Psychology homework

Assignment 1- Heredity and Environment You read about understanding the relationship between heredity and environment. The following assignment will be a reflective piece on how heredity and environment played a role in your own development. Review Vygotsky’s Sociocultural Theory and Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological System’s Theory and consider them as they relate to your development. For your […]


7-2 Final Project Milestone Two: Research and Clinical Formulation In Milestone Two, you will complete sections E–H of the Test and Development Assessment Analysis section for both tests, along with the Clinical Formulation section. Submit your assignment here. Make sure you’ve included all the required elements by reviewing the guidelines and rubric.


7-1 Discussion: Assessments in Professional Organizations For this discussion, you will describe the role of assessments for professional organizations making selection, placement, training, and performance evaluation decisions. Then you will discuss what steps organizations should take to avoid abuses such as marginalization. Consider the role psychological tests play in a professional workplace. Some people argue […]


SOC-100 Short-Answer Quiz 1 Complete the quiz in a Word document. This is an open book quiz. The answer to each question must be 100-125 words. Topic 1 1. Describe at least two important historical factors related to the origins of sociology. 2. Do you think that sociologists should try to reform society or only […]

power point abnormal psychology

10 – 15 minute presentation will allow students the opportunity to structure and facilitate discussions. Please rehears your presentations prior to the actual day you present to the class to ensure the presentation takes between 10-15 minutes. The presentation should not replicate the information in the textbook, but rather should provide clear evidence that the […]

PSY 3100 week 5 reply

Instructions are attached  Instructions: Responses need to be a minimum of one paragraph of substance in which you add to another student’s posting or clearly articulate (in a respectful manner) why you agree or disagree with the student’s opinion; this effort will result in a grade of “C.” You can improve your grade by responding […]

PSY 3761 week 5 reply

Instructions are attached  Instructions: Reply to peer post 200 words in APA format, including any citations Peer: Jack From a psychological perspective, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is widely supported by literature for treating moderate depression. CBT focuses on identifying and altering negative thought patterns and behaviors that contribute to depressive feelings and encourages clients to challenge […]

Psychology, human growth and development .

Select a cognitive theory and theorist from the cognitive school of thought, provide pertinent information that summarizes the selected theory . Cognitive theory, underlying assumption of theory, theoretical outlines, operational description of each..  two advantages of rech if used by practitioners in early childhood education centers  two disadvantages of each if used by early childhood […]

help urgent needed please

Please review the information below  Hide Assignment Information Instructions Watch the following video then write a two paragraph essay on which learning theory you think is most influential in society AND your life.  Give examples:

Rites of Passage and Attraction

What do you know about cultural variation in relationships and rites of passage and their relationship to normative developmental milestones?

Attachment Styles

What do you know about attachment styles? PSY 322 5-2 Short Paper: Attachment Styles (Prompt, Info, & Resources) Adolescence is a period when relationships and romance take center stage. However, a significant body of research demonstrates a link between adolescent (and adult) relationship functioning and attachment characteristics and styles acquired in infancy. That is, developmental […]

Cultural Scripts

What are some cultural scripts you can identify in your own culture or community? What purpose do these scripts serve? How do cultural scripts tie in with the development theories discussed in the reading? (AFRICAN AMERICAN CULTURE)

General Phycology II

See attachment  Introduction to Personality Instructions: After reading the required resources, answer the following questions: Explain in your own words what you understand by the concepts of personality, character, and temperament. What is the difference between each concept? What are the three (3) major contributors to personality? What are the multiple influences on personality? What […]

General Phycology II

see attachment  nstructions: Read and review the required materials for this module. Then, use the following template to complete the assignment about Personality Theories: · Template:   Assignment: Personality Theories Download Assignment: Personality Theories   Be sure to review the  academic expectations  for your submission. Submission Instructions: · Submit your assignment by 11:59 PM Eastern on Sunday. · […]

Elements of Statistics II

see attachment  Module 5:  Discussion Forum: ANOVA Instructions This space has been created for you to share the link of a newspaper or blog article that discusses the importance for companies of using ANOVA testing with your classmates. 1. Write a summary about the blog or article. 2. Write at least two paragraphs. 3. The […]

psychology theories

Psychology Module 6 Personality Assignment (1 Page) Top of Form Bottom of Form Assignment Content Top of Form Introduction to Personality Theories Introduction: The purpose of this assignment is to provide you with an understanding of personality theories, specifically the five-factor model. Personality theory helps inform psychologists’ approach to understanding brain systems and behavior. This […]

Psychology Assignment 4

Please assist with assignment  Please use the information below (Protocol II) to guide your method section for review studies. Formulate data analysis plan Please continue the protocol you started last term. This time you will focus on assessing study quality. Things to consider along with any others you think of, or come across in your […]

phys270 11

please read the complete and read thoroughly. NO AIs and attached there are two parts please complete worksheet and discussion. Attached are tools you will need to watch, read a to complete.

history of psychology

Discussion Board Activity (DBA) 3: Chapters 6, 7 & 8 Chapter 6 – Rationalism In at least 250 words, discuss the basic differences between empiricism and rationalism. Include in your answer a distinction between a passive and an active mind. After studying them, what is your opinion?  As a minimum, refer to the textbook and to […]

Soc 14

Please see attached and complete no AI and please attached Tentium Report. Please read thoroughly and complete. three parts activity assignment, and finial response 


INFROMATION BELOW  Hide Assignment Information Instructions Watch the following video then write a two paragraph essay on which learning theory you think is most influential in society AND your life.  Give examples:

resp 42

attached Comment about this post: Adolescence is a time period of major changes, especially within the realm of sexuality. The growth and evolution of sexuality in teenagers is influenced equally by biological, psychological, and social factors. Additionally, the majority of mental health illnesses first manifest in adolescence. Adolescent sexual activities that pose a danger are […]

resp 43

attached Comment about this post: Hi everyone! This week’s chapter regarded unintended pregnancies, whose at higher risks for unwanted pregnancies and unprotected sex, STD’s and sex education in schools. I remember being in 7th grade and briefly going over the topic of sex and how to keep yourself protected. This was all discussed over two […]

resp 44

attached Comment about this post: As we have seen this chapter sexuality can be a topic that has a lot of ground to cover, and not a lot of people feel comfortable discussing it. That being said it can be a confusing and also intriguing journey diving deep into sexuality. I think conversations such as […]

resp 41

attached Comment about this post: I believe sexuality is such a sensitive topic nowadays that a lot of people including myself refrain from speaking about. I personally have been raised with different believes from what we’re currently living specially referring to all the genders being made up. That doesn’t mean I don’t respect or understand […]

Psychology week 5 assignment

  his week your assignment is to practice your skills in evaluating the quality of classroom management by observing two classrooms.  First, identify the two classrooms you will evaluate.  One should be a traditional, face-to-face classroom and the other can be either an online classroom or a video of a class in progress. For both classrooms, you […]

week 2

 utilize the mental disorder categories from DSM-5 to do an annotated bibliography on current research (within the last five years) on two disorders derived from the following list of mental disorder categories: Neurodevelopmental disorders Neurocognitive disorders Schizophrenia spectrum and other disorders Depressive disorders Bipolar and related disorders Anxiety disorders Trauma- and stressor-related disorders Obsessive-compulsive and […]


1. Regarding the pioneers in sociology from Topic 1, which theorists do you think have the most relevance for today? How do you see their theories being applied today? Give examples. 2. Explain how your views on marketing have changed as a result of this course. What is one key takeaway that you can attribute to this […]

Psychology Assignment 4

Please help with assignment  2 Online versus In-Person Counseling: A Review of Existing Studies: Method Section Martha Ramsey Saint Leo University Capsthesis/Capstone Project II: PSY 695 Instructor Lara Ault March 31, 2024 Method 1. Selection Criteria English language criterion for journalism was considered a critical component in the selection criteria. English language use was a […]

Respond discussion 4

Please help with assignment  Respond thoughtfully to at least two classmates Madison Simons First and foremost, I found the most straightforward definition of NHST, “null hypothesis testing is a method of statistical inference by which an experimental factor is tested against a hypothesis of no effect or no relationship based on a given observation” (Pernet, […]


Report your general reaction of the reading. Were you aware of the diversity of refugee children in the United States? What challenges do these children face? Could you identify with the challenges and issues that they experience. How different or similar are there experiences to other children? Using some of the knowledge gained in class, […]

Artificial Intelligence (A.I.)

  How do you see Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) affecting your chosen career or field of study in the next five years? Question:   How do you see A.I. affecting your chosen career or field of study in the next five to ten years?


How do you keep your relationship going when you are a bit worried of how things might turn out to be because of your partners carefree behaviour 


  What field of study are you most interested in?  Explain why.  Describe what skills you feel are necessary for this field.  Explain how you would apply your knowledge and skills in psychology to your selected field of study.

Looking for professional seo services ?

SEO can be tricky for those who doesn’t know much about it and specially the newbies, It’s not easy to rank first on the search engine but with experts at kotler providing  <!–td {border: 1px solid #cccccc;}br {mso-data-placement:same-cell;}–><a href=” seo services</a> you can take advantage and increase your website’s online visibility, So Let’s embark on […]

Psych week 6 dq

USING DESCRIPTIVE STATISTICS TO SOLVE REAL-WORLD PROBLEMS Small actions can have big consequences. Consider bicycle gears. Depending on the state of the chain between the foot pedals to the rear wheel, a little effort on the former can mean a large rotation in the latter. The reverse can also be true. There is often a […]

Psychology PSY270 assignment 10

Please read an complete thoroughly and complete thoroughly there are 3 parts and different days they need to be completed. Follow all the attachments.


INFORMATION BELOW  Instructions scroll to How Self Efficacy Beliefs Are Created  Describe how each of the four sources has affected your life now and in the past.  The sources are: Mastery Experience Vicarious Experience Social Influences Somatic Influences Be detailed….this is a major assignment.  Write at least a full paragraph on each. Remember, this is how […]


INFROMATION BELOW Instructions scroll to How Self Efficacy Beliefs Are Created  Describe how each of the four sources has affected your life now and in the past.  The sources are: Mastery Experience Vicarious Experience Social Influences Somatic Influences Be detailed….this is a major assignment.  Write at least a full paragraph on each. Remember, this is how […]

PSY 3761 reaction week 5

instructions are attached  Reaction Papers – Introduction A reaction paper is just what its name suggests: a formal paper explaining your reaction to a peer-reviewed journal article whose topic is relevant to this course. The paper is a review because your reaction will involve judgment or evaluation; it is an analysis because you will focus […]

PSY 3100 week 5 post

instructions are attached  Prompt Should an incompetent inmate be forcibly medicated to restore competency for execution? Why or why not? Response Parameters Post an original response to the discussion question. Posts need to be a minimum of two paragraphs of substance with appropriate citations to earn a grade of “C.” You can increase your grade […]

PSY 3761 week 5 post

instructions are attached  Depression Discuss treatment recommendations that are supported by the literature for a client facing moderate depression. Be sure to include suggestions from both psychological and biological perspectives. For which would you advocate most strongly, and why? · Posts should read approximately 200 words in APA format, including any citations

Prospectus Defense – I/O Psychology

Complete prospectus template with information provided  Understanding the Impact of Team Cohesion on Performance Improvement in the Workplace Edgar Rangel Department of Psychology, Grand Canyon University PSY–803 Behaviorism Understanding the Impact of Team Cohesion on Performance Improvement in the Workplace Emphasis area and Dissertation Topic The study area is a Ph.D. in Psychology emphasizing Industrial […]

Psychology Behaviour Modification Assignment

PSYC 281 – Behaviour Modification Assignment Students will be responsible for constructing a behaviour modification program in which you will modify/change some type of behaviour using the various theories discussed in class. You can design this program with animal or human subjects and need not worry about ethical guidelines as you WON’T be conducting the […]

Psychology Homework

 Select one self-help group meeting to attend and also one community group meeting (i.e., organizational meeting). Your role is that of an observer, NOT A PARTICIPANT, so you should not attend a group you are already involved in, and you should not attend the group for the purpose of getting help yourself or joining the […]

Discussion 4

Please help with assignment  Discussion 4 Contemplate what the author is saying about null hypothesis testing, given how much time we spend on hypothesis testing in psychology statistics courses. Please give a brief summary of what the presenter is saying (a few main points) and share with the class your thoughts on the strengths and […]


Review this week’s Learning Resources to familiarize yourself with the roles and responsibilities of forensic psychology professionals in the civil court. Based on your professional interests, choose one of the following topics that pertains to the civil court: Civil Commitment Note: Choose either civil commitment for dangerousness to self/others or civil commitment for dangerousness to the […]

week 3

 On some cognitive tasks, 10-11 year olds often out perform 12-13 year olds. Why? A possible explanation for this is the “rewiring” of the prefrontal cortex. In short, there is now evidence that the brains of teenagers are in fact different. I recommend reading the following article ( to an external site.)  before commenting.