Mathematics – Statistics Chapter 3 Homework (Homework)

Consider the following linear program. Min8X + 12Ys.t.1X + 3Y ≥ 62X + 2Y ≥ 86X + 2Y ≥ 12X,Y≥ 0 (a) Use the graphical solution procedure to find the optimal solution. What is the value of the objective function at the optimal solution? at (X, Y) =    (b) Assume that the objective functio


The effects of climate variability on the academic performance  This file is too large to display.View in new window

Interpreting Descriptive Statistics

Use the Revenue Analysis Template to display the data in your research from the Revenue Worksheet.  Also, report the means and standard deviations as whole dollars. After filling in the template, Answer 3 questions: 1) Which set of data shows the highest variation and which shows the lowest variation?  2) Which state shows the highest […]

math resp

Unit 4 Discussion Instructions: Please post a response to one peer who chose a different topic. Then watch the video your peer reviewed. Base your responses on your peer’s review and your own thoughts about the same video. In the response post, include the following: · Comment on your peer’s synopsis. · Do you feel […]

Descriptive Analysis Resources

Describe the value of the: 1) mean, 2) standard deviation, and 3) coefficient of variation  AND explain how each can be used to analyze revenues.