Presentation on Current Trends in Programs or Interventions

See attachment.  For this assignment, you are the probation officer supervisor and have just attended an industry conference. You have been asked to present what you learned about current trends in programs and interventions with the rest of your department. You will also discuss your personal evaluation of the current trend. Create a presentation about […]


 9-2 Final Project Presentation and Speaker Notes SubmissionAssignment Submit the final draft of your interview presentation and corresponding speaker notes. They should be complete, polished artifacts containing all of the critical elements of the final product. It should reflect the incorporation of feedback gained throughout the course. Submit your assignment here. Make sure you’ve included […]


 10-1 Discussion: Looking Back, Looking AheadDiscussion Topic Available on Jul 6, 2024 11:59 PM. Submission restricted before availability starts. As you advance in your career as a communications professional, it will become more and more important to develop a sense of brand identity. In this course, you have worked on establishing a brand identity as […]


 10-2 Final Project: Leadership Case Study Analysis: Final Professional PresentationAssignment Submit your final professional presentation of the case study. Submit your assignment here. Make sure you’ve included all the required elements by reviewing the guidelines and rubric. 


 10-1 Final Personal Leadership Conceptual Framework: SubmitAssignment Review and self-critique your journal assignments throughout this course and summarize your personal leadership conceptual framework. In a written submission, include your strengths and weaknesses, value system, professional goals, and responsibilities to the organization and larger community. Assess the evolution of your thinking and personal worldview since this […]

Law – Criminal week 9 -2 journal assignment leadership

 9-2 Journal: Responsibilities to the Larger CommunityAssignment Reflect on the responsibilities you noted in your journal in Module Seven. How do these compare to your responsibilities to the larger community? Should a leader use the power he or she holds within an organization to benefit the larger community? How and when? Can you think of […]

week 9 Discussion leadership disscusion

 9-1 Discussion: How Power Can Change the LeaderDiscussion Topic Available on Jul 6, 2024 11:59 PM. Submission restricted before availability starts. Consider and explain how power can change the psychological functioning of a leader. Engage your peers with questions. In your response posts, comment on how an effective leader handles power. To complete this assignment, […]


Please see attached.  The outline task will be based off the thesis also included. If there are any questions please let me know.

Reading 4

  1.  Welch, Weber, and Edwards identify five interpretations of the correctional debate in their content analysis of New York Times coverage of the topic.  Discuss each of the five.  Taken together do the interpretations represent “considerable evidence of politicization of punishment and criminal justice agenda setting” (p. 326)?  Why or why not? 2. The […]

Reading 2

  1.  Distinguish between two types of crime control: hard control and soft control. Do you think media constructions of crime favor one or the other?  Why or why not? 2.  Compare and contrast three forms of discourse about crime i.e., press, popular, and social science). How do the three portray gang initiation rites as […]

Reading asignment

  1.  In the introduction there is a discussion of the three ways in which media businesses maximize their audiences. List and briefly discuss the three points.  Which do you think is the most important for the manner in which media approach the coverage of crime? 2.  Define moral panic according to Stanley Cohen. Compare […]

Law – Criminal Assignment 1

3 Page paper with references/intext citations Due 7/12/2024 The assignments in this course build on one another to culminate in your Program Evaluation Plan.  In order to plan a program evaluation, we must first understand the program and the needs of the population served.  You may use the elements in bold below as headings in […]

W4 Professional Ethics

1. Top of Form Often it is Science Fiction or Fiction in general where our deepest ethical issues are explored. The story  The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas, by Nebula-award-winning author Ursula Le Guinn, explores a hypothetical situation pitting Utilitarian and Deontological ethics against one another. The story can be found here:  The Ones […]

Module 6 Discussion Prompt – Probation

 Phelps (2020) discusses the concept of mass probation. What is your reaction to her primary arguments? Do you think that probation serves as a true alternative to incarceration or a net widener that pulls more people into the corrections system? Why? What reforms, if any, do you support for improving probation and/or reducing the burdens […]

Response 2

100 word response 1 reference/intext citation Due 7/4/2024 Laughlin In Floyd County, Georgia we have a program that is called Rome Circuit Mental Health Court Star Program. This program aims to reduce the incarceration and hospitalization of those who suffer with mental health issues. This program provides community support, judicial guidance, and self-sufficiency while increasing […]

Response 1

100 word response 1 reference/intext citation Due 7/3/2024 Harris The Miami Gardens Police Athletic League (PAL) is dedicated to building a stronger, more united community by fostering positive relationships between local law enforcement and the youth the community serves. The mission of PAL is to develop tomorrow’s leaders through education, athletics, teen leadership programs, and […]

Discussion 2

500 word discussion 2 references/intext citations Due 7/2/2024 A. Formal Discussion Question:  You must answer all three queries below, and scholarly citations and references must be included in your responses-    Your response to this discussion question must be at least 500 words, substantive, contain appropriate citations, and all references must be listed in APA […]

Replies DB

See attached for instructions on the assignment. Attached are the two discussions I need replies to.  CJUS 230 Discussion Assignment Instructions The student will complete 2 Discussions in this course. The student will post one thread of at least 300 words by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Thursday of the assigned Module: Week. The student must […]

Module 5 Discussion Prompt – Parole, Reentry, and Reintegration

  Please respond to one of the prompts below to be considered for credit on this assignment. Option 1:  Considerable debate surrounds the use of indeterminate sentencing and discretionary parole release. Based on the assigned readings (and outside resources as needed), briefly identify at least two pros and two cons of discretionary parole release. After […]

Data-Driven Decisions

See attached doc Overview The final project for this course is the creation of a  solution proposal. The final product represents an authentic demonstration of competency because you must present an analysis, defend a proposed solution, and illustrate a plan for communicating a proposal to both internal and external audiences. The project is divided into  two […]

Relapse Prevention Plan

see attachments Complete the Relapse Prevention Plan Worksheet from Angel’s perspective. The goal is to show a seamless transition from treatment services into long-term recovery and successful completion of supervision from the corrections system. Write a 800-word summary for the treatment team explaining why you believe this relapse prevention plan, prepared from the client’s point […]

quanna weeek 2

please see attachment CJUS 700 Discussion Assignment Instructions For each thread, students must support their assertions with at least 3 scholarly citations in APA format, in addition to at least 1 Holy Bible reference (required). All discussions will end with a bible verse at the bottom Discussion question Chapter 3 of Snipes: Vold’s Theoretical Criminology […]

Professional Ethics W1

Use Softball/Baseball as an analogy for the three levels (or “layers”) of Ethics. Now, using 3 full paragraphs, create your own non-sports analogy to explain the three levels of ethics. consequentialist ethical system, deontological system, virtue-based system.

Power Point Help

See Attachments  Instructions Create a powerpoint that illustrates your understanding of how psychological disorders and psychological distress contribute to crime. Consider the key concepts, issues, critiques, debates, etc., when developing your presentation. Apply at least 3 major points/concepts from the course readings. Presentations must include citations and a minimum of 8 references from the 8 […]


Student loan debts should be canceled and the failure to do so in this administration.

CJ Discussion

See Attachments Please Discussion Instruction: · Must be 350-500 words · No PLAIGIARISM · 5 References must be used (3 video links below and two articles attached) Detail the police responses to mental health crises with respect to the various behaviors associated with mental disorders and substance abuse. Acknowledging that some of these behaviors are […]

Media Analysis

See attachments  Instructions: You are to compare information that the general public would normally see with what you know is accurate from academic sources regarding an issue. Your task is to first summarize what you find in two popular media sources (e.g., popular press book, TV shows, movies, podcasts, news articles, etc.). Next, you will analyze how […]


 **Speak in first Person** In your response posts to at least two peers, address the following and include at least one peer who used a framework other than the one you used in your initial post: Compare and contrast the rights and needs of both individuals and the healthcare system identified by your peers with […]

Proposed Treatment Plan Summary

See attachments. Review the Angel Case Study . Assume the management team at your facility has asked for your help in preparing a treatment plan for the client in the case study. Prepare a 1,100 word proposed treatment plan summary, including your ideas for a treatment plan. Refer to the Elements of a Treatment Plan […]

Discussion 7: Sampling I

In Module 7, our focus was on sampling strategies, especially probability-based sampling. The assigned readings offered some perspective on the generalizability of samples used to collect web-based survey data. In this week’s discussion, I’d like to hear your perspective about the growing reliance on online data. First, given what we’ve reviewed about probability samples, do […]


Seee attached doc Communications Overview Imagine you are a supervisor at a criminal justice agency. Administration has just approved your proposal to adopt the usage of body cameras. Administration has further tasked you with the responsibility of relaying this information to the department. Lastly, you have to publicly announce the change to the surrounding community. […]

Audience Communications

See attached doc Audience Communications Discuss key items you would communicate differently to internal and external audiences, and explain why. One example of a key item is the amount of detail you identify for the two audiences involved in an issue, such as the strategic planning to implement policy change. 350-450 words excluding references, APA […]

Professional Ethics W2

Re-watch the video on the “seamless garment”, or a consistent ethic of life.  Complete the following sections: · 1-2 paragraphs: Do you buy into the “seamless garments” idea? Is having consistent ethics of life important/correct? Why or why not? (10 points) · 4 paragraphs: Pick one of the items presented in the video: Immigration, abortion, […]


***speak first person***  In your response posts to at least two peers, address the following: Compare and contrast the key conflicting financial values identified by your peers against your own initial post. Identify one other essential value conflict your peers did not identify in their initial posts. Explain why you think the identified value conflict […]

Corrections discussion

Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, Review Chapter 1: Identifying and Defining Problems of the course textbook One Step at a Time: A Roadmap for Problem Solving & Making a Difference. Review A Closer Look: Week 1: Stating the Problem. Read Participatory Action Research: Improving Professional Practices and Local SituationsLinks to an external […]

Proposal and Communication Plan

Overview For this milestone, you will prepare a second draft of your final project that thoroughly addresses the items listed in the prompt. To complete this assignment, you must complete the textbook reading assigned in Module Seven and review the materials presented in Modules One through Seven. As a criminal justice leader, you will often […]

Part1 gov

Review the Scope of Work, Standard Bidding Terms, and Standard Terms of Purchase and draft any questions that you would submit to the purchasing officer. If you do not believe that any questions need to be asked, explain why. Assignment Draft a 3-5 page memorandum where you take on the role of a potential offeror […]

Part 1Compliance risk

Part I – Compliance Risk Assessment – Skills Assignment  Start Assignment · Due Sunday by 11:59pm   · Points 120   · Submitting a file upload   · File Types doc, docx, and pdf The Incorporation Process – Certificate of Incorporation, Bylaws, Capitalization, and Good Standing Fact Pattern You and two friends have developed an new B2B (business-to-business) platform to help […]

Juvenile justice system

 Discuss the relationship between politics and policy in the case of human trafficking. 

Week 1 Professional Ethics

Use Softball/Baseball as an analogy for the three levels (or “layers”) of Ethics. Now, using 3 full paragraphs, create your own non-sports analogy to explain the three levels of ethics. consequentialist ethical system, deontological system, virtue-based system.

Discussion 6: Measurement, Validity and Reliability

  In Module 6, our focus was on a critical part of the research process: measurement. The assigned readings presented some discussion (and evidence) that illustrated how measurement is considered and refined in criminology/criminal justice. Among other attributes, we are generally concerned with the validity and reliability of our measures, which reflect accuracy in capturing […]

Module 4 Discussion Prompt – Prisons, Jails, and Mass Incarceration

 Since the 1970’s, the United States has experienced unprecedented growth of incarceration. This growth has resulted in what may be referred to as “mass incarceration”. First, briefly define mass incarceration and provide some data that indicates the scope of this phenomenon. Second, argue WHY you think the U.S. has the highest incarceration rate in the […]

210. Case Study 4

This assignment culminates with your full understanding of crisis intervention. Compare the crisis you identified for this assignment with a similar nationally or at least well-known crisis and how it was handled (for instance if you survived a tornado or other devastating property loss, you could compare it to Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans, LA […]

Mental Health in CJ

Read all attachments…Instructions are attached Discussion Instructions Follow the instructions for the weekly paper assignment: · 12- point font, double spaced, one inch margins · 350-500 words · MUST be in APA format · Must use 3 references provided and one outside source Paper must address the following: a. Detail how the public’s opinion (1) […]


After reviewing the module resources, consider the following question: How has the use of communication devices impacted any relationships in your life? To get started on your initial post, give a high-level summary of some of your current communication patterns, networks, and resources. In your post, share your personal feelings about connectivity. Close with some […]


For this milestone, you will be completing section II of the final project, which covers communication theory and concepts. Submit your assignment here. Make sure you’ve included all the required elements by reviewing the guidelines and rubric.