learning assessment

Learning Assessment #4 Please complete the following steps as your Learning Assessment. This Learning Assessment serves as your exam, therefore do not share your answers otherwise it will be considered as academic dishonesty. Please refer to the syllabus for consequences of Academic Plagiarism. This Learning Assessment is worth 100 points. The purpose of this assignment […]


see attachment Module 2: Essay Discuss operating systems: Practices and Trends with New Digital Technologies. Use a word processor, such as Word. Include bibliographic references in the writing. 1. How has Operating Systems changed over the past ten years? 2. What digital technologies do you feel are the most useful today?   Be sure to review […]


see attachment Module 2: The Computer and its Components Read IC3 Certification. (2016).  Introduction to Computers and Information Technology (pp. 3-10). Person Education Company.    Watch GCFLearnFree.org [GcflearnfreeOrgplus]. (2020, September 3).  Computer Basics: Inside a Computer. YouTube. Scienceparticipative, P. [Scienceparticipative]. (2019, November 27).  Components of a Computer. YouTube. to an external site.  Suppplemental resources Casey, J. (n.d.).  […]


see attachment Module 2: Compare & Contrast Essay Search the Internet or in a newspaper or magazine for prices of various computer components or peripherals. Conduct an essay where you compare the prices and options of the different brands in the market. Submit the document with a brief explanation of the components, uses, and costs. Use an […]


see attachment Module 2: Activity: Computer and Keyboard Components Attached you will find a  document with two illustrations.  Download document with two illustrations. 1. Download the document so you can complete the activity. 2. Identify the computer components indicated in the image. 3. Identify the main keys within the illustration. 4. Once completed, save and submit […]

Week 2 The Impact of Stress

 Instructions Eustress and Distress affect the physical functioning of the body in similar ways. What is the difference between these two types of stress? Also discuss the physical stress response. What are stress hormones and what do they do in the human body? 

We all live with challenges to our health and wellness. Many challenges people face.

 See upload Articles and Discussion Board The discussion board is how class participation will be graded and is worth 30-percent of the overall grade. The grade is comprised of your post AND responding to the post of at least two other classmates. This assignment requires that you submit a brief (1-page, word processed) summary of […]

Health Psychology?

We all live with challenges to our health and wellness. For some it may be eating habits while others may battle time management. Others may face smoking, substance abuse, or many other challenges. This week I would like you to explore the many challenges people face.  

How to write/develop a Designing a Translational Research Study

In the Week 5 assignment, you created a brochure that discussed a specific behavior to increase, the current applied literature that used a specific behavior analytic theory to inform interventions to change that behavior, and the ethical considerations of intervention. For this week’s assignment, you will be using the information from our previous assignments to […]

general psychology

general psychlogy Description: For this assignment, you’ll be designing a more effective approach to studying for your struggling friend using your knowledge of how memory works.   Instructions: STEP 1: Understand Your Friend’s Situation.   Imagine that one of your best friends is struggling with his classes. He aspires to graduate in exercise science and earn […]

working with past trauma

how to work past trauma · Working with Past Trauma: Bridging with a Narrative Lens Trauma presents itself in therapy in different ways. Individual trauma can lead to any number of social (anger, aggression, violence, mistrust, etc.), emotional (depression, suicidal ideation, etc.), and physiological challenges (fears, dreams, health issues, addiction) (Sanders, 2021). Individual traumas and […]

The Value of Integration

Please see attached instructions  Required reading :  The New Christian Counselor Ron Hawkins    Hawkins, R. (2015). The New Christian Counselor. Harvest House Publishers. https://mbsdirect.vitalsource.com/books/9780736943550 

How to write/develop a Designing a Translational Research Study

In the Week 5 assignment, you created a brochure that discussed a specific behavior to increase, the current applied literature that used a specific behavior analytic theory to inform interventions to change that behavior, and the ethical considerations of intervention. For this week’s assignment, you will be using the information from our previous assignments to […]


Second, read all the operational definitions provided by your group members. Then, reply to the post that you think is the most valid definition . In your reply, explain:  1) Why you chose that definition as the most valid definition. Explain your choice. Note: you could choose your own, as long as you explain why you […]

PSY 3344 week 3 disc

Instructions are attached  Initial Post Your initial post should read 500 to 600 words and include at least one citation from the bibliography of one of the articles from this week’s readings, with the accompanying reference in APA format. To receive the maximum points, your post should include citations/references from all of this week’s readings […]

PSY 3421 Week 3 disc

Instructions are attached  Prompt Based on your readings, discuss the simplicity of a model vs. its explanatory power. Which contributes most to a “good” theory? For example, is AESOP a good theory? Similarly, discuss whether Morgan’s Canon is still a force in the field. For instance, Mackintosh, as well as Pearce and Hall, added attention […]

Identify a misconception or myth about a psychological disorder(s)

Learning Assessment #4 Please complete the following steps as your Learning Assessment. This Learning Assessment serves as your exam, therefore do not share your answers otherwise it will be considered as academic dishonesty. Please refer to the syllabus for consequences of Academic Plagiarism. This Learning Assessment is worth 100 points. The purpose of this assignment […]

chap lect 2

attached There are two videos that were shown within the lecture that didn’t show up appropriately in the recording. Below are the links to the two videos. Once you reach the section in the lecture in which the videos are shown, please pause the lecture and click on the link below to watch the videos […]

dis 2.2

attached Graphing is such a drag, right? WRONG! What are some of the benefits of graphing data frequently? What strategies can you use to ensure frequent and effective graphing of data?

2.2 dev. psych

2-2 Short Paper: Teratogens=dev. psych) In the resources for Module Two, you reviewed a significant level of biological information for its impacts on development. In this short paper, you will select a teratogen and identify the risks that it presents to healthy development. You will construct a position, backed by research of the use of […]

2-1 DEV. Psych

2-1 Discussion: Nature vs. Nurture Endures DEV. PSYCH The evolution of the field of developmental psychology has begun to trend toward a more holistic view of development, and this is evidenced by the theories of hereditary and environmental interaction. On the surface, these theories appear to be challenging the nature versus nurture controversy by acknowledging […]


For this final paper assignment, you will discuss the relative strengths and weakness of two of the career theory models that we discussed this semester, you will then also use them to analyze the career identity profile of an interviewee of your choosing. First, select two of the theories that we discussed in class (Super’s […]

Psychology WEEK 6 ASSIGNMENT 5260

1 [Title Here] [Your name first and last] School of Social and Behavioral Sciences, Capella University PSY5260 Philosophical Foundations of Behaviorism [Instructor Name] [Due date] [Title Here] [Start typing your introduction here. 3 – 4 sentences are plenty. Delete this prompt.] Mentalistic and Behavioristic Statements Grid Statements – Below are statements Jen has made. Determine […]

and w4

What do you consider the most important ethical issue facing the group leader? Elaborate by giving reasons for your position.


see attachment  Module 1: Essay Develop an essay where you investigate the history of computers: Select any of the suggested texts from the DISCOVERING COMPUTERS series or any other book on computer introduction.   If you are new to Canvas, follow  these directionsLinks to an external site.  for submitting your assignments and to review the  […]


see attachment  Module 1: Discussion Forum After read Lecture Content, Materials and Resources, and after doing research in the  Online Library (Links to an external site.),   answer the following questions: · Why are computers important? · Explain, in your own words, how computers work? · How do you think the computers have changed the world?   […]

assistance needed with Psychology home work

please see attachment PSY 251: Social Psychology Learning Unit 11: Assignment Page 1 of 2 Visual Portfolio SLO: Explain how social psychology applies to your own life. PLO: The student will develop psychological thinking by applying learning to real life situations. Create a visual portfolio exhibiting your understanding and application of social psychology terms. Choose […]


YENROSE DISCUSSION QUESTIONS: Answer them separately 1. How has technology affected your life? Be specific as to what changes, and in what ways. 2. Do you believe the long-term consequences of increased technological dependence are going to be good or bad? Explain. How do you see technology’s effect on society 20 years from now? ALBERTO’S […]


2-2 Annotated Bibliography: Part 1 The purpose of the Annotated Bibliography is to help you organize the research that you conduct for this class and for your final project. Please refer to the Annotated Bibliography Example for additional information. To help format your assignment, use Sections I through IV of the provided Annotated Bibliography Template. […]


2-1 Discussion: Theory Progression Discuss the historical influence of Freud’s theory. How did the time period influence Freud as he developed his personality theory? Respond to two other classmates and compare your observations on how the historical context influenced Freud’s theory. Think about the historical context of your selected theory and how it may have […]

proj 1

attached Objective Overall Learning Objective:  · To recognize the value of giving and receiving feedback. Create Stage Objective:  · To describe and evaluate the impact a piece of advice had on your life. · To asses personal receptiveness to feedback. · To self-reflect on how you deliver feedback and its effectiveness. · To identify personal […]


1. Discussion Question: Create a post with a discussion question.  This can be a short post, just a sentence or three, that poses an interesting question.  For example, “Based on the material from this week, what additional research do psychologists need to conduct to continue to understand and reduce racial prejudice?”  Or “In addition to business […]

Psychology Journal Article Review: Foundational and Worldview Issues of Integration Assignment

Please see attached assignment and instructions.  HSCO 506 Journal Article Review: Foundational and Worldview Issues of Integration Assignment Instructions Overview No outside articles will be accepted. Each Journal Article Review must be 3–5+ double-spaced pages (not including the title and reference pages) and created in a Microsoft Word document. Use the following guidelines to create […]

Psychology Local Resources Assignment

   I live in Miami Florida so you can use resources that are in Miami Dade county and Broward county. you only need 3 local resources that are multicultural orientation. Please read everything so that you are aware what is expected. 

gd 4

Using this weeks notes and your text book please answer the following questions: What exercise did I use for this online class (week 1) to help members get acquainted? If you weren’t in class week 1 please make mention of that. Why is it important to set a positive tone in group? Why is it […]

ai w4

Jamie is a new client coming in for an assessment for drug addiction. She shares that her drug of choice is cocaine and that she has been using for 4 years. List the first steps in starting her intake assessment.


Chapter 1-Discussion 1: Chapter 2-Discussion 2: Outsmarting the Liars (see attached)  This should be no longer than two paragraphs per discussion and should show your understanding of the week’s readings. Assignment has to demonstrate a meaningful synthesis of the material posted (typically a research article) and the corresponding chapter assigned for that week. Keep in […]

Psychology PSY 3421 week 2 assignment 2.5

Instructions are attached  Directions: Last week you identified two study/work habits that you think are important for you to change. This week I want you to pick one of those that you will work on throughout the rest of the course. For this assignment: · Identify the one habit you would like to improve · […]

PSY 3421 week 2 reply 2.3

Instructions are attached  · Respond to at least two (2) peers · 200 words each reply · APA format in-text citations and references Peer1: Paytn Classical conditioning can be a handy tool for shaping behaviors at home or at work. Let’s explore how you can use sensory preconditioning and blocking in everyday situations: Sensory Preconditioning […]

PSY 3344 week 2 reply

Instructions are attached  Reply Post Your reply post should read approximately 500 to 600 words and should reference at least one citation from the article the other student read for their initial post. To receive the maximum points, your post should include a reference from all of this week’s readings along with an article other […]

PSY 3421 week 2 reply 2.2

Instructions are attached  · Respond to at least two (2) peers · APA format in-text citations · 200 words each Peer 1: Carlynn Reflecting on patterns and routines in life that emulate aspects of classical conditioning has allowed me to realize it has been more common than not. As a child, going to my grandmother’s […]

hn w4

Please continue to cultivate your essential questions and annotated bibliography. The newest essential questions developed are: ??? ??? Note – you may only have one or two new questions or you may have no new questions. You should provide 5 new sources 

cap w4d

present at least two points important for you in using theory in research and how you will use it in the proposal your group is developing. Think in terms of all you have learned up to this point as related to EBP, identification of a problem, problem formulation, and research design. 

1-2 DEV.

Book: https://mbsdirect.vitalsource.com/reader/books/9781071851753/epubcfi/6/2[%3Bvnd.vst.idref% 3Dcover]!/4/2[cover-image]/2%4033:0 1-2 Journal: Position on the Core Themes Throughout the history of the field of developmental psychology, three core conflicts have emerged in the examination of the theories and concepts (nature vs. nurture, continuity vs. discontinuity, and stability vs. change). In this journal assignment, you will show your understanding of these conflicts, reflect […]


Book: https://mbsdirect.vitalsource.com/reader/books/9781071851753/epubcfi/6/2[%3Bvnd.vst.idref% 3Dcover]!/4/2[cover-image]/2%4033:0 1-1 Discussion: Developmental Research Challenge Research forms the foundation for the field of developmental psychology, and given the complexity of the human experience throughout the life span, the methods chosen for conducting research are key to producing valid and reliable data. In your initial post, locate a journal article that reports original […]

summerative assesment

  Describe your problem statement.  Discuss the existing literature surrounding your problem statement within your chosen specialty area.  Explain how you would solve your problem and support with existing literature, data, and information.  Explain how you would design your own research methods to solve your problem.  Provide an analysis of the data and information.  Provide […]


 Need help Comparing and Contrasting Freud & Erikson and Comparing and Contrasting Adler & Mahler.  What are some ways the Adlerian approach can be applied to group counseling? What are some advantages of using a group format with this approach?


1-3 Short Essay: Theories This week, you will choose a theory for your final project and begin considering the research process that will be necessary to complete this project. Submit your assignment here. Make sure you’ve included all the required elements by reviewing the guidelines and rubric.


1-1 Discussion: Research Methods Address the prompt below. This discussion will focus on the following research methods used in personality psychology: ● Correlational Studies ● Experimental Studies ● Case Methods Imagine your team is applying for a grant to conduct a major study in personality psychology. Before getting into the specifics of the study, the […]