General Phycology II

See Attachment  Psychological Disorders and Therapy Instructions: Read the required materials for this module. Then, use the following template to complete the assignment. · Template:  Assignment: Psychological Disorders and Therapy Download Assignment: Psychological Disorders and Therapy   Be sure to review the  academic expectations  for your submission. Submission Instructions: · Submit your assignment by 11:59 PM Eastern […]

General Phycology II

See attachment  Psychological Resources Instructions: After reading the required resources, answer and discuss the following questions: 1. Explain in your own words the concept of psychological disorder. 2. What are the three (3) common criteria for identifying psychological disorders? Explain your answer. 3. Identify at least two (2) common myths about psychological disorders. 4. What are […]

Research Proposal Presentation

Directions are included in the file below Share your completed research proposal in the format of a verbal presentation with your classmates. Create a PowerPoint, Prezi, Google Slide, etc. that includes each major point of your presentation and use it as a presentation template.The proposal PowerPoint and presentation must include the following major points: 1. […]

Working with Gifted and Talented Students.

Discuss the importance of differentiated instruction for meeting the academic needs of gifted and talented students. Discuss the benefits and limitations of using differentiated instruction in the classroom to cater to the diverse abilities and learning styles of these students.  Provide a mock scenario where you design a differentiated instruction plan for a gifted student, […]

PSY 3100 week 7 presentation

Instructions are attached  One of the best ways to truly understand a topic is to learn it and then teach it to others. · You are responsible for researching one of the amicus curiae briefs submitted to the United States Supreme Court by the American Psychological Association · After completing your research, you will construct […]

PSY 3761 week 6 reply

Instructions are attached  Reply to peer Posts should read approximately 200 words in APA format, including any citations Peer: Mallory Factitious disorder is used to diagnose an individual who fakes their illness. Research shows that an individual can impose a factitious disorder. This disorder often brings individuals into medical facilities more often than they need […]


8-2 Discussion: Limitations of a Test For this assignment, you will read a scenario and consider a test’s limitations. Many test limitations may alter a test taker’s experience or results. To complete this assignment, first read the scenario below: Imagine that you are a trained psychologist working at a school. A high school senior comes […]

Project Introduction

  Create your problem statement based on your research.  Describe the problem.  Explain the rationale of your problem statement and the importance of and need for your project.  Describe your audience.  Provide a description of the audience or organization, institution, or policy that your problem statement is designed to help and the aim or solution […]


8-1 Assignment: Client Results For this assignment, you will build on the short paper you wrote in Module Five, in which you analyzed the results of Bob’s intelligence and achievement testing. This week, you will communicate the results of the assessment in an ethical and strength-based manner to the patient. Submit your assignment here. Make […]

Psychology Life Course Assignment

Each student will arrange to interview, observe and interact with two subjects (separately). The subjects cannot be a relative of the student, and RELATIVE IS DEFINED AS ANY PERSON RELATED BY BLOOD, MARRIAGE, OR CO-HABITATION, but can be someone they already know or someone they are meeting for the first time to do this assignment.)  […]

PSY 3100 reply week 6

instructions are attached  Your response should either add to their summary or respectfully challenge their position based on information that you have found in a peer-reviewed journal article. Your reply post should consist of 300 to 400 words. The use of quotations is not allowed. Please upload a copy of your article with your reply […]

Developmental Psych (AP)

Part A This week we focused on the rapid changes that occur in infancy into toddlerhood for young children. Infants’ and toddlers’ social relationships are also influenced by inborn temperament. Some children have inherited difficult dispositions; others have inherited easy ones. Bold, timid, and slow-to-warm-up children can also be differentiated. Some variations in temperament are due […]

main ethical issue in clinical supervisor.

Being Respectful Across Diverse Cultures Chapter Ten Multicultural A core value of the counseling profession: Honoring diversity and Embracing a multicultural approach As guardians of professional core values, counselor educators and supervisors actively infuse: Multicultural/diversity competency in their training and supervision Promote awareness, knowledge, and skills in the competencies of multicultural practice Issues and Ethics […]

week 6 feedback

 I relate with your statement that in the future I would develop or add indicators that are more individual like and not as general as the one I completed. I agree with you that the best strategy is planning, the teachers should create and set clear expectations and rules that result in routines. As a […]

Evaluating couples’ readiness for treatment

How to evaluate a couple to be ready for treatment Hide Folder Information Instructions This week, you will create a PowerPoint presentation. Think of your audience as a group of mental health professionals that do not have a great deal of experience working with relationship therapy. Your presentation will highlight why couples seek therapy and […]

Psychology Homework

 Powerpoint Slides  Variables  State the variables? Identify the dependent variable(s)?   Identify the independent variable(s)?   Identify the variables’ levels of measurement? (e.g., nominal, ordinal, interval/ratio). Each variable in the study could have a different level of measurement.  State the measurement tools (scales) were used, if applicable (e.g., the Beck Depression Inventory or other types of scales […]

Competency and Insanity

Kara Moore Unit [replace with unit title] Evil Genius? How Dishonesty Can Lead to Greater Creativity Motivation: Previous research has found a correlation between dishonesty and creativity but it was not clear whether being dishonest actually causes an increase in creativity so the researchers sought to test this. This is important because if being dishonest […]

Bonus Psych

These videos are a great preview to applying for graduate school. Watch both and post your take-aways. Your response should be 12-15 sentences long and include a description of the GRE. Pay attention to your paragraph formation, orthography, grammar, spelling, and punctuation; Proofread your work!

Social Psychology

Topic Self esteem  TIPS ON HOW TO WRITE A RESEARCH PAPER IN SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY Format: · APA style includes the following: · Title page · Abstract · Body · Introduction: what is the topic you are writing about, and why does it matter to research it? · Body: review relevant literature · Conclusion: summarize what […]


Imagine you are a freshly minted EdD kingdom-builder eager to share what you have learned. Recently, your Pastor overheard your conversation with a friend about assessments taken in the process of “Story-Tuning” your life. Intrigued by the topic, he wants to understand more about the concepts and codes mentioned below. We are story-keepers in constant need of  […]

Discussion 6

please help with assignment  Respond to the 2 Peers posts Bradley Franko posted Apr 11, 2024 5:39 PM While it was a little overwhelming managing a study for the first time, I learned a lot about I/O psychology research and how it is conducted. My main topic is organizational change and how it impacts employees […]

Psychology Assignment 5

Please help with assignment  Review:  In addition to the summarizing the table for the results, table, please provide a synthesis of the literature and draw conclusions about the area you are examining. What is the answer to your research question, what limitations did you experience (no access to several important articles due to a fire […]

Authoritative Parenting Style

What are the character traits of authoritative parents?  PSY 321 Week 6 6-1 Discussion: Authoritative Parenting Style (Prompt, Info, & Resources) An authoritative parenting style, defined by Diane Baumrind, is associated with more self-reliant and self-controlled child behavior. What are the character traits of authoritative parents? Give an example of how authoritative parents might handle […]

Psychology Resiliency Homework

Instructions posted as pdf Resiliency Assignment This is a link to a news report/documentary that relates the  Story of Mia.  This is a true case study as we discussed it during class today. Take a look at her resiliency and how it helped her to survive the abuse.  Note also it would be helpful to […]

job attitudes

Job Attitudes ( OB Ch 3) *Submit on Canvas under ‘Assignments’ Tab within ‘Weekly Assignment’ Group **Answer the questions on a blank page of this document. Keep the requirements in mind (.5 pages, double spaced, 12 point Times New Roman, 1” margins, not including title page or references). Name: Instructions : 1. Read the journal […]

Clinical Psychology

Hello check notepad for instructions  Clinical Psychology: Past and Present Presented by Nathaniel Chapman, Psy.D. What comes to mind? The field of clinical psychology? Mental Illness? Clinical psychology A broad discipline concerned with the scientific study of psychopathology and with the assessment and treatment of persons with emotional, cognitive, and behavioral problems. Psychiatry vs Clinical […]

week 3

While you can read a great deal about various disorders, being able to identify such disorders when they are present is challenging. To assist you with visualizing the disorders you are studying, you will have the opportunity to view the video interviews below with clients who have been diagnosed with various disorders. Video on Obsessive-compulsive disorder– […]

PSY 3761 week 6 discussion

Instructions are attached  Factitious Disorder Discuss factitious disorder, malingering, and somatic symptom disorders. What are your reactions to each type of disorder? Do you think they are “legitimate” psychological disorders? · Posts should read approximately 200 words in APA format, including any citations

Psychology PSY 3100 assignment

Instructions are attached  Cradle to Jail Reaction Paper Directions Please watch the following documentary on the incarceration of American youth. Given what you have learned during this course, identify the biological, psychological, and social factors that might contribute to the characters being caught up in the juvenile justice system. Provide recommendations for interventions that could […]

PSY 3100 week 6

Instructions are attached  Initial Response Find a peer-reviewed journal article that relates to one of the topics below. Thoroughly read the article and provide a 400 to 500 word summary of your article presented as a response to the question/topic. There is no right or wrong response. Points will be earned for proper grammar, spelling, […]


PLEASE REVIEW THE INFO BELOW  go to:    choose three stages that were/are important to your development of who you are….explain.  Use the terminology in each stage and  apply it to you . Make this about why you are who you are! Be thorough, each stage had a crisis (the blank vs blank), an age […]


PLEASE REVIEW THE INFO BELOW  go to:    choose three stages that were/are important to your development of who you are….explain.  Use the terminology in each stage and  apply it to you . Make this about why you are who you are! Be thorough, each stage had a crisis (the blank vs blank), an age […]

Emotional Changes

Consider contextual factors and their impact on emotional development into young adulthood. PSY 322 WEEK 7 7-1 Discussion: Emotional Challenges (Prompt, Info,& Resources) Context is particularly important for the assessment of developmental functioning. As you have learned in previous modules of this course, cultural, environmental, and socioeconomic factors impact our assessment of developmentally normative expectations […]

Social Psychology

Topic: Self-Esteem 0 Candi Jackson Northwestern State University PYSC 2050 1AI Writing Assignment 1 Reflection On Me April 10, 2024 Education Having a degree has always been something I desired to have. When I graduated from high school in 1994, I went to Southern University, where I studied business administration for a semester. I then […]


  Topic: Offender Program Evaluation Summary of article: The article discusses the significant challenges faced by female offenders reintegrating into society after incarceration, and it highlights the need for special programs to make that transition easier. The challenges women face in reintegrating back into society are more challenging and complex than men reintegrating (Miller 2021). […]


  Topic: Offender Program Evaluation Summary of article: The article discusses the significant challenges faced by female offenders reintegrating into society after incarceration, and it highlights the need for special programs to make that transition easier. The challenges women face in reintegrating back into society are more challenging and complex than men reintegrating (Miller 2021). […]

English Psychology

Instructions posted as pdf Research Paper Instructions: Topic: Treating the behavior of mental health for the future generations · Research based paper is required for the course, on a Psychology related topic of your choosing. · Plagiarism is not acceptable, and you will receive a ZERO for the Paper if they do not represent your original […]

Research Proposal

Directions are included in the template. Additional resources are included. COUN 5083 Signature Assignment – Research Proposal Template You will answer the questions located in the Research Proposal Template, in a narrative, illuminating the current literature and how the literature informs your proposed study.  Then you will conclude your assignment with the implications that this […]

Discussion 5

Please help with assignment  Discussion 5 At this point of the Masters Thesis process via the Capstone, you should be very familiar with your research and the specifics of your findings. Briefly remind the class what your topic is and provide your hypothesis(es)/research question. What do you think of your topic? Are you happy with […]


  Write a post in which you reflect on and share your thoughts on each of the following prompts: Describe what kind of social change agent you currently are or aspire to be based on the Walden University (2013) article. List the community service activities you are already involved in and describe the opportunities you […]


  Review this week’s Learning Resources to better understand the roles and responsibilities of forensic psychology professionals in correctional settings. Based on your professional interests, choose one of the following topics that pertains to correctional psychology: Assessment and Treatment of Offenders Ethical Issues in Correctional Settings Offender Program Evaluation Offenders With Mental Health Problems Review the […]

Informe consent- counseling

Being Candid and Honest Chapter Six Informed Consent A primary reason clients seek therapy is often because the feel incapable of exercising rational, self-determination of their personal circumstances, emotions, thoughts, and deeds (i.e., nonautonomous). Therapist who fail to involve the client in the therapeutic decision-making process, by keeping them informed, defeat the very point of […]

Counseling confidentiality

Navigating Key Concepts Part Three Exercising Discretion Chapter Five Exercising Discretion Privacy: An individual constitutional right of sharing oneself with others Confidentiality: Rooted in a client’s right to privacy, confidentiality is at the core of effective therapy; it “is the counselor’s ethical duty to protect private client communication. Privileged communication: A legal concept that generally […]

Penal System

from the SAGE Social Science Collections. All Rights Reserved.

resp 46

attached Comment about this post: I love this. Achievement in any shape or form for any persons across the globes not just adolescents requires encouragement, motivating another and just being there and with the person. Especially in todays world where there is a lack of motivation and a lack of ENCOURAGEMENT is something so important […]

resp 47

attached Comment about this post: Achievement in adolescence level is quite important as it establishes a base for one’s attainment in the future. The main aspect consists of the fact that there is a distinction between a learning motivation (i.e., improving one’s skills) and a fearful motivation (i.e., to demonstrate one’s ability and to avoid […]

week 13

attached If you’re using Chat GPT or any other AI to write your YellowDig posts, please stop. Filing academic misconduct reports is extremely time consuming and emotionally draining for me. I’m not asking you to do any really strenuous mental processes in putting together your YellowDig posts. I just want YOUR thoughts on the current […]

resp 45

attached Comment about this post: Reading through this chapter was very interesting. I did understand the way that more affluent students tend to do better in school and go off and have high-paying jobs only because their parents or families can afford to send them to college. In contrast, the less fortunate students have a […]

Reflect on relationship differences..

How to one reflect of relationship deterrence’s Week 1 – Assignment: Reflect on Relationship Differences Top of Form Hide Folder Information Instructions This week, you will consider your own background and the messages of relationships that you have received. Then, you will reflect on what this means as part of your role as a relationship […]