Linear Algebra I

1.(10 points) Given the following system of linear equations 4 3 14 16 4 2 7 8 2 3 2 3 2 1 3 2 1 = + = + + = + + x x x x x x x x (a) Solve the following system of equations by performing elementary row operations on […]

Mathematics – Algebra Assignment

Instructor: Student: _________________________________ Instructor: Dr. Freddy Suarez Instructor: Dr. Freddy Suarez Instructor: Dr. Freddy Suarez Instructor: Dr. Freddy Suarez

Mathematics Numerical analysis homework

Create a Graph Chart Using software (Excel, Numbers, Google Sheets, etc.) to display the satisfaction level of the patients on the excel chart uploaded  create the Graph Chart correctly with the appropriate number of sectors, appropriate title, and percentage callouts.  also highlight the percentage to support the answer.  See attached grading rubric

Displaying Data

Create a Pie Chart Using software (Excel, Numbers, Google Sheets, etc.) to display the satisfaction level of the patients on the excel chart uploaded  create the Pie Chart correctly with the appropriate number of sectors, appropriate title, and percentage callouts.  also highlight the percentage to support the answer. 


One of the most advanced quantitative methods that can be applied to public administration data is mediation and moderation:  1)  What are the advantages of applying this analysis?  2) (a)How do an inadequate design, (b)a flawed analysis strategy, and (c)lack of attention to assumptions affect the use of mediation and moderation analysis?  3) How does […]

Practicing Graphing

My “practice work” is in the attached PDF  Graphing Module 6 – Correlation Using a program like Microsoft Excel, Google Charts, or an equivalent chart building program and the following data, correlate the following data. Your score will be graded on accuracy to the data and showing your work that you did indeed use the […]


Need help with finding correlation coefficient.  COMPETENCY ASSESSMENT Introduction Assessment Rubric and Minimum Submission Requirements This competency assessment assesses the following Outcome(s): MM207M3: Determine the relationship between two variables. GEL-1.02: Demonstrate college-level communication through the composition of original materials in Standard English. It is time to demonstrate what you have learned in this module! One […]


MUST HAVE/ BE FAMILIAR WITH THE SPSS STATISTICS SOFTWARE PROGRAM!!!!!!! PADM 810 Quantitative Analysis Report: Structure of Assignments 1. Use the following structure for your research article: Abstract, Introduction, Literature Review/Theory, Methods, Results, Discussion, and Conclusion. Include a robust discussion section distinct from your conclusion. 2. Give your article a Title that is both descriptive […]

statistics question for data set

You should think about guessing a value of the population mean (your null hypothesis) and using the sample mean in the data to invalidate your presumption.

Forum: DISCUSSION Post 3: Geometry

  A right triangle is removed from the rectangle in the figure below.  When the triangle is removed, it creates the shaded region.  Find the  area of the shaded region.   Part I – What is the area of the triangle (20%) Part II – What is the area of the rectangle (20%) Part III […]

revision 2

revision help image1.png image2.png image3.png

I need help with discussion

MAT210 – Week 3 Assignment Template Week 3 Assignment – The Foundation of Data-Driven Decisions Name: [Add your name] Professor Name: [Add your professor’s name] Date: [Add the Date Submitted] You would like to determine whether eating before bed influences sleep patterns. List each of the seven steps for conducting a statistical study. Step 1 […]

Project 5

14 questions with multiple parts. Bid price will be stay as listed MGF2106 – Project 5 Directions: This project contains multiple parts, and each part of the project contains several questions. Answer each question to the best of your ability. Record your answer for each question in the proper format and upload it to the […]


Abstract Assignment Grading Rubric (40 points possible) Title Page – 1 Point (Must have PERFECT APA formatting!) Part One – Submit answers to questions posted on Canvas (16 points total). Part Two – Abstract (2 points each item, or 16 points total) a. Include the word “Abstract” at the top of your abstract b. Identify […]

best wholesale coffee dubai

   Emrati Coffee Delivery Dubai: Your ultimate source for coffee convenience. We roast, you savor. We bring the finest coffee right to your doorstep, ensuring each cup is a moment of pure indulgence. Elevate your coffee experience with Emrati. 


Poster: Draft Assignment Instructions Overview Scholarly dissemination is essential for any doctoral level student. Posters are often a way to ease into scholarly communication. Building a poster is one of the ways scholars participate in the dissemination of knowledge. Instructions 1. Your poster submission must have a central focus, as developed from the topic selected […]


Regression Data: Output and Write-up Instructions Overview Writing a results section is the foundation of a peer-reviewed research journal article. By doing so, you are creating the building block for discovering new knowledge. Instructions Provide a results section of a multiple regression analysis using Hayes Process Macro written in the current APA format • Include […]

Survey Research and Public Administration

Survey research has become an important component of the public agency data analyst’s toolbox.  1) Explain how survey research has been used to support AND analyze policy decisions by public administrators. 

stat d 8

Respond based on these course objectives: · Describe and measure data. · Solve problems related to probability. · Make inferences about a population, Please answer the following questions with supporting examples and full explanations. 1. For each learning objective, provide an analysis of how the course supported each objective. 2. Explain how the material learned […]

Project 4

MGF2106 – Project 4 Directions: This project contains multiple parts, and each part of the project contains several questions. Answer each question to the best of your ability. Record your answer for each question in the proper format and upload it to the appropriate Assignment (Projects) folder within Falcon Online by the due date posted […]

Mathematics – Statistics PSY STATS HOMEWORK 8

Individual HW 8 – Z Scores Summer 24 Started: Jun 17 at 7:48pm Quiz Instructions   Question 1 0.5 pts This assignment is related to your Chapter 8 (Salkind) material. Okay, you guessed it! More Miami Heat data! I know you might be getting a little tired of basketball data, and I understand, but […]


PLEASE SEE ATTACHEMENTS The topic I chose is: Time Motion Analysis: Impact of Scribes on Provider Time Management Purpose of the study: The purpose of this study is to determine if scribes benefit Emergency Department providers with time management. Research question addressed in the study: There were 3 points addressed in this study, which are: […]


Literature Review Final Assignment Instructions Overview The literature review begins with a discussion of the study’s purpose and results and then transitions to an argument for the need for further research. You should cite the results portion of other research in this paper and discuss the need for further research. Instructions The paper must contain […]


FURTHER INFORMATION IN ATTACHMENTS -You will write an initial post, ideally 1 to 2 paragraphs in length, to the discussion topic and reply to at least two posts outside of your initial post thread during the module. -Read and critique the assigned article for this module tilted Association of E-Cigarette Use With Respiratory Disease Among […]

Mathematics – Statistics HOMEWORK 8 PSY

Individual HW 8 – Z Scores Summer 24 Started: Jun 17 at 7:48pm Quiz Instructions   Question 1 0.5 pts This assignment is related to your Chapter 8 (Salkind) material. Okay, you guessed it! More Miami Heat data! I know you might be getting a little tired of basketball data, and I understand, but […]

s r 7

Please post 2 or more peer responses In the response posts, remember to demonstrate you have read and understood the student’s post by taking their discussion to the next level. Include the following in your responses: · State whether you agree with the meaning of the relationship as described by your peer. · Can you […]


Methods and Interpretation of results worksheet Worksheet Identification of Methods and Interpretation of Results Prompt: Review Table 1 below and then complete the Module Six Worksheet steps. Note: the chi-square (c2) test is covered in Module Seven. Table 1: Characteristics of Women According to Intake of Alcohol Variable Nondrinker* Drinker* Test Statistic** P value Mean […]


revise help Questions: 6a) For a clearer grasp and to properly justify whether your quantitative variables fall under discrete or continuous categories, please refer back to the explanation provided in in-class activity 1C, specifically in the section between questions 2 and 3. This review will enhance your understanding of the concepts. 6b) For a clearer […]

s r 6

Please post 2 or more peer responses In the response posts, remember to demonstrate you have read and understood the student’s post by taking their discussion to the next level. Do this by: · Stating why you agree or disagree with your peers’ conclusions on the significance and importance of the data they selected. · […]


Individual HW 7 – Crazy Correlations Summer 24 Due Jun 13 at 11:59pm Points 10 Questions 7 Available Jun 6 at 12:01am – Jun 20 at 11:59pm Time Limit None Instructions Instructions: This assignment is related to your Chapter 5 (Salkind) material. It is not timed but assignment must be submitted by the specified due. […]


Nursing 6692 Module 2 Assignment Summer 2024 Name: Respond to each of the following on this document—do not delete any of the content. Save the document as a Word file and upload to the appropriate site in the course. 1. Based on the following correlation matrix, what can be said about the height in inches […]

Null Hypothesis

 Rejecting and failing to reject the null hypothesis Journal: Rejecting and Failing to Reject the Null Hypothesis Just because two or more values are different does not mean that they are different in a statistically significant manner. Researchers rely on the p values that are generated for each of their statistical tests to determine significance. […]

help with Statistics

can you help me complete this projected  Inferential Statistics Submit your assignment using this template. Feel free to add additional work at the bottom, but the top must remain. There are five tables in this worksheet: two for statistical summary, two for confidence intervals, and one for hypothesis tests. To find a table quickly, press […]


Continue composing this section of your final project, which includes addressing additional research methods. – Identify the data analysis methods used and explain why the methods are appropriate based on the research question. – Discuss the potential weaknesses of the data analysis methods used. Support your discussion with examples from the study. – Describe the […]

stat r 5

Please post 2 or more peer responses In the response posts, remember to demonstrate you have read and understood the student’s post by taking their discussion to the next level. Do this by: · Discuss whether you think the information presented by your peers’ examples was used to mislead the reader. Explain your response. Include […]

Confidence intervals and sample size

  Instructions: You must respond to at least 2 other students. Responses may include direct questions. In your first peer posts, pick another confidence level, i.e. 90%, 99%, 97%, any other confidence level is fine.  Have fun and be creative with it and calculate another T-confidence interval and interpret your results.  Compare your results to that of […]

J. Moore Discussion: Module 2 Discussion #1: Graphing Linear Inequalities

Looking at two linear inequalities, 5𝑥−2𝑦<10 and 𝑦≤𝑥, how can you identify the x-intercept of boundary and y-intercept of boundary for equation (1). Also, identify the graph of inequality equation ( 1) as a solid line or a dashed line.  Lastly, provide the procedural steps how to graph these inequalities. Your initial response should be 100-200 words in […]


Literature Review: Draft Overview Academic writing is challenging because the writer must communicate compellingly while maintaining a steady focus on the argument. In the social sciences, there is an additional requirement to provide your argument, its weaknesses, and alternatives. This multi-position approach is contrary to how we generally interact with the world. The literature review’s […]

Mathematics – Statistics HOMEWORK

PSY 3211 Article Critique Self-Rating Rubric You will get 10 points for filling out and submitting this along with your article critique paper. The purpose of this is for you to reflect on the quality of your paper. This is due when your article critique is due. Place your rating for each category below, then […]

Project 3

17 finance questions  MGF2106 – Project 3 Directions: This project contains multiple parts, and each part of the project contains several questions. Answer each question to the best of your ability. Record your answer for each question in the proper format and upload it to the appropriate Assignment (Projects) folder within Falcon Online by the […]

quantitative – JASP

1) Using the dataset for this week ( using only the interval level or above variables, in JASP perform ONLY ONE variable selection process. Report your FINAL 3 regression tables only 2) What was your method of choice?  Why did you choose this method? Name one strength OR weakness (not both) for the method. 3) […]

Confidence Intervals

 This assignment will help you understand how confidence intervals provide information on how well a sample represents a population and helps to answer specific types of research questions. Read the scenario and use the information provided to answer the questions.  

Statistics- compare confidence intervals to gambling

 A journal assignment where you will compare confidence intervals to gambling. Simply discuss any similarities and/or differences you see between the two, along with personal / professional experience with gambling and/or confidence intervals. 

st r 4

Please post 2 or more peer responses In the response posts, remember to demonstrate you have read and understood the student’s post by taking their discussion to the next level. Do this by: · Using the height of your classmate, calculate the z-score using the mean and standard deviation for the other gender. That is, […]


The average height for all males is 69.3 inches with a standard deviation of 2.8 inches. For females, the average height is 64 inches and the standard deviation is 2.8. These are population values. For this week’s discussion, you will calculate a z-score based on your own height and determine whether your score is within […]


Literature Review: Outline Assignment Instructions Overview • The goal of this assignment is to get you moving as quickly as possible on your reading of research articles. It would be best if you read peer-reviewed research articles at a pretty furious pace (two a day) to write with sufficient knowledge. • The literature review is a […]