PSY 290

PSYC 290 DEVELOPMENT AND GROWTH Running head: HEALTHCARE INVESTIGATOR 2 HEALTHCARE INVESTIGATOR 2 This the template to be used; Title of Assignment (In Bold) (Skip two double spaces) Your Name Chamberlain University Psy290 Lifespan Development Dr. XXX Date CASE STUDY 1- Healthcare Investigator This is your introduction paragraph. Here, summarize the case study outlined in […]

history of study

see attachment  Historiography    Instructions: Read chapter 2: The historian, not the history. Bartlett, K. (2017).  The experience of history: An introduction to history. John Wiley & Sons.  Click here to access the book. 1. Explain the concepts: · historiography · ideological history · national history · distant voices · historical style 2. Answer the questions: · […]


Erber & Szuchman (2014) pages 90-97 & Audio: How New York is Prioritizing Mental Health Care for Elders, NPR. Read: PAGE: 90-97 LISTEN: care-for-elders For the “3-2-1” post and reply, students are expected to post the following information on the discussion board for each week: ● 3 concepts you learned from the readings/videos/audio (3 sentences […]

Psychology Topic 5 Assignment

Follow all instructions attached  PSY-358 Adult Development and Aging Topic 5 Relationships Chart Directions: Evaluating the expert research, describe the effect each relationship might have on the emotional well-being of an individual. Bullet points are preferred over paragraphs; 25-50 words per box should suffice. Use at least THREE scholarly sources. Include the APA citation within […]


Research Paper Assignment Instructions Choice of a Current Issue Affecting Pastoral Counseling Overview From your reading and experience, numerous issues affect families and couples in our churches today. Many directly affect those involved; others seem more superficial but can have long-lasting effects. Choose one issue to research, analyze, and discuss how that issue impacts either […]


 ONLY ONE RESPONSE REQUIRED WHICH USES THE ARTICLES AVAILABLE THURSDAY 3 AM ET:  Find the article from which the hypothesis was taken, and investigate how the researchers who did the experiment designed and executed the experiment. Compare your designed experiments with the real thing. 


In an 8–10-slide PowerPoint presentation, create a plan to motivate four people to leave the hotel’s relative safety to head home. · Approximately 2 slides  each for Javier, Ibrim, Zoe, and yourself. · Explain their motivation to leave using an expectancy-value, hedonism, or sensory stimulation approach. · Relate the motivation theory to specific behaviors. · Note: You […]

Discussion Replies

CLASSMATES REPLIES: PSY-355 Vanessa Smith Jul 8, 2024, 4:14 AM(edited) Unread Good morning, Dr. Lori and Peers,   Childhood development is defined as the biological, cognitive and socio-emotional processes that influence how a child grows and progresses through their life. Biological processes are physical, cognitive processes are mental, and socio-emotional processes are emotional. All three […]


 What are the main components of trauma-informed care and why is the ACEs model of screening so important in primary care and psychiatric mental health care for ALL patients? Discuss the ACEs instrument tool as it related to clinical practice.    Aces Aware. (2020). Provider toolkit (Links to an external site.). State of California Department of Health Care Services.


  An analysis of the impact cultural identity and biases have on research.  Include a discussion on the role cultural identity in developing your research.  Explain the impact that personal bias can have on the outcomes of your research. 

Unit 3 DB: Education and the Brain

 Progress in brain research has necessitated a call to action for application of this research into the practice of education.  Your text addresses many different aspects of brain research that might inform educational practice, including information processing models, research directed toward different kinds of memory, and new research regarding brain development.  For this discussion: Find […]

Discussion Board

   Chapter 3 Reflection Questions (Choose 1-3 questions to Reflect Upon) Visualize a prospective group member who is considering entering a new group. Imagine the different feelings he or she might have. Can you imagine any fears he or she may have? Would he or she have any general anxiety? Might he or she experience […]

PSY 3441 2.2 Disc

Week 2 Discussion – Aggression in your life Prompt: Discuss an experience with aggressive behavior you had and explore the reason for it using any 2 of the reasons covered in either the lecture or reading. Once you submit your paper, respond to any one of your classmate’s submissions with a brief reflection offering two […]

Practice and Management Discussion

Details are provided in the Practice and Management document Practice and Management There are times when we all wish things ran the way we think they should. Imagine an agency that you design. You can be a big agency or a small private practice. It’s all up to you. In this discussion board, you will […]

PSY 3423 2.4 Disc

What are the major structural parts of the eye, and what functions do they perform? In a darkened room, why is it a good idea to look for something by paying attention to what isn’t directly in front of you? Explain in terms of the retina. Response Parameters Initial Post · Each initial post should […]

Critical Thinking

 Explain why critical thinking is central to the scientific method, the study of psychology, and the everyday understanding of behavior. Cite at least three educational sources 

Perception of Psychology

  Question A Psychoanalytic theory suggests that some memories can be so painful, that a person can totally block them from their conscious memory and then later “recover” them; either spontaneously or while receiving therapy.  Others argue that these are false memories that can be created through the power of suggestion for some people.  Which […]

Discussion Board

   In Just Mercy, Bryan Stevenson, assiduously documents the deep and insidious unjust criminal justice system that exists in the United States. You are being asked to address the biological, psychological, and social systems and policies/laws that are intentionally designed to negatively impact marginalized individuals and communities, in particular African American, at the micro, mezzo, […]

feed 2

attached Written Feedback Great Job, After watching the video I agree with the way you defined the behavior and great job following the rubric. Everything that was required for an operational definition was covered. The sentence below is a great example of you following the rubric, you mentioned it in your definition and then repeated […]

Discussion Board

   Peter who is Caucasian, age 35, and his partner of 10 years, Joe, who is African American, age 40, have decided they would like to adopt children. They are seeking the assistance of their local child welfare agency because they have learned that it may be easier for them to adopt a special needs […]

feedb 3

attached Written Feedback Good job answering the criteria in detail. As mentioned in the book, anything someone does is a behavior, and this was a unique way to put it into perspective. The rubric mentioned that you should not add the antecedent, which was the only thing that I deducted points for. Your submission was […]

feedback 1

attached Written Feedback Your definition of the chosen behavior met all rubric criteria. However, I would revise your non-example as it isn’t necessarily a behavior that would fall under your given behavior definition but would not be considered problem behavior. All other components of your work are adequate and fulfill the assignment’s criteria. Motivational How […]

Week 4 Middle/Late Childhood

 What do you feel is the biggest challenge faced in middle to late childhood?  Once you have identified a challenge, do some research to see what is being done to address this challenge.  

Global Community

see attachment  Research Essay  Instructions:  In a research essay, discuss how authoritarian political systems in the 3rd world impact the standard of living of citizens.  Focus on the impact of corruption, militarism, and capital investment limitations when nations have dictators as leaders. The main objective of this assignment is to go deeper into the topics discussed […]


see attachment  Module 2:  Against/For Thrasymachus (“one minute paper”) Instructions:  1.    Research Thrasymachus’s idea that “might is right”. 2.    Put forward in writing an argument defending Thrasymachus’ position using an example from the present time. 3.    Your argument must have a thesis beyond “might is right” and the thesis should be supported […]

Psychology homework help!

Exploring Medications: Description: Using the text, or the Internet, find one medication used for each of the following five groups. Antipsychotics, Mood-stabilizing drugs, Anti¬depressants, Antianxiety agents, Stimulants After identifying a medication, write a short paragraph describing the following: 1.Identity a diagnosis for which the medication is used. 2.How does the medication impact the person’s mental […]

history of study

see attachment  History: art or science?  Instructions: Study the module resources and participate in the discussion forum.  1. Explain in your words what history is. 2. Why is it said that history is art? 3. Why is it said that history is science? 4. Do you consider that history is more art or science? Why?   […]

social sciences

see attachment  Module 2:  The Scientific Method Find out how the scientific method could be applied to a social issue.  Select a social issue.  Look at the different elements of the scientific method.  Apply the scientific method to the social issue and give us an idea of what your research would look like. Remember to […]

social sciences

see attachment  Module 2:  The Scientific Method Find out how the scientific method could be applied to a social issue.  Select a social issue.  Look at the different elements of the scientific method.  Apply the scientific method to the social issue and give us an idea of what your research would look like. Remember to […]

book 2



see attachment  Module 2:  Sophists and Socrates Today as Professionals Instructions: 1.    Look at the philosophers studied in this module. 2.    Prepare a table including the names of all the philosophers from the module. 3.    Assign a professional field to each philosopher based on what you learned about them. 4.    Explain […]

Global Community

see Attachment  Two Nations in the Developed 1st World  Instructions:  Choose two nations in the developed 1st world (such as Great Britain, the United States, France, Germany, Japan, Switzerland, Sweden, etc.) and compare how each nation makes its laws and rules concerning the distribution of its natural resources.  Who owns the resources?  How are laws made […]

book 1


Week 1 Discussion

Instructions are attached. Week 1 Discussion: Begin Your Yellowdig Discussion Motivation for Learning and Becoming a Scholar-Practitioner This week, envision your future as a scholar-practitioner and discuss the personal transformations you foresee on this journey. An examination of your time management practices is a central feature of this process. Here are some ideas for your […]

PSY 3423 1.4 reply

Peer Responses · Respond in a respectful manner to another student’s post. Agree or disagree with some of the student’s statements and add some novel idea or expand on one of the student’s ideas. · Each response post should include a minimum of 250 words of actual text (i.e., the 250 word minimum does not […]

PSy 3441 1.2 reply

Follow-up Response Posts: The follow-up response is worth 10 points. You must respond to at least one peer post demonstrating effective communication skills as well as thoughtful and objective analysis. · response posts is 150 words minimum · In order to earn credit, all posts must be accompanied by at least one citation with accompanying […]

new eval 1

attached Written Evaluation Select at least one criterion where your peer did well or could improve on Evaluation Comments Provide an example from the creation and describe how it impacted the quality of their work · Running: Student moves really fast around classroom aisle by moving feet forward beyond normal walking speed for at least […]

new eval 3

attached Written Evaluation Select at least one criterion where your peer did well or could improve on Evaluation Comments Provide an example from the creation and describe how it impacted the quality of their work Target behavior – Elopement – Operational definition of the target behavior – Maria stands up from her seat on her […]

new eval 2

attached Written Evaluation Select at least one criterion where your peer did well or could improve on Evaluation Comments Provide an example from the creation and describe how it impacted the quality of their work Anonymous Peer Creation 2 · 265 words Target Behavior: Aggression  Operational Definition of Target Behavior: any instance where the child […]

9-1 dev

9-1 Discussion: Technological Influences on Development The average child in the United States watches four hours of television per day. As a result of this information, the impact of television as a developmental influence is a concern. However, the explosion of the internet and cellphones has the potential to affect the development of entire generations […]

10-1 dev

10-1 Discussion: Typical vs. Atypical Development Throughout this course, we have explored different aspects of development, and research has presented a variety of influences in the form of biological, social, emotional, and cognitive domains. At the end of nearly every chapter reading, a holistic position began to emerge that acknowledges the contribution by each domain. […]

9-2 dev

9-2 Final Project Submission: Program Evaluation Paper You will submit your final program evaluation paper. It should be a complete, polished artifact containing all of the critical elements of the final product. It should reflect the incorporation of feedback gained from milestone assignments throughout the course. Submit your assignment here. Make sure you’ve included all […]


10-1 Discussion: Future Research in Personality Psychology. Discuss where you think personality psychology research is headed. In your initial post, consider the following questions: ● Do you see limitations in current personality research? ● What types of research would address these limitations? ● What are the key areas of future research in personality psychology? To […]


9-2 Final Project Submission: Theoretical Analysis Complete and submit your final project. Be sure to incorporate any feedback you received from prior assignments and check that you addressed all elements in the Final Project Guidelines and Rubric. Check your writing for proper syntax and grammar. To help format your assignment, use the provided Final Project […]


9-1 Discussion: Unified Theory Think about all the theories you have studied in the course. What is your opinion on whether a unified theory of personality is possible? Do you think such a theory would improve the field? Do you have any research that supports your argument? To complete this assignment, review the Discussion Rubric.


TO DO: This discussion is based on: Blazer et al., 2015; Peters, 2006; Understanding Dementia video; Reducing your Risk Factors video; MIND Diet video. – Read – Blazer et al. (2015) and Peters (2006) – Video: Understand dementia: – – Reducing your risk factor: – – MIND Diet – For the “3-2-1” post and reply, […]

dis 10.1

attached Alex is 6 years old and displays tantrum whenever he wants to attract his mom attention. Applying DRA, DRI, and DRO, explain briefly how the problem behavior can be reduced.

resp 14

attached Comment to your peer: A more sophisticated understanding is obtained when choosing which behavior to target for reduction and seeing it as “contextually inappropriate behavior” (CIB) as opposed to categorizing it as essentially good or harmful. In a sports arena, for instance, talking loudly is probably OK and even encouraged; nevertheless, in a library, […]