This is Part II of the assignment you submitted in Week 6. Using the case outline (Part I: How the Courts Address or Respect Our Rights as Citizens) you submitted in Week 6, prepare and submit a presentation, either a narrated PowerPoint, a Kaltura Video, or some other format approved by your instructor.  Verify the […]


In Part I this week, choose a Federal Supreme Court case that originated in illinois that involves civil rights or civil liberties that was heard by the United States Supreme Court, and a decision was rendered. If illinois does not have a case that was decided by the United States Supreme Court, choose a civil […]


Research the proportion of three ormore of the following: women, African Americans, Native Americans, Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans, and openly gay or lesbian members of Congress. 1. Reflect onwhat these patterns say about the nature of representation. 2. Why do you think some groups tend to be underrepresented in Congress? 3. Why do you see […]


In a 2-4 page essay, with your name only in the upper right-hand corner, with a title, single-spaced, written within normal margins, in 12-point Times New Roman font, choose one of the topics below from Alexis de Tocqueville’s Democracy in America, and ask: “What is Tocqueville’s greatest lesson on citizenship and self-government?” Structure the essay […]


Part I: How the Courts Address or Respect Our Rights as Citizens – Outline Assignment Required Resources Read/review the following resources for this activity: · Textbook: Greenberg, E. S & Page, B. I. (2018).  The Struggle for Democracy, 2018 Elections and Updates Edition. (12th ed.). Pearson Chapter 11, 12 · Lesson · Minimum of 4 scholarly […]


Please see attached file for instructions Legislation Review a Legislative Session. Becoming familiar with the legislative process is an important skill for public health advocacy, prevention, and policy. Step One: Review the Senate Floor session for March 10th 2016:   Navigate to ~24 minutes into the video. There is a lag on getting the session started. […]

S23 DC

Discussion questions (answer one). Be sure to relate your answer to Tocqueville’s Democracy in America (pp. 38-44; 68-73). According to Tocqueville in Chapter 3, it was inheritance laws in the early states that guaranteed permanent democracy in America. By requiring the will of the deceased to divide up large estates equally among the children, it […]

Representation in Congress

   Representation in Congress Representation in Congress Assignment Required Resources Read/review the following resources for this activity: · Textbook: Chapter 11, 12 · Lesson · Minimum of 2 scholarly sources in addition to the textbook. Instructions Research the proportion of three or more of the following: women, African Americans, Native Americans, Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans, […]


For this assignment, youwill watch DrMartin Luther King’s I Have a Dream speech and a speech by Alicia Garza of the Black LivesMatter movement and answer the questions listed below. Pay special attention to the following aspects in the two speeches. ● Importance of body language while delivering the speech. ● Gestures, cadence, and delivery […]

S18 DC

Discussion Questions (answer one). Be sure to relate your answer to the text in Readings on Citizenship Download Readings on Citizenship(pp. 51-54). 1. Martin Luther King is rightly celebrated for his role in the Civil Rights movement of the early 1960s. But we often praise him in contemporary terms: along with a national holiday every […]

S17 DC

Discussion questions (answer one). Be sure to relate your answers to the text in Readings on Citizenship Download Readings on Citizenship(pp. 46-51). 1. In her 1970 testimony before Congress, Gloria Steinem lays out the reasons for the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA), which would require completely equal treatment between men and women under federal law. One […]

Political Science Help with Political science assignment

Please see attached Assignment #1: Right to Bear Arms/Gun Control                                                                    TOPIC:  Right to bear arms — McDonald v. Chicago, 2010 (U.S. Supreme Court […]

S13 DC-R

Discussion Questions (pick one): Stephen Douglas accused Abraham Lincoln of wanting to “universalize” his anti-slavery policy, which was certain to lead to political violence and civil war. As right as Lincoln might have been about the evil of slavery and the legality of banning it in the Western Territories, etc., was there something about his […]

S12 DC R

Discussion questions (answer one). Be sure to relate your answer to the text in Readings on Citizenship Download Readings on Citizenship(pp. 28-35). James Madison insists that we cannot trust written law to contain power, or what he calls “parchment barriers.” We might know what the law is, and we might even feel tremendous guilt about […]


Discussion questions (answer one). Be sure to relate your answer to the passages in Readings on Citizenship Download Readings on Citizenship(pp. 24-26). The Declaration of Independence states that it is “self-evident that all men are created equal.” Throughout American history, every step toward greater equality and human dignity — civil rights, women’s suffrage, the labor […]

S11 DC

Discussion Questions (answer one). Be sure to relate your answers to the texts in Readings on Citizenship Download Readings on Citizenship(pp. 27-28). We hear so much today about how divided we are as a country, how unable we are do engage in civil discourse. And yet, Alexander Hamilton predicted that the debate over the Constitution […]

S13 DC

Discussion Questions (pick one): Stephen Douglas accused Abraham Lincoln of wanting to “universalize” his anti-slavery policy, which was certain to lead to political violence and civil war. As right as Lincoln might have been about the evil of slavery and the legality of banning it in the Western Territories, etc., was there something about his […]

S12 DC

Discussion questions (answer one). Be sure to relate your answer to the text in Readings on Citizenship Download Readings on Citizenship(pp. 28-35). James Madison insists that we cannot trust written law to contain power, or what he calls “parchment barriers.” We might know what the law is, and we might even feel tremendous guilt about […]

S10 DC

Discussion questions (answer one). Be sure to relate your answer to the passages in Readings on Citizenship Download Readings on Citizenship(pp. 24-26). The Declaration of Independence states that it is “self-evident that all men are created equal.” Throughout American history, every step toward greater equality and human dignity — civil rights, women’s suffrage, the labor […]


Discussion questions (answer one). Be sure to relate your answer to the texts in Readings on Citizenship Download Readings on Citizenship(pp. 17-24). Thomas Hobbes’ foundational point in his argument for the State is that human beings have no “summum bonum” or highest purpose, as Aristotle taught centuries before: we are instead driven instead by one […]


Discussion questions (answer one). Be sure to relate your answer to the texts, either the passages from the Bible or Augustine’s letters. In Matthew 7 Jesus says: “Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?”, and “do not judge […]


Discussion questions (answer one). Be sure to relate your answer to the text, either Polybius on the Roman Constitution, or Marcus Tullius Cicero on “Why Enter Politics?” or “The Dream of Scipio.” Polybius admired the Roman Constitution of the second century BC. A republic, it turned out, was a matter of blending three preexisting regimes […]


Discussion Questions. Answer one, and explain how your answer relates to Aristotle’s Politics. Aristotle claims that we are “political by nature,” and powerfully incline to join communities. Those who have no use for such a community deny what they are meant for. But what does that mean for individualism? Is there really a desire for […]


Discussion Questions (answer one).  Be sure to relate your answer to Plato’s discussion of democracy in  Readings on Citizenship  Download Readings on Citizenship (pp. 3-8). 1. Democracy was a major point of pride for the citizens of ancient Athens — except for Plato.  Though an Athenian citizen himself, Plato was very pessemistic about his regime, […]

gun control

Read/review the following resources for this activity: · Textbook: Chapter 1, 2, 3 Greenberg, Edward, S. and Benjamin I. Page. The Struggle for Democracy, 2018 Elections and Updates Edition (Subscription). Available from: Bookshelf, (12th Edition). Pearson Education (US), 2018. · Lesson · Minimum sources:  · Article I Section 8 Clause 18Links to an external site. […]

Chapter 1 Applied Activity

The purposes of this assignment are to demonstrate your understanding of different political systems and to acquaint you with an online resource for studying the political systems in various countries – Freedom House.  please look at the files to learn about the assignment  you must read the chapter and apply it  do not ask me […]

American Government

MLA FORMAT TOTAL PAGE 10 Discuss how a current political issue has, or will, move through the entire political system.  Be sure to include those who have a stake in the issue (interest groups, organizations, businesses, etc.), what current laws and Supreme Court decisions affect the issue, what agencies (executive) and congressional committees (legislative) have jurisdiction, how […]

Infraestructure newsletter

the instructions are shown in the document.  Vamos a ir preparando un borrador del próximo newsletter de infraestructura, tomando como guía la edición que le enviamos a las empresas en años anteriores. Busca qué oportunidades hay disponibles en Centralamerica, en especial Panamá, Costa Rica y Guatemala. Abajo te comparto los potenciales proyectos de los que […]

US Army Recommendation Memos

Where have you been able to find letter head templates on line since the army nixed access to most DOD sites on civilian computers? 


Election Ads Famous Presidential Ads Listed here are some landmark presidential campaign ads that had a large impact in those election years. Please watch each one. I Like Ike Kennedy for Me Daisy McGovern Defense Famous Presidential Ads Morning in America Willie Horton/Revolving Door Man from Hope Swift Boat Veterans for Truth Yes We Can […]


U.S. Government ‹#› Introductory Lecture Keys to Course Success Being prepared (having done the reading) Answering discussion questions thoughtfully Emailing me if you have concerns or questions Coming to office hours if you need concept clarification What is government? What would life be like without government? Why do we need government? What do you think […]

Political Science Assignment 1

PAGE 2 Assignment 1: Sampling, Article Review, and Scales of Measurement Answer the following statements: (5 points) 1. Define a Population. 2. Define a Sample. 3. Provide an example of a research scenario and then discuss the Population and the Sample in the context of the scenario (2-3 sentences). 4. Define Bias in the context […]


Importance of studying political science Short reflection or response paper on the importance of studying political science and its societal applications.

week 2

 You work in human resources in your organization and have been assigned the task of ensuring that your organization properly incorporates Affirmative Action policies into your hiring practices. Research Affirmative Action and prepare a 10-15 slide PowerPoint presentation outlining Affirmative Action and your plan to launch Affirmative Action policies within your organization. 

Political Environment

What is the impact of political systems on society The Impact of [Specific Political System] on Governance and Society I. Introduction – Brief overview of the chosen political system – Importance of understanding the impact of political systems on governance and society – Thesis statement outlining the main argument of the research paper II. Background […]

Foreign Policy

READ ATTACHMENT The following rubric will be used: The analytical quality of the work (60 points) How the articles/reports chosen for review contribute to the understanding of the topic chosen (10 points) Use of correct grammar and spelling (10 points) In 5 or more double-spaced pages respond to the question listed below. Be certain to […]

market research

 Busca si hay oportunidades en las páginas de los bancos multilaterales (IDB, World bank, BCIE) en el sector de agua y todo lo que tenga que ver con estudio y diseño. Nada de construcción en todos los mercados que cubrimos (Panama, guatemala , Costa rica , Salvador , Dominican republic, Honduras, ) Si ves algo […]

Foreign Policy

Read attachment Using the Office of the US Trade Representative link discuss what steps the United States is taking to promote trade in another region of the world. What are the benefits of trading with the country or region you selected? Please write 2-3 pages for this assignment. USE REGION: EAST ASIA, COUNTRY: SOUTH KOREA […]

philosophy MARCH 27

Phys 1403 – Stars and Galaxies – Research paper Please take a few minutes to read over the instructions for your research paper. Your paper must be submitted to the Phys 1403 – Research paper The use of generative AI tools like (but not limited to) Chat GPT is not permitted for this research paper. […]

Political Science HOMEWORK

Week Four Discussion 1   Moses Salem Explain the main approaches to U.S. foreign Relations.   I will break down three main approaches to U.S. foreign relations: Idealism, realism, and isolationism. Shubert (2015) describes Idealism as “the belief that the United States has a moral obligation to spread classical liberal values such as individual rights […]

Political Science HOMEWORK

Week 3 Discussion 1   Andrew Tran Describe political action committees (PACs) and explain their impact on congressional elections. Political action committees (PACs) are “non-party organizations that solicit voluntary contributions to disburse to political candidates” (Schubert, Dye, Zeigler 2015, p. 176). PACs, formed by various entities such as unions, corporations, and ideological groups, collect voluntary […]

Political Science HOMEWORK

Week Two Discussion 1 Number 1   logan bryant Class, 1. What are the sources of worsening inequality in American society in recent decades? What effects has this trend had on elites and the masses? The gap between rich and everyone else in the US has been getting wider. This isn’t just about money; it’s […]


Identify a bill in your state House or State. Give the bill number and the chief author of the bill. Brief description of the bill. Identify the personal or professional interest that you have in this bill and state the reason why you would or would not encourage your representative to support this bill. What […]

Political Science HOMEWORK

Week one discussion one   Khalil Ross 1. Compare and contrast [Similarities and differences] the key components of the theories of elitism and pluralism. Hey Class,               Elitism is the understanding and agreement that an individual, typically in the upper echelons of society, will create a set of rules and make decisions for the welfare […]

Political Science HOMEWORK

Week Three Reading Read the following Chapters in  The Irony of Democracy:  An Uncommon Introduction to American Politics. Chapter 7: Elites and Organized Interests: Defenders of the Status Quo Chapter 8: Congress Chapter 9: The Presidency http/

Policy brief outline

You are an independent international expert who has been asked to advise a group of international and domestic organizations on an important contemporary challenge in global political turbulence. You are tasked with briefing the group on the nature of the policy issue and its drivers, the perspectives of the different groups with a stake in […]

global governance sum

Assessment questions – Global Governance Summative (3,000-word essay (100%)) Select ONE of the following questions to write your essay on: 1. To what extent is the ‘Standard of Civilization’ relevant for understanding contemporary global governance structures? 2. What is the relationship between global governance and the liberal international order? 3. Is international humanitarian law fit […]