sensitive?

LS 1100 mod 3 ASSN 1

  Instructions: In Module 3, we learned about judicial review, which is the power of courts to review statutory law to determine if a law is unconstitutional. a p a For this assignment, prepare a two-pae ppr that addresses the following: Describe the origin and importance of judicial review. What would the judicial system in […]

LS 1100 MOD 3 ASSN 2

  Instructions: This week’s readings and the Module 3 Lesson addressed civil rights legislation. For this assignment, create a deliverable of your choice (written document, infographic, PowerPoint, video, etc.) that communicates the information below.  Describe the provisions in the U.S. Constitution that give Congress the power to enact civil rights legislation. As part of your […]

final research

 Documentation, collection, and preservation of DNA evidence 

Law – Criminal Homework – crtical thinking response SARA

screened by turn it in, see attached  Create a written plan using the SARA model to address the crime and disorder problem outlined in this presentation. Upload the plan for grading. You should create something that is quality; a work product that could be applied in a real-world situation. Outline each step. Provide supporting logic/thoughts. […]

Journal 1

Discuss the capstone cases from Chapters 2-3. Discuss one Chapter URL from each of Chapters 1-3 from “Legal Resources on the Web,” and the weekly videos. I will provide assignment details 

reading 3 part 3

 5 questions! Short answers only! 250 or less words!   Chriss, J. J. (2022). Social control: An introduction (3rd ed.). Polity Press. Chapter 3. Informal Control  Chapter 6. Informal Control: Case Studies   Lippman, M. (2021). Law and society (3rd ed.). SAGE. Chapter 6. Dispute Resolution  Chapter 11. Law and Racial and Ethnic Inequality   Beckett, K., & […]

Criminal Justice

100-word response to each post. No AI 1. In my opinion, the best leadership style is transformational. In the textbook, Allen and Sawhney (2019, as cited in Bass, 1985) indicate that transformational leaders inspire their subordinates by increasing their awareness of the importance of tasks and the importance of doing them well, their realizations of […]

Fourth Amendment

  Fourth Amendment Application, the “Case of the Bad Boyfriend” Read the following case scenario: Linda Rhodes and her boyfriend, Joe Marshall, were arrested as a result of a drug raid. Linda was making dinner for her children, who were with her in the kitchen, and Joe, who was in the living room, when the […]

Criminal Justice

Answer the following questions using single spaced 12-point font. Each question should be answered in approximately 1/3-1/2 page. Be thorough in your answer and provide any analysis where appropriate. No AI accepted. 1. How would you implement a peer support group for officers? 2. What organizational and system changes are needed to effectively address police […]

Criminal evidence

   Hello everyone- it is great to see you here posting regarding credibility, impeachment and the right to discovery. We know that primary and secondary evidence exists in court. We also see that discovery is the request for documents for the defense and prosecution. Class- If a defense attorney does not request certain items for […]

Law – Criminal homework procedural justice police

response , charts reviewed turn it in  Module 1 Writing Posttest Consider a law enforcement agency that you are familiar with. Fill in the chart below: Programs and Policies that Generate Goodwill with the Community: Incidents, Policies or Programs that have been Negative toward the Community: Reflection : Chart 1 Where do you think this […]

Eng 133 . Week 3

What is the role of college in America today? Compare Murray’s argument in “Are Too Many People Going to College?” with the argument presented in one of the assigned articles in Week 1 (Owen & Sawhill, Addison, or Lehman). How do both articles address the overall argument about the role and impact of college?

LS 1100 MOD 2 ASSN

  Overview: For this assignment, you will prepare a creative deliverable that explains the concept of federalism. You will be able to choose whichever format you wish for your deliverable.  Please follow the instructions below and be sure to follow AP  Instructions: In Module 2, we learned about federalism. For this assignment, create a deliverable […]

LS 1100 MOD 2 DB

  Select and research one of the positions we learned about this week. 2. Explain the roles and responsibilities associated with this position. 3. Discuss the type of position you would like to pursue in the law. Explain why this particular position interests you.   Paralegals or Legal Assistants assist lawyers by performing certain tasks […]

Criminal evidence

 Chapter  11 – Circumstantial Evidence. Please articulate how direct and  circumstantial evidence is defined, and the relevancy of this evidence. 

Week 4 – Causal Inference and Crime Measurement. How are they linked?

Crime Measurement is a critical element in our discipline. If we don’t accurately measure crime it has significant ramifications for impacting, controlling, reducing and ultimately stopping criminal and deviant behavior. Crime is measured using the UCR, NCVS, Self-Report Data, Secondary Data, Police Reports and many other sources. All of these sources are used to help […]

Legal Research W4

Legal Research and Writing – Week 4 Assignment Case Brief One of the primary duties of a paralegal is to research case law to find relevant legal authority on an issue of law.  In addition, a paralegal may be asked to prepare a case brief of the pertinent cases identified during their research.  Be careful not to […]

Law – Criminal homework response police

reviewed by turn it in two responses different topics  see attached  You will now take the knowledge gained from this course and create TWO original fictitious reports. You can choose from the following reports for your Final Culminating Project · Intelligence Report · Incident Report · Accident Report · Investigative Report · Traffic Report · […]


answer the questions that follow: Jason, a seven year old child, is in the second grade. At school, his teacher noticed he was having problems sitting during class. She asked Jason why he was wiggling around in his seat and what was wrong. Jason replied that his daddy had given him “a real whipping” last […]

Pambianchi v. Arkansas Tech University 95 F.Supp.3d 1101 (2015)

   Pambianchi v. Arkansas Tech University 95 F.Supp.3d 1101 (2015) 1. The case summary omits the discussion of whether Ms. Pambianchi was discriminated against on the basis of sexual orientation because in March 2015, sexual orientation was not projected by Title VII. Note that sexual orientation was deemed protected by Title VII in July 2015. […]

Criminal evidence

 Chapter  9 – The Exclusionary Rule – Search & Seizure and Chapter 10 – The  Exclusionary Rule – Identification Procedures. After reading these  chapters discuss the exclusionary rule and the exceptions to this rule.  What is the philosophy of the exclusionary rule and how does that apply  here?    Brief Mapp v. Ohio, 367 U.S. […]

Module 2

Imagine you were hired to draft one new amendment to the US Constitution.  Submit a document that includes your proposed amendment and why you believe it should be added.    The amendment can be a civil rights protection or related to the powers of the government, but the amendment should be specifically related to criminal justice. […]

Law enforcement

Group Case Study Analysis Ethics Law Enforcement Operations Ethical and Legal Considerations: · What were the ethical dilemmas presented in the case of Michael Brown’s shooting? How did the legal framework intersect with these ethical considerations? · Reflecting on the findings of the federal investigation, do you believe the actions of the law enforcement officers […]

Criminal evidence

 The  Hearsay Rule and Chapter 8 – Opposing Party’s Statements (Admissions)  and Confessions. Please discuss the Hearsay Rule and the components of  the Hearsay rule as well as the exceptions to the Hearsay Rule.     Brief: Davis v. Washington, 547 U.S. 813 (2006). Crawford v. Washington, 541 U.S. 36 (2004). Escobedo v. Illinois, 378 […]


study CJ490M1: Research Methods in Criminal Justice Module 1 Worksheet Student Name: _______________________________________________________ After completing the course activities, substantially answer the four following questions. Provide full references for any sources used at the end of the worksheet. 1. Identify and describe the four purposes of research. 2. Provide a basic criminal justice example for each […]


Help researching Use of Force and  Ethics within the Law Enforcement field; specifically use of force and discretion, and ethical issues and concerns, critical current issues such as police brutality, corruption, and racial profiling, and the legal and ethical frameworks that regulate these practices.   


 Assigned Book Readings:     Harris, S. R. (2022). How to critique journal articles in the social sciences (2nd ed.). Waveland Press.  The entire book must be read before you take 2 in the second module  How to Critique Journal Articles in the Social Sciences ISBN: 9781478646921 Authors: Scott R. Harris Publication Date: 2022-01-10

Criminal Justice

TOPIC: COMMUNITY POLICING Review the following links. Then develop a training lesson proposal that includes 1. the training topic, 2. learning goal, 3. learning objectives (minimum of three), 4. delivery format(s), and 5. target audience. to an external site.


Only pick  one question.   1.  We often hear drugs referred to as “Narcotics”. Even within police agencies there are special “Narcotics Units”. Is this term being used correctly?  2.  Should Medical marijuana (i.e. for relief of the side effects of chemo) be legalized?

Criminal evidence

 Documentary  Evidence & the Right of Discovery. Describe the difference between  primary and secondary evidence. Also discuss the discovery process as it  pertains to the trial process.     Brief: Miranda v. Arizona, 384 U.S. 436 (1966). Dickerson v. U.S., 530 U.S. 428 (2000). Brady v. Maryland, 373 U.S. 83 (1963).


Legal Research and Writing – Week 3 Assignment Memorandum Exercise Assignment Instructions:  There are numerous errors in the citations in the following passage. Correct the citations using the current edition of The Bluebook. You may need to supply missing information.  Copy the passage below into a new Word document, make your corrections in bold font, and submit […]

Criminal Justice

Discussion #3 Based on the leadership theories, write at least 200 words in length critical response for each question below. Discuss the best leadership style and if leaders are born or made (200 words) Do you agree that leaders need power? Why? Is there a risk that leaders being corrupted? (200 words) Who are the […]


Module 2 Discussion Problem Read the following fact pattern and then answer the questions that follow: Mary and Jack were dating for six years before they got married. Prior to their marriage, Mary gave birth to three children fathered by Jack. One year after their marriage, Jack and Mary separated. During their separation, Mary gave […]

Police Officer Accountability

See attached doc Police Officer Accountability This module concentrates on the history of administrative theory and organizational leadership/management. After reviewing the Module Seven reading and resources, write a paper in which you address the following:  You have recently been hired as the police chief in Brady City. The city council fired the former chief due […]

Courts Argument

Help with persuasive argument as to why mandatory minimum sentencing should be repealed and explaining whether you believe mandatory minimum sentencing adversely impacts African Americans and other racial minorities.

Pambianchi v. Arkansas Tech University 95 F.Supp.3d 1101 (2015)

  Pambianchi v. Arkansas Tech University 95 F.Supp.3d 1101 (2015) The case summary omits the discussion of whether Ms. Pambianchi was discriminated against on the basis of sexual orientation because in March 2015, sexual orientation was not projected by Title VII. Note that sexual orientation was deemed protected by Title VII in July 2015. Do […]

LS 1100 MOD 1 ASSN

  Instructions: In Module 1, we learned about common law, which is the body of United States law developed through the courts. For this assignment, create a deliverable that communicates the information below.  Explain the basic concepts of a common law legal system. As part of your deliverable, be sure to include information addressing precedent […]

Bill of rights

  a) Did they seem to have a fairly complete understanding of the Bill of Rights? Why or why not? b) Were you surprised by the results? Why or why not? c) What do your survey results say about the average American’s understanding of the bill of Rights? How can this affect people when they […]

Criminal Justice

Cj6622 -dis 2 Chapter 4 page 117 and 118 Write a critical response addressing questions #2 and 3. These questions are located just under the case study. You should use at least three citations to support your arguments. Chapter 5 page 159 see attached Write a critical response addressing questions # 1, 2 and 3. […]

Criminal evidence

 Chapter  5 – Witnesses – Lay & Expert and Chapter 13 – Physical Evidence.  Please discuss how physical evidence is defined, the different types of  physical evidence and why securing the scene is important for the  documentation and collection of physical evidence.     Brief:  Frye v. U.S., 293 F. 1013 (D.C. Cir. 1923). Daubert […]