Discussion 3

Please help with assignment  Discussion 3 Think back to the beginning of this review process. You located and culled articles, deciding which to include or exclude, and you have begun extracting the results from the articles. Share with the class what the most difficult part of the process was for you. Tell them what you […]

Method section

Please help with assignment  Please use the information below (Protocol II) to guide your method section for review studies. Formulate data analysis plan Please continue the protocol you started last term. This time you will focus on assessing study quality. Things to consider along with any others you think of, or come across in your […]

at d

As this course comes to an end, reflect on the many things you learned that has enriched your understanding and perspective in the field of substance abuse and treatment planning. Please identify at least 4 new concepts you have learned during this semester.


Summarize the film and discuss specific aspects of the immigrant experience based upon what we have discussed in class. You may include acculturation, identity development, cultural norm issues, intergroup or interpersonal issues experienced by the main character or characters as a result of immigration. What differences exist between the dominant and immigrant culture? What conflicts […]


Discussion: Short Response How we raise children differs across cultures. Choose one culture outside of your own (Black American culture). Discuss a child-rearing practice (such as potty-training, discipline, bathing, and sleeping practices). Using articles from the internet or electronic journals and citing at least two articles, discuss the child-rearing practice and how it is different […]

Empirical Research Report

Empirical Research Report about Sleep Quality and Academic Performance This file is too large to display.View in new window

Article 2 review

Article Review This file is too large to display.View in new window


Looking to redo a table  This file is too large to display.View in new window


YENROSE DISCUSSION QUESTIONS: 1. Discuss how cognitive theorists (Kelly, Beck, and Ellis) might address a client with depression and suicidal ideation. After reviewing cognitive therapies in your textbook, what interventions might you suggest. Explain and justify your response. 2. In what ways can spirituality or religious beliefs, or lack of, influence an individual’s personal decision-making […]


see attached Carefully follow the instructions and the Grading Rubric for this assignment.  · Create a Reflective Essay using a Word Document file. Use APA 7th edition formatting and include a title and reference page. · Write a 4 pages double-spaced reflective essay sharing your experiences with how stress can impact mental and physical health […]

w13 fe d

1.Watch the video on – Only Two Questions Matter When Planning Your Career 2.Evaluate the two questions posed in the video and write whether you agree or disagree with these questions for your career planning. 3.Create one other question to add to this video when it comes to your career planning. 4.Respond to at least […]

the film, Girl Trouble

Chapter 8 Female Delinquency Theories 1 Introduction to Female Delinquency The study of delinquency has traditionally focused on males. Male law violations exceed female violations. Patriarchy refers to a social, legal and political climate that values male dominance and hierarchy. Recent research suggests patriarchy has a significant independent effect on female crime rates. Females’ delinquency […]

why did you or didn’t you become a juvenile delinquent?

Rational Choice, Biosocial, and Psychological Theories.html Our coverage of theories begins with a discussion of rational choice. You will want to consider if offending is a “rational” activity. By rational we usually mean the use of costs and benefits analysis. Thus, we are less likely to engage in an activity if it is costly and […]

Psychology Topic 4 Assignment

PSY-260 Introduction to Psychological Research and Ethics From Journal to Journalism: Analyzing popular descriptions of psychology or psychological research For this assignment, you will find and analyze an example of popular press coverage of psychological research. You will find examples of psychological claims in advertising, magazines, the newspaper, or the Internet. Begin looking for examples […]

Benchmark – Employee Motivation, Satisfaction, and Engagement

See attachment  You are a consultant who has had an Industrial/Organizational Psychologist practice for five years. You are well-known as an employee engagement, motivation, and job satisfaction expert. A new client, who has many small clinics where there are 10 employees in each location. Due to recent growth in the organization and the demographically dispersed […]


  To demonstrate your mastery of this competency, you should Identify 3-4 key principles that govern human and animal behavior

Respond discussion

Please help with discussion Please respond thoughtfully to at least two classmates, it do not have to be long response. Response 1 Christopher Judge posted Mar 22, 2024 7:01 PM Hello everybody, “Statistics is often assumed to spread like some musty odor, covering everything statistical with a layer of suffocating tedium.” (Ableson, 2012). I do […]

resp 34

attached Comment about this post: Parents and caregivers play an important role in supporting adolescents’ autonomy while also providing guidance and boundaries. Encouraging healthy decision-making skills, open communication, and allowing adolescents to take on more and more responsibilities can help them develop a sense of autonomy as they get older. It is essential for adults […]

resp 35

attached Comment about this post: So there are 3 types of autonomy in adolescence, emotional, behavioral and cognitive. Emotional autonomy is the establishment of adultlike close relationships with peers and family. Behavioral autonomy is the capacity of making independent decisions and following through, and cognitive autonomy is when we finally establish our own values, opinions […]

resp 36

attached Comment about this post: With this module it was nice to get a better understanding at what autonomy really is. I also never actually realized the difference between the two until I read it within the text as autonomy is a lot more than acting freely; it is also about feeling independent and thinking […]

History of psych

History of Psych Part A Spatial Awareness assignment Summarize the video by answering the three questions listed below. Each question should be discussed with a minimum of 5 sentences. Make sure you read the statement on Plagiarism. Also, do not copy and paste the article – that is plagiarism.     1.What is the main focus of the […]

substance research

Need assistance with research pf substance abuse  $ page paper topic includes: Current substance abuse prevalence in the U.S. (trends, stats, etc.) Treatment options Compare and contrast methadone and buprenorphine for substance abuse treatment. Include mechanism of action, contraindications, and the pros or cons of each option. Naltrexone is often used in psychiatric mental health […]

articles viewed

Please help with assignment  Review: Keep track of your articles viewed and selected or rejected, along with why you rejected them. You do not need to use the PRISMA format; any logical and clearly presented format will be fine. I want to know that you have your final articles and that you are beginning to […]


Toni Morrison, Playing in the Dark: Whiteness and the Literary Imagination, Preface (1992) Consider one or more of the following passages: “I remember smiling when I read that, partly in admiration of the clarity in her recollection of the music—its immediacy—partly because of what leaped into my mind: what on earth was Louie playing that […]

Scholarly Sources

Please see the attached document for specific instructions and critical elements that need to be addressed.  Research Topic / Counseling intervention topic: Cultural Adaptation of Evidence-Based Interventions for Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Instruction Conduct a literature search for articles related to your chosen topic of interest using Boolean search strategies, keywords, and parameters in the database […]

SOCW 6121

Dq help  SOCW 6121 Week 4 DQ and peer responses GROUP LEADERSHIP SKILLS Leading a group can be challenging. It is important to remember that within the group, the social worker does much more than simply guide a conversation. Skills such as attending, synthesizing thoughts, providing resources, clarifying, and resolving conflict are all used to […]

Cognitive development

Cognitive development in infancy and toddlerhood This file is too large to display.View in new window

job analysis part 2

JOB ANALYSIS PROJECT 100 POINTS The Job Analysis Project requires that you interview at least 1 friend, family member, classmate, or other incumbent who has a job (i.e., a subject matter expert), and you will conduct a job analysis on that individual’s job. You cannot analyze your own job, and you cannot use the same […]

Newborns and Learning

What are two brain developments that take place during infancy and how screen time can affect a baby’s developing brain?

Child Development 3

What can caregivers do to help facilitate healthy development in infants during this stage? PSY 321 CHILD DEVELOPMENT Week #3 Resource List


  In your opinion, what clinical perspective is most important when appraising obsessive-compulsive disorders? Discuss the consequence(s) of ignoring sociocultural perspectives when appraising personality disorders.


Module Overview14.html Intelligence and Assessment for Education In this module, we will focus on the topic of intelligence, examining its usefulness in understanding an individual and its application to the academic setting. In your own life, it is probable that you have come across intelligence testing in one facet or another. Often people associate intelligence […]


  SAMPLE SIZE Consider this scenario: You are a researcher investigating risk factors related to pancreatic cancer. In order to promote positive social change, it is important to collect a large enough sample size to justify making generalizations to their population out of people who have pancreatic cancer. In this Discussion, reflect on the number of […]

Psychology assignment 3

attached 3. Use the construct you have selected in assignment 2 which was MEANING OF LIFE, discuss at which stage of the following four developmental theories that will likely bring about the maximum positive impact on the construct. This discussion paper must follow the APA (7th Ed.) guidelines and should be between 5 to 10 […]


Marketing Plan Analysis – Promotion and IMC Directions: Address each of the questions below in the textbox provided. 1. Identify the elements of the promotion mix the brand currently uses. Provide three to five specific examples to justify your response, including links and or screenshots. (50-100 words) 2. Identify the traditional and digital media types […]

socw 6090

Dq help SOCW 6090 week 4 DQ and peer responses INTRODUCTION Depression is one of the most common symptoms found in mental health. The word itself covers a wide range of variations of illness from normal sadness to serious diagnosable depressions that may not present the same way. Depression can be present in several disorders, […]

PSY 3761 reaction 1 week 3

Instructions and guidelines are attached  Psychology Research Guide at the Evans Library Links to an external site. Topic ideas: Modern pressures and modern problems Social networking and mental health Personality disorders Reaction Papers – Introduction A reaction paper is just what its name suggests: a formal paper explaining your reaction to a peer-reviewed journal article […]

PSY 3761 week 3 discussion

Instructions are attached  Are Personality Disorders Mental Disorders? Personality disorders are maladaptive ways of dealing with reality that interfere with functioning. Although they are diagnosed in the DSM, are they really mental disorders? Does calling these behaviors mental disorders excuse the individual and allow him or her not to take responsibility for his or her […]

PSY 3100 week 3 discussion

Instructions are attached  Prompt Do you think that the battered woman syndrome should be a valid legal defense? Why or why not? What are some of the challenges in court when using the battered woman syndrome as a defense? Instructions: Posts need to be a minimum of two paragraphs of substance with appropriate citations to […]

Discussion Board

   Respond to the following: Ethical dilemmas below and say what you would do. Site one the Code of Ethics standards to back your decision. A social worker grew up in an African American Baptist community and is now working in a Hispanic Catholic community and finds the actions he observes as “wild and sometimes […]


Looking for someone to redo a journal that has been created but enter into table in a different order  This file is too large to display.View in new window


Kara Moore Unit [replace with unit title] Evil Genius? How Dishonesty Can Lead to Greater Creativity Motivation: Previous research has found a correlation between dishonesty and creativity but it was not clear whether being dishonest actually causes an increase in creativity so the researchers sought to test this. This is important because if being dishonest […]

study guide

please complete a study guide answering the questions.Also please read thoroughly I will attached all required tools and lectures for this.Please complete both study guide and sexual challenge by feeling ou the blanks and textbook is also attached for the study guide it for chp 3 and 7-11.

Discussion 2

Please help with assignment Discussion 2 Please read Ch 8 from Robert Ableson’s “Statistics as Principled Argument” at this link, and then respond to the question. Be sure to incorporate Ableson’s arguments into your response. Psychology has both applied and basic aspects to its research. Not all research is important; some studies are fascinating, add […]

History of counseling

The history of the counseling profession is filled with stories of the people and events that helped shape it and make it what it is today. The field has been influenced by multiple historical events, societal needs, and social contexts. The counseling profession continues to evolve through unique approaches and philosophies from the counseling field […]

D at

Deciding to monitor treatment and then committing to that decision, are the first hurdles that must be passed in the development and implementation of any type of monitoring process or program. This can be a difficult endeavor. Once passed, the clinician must make another difficult decision, that is, which variable(s) to monitor. It is no […]

Psychology Final

See the attached PDF for instructions. Psychology Final Four to seven pages (double-spaced). Topic: My idea is to identify course topics such as schemas, specifically the Schematic Processing Principle, the forgetting curve, and flashbulb memories to make sense of the experience I had when I broke my left arm in fifth grade at a trampoline […]