Elements of Statistics II

see attachment Module 7:  Discussion Forum 2: Non-Parametric Tests II Instructions This space has been created for you to share the link of a newspaper or blog article that discusses the importance for companies of using Kruskal-Wallis testing and how they deal with data ties with your classmates. 1. Write a summary about the blog […]

Elements of Statistics II

see attachcment Module 7:  Content Mastery Testing II Resolve 1. Listed below are amounts of arsenic in samples of brown rice from three different states. The amount are in micrograms of arsenic and all samples have the same serving size. The data are from the Food and Drug Administration. Use a 1% significance level to […]

General Phycology II

see attachment Social Psychology, Social Cognition, Impression, Prejudice, and Discrimination REMINDER:  All coursework is due by 11:59 PM Eastern on Saturday of this last module. Instructions: After reading the required resources, answer and discuss the following questions: 1. Define in your own words the concept of social psychology and social cognition. 2. What is the […]

General Phycology II

see attachment Foundations on Neuropsychology REMINDER:  All coursework is due by 11:59 PM Eastern on Saturday of this last module. Instructions: After reading the required resources, answer the following questions: Part I 1. Explain the concept of conformity and the factors that contribute to it. 2. What is compliance, and what are their three (3) […]

PSY 3761 week 7 reply

Instructions are attached  Reply to peer · Posts should read approximately 200 words in APA format, including any citations Peer: Keanna The term Internet Use Disorder (IUD) refers to a group of symptoms that are brought on by obsessive and excessive internet use, which can cause severe distress or functional impairment. The American Psychiatric Association […]

PSY 3100 week 7 reply

Instructions are attached  Reply to peer Responses need to be a minimum of one paragraph of substance in which you add to another student’s posting or clearly articulate (in a respectful manner) why you agree or disagree with the student’s opinion; this effort will result in a grade of “C.” You can improve your grade […]

PSY 3761 week 7 Reaction

Instructions are attached  Reaction Papers – Introduction A reaction paper is just what its name suggests: a formal paper explaining your reaction to a peer-reviewed journal article whose topic is relevant to this course. The paper is a review because your reaction will involve judgment or evaluation; it is an analysis because you will focus […]


Movie critique Hollywood Film Critique A lot of what we see portrayed in movies may not based in reality, which can lead to confusion about psychological disorders. Select  one of the following films and review the film as a  Psychology student, not just a movie-watcher . You must provide a brief summation of the selected movie […]

resp 48

attached Comment about this post: Adolescence is a special and forming period of life. Adolescents who experience physical, emotional, or social changes, such as being exposed to domestic violence, assault, or poverty may be more susceptible to psychological problems. Adolescent health and mind wellness during adolescence and adulthood depend on preventing hardship, fostering social, emotional, […]

resp 49

attached Comment about this post: For our last week of discussions, I chose to talk about conduct disorder. As someone who is pursuing a career with children in behavior analysis, this subject quickly caught my eye. Conduct disorder gives information on the continuation of antisocial behavior from childhood to adolescence, stressing diagnosis stability and the […]

resp 50

attached Comment about this post: How many of us would prefer to not speak to anyone at all? While I can’t relate to that extent, I do enjoy time alone in solitude. I think there’s a diagnosis for everything because we want to understand why it is we are the way we are BUT there […]


Please help with assignment  Revise the information for a rough draft Good start! See comments – don’t panic. We can talk if you’d like. Biggest thing is that you need better organization. Your studies are all over the place. Sometimes you connect things or say a researcher did a similar thing and took  the next […]

Research Breakdown

Remove or Replace: Header Is Not Doc Title Research Breakdown Worksheet Directions: Choose one of the following two articles, and then complete the worksheet below. Be sure to write in full sentences and paragraphs and to properly cite and reference your work. Self-Serving Bias: Sanjuan, P., & Magallares, A. (2014). Coping strategies as mediating variables […]

week 7 feedback lie

  I want to add that withitness is also being able to know whats going on in the classrom in order to be able to react to situations before they happen. Therefore, an effective strategy would be to notice something is not okay before getting to the disruptive behavior. Regardless, as you mentioned, being able […]

assist random 2

Guidelines for the Mental Health Paper:             Your third paper which is also your final exam will be on a Mental Health disorder such as Anxiety, Schizophrenia, Bi-Polar Disorder, Personality Disorder, or PTSD. (NOTE: These are not the only disorders.  Please do some research and locate others that might interest you).  If you are struggling […]

week 3

pick one of the disorders and write on that disorder. the assignment should address information on the following areas: Describe the origins or history of the mental disorders. Describe the psychological theory or theories that relate to the mental disorders especially in the areas of diagnosis and treatment. Describe the difference if any in age […]

week 2

Treatments for mental disorder vary depending on the theory behind the mental disorder, research of various therapies, and the efficacy (success) of the treatments against the disorder. The biological approach to mental disorders is often associated with the medical model, which includes the use of medications to treat and/or manage the symptoms related to a […]

Case Conceptualization

Angel Accredited by the Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools 100 Washington Avenue South, Suite 900, Minneapolis, MN 55401 www.waldenu.edu College of Social and Behavioral Sciences School of Counseling Counseling Masters’ Programs [email protected] CLINICAL MENTAL HEALTH COUNSELING MARRIAGE, COUPLES, FAMILY COUNSELING CASE CONCEPTUALIZATION FORM This Case Conceptualization & Reflection […]

Ethics in Relation to Client Counseling Records

Counseling in Cyberspace Part Six Being Diligent in the Digital Age Chapter Eleven The Digital Age New technologies has ushered in a host of problems related to the maintaining and transmission of clients’ counseling records. There may be some traditionalists inclined to confine client records to paper copies. There may be some who keep client […]

Learning Theories Comparison

Use the Learning Theories Comparison [DOCX] Download Learning Theories Comparison [DOCX]worksheet to complete your assignment. In this assignment, you will consider five broad learning theories and their value in education. Read about these theories in Chapter Two of your Adult Learning: Linking Theory and Practice textbook and other professional sources of your choosing, and cite […]


   The first conversation with the Pastor went well. He wants to meet again to complete the Story-Tuning discussion. Dig deeper into the nuts and bolts. More specifically, look for tips and techniques to resource the final two phases of the story-tuning process.   Noticeably draw upon (Living Into the Life of Jesus—Issler, Klaus / […]


YENROSE 1. Some typical agents of socialization are: family, school, religion, friends, relatives, and mass media. What agents of socialization have influenced you the most? Describe their influence on your attitudes, beliefs, values, or other orientations to life. How have they made you the person that you are today? 2. The major components of social […]

PSY 3761 week 7 discussion

Instructions are attached  Internet Behaviors Discuss the symptoms of Internet use disorder. Do you think they accurately describe problematic behavior? Do you agree with the decision not to include it in DSM-5, pending further study? · Posts should read approximately 200 words in APA format, including any citations

PSY 3100 week 7 discussion

Instructions are included  Prompt Discuss the reasons why jurors may rely on inadmissible evidence. Include reactance theory and thought suppression in your discussion. Guidelines: You must state and support your opinions using information from lectures and chapter readings. More points are awarded the more you incorporate from lectures and the textbook, and more points are […]

discussion week 6

 Using the Standards of Effective Listening  question is attached 


Part 1 (5 pts): DONE Read and review two articles on the topic of fixed and growth mindsets (supplied just below). Using APA writing style, offer a Title Page, three short  reflection paragraphs (introduction, body and conclusion) and a reference page listing the two supplied articles. The term paper will evolve, moving away from a “reflection” paper, toward a research paper. […]

Discussion 6

Please help with assignment  Discussion In the last several years, amidst controversy and fraudulent science, psychology has begun a serious process of open and transparent science to avoid irresponsible or nefarious activities (e. g., making up data; re-analyzing data until it tells you want you want). Please read the article about  the open science framework  […]


  Think about your selected project topic.  Share  how psychology impacts behavior within your chosen specialty field and within the context of your problem statement.

PSY 321: Self Regulation

How can using play skills help contribute to a child’s social and emotional development? PSY 321 Week 6 6-2 Short Paper: Module Six Essay (Prompt, Info, & Resources) Please define self-regulation and describe what it looks like developmentally during the early childhood years. How can using play skills help contribute to a child’s social and […]

Adolescent Transformation

What effect does this change have on a child’s emotional and social development? PSY 321 Week 7 7-1 Discussion: Adolescent Transformation (Prompt, Info, & Resources) A profound amount of physical and psychological changes occur during adolescence. Identify one of the physical or cognitive changes that take place during puberty. What effect does this change have […]

help 22

please review the info  The Four Agreements(Major assignment ) Using all of the 4 agreements by Ruiz, explain how to implement them in your own life…  4 solid paragraphs…major grade. Attachments Four Agreements If you cant open the folder above here is the link :


PLEASE REVIEW THE INFO BELOW this is part one of your final Final Part I: Alcohol Answer the following questions using outside sources to back up your conclusions. Be sure to cite where your answers came from… #1 You can sober up by drinking a cup or two of black coffee. #2 Alcohol is a […]


PLEASE REVIEW THE INFORMATION BELOW  this is part one of your final Final Part I: Alcohol Answer the following questions using outside sources to back up your conclusions. Be sure to cite where your answers came from… #1 You can sober up by drinking a cup or two of black coffee. #2 Alcohol is a […]

STI in the Elderly

Running head: STI IN THE ELDERLY 2 STI IN THE ELDERLY 2 Learner Name Psy290 Life Span Development WK 7: STI in the Elderly Faculty name Chamberlain University Month, Year STI In the Elderly This is your introduction. This paper is 2 pages (BODY – not counting the title nor reference pages), so you will […]


Assignment 2: Early Years During the early years, physical, social/cultural, environmental, occupational, spiritual, intellectual and emotional developmental begins. As you read these chapters and reflect on the development that occurs in the early years, as well as the important theories of development. Play is extremely influential for children. Children’s toys are a big part of […]

Reaction Discussion

How is schizophrenia understood and explained in the reading How does the family handle the disorder and how do people’s reactions there differ from what is typical in the United States? How are there approaches to Schizophrenia different from those in the United States? How does McGruder apply her “Western Lens” when looking at this […]


The film “New Jack City”, directed by Mario Van Peebles and released in 1991, provides a gritty portrayal of drug dealing, addiction, and the impact of the “war on drugs” in urban communities. In this assignment, we will delve into the movie’s themes, historical context, and its relevance to American culture.


Review this week’s Learning Resources to deepen your understanding of forensic psychology professionals and juveniles in the justice system. Based on your professional interests, choose one of the following controversial topics within forensic psychology related to juveniles: Ethical Issues in Treating Juvenile Offenders Nature vs. Nurture Transfer of Juveniles to Adult Court Another topic of your […]

Industrial consulting project

1 Industrial Consulting Project [Student Name] University of Houston PSYC 3310: Industrial-Organizational Psychology Vincent Ng [Due date] Industrial Consulting Project The [organization’s] University Career Services (UCS) office is the career center that offers job related resources and assistance to all students and alumni. Their staff involves multiple positions, which includes the Employer Development and Relations […]

Discussion Board

  Read the article Adolescents’ Negative Experiences in Organized Activities After reading the adolescent negative group experiences article, construct three recommendations on designing an organized group recreational activity for a summer camp program. Reference specific points and data from the article to support your recommendations.

Topic 2 Assessment

4/15/24, 11:59 PM GCU Library Resources – All Subjects 1/5 Title: Authors: Source: Document Type: Subject Terms: Abstract: Full Text Word Count: Accession Number: Database: Record: 1 Biopsychosocial model. Purdy, Elizabeth Rholetter, PhD Salem Press Encyclopedia, 2022. 3p. Article Biopsychosocial model The biopsychosocial model (BSP) is a method of looking at all biological, psychological, and […]

Study discussions

 Assessment Description Academic engagement through active participation in instructional activities related to the course objectives is paramount to your success in this course and future courses.  Through interaction with your instructor and classmates, you will explore the course material and be provided with the best opportunity for objective and competency mastery.  To begin this class, […]

Reflection 5

science stands as a unique and unparalleled human endeavor, characterized by its distinctive methods, systematic inquiry, and the pursuit of objective truths. In this reflection, I’ll explore the factors that set science apart from other activities, its role in knowledge expansion, the deliberate limitations on methods, and the crucial roles played by statistics, publications, and […]

Psychology Week 2 Assignment

2 [Title Here] [Your name first and last] School of Social and Behavioral Sciences, Capella University PSY5260 Philosophical Foundations of Behaviorism [Instructor Name] [Due date] Description, Prediction, and Control [Directions: Using a scholarly tone, explain in common language why each goal is important for a practicing behavior analyst and how it can contribute to our […]

social problems

INTERVIEWING AN INFORMANT: THE AMERICAN FOOD SYSTEM Main points: • Choose someone (family, friend, coworker, friend of a friend, etcetera) who works in some segment of the American food system; you can think as far outside of the box as you need to. • Do background research on their segment of the food industry and […]

Elements of Statistics II

see attachment  Module 6:  Concepts Research  Instructions 1. Using a search engine or in the virtual library database, conduct research taking into consideration the following concepts: · Scatter plot or dispersion diagram · Correlation coefficient · Simple linear regression · Dependent variable · Independent variable · Regression line 2. Explain the assumptions of the simple […]

Elements of Statistics II

see attachment  Module 6:  Discussion Forum: Correlation and Simple Linear Regression Guiding question: After you have done the readings and research on correlation and simple linear regression, answer the following premise explaining in detail your answer: Why is it important to test the significance of the slope in the simple linear regression model? · Support […]