Randomized Trials in Epidemiology

Randomized Trials in Epidemiology Imagine that researchers are conducting a randomized controlled trial of a high-fiber supplement as a preventive measure in persons at increased risk of type 2 diabetes. People enrolled in the study are disease free at the time they agree to participate in the trial, but they all have a family history […]

strat. leader assess 2

Assessment 2 Organizational Communication Plan Write a 2–3 page executive summary in which you analyze operational issues, recommend best practices, identify stakeholders, and present effective strategies for communicating a strategic vision. Collapse All Introduction Strategic planning and management is not possible without data and the ability to analyze data and use it to drive improvement […]


case study Class 2 week 7 Discussion march 2025 Discussion: Evaluate the Healthy People 2030 goals and summarize two guidelines for health screenings or modifiable risk factors that can be recommended by the advanced practice nurse. Reference and citations are required. Initial Post: · Due: Tuesday, 11:59 pm · Length: A minimum of 250 words, […]


Case study Class 1 week 7 Discussion march 2025 55-year-old female presents to your office with fatigue.  She states she has felt tired for many months and thinks “something is wrong” with her.  She denies any rectal bleeding, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain. What else do you need to ask her about? PMH- HTN controlled on […]

Nursing BB week 3 assignment

Bb week 3 assignment  INSTRUCTIONS Gap Analysis Tool Adapted from AHRQ What is this tool? The purpose of the gap analysis is to provide project teams with a format in which to do the following: · Compare the best practices with the processes currently in place in your organization. · Determine the “gaps” between your […]

Nursing Bm week week 3 assignment

Bm week 3 assignment  INSTRUCTIONS Gap Analysis Tool Adapted from AHRQ What is this tool? The purpose of the gap analysis is to provide project teams with a format in which to do the following: · Compare the best practices with the processes currently in place in your organization. · Determine the “gaps” between your […]

Nursing 96. Assignment 3.0 Discussion

See attached 96. Assignment 3.0 Discussion Discussion Prompt A 68-year-old male presents to your clinic today. He complains of a dry cough for the last two (2) months that will not go away. He also complains of frequent urination for the last four (4) months. His past medical history includes hypertension diagnosed five years ago, […]

Nursing 95. Assignment 3.0 Discussion

See attached document.  95 – Assignment 3.0 Discussion Discussion Prompt A 7-year-old boy named Timothy, who has asthma, comes to your clinic with his mother. His mother tells you that Timothy has been coughing for a week and has been making a wheezing sound for the last two days. She mentions that they haven’t visited […]


I need a brochure of any of these titles. just one subject you can choose whatever you like.   1- patient identifications  2-Medication safety 3-Clinical alarm safety  4- Reducing fall  5-Pressure ulcers  6- Protocols for preventing the wrong site, wrong procedure,or wrong person surgery.


power point For this assignment, you will work on setting goals for yourself using the SMART method. You will find an explanation of this method in the module that will guide you in your goal-setting process. You will list a minimum of five professional goals that you would like to accomplish during the clinical experience in this term. For each goal, you must […]

Health Assessment 1

For this Discussion, you will take on the role of a clinician who is building a health history for one of the following cases. Your instructor will assign you your case number. · 16-year-old white pregnant teenager living in an inner-city neighborhood. · 35-year-old transgender white male living in a homeless shelter. What are the […]


 and select a relevant research article.  Purpose :  Review the LGBTQ PowerPoint, select a relevant research article, write a summary, post it on Padlet, and respond to at least one classmate’s post. · Review the LGBTQ PowerPoint and select a research article relevant to the topic. · · Write a summary of the article. This […]

Telehealth Technology and Change During the Pandemic

Purpose: To describe the change in the use of technology during the pandemic, in particular telehealth;  Purpose: To describe the change in the use of technology during the pandemic, in particular telehealth; to write a scientific paper using 7th edition APA formatting. Tacks: Visit the online source for the Institute of Medicine’s 2012 report  The role of telehealth […]

DNP Goals

An explanation of your personal motivations and goals in pursuing the DNP degree. A description of the expectations and role of a nurse with a practice doctorate and how they may differ from those of a nurse with a research doctorate. A description of how, as a DNP-prepared nurse, you hope to address an organization’s […]


To Prepare: Select a bill that has been proposed (not one that has been enacted) using the congressional websites provided in the Learning Resources.

WEEK 3 – DISC – 6050

Review the Resources and reflect on efforts to repeal/replace the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Consider who benefits the most when policy is developed and in the context of policy implementation. By Day 3 of Week 3 Post an explanation for how you think the cost-benefit analysis in terms of legislators being reelected affected efforts to repeal/replace […]

mental Health

Reflect on your professional growth you have experienced in this course. · Identify 2 key skills or concepts you have learned Eating disorder: Binge, Anorexia, Bulimia Neuro disorder: ADHD, Autism OCD Borderline disorder · How do you feel more prepared to provide compassionate, effective care to clients with mental health needs? · How will you […]


Back to Week at a Glance Epidemiologic Study Designs As introduced in the first few weeks of this course, investigators use various epidemiological study designs to study health problems and the effects of health interventions. You have examined several study designs, including descriptive designs (in Week 2) and analytic study designs that are observational (in […]


Back to Week at a Glance Randomized Trials in Epidemiology Imagine that researchers are conducting a randomized controlled trial of a high-fiber supplement as a preventive measure in persons at increased risk of type 2 diabetes. People enrolled in the study are disease free at the time they agree to participate in the trial, but […]


Self-Study: Comparison of Means, Part 1 Throughout the course, there will be a self-study Discussion pertaining to an important concept or topic covered within the assigned week. These Discussions are designed to give you the opportunity to collaborate with your peers and faculty, test your knowledge, ask questions, practice research analysis, and assist your peers. […]

soap Note

PMHNP Problem-Focused SOAP Note (Use this template for this Assignment) Demographic Data · Patient age and Patient’s gender identity · MUST BE HIPAA compliant. Subjective Chief Complaint (CC): · Place the patient’s CC complaint in Quotes History of Present Illness (HPI): · Reason for an appointment today. · The events that led to hospitalization or […]


Instructions: First, select one of the local, national, or global nonprofit organizations or government agencies presented in the Assessment 02 Supplement: Community Resources  . Then research the nonprofit organization or government agency that you selected. Determine how the organization or agency contributes to public health and safety improvements, promotes equal opportunity, and improves the quality of […]


Introduction: This assessment provides an opportunity to research the literature and apply evidence to support what communication, teaching, and learning best practices are needed for a hypothetical patient with a selected health care problem. T o prepare for your assessment, you will research the literature on your selected health care problem. You will describe the […]


Need your expertise for this wee assignment. 505 DIVERSITY IN ADV HLTH PRACTIC Transcultural Care After studying Module 1: Lecture Materials & Resources, discuss the following: To provide culturally diverse nursing care, describe the six cultural phenomena that are evident in all cultural groups.     Submission Instructions: • Your initial post should be at least 500 […]


United States Preventive Service Taskforce (USPSTF) Following the guidelines of the United States Preventive Service Taskforce (USPSTF), discuss and describe the screening recommendations for the following: · Cervical cancer · Breast cancer · Osteoporosis · Colorectal cancer · Lung cancer · Ovarian cancer · Intimate partner violence (IPV). Submission Instructions: · The paper is to […]

Health Assessment

Assignment A Introduction: The link between the environment and health has been well established. Both natural and manmade environments can affect the health of individuals who live in the community. The nurse must be cognizant of the individual’s home environment impact so that preventive and corrective actions can be taken to reduce health risks. Instructions: […]


Historical Perspective Develop an essay of a minimum of three pages explaining the advocacy efforts of Lillian Wald, public health nurses in urban and rural settings, and nurse practitioners used to effect change in health care. Submission Instructions: · Your post should be at least six hundred words, formatted, and cited in the current APA […]

Nursing Homework

Attached  2 Discussion Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Professor’s Name Course Name Due Date Improving Follow-Up After Hospitalization for Mental Illness (FUH) involves improved communication, proactive patient participation, and novel technology. Optimizing discharge planning is crucial to prompt follow-up. Poor discharge planning may cause missing follow-up visits, readmission rates, and mental health issues (Marshall et al., […]

Health Assessment

*****This is an proposal of the project that I will implement ***** Title of your project. “Understanding the importance of early and adequate prenatal care. Planned date(s) of implementation. March 24, 2025 The facility where you plan to conduct your PEEP live health teaching session. ***I planned to conduct my PEEP at Queen City Women’s […]

Help with concept map

Need help with concept map NR586NP Concept Map Summary Template General Instructions · Carefully review the Week 2 Concept Map and Summary Assignment guidelines and rubric. · After completing your concept map, complete each section of the template below using complete sentences. Use of the template is required. If the required template is not used, […]

NUR 600 1

Please answer the following questions. 1. Describe the roles and responsibilities of the APRN when prescribing medication. 2. Describe the method used to determine what drug therapy to prescribe? 3. Discuss responsibilities for patient education and teaching based on the prescribed therapy.  4. Discuss Scheduled drugs and prescribing restrictions for each scheduled drug.   INSTRUCTIONS: […]

NUR 501 1

Discuss the interrelationship among theory, practice, and research.   INSTRUCTIONS: · Your initial post should be at least 500 words, formatted and cited in current APA style with support from at least 2 academic sources.  Your initial post is worth 8 points. · Please include introduction and conclusion paragraphs · Please write in paragraph form, no bullet […]


3-to-4-page paper and PICOT template Details: Draft three PICOT questions for clinical issues of your interest and submit them for approval.  Download and fill out the PICOT  template  Download  template to submit with this paper. The PICOT Questions  This assignment should be 3-4 pages (not including the title or references pages) and shall consist of the […]


  In this world, global culture plays a crucial role in shaping societies. The international spread of businesses reflect the effect of globalization on local culture, offering insights into competitive advantages. Understanding culture is essential for navigating this diverse world where traditions and values shape people’s collective experience. Discuss the following with your fellow classmates: […]


  In this world, global culture serves as an important part of human interaction and understanding. This means businesses must consider factors such as beliefs, values, and cultural dynamics. In a global marketplace, the management of change requests is crucial. It emphasizes the importance of adaptability and cross-cultural competence to achieve success. For this assignment, […]


  A balanced scorecard offers a complete overview that combines various perspectives, such as financial, customer, internal process, and learning and growth. It ensures a holistic view of strategic objectives. The balanced scorecard helps clear communication. It also helps the alignment of goals across all organizational levels. It fosters unity and collective focus. It allows […]


  Your team attends a trade conference on the subject of globalization. They have attended several seminars that are both advocating and dismissing implementing a global strategy. You return to the office and share some of what you have learned with the team. “Globalization is a very interesting topic and can get very heated,” you […]


  In today’s ever-changing business landscape, carrying out comprehensive environmental and industry analyses is essential for achieving success. For instance, Tesla carefully evaluates market trends and competitor strategies to stay ahead. Competitive analysis includes approaches such as tapping into new markets and taking advantage of negotiation tactics. They also need to prioritize innovation to establish […]

NGR5131 Culture and Advanced Nursing Practice

Topic: Russian culture Communication    -Dominant language and dialects    -Temporality and touch Biocultural Ecology     -Diseases and health conditions     -Variations in drug metabolism •  minimum of 3 references. Most references should come from reearch and data-based, refereed journal articles. Use textbooks sparingly no more than 3. Web sites are fine as long as […]


Part 1 Create a 2 page plan proposal for an interprofessional team to collaborate and work toward driving improvements in the organizational issue: Staffing Shortages. Part 2 Create an 8 slide PowerPoint presentation for one or more stakeholder or leadership groups to generate interest and buy-in for the plan proposal you developed for staffing shortages.

focus note

PRAC 6541: Primary Care of Adolescents and Children Focused SOAP Checklist SUBJECTIVE: · Chief Complaint: Did I state briefly in the patient’s own words · History of present illness: Did I write a paragraph in the order of the 7 attributes & did I put the 7 attributes in a concise list in the chart […]

strat. leader

Assessment 1 Strategic Planning and Leadership Create a 9–12 slide presentation on the importance of strategic planning within the context of a local healthcare organization. Collapse All Introduction Change is the normal state of affairs in the healthcare industry. Adapting to change requires strategic planning—a key skill for leaders in healthcare organizations. The purpose of […]

lorem, nursing

Instructions You are a nurse leader in a community that is prone to natural disasters (e.g. Oklahoma – ‘tornado alley’, the Gulf Coast – ‘hurricane hot spot’, California – ‘raging inferno’, etc.). You are part of a community collaborative effort to develop a community emergency preparedness ‘tool kit’. Practicing in an advanced nursing role, you […]


Instructions The objective of this assignment is to demonstrate a clear understanding of Federalism and how powers are separate at the federal and state levels, as outlined in  Article I Section 8 Clause 18Links to an external site.. For this assignment, you are required to compare the following three documents:  Federal Bill HR7910 – Protecting […]


( Title) by: Student Name (Student ID) Theoretical Foundations of Advanced Practice Nursing (NRSE 500) (Date) image1.png

NR 324 RUA

 topic for the RUA Assignment is pulmonary embolism (PE),  use speaker’s notes.  This file is too large to display.View in new window


Writing Assignment Week 2 Exercise Instructions Writing Assignment Health Problem Proposal   Health Disparities In recent decades, health promotion programs in the United States have substantially improved the health of residents. However, there is ongoing concern about health disparities, which occur most commonly in racial and ethnic minorities, people who do not have health insurance, […]

unit 5 discussion

see attached Genetic Testing for Psychiatry Mental Health Decisional Support While still somewhat controversial, genetic testing for PMH conditions is evolving. Please read or listen to this article:  Pharmacogenomic Testing May Help Achieve Better Patient Outcomes, Reduced Toxicity  and address the following points: 1. What were the main points of the article? 2. What are […]

Module 2: Topic, PICO Question, & Article

Module 4 Evidence Based Practice: Finding the Evidence Submit by the due date and time listed in your syllabus. Overview This assignment will allow you to create an evidence-based practice project that includes the development of a PICO question and follows the initial steps of the Iowa Model. You will share your findings using an […]

Nursing Dnp Essentials

  CLO 1: Analyze the AACN DNP Essentials within the context of providing the highest quality population health.   CLO 2: Evaluate the evolution, past, present, and future of the role expectations of a competent doctoral prepared nurse within a diverse, global environment.   CLO 3: Explore clinical and leadership opportunities of an advanced practice nurse with interprofessional collaboration.    […]