Respond to Ashley post

Generational factors may increase stress in the work place because there may be differences in opinion when it comes to a number of topics. While the differences in generations may bring forth some pros, it could with its cons. There may differences in how people address or communicate with one another. People may not agree […]

Respond to Allison post

I believe that Generational differences in law enforcement impacts a lot of things such as communication, reporting styles and just the way they police. I believe Gen z cops have tomost difficultly in the field of work because they bring more of an emotional side to it and thay can make it difficult in some […]

Discussion 13

300 word discussion 2 references/intext citation Due 3/24/2024 Last week’s module covered Latent Print Identification and provided numerous articles involving the “issues” in the field. This week’s articles involve various research studies involving the accuracy of Latent Print Examinations. Taking into consideration the information covered in the presentation and these articles, what is your opinion […]

Is Domestic Terrorism still a threat

 What is the difference between hate crimes and terrorist acts?  What is domestic terrorism?  Explain the legal difference between extremism and domestic terrorism.  Do you believe that domestic terrorism is still a threat in the United States? Why or why not? Which do you believe is more dangerous to the American public, domestic terrorism or international terrorism?  In regard to […]

Week 4

  Use information from the module resources to determine the most important risk factors for assessing the potential risk of juveniles. In your initial post, discuss your findings and address the following: Discuss what you think are the most important risk factors where you live. Discuss the role that you think ethnicity plays in the […]

3-1 Discussion: Generational Differences and Stress in Criminal Justice

As you may know or may have experienced firsthand, there are several generations working together in the criminal justice field today. In fact, according to HR Daily Advisor (2018), there can be up to five different generations working together: Traditionalists (born before 1946), Baby Boomers (born between 1946 and 1964), Generation X (born between 1965 […]


The Literature Review The literature review examines what others have researched and written on your research topic. Each research topic includes numerous areas or themes to examine. Once you have identify themes within your area of research begin with an outline. This will allow you to see what areas exist and then you can find […]

plea bargaining to avoid the death penalty

 Can a person voluntarily agree to a plea bargain if he or she faces the Death Penalty? Why/why not? Is the possibility of a plea bargain Constitutional? Why/why not? 

law pro

need help with slideshow draft  Milestone One Guidelines and Rubric.html COM 449 Milestone One Guidelines and Rubric Overview Now that you have begun to analyze the history and evolution of key laws, regulations, and policies for their influence on professional and private communication, you will begin to work on your course project. In this milestone, […]

law 3

need help with law question draft question  Module Three Activity Guidelines and Rubric.html COM 449 Module Three Activity Guidelines and Rubric Overview Communication professionals work with copyright and trademark as a regular part of their daily routine. Whether they are using in-house copyrighted and trademarked works or licensing the works of others for use by […]


Chapter 5 of our text introduces us to police discretion and its various nuances. Imagine you are requested to provide a training module for recruits at your local law enforcement training academy on “situationally based discretion.”  What would this training module include and what would be your reasoning for each segment?


the term “evolving standards of decency” is coined in describing the Supreme Court’s legal foundation on the question of executions of juveniles and life sentences without parole. After reading each of the seven Supreme Court penalty cases, do you agree or disagree with the Court’s most current rulings as to juveniles? Would you agree that […]

Criminal Justice

ANSWER WITH AT LEAST TWO PARAGRAPHS. DO NOT USE AI TO ANSWER QUESTIONS. INCLUDE REFERENCE AT END OF POST. Why did the Articles of Confederation Fail, and How did the Constitution Correct those failures?

Unit III HW Law

see attachment Assignment Content HW #3Top of Form For this assignment, refer to Chapter 6 on page 151 (see below) of your textbook. Write your responses to the questions listed in the three Discussion Cases. Number your responses to each question and letter listed in the case studies. Your assignment must be at least two pages in length […]

Capstone discuss

6 Robert, Your proposal for the integration of drones in emergency and disaster management operations is commendable and should be value added to the EM community. Your problem statement is clear in the respect that it highlights the potential for drones to overcome historical challenges in response operations. The inclusion of a mixed methods approach, […]

What is jihadi Salafism?

 What is jihadi Salafism? Discuss the evolution of al Qaeda. Do you think the U.S. should have been more cognizant of the beginnings of al Qaeda? Why or why not?  What makes ISIS unique? What aspects of ISIS are informed by scholarly Salafism? How important the killing of Osama bin Laden was on the war on […]

Why is it difficult to legally define a hate crime?

  Why is it difficult to legally define a hate crime? As you start seeking information to answer the questions note the following: Why, because there are no laws to define it? Why are cyber-laws so illusive? Why do politicians not consider these laws important? You must first define hate.

Respond to Donna post

Good afternoon class,  I do not agree that cash bail should be eliminated. Keeping cash bail as an option in pretrial procedures makes it more difficult for the defendants to get out of jail while waiting trial which would help keep the criminals off the streets. Eliminating cash bail could put a damper on the […]

Respond to Aaron Post

Hey everyone! I believe this topic is sensitive and there is no black or white answer covering every situation. Bail, crime, and people in general are fluid and dynamic. The response to crime must be dynamic and fluid as well. Remaining static is not appropriate in our current criminal justice climate. Why am I stating […]

Law – Criminal 2-2 Module Two Assignment

CJ 406 Module Two Assignment Template For this assignment, choose a societal trend in criminal justice and explain how it affects the public. Complete this template by replacing the bracketed text with the relevant information. Be sure to correctly cite any references in APA format in the References section. Societal Trend in Criminal Justice Brief […]

Response 2 611

200 word response 1 reference/intext citation Due 3/16/2024 Abel Introduction The phrase “Nature never repeats itself” is a profound saying that draws attention to the uniqueness and diversity of nature. The fundamental principle of the universe that Physics still doesn’t explain: no two stones are identical, no two leaves are identical, no two cats are identical, […]

Response 1 611

200 word response 1 reference/intext citation Due 3/16/2024 Vassel The article “Nature Never Repeats Itself” discusses how the idea that nature repeats itself is flawed. It explains that although patterns and similarities can be found in the natural world, each occurrence is unique. The author argues that this misconception arises from our human tendency to […]

law 1.2

need help with a draft qurestion  Module Two Journal Guidelines and Rubric.html COM 449 Module Two Journal Guidelines and Rubric Overview The Fourth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution protects “the right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures.” In this journal, you will reflect […]

law 1

need help with draft question  Module Two Short Paper Guidelines and Rubric.html COM 449 Module Two Short Paper Guidelines and Rubric Overview At this point in the course, you have learned about legal privacy protections, such as the Fourth Amendment’s protections against unreasonable search and seizure, as well as the impact of new technologies on […]

Program Services Proposal

see attachment  In earlier classes in the program, you may have created a proposal for a service program you would like to build or be part of. This assignment asks you to add your facilitation skills to the creation of a service program for justice-involved individuals. It’s important to think through how you plan to […]

Discussion 11 611

300 word discussion 2 references/intext citations due 3/15/2024 Permanence (persistence) and uniqueness are the basis of fingerprint identification. For this week’s discussion, read the article “Nature Never Repeats Itself.” In your original post, indicate how this statement relates to fingerprint identification and whether you believe this to be true, or not. 

Power point

 North America Assignment  CJUS 810 PowerPoint Presentation Assignment Instructions Overview This assignment will be very similar to the Research Paper Assignments completed in this course. However, it is our desire that not only do you become a great researcher, but you also become an “expert of the presentation.” When you earn your PhD, you may […]


Please the files attached · Response paper to Malloy, L. C., Sutherland, J. E., & Cauffman, E. (2019). Sexual abuse disclosure among incarcerated female adolescents and young adults. Child Abuse & Neglect, 104147. ( Please see the file attached) · Important factors of the article · Ground response in quotes from the reading · 2 […]

Communication in Criminal Law

please assist with homework The template goes with the Module 2-2 practice activity and project one scenario goes with Module 2-3 Assignment.

Law – Criminal 3 assignment

In your journal, think about the diagnoses of antisocial personality disorder and psychopathy. How are they different? How are they the same? Also consider the ethnic and diversity concerns around the diagnosis or discussion of psychopathy. What are some concerns around the area of ethnicity and psychopathy? How will you apply this to your current […]

Week 3

In your initial posts to your peers, discuss the different factors that are important in violence risk assessments. Discuss static, dynamic, and protective factors, and think about how utilizing them may or may not improve the accuracy of the risk assessment. Also, explain the weaknesses of risk assessment and how the factors may play into […]

Cognitive psychology

  Consider the basic level category “dime” in contrast to the superordinate-level category “money” and the subordinate-level category “2005 dime.” Describe these three levels, and then explain how the basic level has special status when we want to identify objects. 

Discussion Board #4 – Part 1

 Please read Deliberate and Decide at the end of Chapter 10 – p. 276-277 ( a copy has also been provided in the Module)Prison Policy Options  BOOK:   Peak, K.J., & Giacomazzi, A.L. (2019).Justice Administration:Police, Courts, & Corrections Management. (9th Edition). New York, NY:Pearson ISBN: 13: 978-0-13-487140-0 Answer question #2   Investing more in rehabilitative programs: […]

Law Homework

Case Study Analysis – Assignment Instructions and Questions Students will be required to prepare two pieces of written work during the course. Each piece involves a thorough written analysis of a case study. The analysis should provide clear answers to the questions below. For case study 2, the paper must not exceed 2 pages excluding […]


  summary  12 front  new times roman double space Issues and Ethics in the Helping Professions Tenth Edition Chapter 5 Client Rights and Counselor Responsibilities Copyright © 2019 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. Copyright © 2019 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. 1 Learning Objectives (1 of 2) 5-1 Explain what is involved in the informed […]

chapter 9

  summary  12 front  new times roman double space Issues and Ethics in the Helping Professions Tenth Edition Chapter 9 Ethical Issues in Supervision Copyright © 2019 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. Copyright © 2019 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. 1 Learning Objectives (1 of 2) 9-1 Identify ethical issues in clinical supervision. 9-2 Delineate […]

chapter 2

summary  12 front  new times roman double space Issues and Ethics in the Helping Professions Tenth Edition Chapter 2 The Counselor as a Person and as a Professional Copyright © 2019 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. Copyright © 2019 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. 1 Learning Objectives (1 of 2) 2-1 Appreciate the role of […]

chapter 4

  summary  12 front  new times roman double space Issues and Ethics in the Helping Professions Tenth Edition Chapter 4 Multicultural Perspectives and Diversity issues Copyright © 2019 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. Copyright © 2019 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. 1 Learning Objectives (1 of 2) 4-1 Understand basic terminology related to multiculturalism and […]

Should Florida law change?

  In July 2017 Floridians, and soon the rest of the world, became fired up with outrage when learning that a group of teens had filmed a disabled man drowning. While Jamel Dunn was fighting for his life in a lake, the teens laughed, ridiculed him and recorded the event on their smartphones for their own […]

Respond to Carols Post

Hello everyone! I hope you are doing well. I am Carlos Mercado and previously, I used to work as an Equal Opportunity Representative in the military from where I have gained ample practical experiences. I have a keen interest in playing baseball whereas I often spend my leisure time hiking. I believe that certain activities […]

Discuss the Zionist terrorist organizations that have existed in Israel.How did the Tupamaros affect revolution worldwide?

  Chap 9 Terrorism in Israel and Palestine – Chap 10 Revolutionary and Counter Revolutionary Terrorism 1919 unread replies.1919 replies. Chapter 9 Discuss the Zionist terrorist organizations that have existed in Israel.  Looking at some of the prominent Middle Eastern terrorist groups discussed in this chapter, what are some of the techniques used by terrorist organizations to […]


In this presentation, which will serve as a summative assessment of your knowledge to date, you will assume the role of a new criminal justice researcher for a city, state, or federal agency (your choice). Since research is not always welcomed by criminal justice agencies for various reasons, you have been tasked with preparing a […]

1-2 Journal: Pros and Cons of Body Cameras

3/10/24, Assignment Information Page 1 of 1 CJ 406 Module One Journal Guidelines and Rubric Overview In this assignment, you will explore the pros and cons of body cameras being used by law enforcement officers. Prompt Note: Be sure that you have read the required readings in the “Increasing Use of Technology in Criminal Justice” […]