Principles of Phycology

see attached  Vocabulary Define the following terms, including academic references, and use the APA format. · Dissociative disorder Somatic disorder. · Type A Personality Disorders · Type B Personality Disorders · Type C Personality Disorders · Paranoid Personality Disorder · Schizotypal Personality Disorder · Antisocial Personality Disorder · Histrionic Personality Disorder · Borderline Personality Disorder […]


  Instructions Complete Case Study exercise to analyze the power of group influence.  Case Study Exercise: The Power of Group Influence in Social Psychology  Background:  Social psychology studies how people’s thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are influenced by the actual, imagined, or implied presence of others. A significant concept in social psychology is group influence, which […]

Principles of Phycology

see attachment  We have concluded the course content! I invite you to write a final reflection describing your learning experience. This activity consists of preparing a piece of writing containing the following: · What were your expectations at the beginning of the course? · Your experience in the course. · What you learned. · What […]


 an analysis of the similarities and differences between leadership and management as they relate to social work organizations. Then, consider the fact that a manager is not necessarily a leader. Describe how someone in a management role might become a leader as well. 


Choose one of the subsections of “Leadership Defined” (p. 24) in Ch. 1 of Leadership: Theory and Practice and describe how that subsection aligns with your identified high score from the “Conceptualizing Leadership Questionnaire” in this week’s first discussion.

Principles of Phycology

see attachment  Define the following concepts in paragraph form, include academic references, and use APA format. · Anorexia Nervosa · Bulimia Nervosa · Pica · Hypochondriacal Disorder · Rumination disorder · Insomnia · Narcolepsy · Sleepwalking · Night terrors · Sleep paralysis · Culture Racism · Hate crime · Xenophobia · Ethics APA Contribute a […]

springboard and childhood poverty

  Discuss the research of this topic and suggest effective interventions for using childhood as a springboard for promoting healthy aging.

Dis 6

Part 1: Report on either Exercise 7.4 Grief Therapy or Exercise 7.5 Spirituality answering the questions from page 179 (see page 179,  Exercise 7.4 Grief Therapy and Exercise 7.5 Spirituality as the last two sections on page 179) (5 pts).  ~~ Respond to 2 other classmates’ postings for full credit. Response credit follows Discussion rubric available […]

week 7-activity

Using the library continue to search for more journal articles on Transmitted Culture .  Write a  proposal for a study about your topic (Transmitted Culture). Design a potential study to explore a relevant human behavior related to your topic about culture.

week 8-2025

  *****NOTE: Write in short paragraphs and use at least one HEADING per question.***** – Explain the challenges of ethnocentrism in understanding cultural variability – Explain Gemeinschaft groups and Gesellschaft groups – Explain how cultural variability exists in whether thoughts are moralized   *****NOTE: Write in short paragraphs and use at least one HEADING per […]

Job Analysis and Performance Management

Create a PowerPoint presentation that explains the relationship between job analysis and performance management and the advantages of performance management over performance appraisal.

disc 2

attached After studying the materials on the corresponding Modules and Textbook chapters for this discussion, respond, in your own words, to the topic assigned to you. It is also encouraged to not only base your response on what you have studied from the textbook and modules, but also on any previous knowledge you may have, […]

Principle of Ethics

WEEK 3 ASSIGNMENT TOPIC: Abortion and Ethics Instructions Return to the topic you chose in the week three assignment. Articulate a specific dilemma in a situation faced by a particular person based on that topic. The situation can be real or fictional. · Summarize the dilemma. · Define any needed key terms associated with the […]

psych 350

Part A CHP3A) BFOQ Hooter’s Forum After reviewing the Hooter’s video please provide 1) your thoughts and opinions on the video, and 2) comment of the video being sure to include how the content in this video relates to chapter 3’s concept of BFOQ (see p. 92).     Formal Discussion Forum Requirements: 1.  Initial […]


The concept of leadership is complex and has many dimensions. Some people perceive leadership as: A trait or ability A skill or behavior A relationship or process How you perceive leadership influences how you practice leadership. Complete the self-scoring “Conceptualizing Leadership Questionnaire” in Ch. 1 (p. 47) of Leadership: Theory and Practice.

Child Physiology

see attached  Questions Answer the following questions: 1. Do you believe that attachment has repercussions on the development and well-being of the child? To reflect on this topic, read and explain the following phrase: “Early attachments are the foundation for the construction of the individual, social interactions, and even the way of relating to others.” […]

Professional Development

I need someone to help me complete this project Professional development paper instructions Completion of professional development paper (APA style, 5-8 pages). Basically, you are to provide an overview on issues related to your own professional development. You simply use resources already presented in this course (take a good look at the Professional Identity Article […]


Do elderly individuals living in nursing homes expire more rapidly than elderly living at home with assistance?

assitant needed p

please see attachment Names: Application Activity Assignment #3: Sensation and Perception 1) A. The Blind Spot Instructions: Go to the following page and follow the instructions Reflection: Why do you think the dot disappeared? What does this show us about our vision? B. Visual Context Go to the following page and follow the instructions: Before […]

Advocacy Project

Please see the attached.  DBFA 605 Advocacy Project Assignment Instructions Overview For this assignment, you will draw on your studies to produce an advocacy plan for the issue featured in the Persuasive Essay and using the communicative mode of your choice. The issue in the Persuasive Essay will be used to create a local advocacy […]

Addressing an Ethical Violation

   The Organization Describe the human service organization, including its mission, services, and client population. Develop a detailed scenario involving an ethical violation. Be sure to include key characters, the nature of the violation, and how it was discovered. Identify which NOHS Ethical Standards are relevant to the scenario and why.   Analysis of the […]

a client or client population.

   · Describe a real or hypothetical client or client population that you are interested in studying. o This could be an individual, a family, or a specific community group. · Analyze the chosen client or population to identify their specific needs and assets. o Try to consider a variety of factors such as economic, […]

HUM Week 5 Learning Activity

see attached Week 5 – Learning Activity 1 Faith Based Agencies Prior to beginning work on this journal, watch  Faith Based Initiative /Social Service and Congregational Research Part 1 Links to an external site.  and  Faith Based Initiative /Social Service Research Part 2 Links to an external site. . Pick a particular case study discussed […]

Psychology HUM Week 5 Assignment

see attached Week 5 – Assignment Resource Analysis on Substance Use and Abuse Prior to beginning work on this assignment, read  Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drug Use Prevention Programs in U.S. Schools: A Descriptive SummaryLinks to an external site. ,  School-Level Correlates of Adolescent Tobacco, Alcohol, and Marijuana UseLinks to an external site. , and  […]

HUM Week 5 Discussion

see attached Week 5 – Discussion Forum  Human Services in the School Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, read Chapter 11. Identify and discuss one psychosocial issue in a school setting, which could create a barrier to learning (e.g., bullying, substance abuse, homelessness, poverty, ADHD, conduct issues, spectrum disorders, poor health, domestic violence […]

Principles of Phycology

see attachment  Critical Thinking Write an essay of no less than 300 words describing the current cultural factors about sexual and gender disorders. Include information about groups such as LGBTQ+ and the impact these groups have on the field of mental health. How does the activism of these groups help or hurt the development of […]

Principles of Phycology

see attachment  Define the Concepts Define the following concepts in paragraph form, include academic references, and use the APA format. · Psychosomatic disorder · Psychoneuroimmunology. · Placebo effect. · Psychosomatic disorder. Contribute a minimum of 2 pages. It should include at least two academic sources, formatted and cited in APA.

Principles of Phycology

see attached  Critical Thinking Write an essay of no less than 300 words describing the current cultural factors about sexual and gender disorders. Include information about groups such as LGBTQ+ and the impact these groups have on the field of mental health. How does the activism of these groups help or hurt the development of […]

Principles of Phycology

see attached  Search for information on the following terms, and prepare a short paper of at least 100 words describing each one. Remember to include academic references and use the APA format. · Paraphilia · Gender dysphoria · Aversion to sex · Alcoholism (Describe how alcohol affects mental processes) · Drug addiction (Define the word drug […]


ATTACHED Each 1-2-page reflection assignment will comprise of 75 points toward your grade, for a total of 300 points. You will be given the prompts for each reflection assignment on the week they are assigned. You will need to relate your reflection to the course material for the given week the assignment is in. Be […]


Week 2 Application Assignment: Biological bases of Psychopathology Make sure to fully respond to the question and to use the rubric to guide your writing (the rubric is used to determine your grade). Your assignments should be written in accordance with APA 6th edition guidelines and contain two professional sources (your text-book may count as […]


Eve is a thirty-two-year-old woman who comes to the therapist for treatment of depression. Her current symptoms include the following: depressed mood, apathy, anhedonia, hypersomnia, significant daytime fatigue, suicidal ideations, and low frustration tolerance. She has experienced five prior episodes of depression. The symptom picture was much the same during each episode, though in this […]

Principles of Phycology

see attached  Vocabulary Define the following terms, including academic references, and use the APA format. · Dissociative disorder Somatic disorder. · Type A Personality Disorders · Type B Personality Disorders · Type C Personality Disorders · Paranoid Personality Disorder · Schizotypal Personality Disorder · Antisocial Personality Disorder · Histrionic Personality Disorder · Borderline Personality Disorder […]

Article review 3 and dis

EBSCO Export LongDbName: ERIC ShortDbName: eric AN: EJ1053217 Title: Practitioners’ Experiences Creating and Implementing an Emotional Recovery and Physical Activity Program Following a Natural Disaster PublicationDate: 20150101 Contributors: Wahl-Alexander, Zachary; DocTypes: Journal Articles; Reports – Descriptive; PubTypes: CoverDate: 2015 PeerReviewed: true Source: Strategies: A Journal for Physical and Sport Educators IsiType: JOUR DOIDS: ; ISBNS: […]


Imagine that you were a participant in an experiment where you were asked to eat cookies and rate how much you liked each cookie on a scale from 1 to 5, where higher ratings mean higher liking of the cookie. You are asked to eat an Oreo cookie and rate it and then eat a […]


  In Week 3, you will submit a plan that contains important information as a learner, your understanding of the Marriage and Family Therapy program requirements, and your definitions of systems and systems thinking. Download the Marriage and Family Therapy Program Plan [DOCX] and start to review the plan. To balance your work, it is […]

Principle of Ethics

Develop, in detail, a situation in which a health care worker might be confronted with ethical problems related to patients and prescription drug use OR patients in a state of poverty. · Your scenario must be original to you and this assignment. It cannot be from the discussion boards in this class or any other […]

Psychology 101

 Alzheimer’s disease and memory. (Which types of memory—such as episodic, procedural, etc.—are most affected by this disease? What is the progression? What are current recommendations for how to maintain functioning prior to and after diagnosis?) 


· Constructive criticism · Integrating feedback · Feedback and empowerment Paraphrase, in your own words, the meaning of each concept. Include a citation and reference for each source. What does the ability to receive and integrate feedback say about you as a scholar-practitioner-leader? Explain. Discussion 2 Review  Distinguishing Sources by Type and watch the accompanying video,  […]


Topic: Alcohol use disorder 1. PPT presentation Title Slide 2. Epidemiology 3. Risk factors 4. The common and uncommon subjective and objective findings 5. The differentials to consider for your topic and the diagnostic workup needed to determine the diagnosis 6. The potential abnormal findings of your chosen topic 7. A plan of care including […]


Here are the course learning objectives for your review: MN668-1: Construct a consistent approach to the evaluation and management of mental health disorders and conditions for clients across the lifespan presenting in the acute and/or primary care setting. MN668-2: Design a professional approach to transition to clinical practice in the PMHNP role. Provide evidence (citations and references) […]


Discussion Board You will be required to participate in the eight discussion prompts posted on the Canvas Discussion Board throughout the course of the semester. These will relate to assigned course materials. Your responses should incorporate course content assigned during that week and should be approximately 250 words (total, for both prompts). Please select and […]

Psychology Dobson 4-MAT Book Review Assignment

Please see the attached Instructions and Reading for the Agency DBFA 605 Dobson 4-MAT Book Review Assignment Instructions Overview The 4-MAT Book Review system is a way of responding to readings that requires the learner to interact with new ideas on several levels. Instructions You must complete a 4-MAT Book Review. Please use the following […]

HUM Week 4 Discussion Forum

See attached Week 4 – Discussion Forum  Ethics Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, read Chapter 3 in the assigned text. Imagine you are a human service professional bound by general ethical principles, but also by the agency policies of your employer. Your agency only provides career assistance; all other assistance is a […]

HUM Week 4 Learning Activity

see attached Week 4 – Learning Activity Domestic Violence Prior to beginning work on this learning activity, read Chapter 13 in the required text. Select a type of violence that you explored in the text and recommended resources (intimate partner violence, rape, sexual assault, hate crimes involving the LGBTQ+ population, and gang activity). Create a […]

HUM Week 4 Journal

see attached Week 4 – Journal Working with a Victim of Sexual Offenses or Violent Crime or Offender Prior to beginning work on this learning activity, read Chapter 13 in the required text. Locate a job description in a local, regional, or national job search engine that advertises a human services-related position working with either […]

Research proposal

I need guidance on a research proposal THE SIGNATURE PROJECT FINAL SUBMISSION The culminating requirement in ED504 is the final iteration of your Signature Project Stage 1. The Signature Project Stage 1 is your research proposal. It is designed to guide candidates through the steps for planning an experimental study to examine an in-depth school […]


– Explain how different cultures construe primary and secondary control – Explain the differences between high-context cultures and low-context cultures – Explain the impact that language has on various domains according to the Whorfian hypothesis Find one research study (or more) to explain the following concepts to provide either evidence for it (prove it) or […]