Psychology assignment help

Literature Review Synthesis Research Topic: Primary Source 1 (Title/Author) Primary Source 2 (Title/Author) Primary Source 3 (Title/Author) Primary Source 4 (Title/Author) Primary Source 5 (Title/Author) Purpose & Significance Research Question(s): Design and Sample: Study Design Participants Method: Instrumentation Procedures Results: Key Findings: Explain how the study’s design/limitations support your problem statement. (Prove your research needs […]

Employee Mental Health & Wellness Programs for a Better Workplace

From an employer’s perspective, what are the advantages of establishing an employee mental health & wellness program? From an employee’s perspective, what are the advantages of utilizing a  comprehensive, confidential mental health and wellness program designed  to be proactive in the early detection of potential problems related to  mental health and well-being

Research: Understanding • Conduct Disorder

Please see the attached. we are working on Part 2 DBFA 615 Research Paper Assignment Instructions Overview You will write a Research Paper Assignment focusing on the general topic of deviance and violence as it applies to child/adolescent development. The Research Paper Assignment will primarily discuss assessment and treatment strategies primarily, as well as proactive […]

HUM 5300 Week 1 Journal

See attached Week 1 Journal HUM 5300 Creating a Plan to Advocate and Lobby: Case Scenario   Prior to beginning work on this journal entry, · Read Chapters 1, 3, and 8 from the textbook  American Social Welfare Policy: A Pluralist Approach. · Read the article  Expanding Nonprofit AdvocacyLinks to an external site. . · […]

personal statement

I need to perfect my personal statement. A rough draft is attached  Instructions MSW Program Application Essay Guidelines The application essay provides faculty with insight and understanding of you, your interests, and goals. Please respond to EACH of the following questions using APA 7 format as you develop your essay in no more than 9 […]

see below

Please follow instructions Due Mar 16 by 10:59pm Points 80 Submitting a text entry box or a file upload Attempts 0 Allowed Attempts 2 Start Assignment Back to Week at a Glance ( Motivation is defined as a “condition—usually an internal one—that initiates, activates, or maintains” a person’s behavior (Shiraev & Levy, 2021). In other […]

6520-we4 dis

 Post a description of how you envision your social work career path. What purpose, population-SUBSTANCE ABUSE IN ADOLESCENTS, or cause drives you as an emerging practitioner? What are your overall career goals-ADVOCATE FOR ADOLESCENTS, TEACH THEM OTHER PATHS , and how do the short-term goals in your Learning Agreement connect with them? How will your […]

Psychology Homework

   The purpose of this assignment is to identify an area of prevention for child abuse and neglect and to select and apply one prevention strategy when creating a community prevention plan.  Additionally, you will develop an evaluation plan for this prevention intervention.   Identified Problem: Child born substance exposed Identify the problem of child […]


Do elderly individuals living in nursing homes expire more rapidly than elderly living at home with assistance? Part 2


EAB4764 Assessment and Intervention Lecture Engagement: Written Lecture Summary Student Name: Date Completed: Student ID: Please answer the questions below in a narrative form. Each answer should be a complete paragraph. 1. What was the main point of the video/podcast? 2. Provide 2 major points discussed and describe those points. 3. What did you learn […]

Child Physiology

see attachment  Final Reflection We have concluded the course content! I invite you to write a final reflection describing your learning experience. This activity consists of preparing a piece of writing containing the following: · What were your expectations at the beginning of the course? · Your experience in the course. · What you learned. […]

Child Physiology

see attachment    Directory of Agencies and Services Search the Internet for at least 6 agencies to complete the attached Table. (Click  here  Download here ) Contribute a minimum of 2 pages. It should include at least 2 academic sources, formatted and cited in APA. Be sure to review the  academic expectations  for your submission. Submission […]

Child Physiology

see attached  Diversity Dynamics – Questions Part I: Select three (3) people of any age who can draw (this can be done individually or in groups, but they must not copy from one another, and each person must draw separately without looking at others’ work. They can be from the same family or different ones). […]


Describe dynamic followership and explain why it is a requirement for effective leadership. 2 Read “Case 13.1 Bluebird Care” in Ch. 13 (p. 477) of Leadership: Theory and Practice.  in detail to the following case study questions: Using the roles identified in Chaleff’s follower typology (Figure 13.4), what roles do Terry, Belinda, Caleb, and James play at […]

see below

follow instructions please You must post before seeing replies. Edit history will be available to instructors. Due Mar 12 60 points Search entries or author… All Sort View Split Screen ( Back to Week at a Glance ( Emotion has been debated, analyzed, and researched across disciplines. Emotions are universal phenomena for humans, and yet […]

Burnout Assessment

  Imagine that you might be having a tough time at your workplace, then complete the Oldenburg Burnout Inventory (OLBI)Links to an external site. assessment. · Provide a brief self-evaluation of your score. · Identify two areas where you are doing well and two areas where improvement is needed, reflecting on how these areas may have […]


Week 3 Application Assignment: Integrated Health Make sure to fully present each of the two tools you have chosen to include and use the rubric to guide your writing (the rubric is used to determine your grade). Your assignments should be written in accordance with APA 7th edition guidelines and contain two professional sources (your […]


Case Study 3 Instructions This assignment focuses on vignette analysis and direct application of course concepts to the persons and situations presented in the vignette for each question. All discussions must take into account the legal and ethical considerations, as well as issues of culture and human diversity that may pertain to the situation presented below.  […]

chapter 3 psych

Chapter 3 – is the mind contained in the brain? Please, read Chapter 3 and answer the following questions: 1. Do you think it’s possible to fully understand the mind without studying the brain? Why or why not? 2. What’s your take on Mishkin and Ungerleider’s bottom-up approach to cognitive science? How does it compare […]


  Write in short paragraphs and use at least one HEADING per question.***** – Explain cultural variation in the metaphors used to conceptualize medicine – Explain suicide rates across various cultures – Explain the cultural differences in social support–seeking behavior  Find one research study (or more) to explain the following concepts to provide either evidence […]


 This week, you will wrap up your research assignment and discuss implications of your investigation as well as suggestions for future research.  This section will be 12 point font, double spaced, Times New Roman.  


Complete Exercise 9.3 Examination of Self-Care. Share your answers to the last 2 questions (that are for a dyad or small group) with the class. ~~Respond to 2 other classmates’ postings for full credit. Response credit follows Discussion rubric available on Canvas. Remember: 1) The discussion deadline for all initial discussion posts and response posts […]


  Anonymous. (2017). May smartphones help to maintain memory in patients with mild Alzheimer’s disease? Science News, March 1, 2017. This article discusses the success of using Google Calendar to maintain prospective memory in a patient with mild Alzheimer’s disease. Please answer each question with at least 3 sentences. What strategy was used to help the patient with […]

Evaluating the selection process

OVERVIEW Your company’s recruiting team collected candidate data on a test battery composed of several selection assessments or procedures. Your task is to review available information about the current selection process, evaluate the selection process to determine the extent to which it is meeting the organization’s needs, provide your expert opinion on the extent to […]

psych 110

Assignment Instructions (Ma) Assignment Title: Creating an Informational Flyer on False Memory and Eyewitness Testimony   Objective: To help students understand the complexities of memory and the implications of eyewitness testimony, as well as to highlight the importance of accurately assessing these elements in the justice system.   Background: In this assignment, you’ll use insights […]

part a, b, c case study red

Kohl’s fired 3 employees for violating store’s policy BY MEREDITH BONNY TIMES-DISPATCH STAFF WRITER Friday, April 15, 2005 Rikki Groves wasn’t the only employee fired from the Kohl’s department store in Mechanicsville and asked to pay restitution for reusing coupons and passing the savings on to customers. Rebecca Hagen, 20, of Sandston and Katie Kombacher, […]

see below

Follow instructions on this Due Mar 9 by 10:59pm Points 80 Submitting a text entry box or a file upload Attempts 0 Allowed Attempts 2 Start Assignment Back to Week at a Glance ( In this week’s Learning Resources, there is a video with historical footage of immigrants arriving at Ellis Island in New York […]


complete this you do not have to do the addendum uploaded is also some things about me  Goal Statement Walden University CACREP Master’s Counseling Program Good evening, my name is Janae Boone, and I am currently enrolling in the CACREP-accredited Master’s Counseling program at Walden University. From an early age, I discovered my natural ability […]

Psychology p1

Interview Questions 1. How would you define empathy? 2. What inspires you to be a mentor and help one or more individuals during their recovery from alcoholism? 3. What is your point of view concerning the connection between mentorship and empathy? 4. When is it easier to be empathetic? 5. When is it most challenging […]

see below

Please follow the instructions..      You must post before seeing replies. Edit history will be available to instructors. Due Mar 5 50 points Search entries or author… All Sort View Split Screen Back to Week at a Glance ( Perhaps you noticed that each discussion or assignment can only focus on a small part of […]

Principle of Ethics

Introduction In this session, you have been considering moral-ethical dilemmas you yourself faced or that you know of that you either resolved or failed to resolve, but hopefully learned from. You may never have given much thought to ethical theory nor what ethical premises/paradigms you have unconsciously held. You will be focusing on this case […]


Part 1: Of the populations discussed in chapter 8 ( older adults over the age of 65), which do you think would be the most challenging for you to work with and why? What actions could you take to become more effective in assisting them? (5 pts)   ~~ Respond to 2 other classmates’ postings for […]


Review a professional resource ( peer-reviewed journal or text, no web-sites, blogs, commentary, abstracts, or opinion pieces ) on  Spirituality in counseling following a Disaster. The review must provide the following (hummm…these look like headings in a paper to me; hint, hint): 1. Source reference in APA 7th reference style, 1b.  Citations as necessary (this is […]

see below

Please follow instructions LEARNING RESOURCES Required Readings Shiraev, E. B., & Levy, D. A. (2024). Cross-cultural psychology: Critical thinking and contemporary applications (8th ed.). Routledge/Taylor & Francis. Chapter 1, “Understanding Cross-Cultural Psychology” (pp. 1–43) Chapter 2, “Critical Thinking in Cross-Cultural Psychology” (pp. 44–96) Writing Resources Walden University Writing Center. (n.d.). APA style: Overview ( . […]


Psychological First Aid Training Aid Summary or Research Paper [60 pts]:  A. Students will complete the on-campus Psychological First Aid Training. At the completion of the training, you will provide and upload to Canvas a Psychological First Aid Training Summery (PFA Summary) typed minimum 500 words in content (not counting cover page) reflection paper on the Psychological First […]

Psychology Psychology Homework

Can you assist me with a homework question? CRIS 607 Research Paper Assignment Instructions Overview Engagement with the current scholarly literature is one of the main ways an individual in the helping professions can stay informed of new advances in the field, including research findings, updated treatment protocols, changes in the standards of care, etc. […]


Describe dynamic followership and explain why it is a requirement for effective leadership.


Follow instructions carefully  Topic Proposal and Operational Definitions Worksheet Directions: The goal of this class is to create an original research proposal in the field of psychology. Your research study can be anything to do with psychology! This worksheet will help you finalize a research topic, think of research questions related to that topic, and […]

psych 421 chat 2

Psych 421 300 words Chapter 2 – Looking at machines to understand the mind Please, read Chapter 2 and answer the following questions: 1. Do you think building machines to learn about cognition is a good idea? What can cognitive scientists gain from this kind of work? 2. Why do you think SHRDLU focuses only […]


Discussion Board You will be required to participate in the eight discussion prompts posted on the Canvas Discussion Board throughout the course of the semester. These will relate to assigned course materials. Your responses should incorporate course content assigned during that week and should be approximately 250 words (total, for both prompts). Please select and […]

PSYC 101

  From Module 5 Alzheimer’s disease and memory. (Which types of memory—such as episodic, procedural, etc.—are most affected by this disease? What is the progression? What are current recommendations for how to maintain functioning prior to and after diagnosis?)

Professional Development

Need someone to help me complete this project. Professional development paper instructions Completion of professional development paper (APA style, 5-8 pages). Basically, you are to provide an overview on issues related to your own professional development. You simply use resources already presented in this course (take a good look at the Professional Identity Article under […]


Time Management Worksheet Why is time management important? • Reduces stress & anxiety. • Reduces the fear of failure. • Preparation improves your confidence. • Reduces completing tasks at a mediocre level. • Preparation makes the day run more smoothly. How do you spend your time? There are only 24 hours in a day. It […]

HUM Week 6 DB

see attached Week 6 – Discussion Forum  Serving Rural Communities [WLO: 5] [CLOs: 1, 2, 3, 4] Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, read Chapter 14: Rural Human Services in our required text. As you know from the reading, you are aware that there is a shortage of human service professionals in communities […]

HUM Week 6 Journal

see attached Week 6 – Journal Design a Personal Self-Care Plan Prior to beginning work on this Journal, read The Importance of Self-Care in the Epilogue in your text and  Self-Care in The World of Empirically Supported TreatmentsLinks to an external site. . Locate, read, and cite a credible article on burnout in the helping […]


PSYC 725 Discussion Assignment Instructions Directions: You will post one thread of at least 300 words of the assigned week. For each thread, students must support their assertions with at least 2 scholarly citations and references in APA format. Any sources cited must have been published within the last five years unless the student is […]

Principles of Phycology

see attached  Vocabulary Define the following terms, including academic references, and use the APA format. · Dissociative disorder Somatic disorder. · Type A Personality Disorders · Type B Personality Disorders · Type C Personality Disorders · Paranoid Personality Disorder · Schizotypal Personality Disorder · Antisocial Personality Disorder · Histrionic Personality Disorder · Borderline Personality Disorder […]


  Instructions Complete Case Study exercise to analyze the power of group influence.  Case Study Exercise: The Power of Group Influence in Social Psychology  Background:  Social psychology studies how people’s thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are influenced by the actual, imagined, or implied presence of others. A significant concept in social psychology is group influence, which […]