knowledge check

Motivational interviewing is a form of interviewing that _______. threatens the patient establishes ultimatums for the patient is nonthreatening and nonconfrontational ignores the patient’s problems. An example of cross-tolerance is _______. 2 a user who formerly abused a depressant is now less sensitive to the effects of another depressant an individual who consumed a large […]

PSY 3100 week 2 response

Instructions are attached  Instructions: Your response should either add to their summary or respectfully challenge their position based on information that you have found in a peer-reviewed journal article. Your reply post should consist of 300 to 400 words. The use of quotations is not allowed. Points will be earned for proper grammar, spelling, organization, […]

PSY 3761 week 2 response

Instructions are attached  Instructions: Peer response should read approximately 200 words in APA format, including any citations. Peer: Keanna Brown There are two ways that modern technology affects mental health. On a positive note, it makes mental health tools like online support groups and therapy applications more accessible, which lowers stigma and improves accessibility. Social […]

SOCW 6121 Family Therapy

Assistance with question Week 3 SOCW 6121 GROUP DYNAMICS Why treat a person in a group rather than in individual therapy? The answer to this question lies with interpersonal dynamics. If members are especially invested in the group and the health of others, they can exert influence and even challenge one another, in a way […]

Psychology Homework

 1. Using the Al Gharaibeh article in this week’s required readings, choose one of the major sections of the article to evaluate. The 4 major sections of a research article are: 1) Introduction/Literature Review 2) Methods 3) Results and 4) Discussion/Conclusion. Use the ARTICLE EVALUATION GUIDE to critique the section you choose. Follow the directions in […]

Piaget & Vygotsky.

Compare these 2 theories ways of Thinking.  3/17/24, 8:05 AMDocument Rendering Page 1 of 6 Comparison and Contrast of Piaget and Vygotsky’s Theories Yu-Chia Huang1 1Shanghai American School, Shanghai, China Corresponding author’s e-mail: [email protected] ABSTRACT Jean Piaget and Lev Vygotsky are the two most influential developmental psychologists. Their contributions to the field of developmental psychology, […]


See attached This file is too large to display.View in new window

resp 29

attached Comment about this post: At any age in life we deal with self esteem issues. Most of our lives we get compared to others and this causes us to either have a lower self image or in some cases it can cause a higher self image. As a teenager trying to fit in and […]

resp 30

attached Comment about this post: I was really glad to see our text address the development of gender identity during adolescence and the inclusion of gender terminology, like nonbinary which I feel isn’t discussed often. I am a proudly open transgender person and I started transitioning in my adolescence. As our text mentions, I was […]

resp 31

attached Comment about this post: As we have learned this chapter figuring out our identities and who we are can be somewhat difficult. There is so much noise in adolescence from both outside perspectives and from ourselves. That being said it can be difficult to differentiate our true selves from our false selves. Being inauthentic […]

resp 32

attched Comment about this post: As we have learned this chapter figuring out our identities and who we are can be somewhat difficult. There is so much noise in adolescence from both outside perspectives and from ourselves. That being said it can be difficult to differentiate our true selves from our false selves. Being inauthentic […]

week three wiki

.    aculty Challenges Assignment Review some of the challenges we have read about and discussed regarding student discipline issues, learning and motivation, classroom preparation and setting, and special problems with students.  Select at least three major challenges related to one of these areas as the basis of your paper affecting faculty at either the […]


SEE ATTACHMENT 1 UNDERSTANDING COMBAT STRESS 7 Understanding Combat Stress The whole designation of the student. The educational institution that the student has enrolled at. The course nomenclature and alphanumeric identification. The course instructor The deadline for the submission of the assignment in Writing Understanding Combat Stress Imagine yourself in a war zone. You are […]


1. Choose one episode of Ted Lasso. 2. Construct a detailed analysis based on the following structure: · Episode Title and Brief Summary: Briefly summarize the chosen episode’s plot and key events. · Sport Psychology Issue: Identify a prominent sport psychology issue explored in the episode (e.g., anxiety, motivation, leadership, team motivation, confidence, depression). · Discussion: Explore the chosen issue […]

Psych Case Study Presentation

Create a presentation about caring for the mental health needs of special populations in primary care. Total of 20 slides  

Sport Business

1. Choose one episode of Ted Lasso. 2. Construct a detailed analysis based on the following structure: · Episode Title and Brief Summary: Briefly summarize the chosen episode’s plot and key events. · Sport Psychology Issue: Identify a prominent sport psychology issue explored in the episode (e.g., anxiety, motivation, leadership, team motivation, confidence, depression). · Discussion: Explore the chosen issue […]

Discussion Replies

ALBERTOS REPLIES: DISCUSSION 1: Francisco Barragan Mar 11, 2024, 8:50 AM Unread Hello Professor and Class,   I recently purchased a pair of Apple Air Pod Pros for personal and work use. Apple utilizes Prestige pricing for this product. Apple can charge a premium since this product is not a necessity but more of a […]

Individual Differences

In what ways should current research on intelligence affect educator decisions about curriculum, activities, instruction, and support for students in their classrooms?

Child Development- 1

What do infant mortality rates look like for your state? Why is this important information to be aware of? What policy changes and procedures can be implemented to decrease the infant mortality rate in your state and community?

Case Study Presentation

 Create a presentation about caring for the mental health needs of special populations in primary care. Total of 20 slides 

General Phycology II

see attachment  Learning, Language, Intelligence, Test Construction, Creativity, and Problem-Solving Instructions: Read the required materials for this module.  Then, use the following template to complete the graphic organizer about multiple intelligences. Template:  Assignment 2: Graphic Organizer about Multiple Intelligences Download Assignment 2: Graphic Organizer about Multiple Intelligences   Be sure to review the  academic expectations  for your submission. Submission […]

General Phycology II

see Attachment  Learning, Language, Intelligence, Test Construction, Creativity, and Problem-Solving Instructions: Read the required materials for this module. Then, use the following template  to complete the assignment: · Template:  Assignment 1: Learning, Language, Intelligence, Test Construction, Creativity, and Problem-Solving Download Assignment 1: Learning, Language, Intelligence, Test Construction, Creativity, and Problem-Solving Be sure to review the  academic expectations […]

General Phycology II

See attachment  Creativity, Language, and Intelligence Instructions: After reading the required resources, please discuss the following questions.  · What is creativity, and how can you measure it? · What do the theories of language development establish? · Do you think IT tests are culturally biased? Why or why not? · What is emotional intelligence, and […]

Elements of Statistics II

see Attachment  Module 3:  Discussion Forum: Estimation and Confidence Intervals Instructions This space has been created for you to share the link of a newspaper or blog article that discusses the importance for companies of using estimation and confidence intervals with your classmates. 1. Write a summary about the blog or article. 2. Write at […]


4-2 Final Project Milestone One: Introduction and Research For your final project, you have been tasked with developing a conceptualization of an individual based upon background information and results from a few select tests. In order to do so, you will examine research to understand the purpose of the chosen tests, why these tests were […]


4-1 Worksheet: Interpreting Data In the Module Four Worksheet, you will review assessment scores, interpret data, and practice drawing conclusions based on the data. Submit your assignment here. Make sure you’ve included all the required elements by reviewing the guidelines and rubric.


  The article news article that I chose for this week’s discussion deals with a Texas attorney who pleaded guilty to slipping an abortion medication into his pregnant wife’s drinks. Mason Herring, a Houston attorney, was initially charged with felony assault to induce abortion but was given a plea deal for charges of injury to […]

pc 11

Problem to Solution speech outline – topic  is single parent household 

PSY 3761

Instructions are attached  Social Networking and Mental Health Discuss the various positive and negative effects of our current technology on mental health. What concerns do you have (if any) about social networking as it pertains to mental health? Posts should read approximately 200 words in APA format, including any citations

PSY 3100

Instructions are attached Find a peer-reviewed journal article that relates to one of the topics below. Thoroughly read the article and provide a 400- to 500-word summary of your article presented as a response or opinion on the topic. There is no right or wrong response. Points will be earned for proper grammar, spelling, organization, […]


please help with assignment  Please make the needed corrections to the Final proposal that was submitted.

week 9

attached Comment about it: This week we’re covering the topic: Identity! do people figure out who they are and what they want to do with their lives? This week you’ll learn about the biological, social, and cognitive factors that impact who we are, how our definition of ourselves changes, and some of the theories on […]

Child Development

What is child development and why is it important to study? Reading and Resources

psych week 3 dq 1

 SEE ATTACHMENT FOR DQ PSYC 6800: Applied Psychology Research Methods Quantitative Legitimation Model (Onwuegbuzie, 2003) Anthony J. Onwuegbuzie, Ph.D., P.G.C.E., F.S.S. This is a companion document to the Week 3 Internal Validity and External Validity PowerPoint. Figure 1 is a graphic of Onwuegbuzie’s “Quantitative Legitimation Model” Table 1 is a table containing descriptions of the […]

Discussion 1

Please help with assignment  Discussion 1 Science is a method of knowing about the world. People often believe that science attempts to prove facts, but in science we rarely use the word “prove” or “fact”. If people understand what science is and how the various terms like theory vs. hypothesis work together, it might clarify […]


A Laboratory Study of Fear: The case of Peter Read the original journal article.       -Summarize the study similar to how you would write an annotated bibliography.       -Describe in detail the methods and participants. Describe weaknesses and any ethical issues that may be present.       -Suggest another culture where this study could be replicated and the steps […]

Ethical Research Documentary

Instructions are included in the link below Ethical Research Documentary Instructions Step 1 – view the documentary  Three Identical Strangers. Step 2 – after watching the documentary, read the following article:  Hoffman & Oppenheim (2019) Clarifying History and Lessons for Today From Peter Neubauers Twins Study.pdf   . Step 3 – In 3-4 pages, discuss your […]


Kara Moore Unit [replace with unit title] Evil Genius? How Dishonesty Can Lead to Greater Creativity Motivation: Previous research has found a correlation between dishonesty and creativity but it was not clear whether being dishonest actually causes an increase in creativity so the researchers sought to test this. This is important because if being dishonest […]

Elements of Statistics II

see attachment  Module 2:  Discussion Forum: Normal Distribution and Central Limit Theorem Instructions After reading the module, participate and comment on the following. 1. Guiding question: After having done the readings and research on the normal distribution and central limit theorem, answer the following premise explaining in detail your approach: “Can the normal distribution be applied to find […]

Elements of Statistics II

see attachment  Module 2:  Content Mastery Testing After studying and reviewing the concepts and practices of Module 2, answer the following questions: 1. Standing eye heights of men are normally distributed with a mean of 64.3 in. and a standard deviation of 2.6 in. (based on anthropometric survey data from Gordon, Churchill, et al.). A. […]

General Phycology II

see attachment  Memory and Forget Instructions: After reading the  required materials for this module, answer the following questions: 1. What are the biological factors in memory loss? 2. Explain the levels of the processing model. 3. What is the Parallel Distributed Processing (PDP) Model? 4. What is the difference between Short-Term Memory (STM) and Working […]

General Phycology II

see attachment  The Learning Process  Instructions: After reading the required materials for this module, answer the following questions: 1. Explain the major types of learning. 2. Identify and explain the six (6) principles and applications of classical conditioning. 3. Compare classical conditioning and operant conditioning. 4. Distinguish between the concepts of reinforcement versus punishment. 5. Identify […]

General Phycology II

see attachment  Bandura’s “Bobo Doll” Instructions: After reading the required resources, answer the following questions: 1. What is the Bandura’s “Bobo Doll” studies about? 2. Argue about your position related to Bandura’s “Bobo Doll” studies. Do you agree with Bandura’s postures? Explain your answer. Remember to review the  academic expectations  for your submission. Submission Instructions: […]


Marketing Plan Analysis – Distribution and Pricing Objectives and Strategies Directions: Address each of the questions below in the textbox provided. 1. Identify and explain the five steps of the supply chain for your brand. If the brand does not utilize a step, explain why this would make business sense. 2. Describe in 50-100 words […]

Assessment Topic 2

PSY-260: Topic 2 APA Tips · Include a title page on all APA formatted assignments, with all required information. You are encouraged to use the templates available in the Student Success Center. · Ensure that you use Times New Roman, 12, black font in all areas. · The blue underlined format for URLS and DOIs […]