PSY 3100

Instructions are attached  Responses need to be a minimum of one paragraph of substance in which you add to another student’s posting or clearly articulate (in a respectful manner) why you agree or disagree with the student’s opinion; this effort will result in a grade of “C.” You can improve your grade by responding (with […]

PSY 3761

Instructions are attached  Response Posts should read approximately 200 words in APA format, including any citations Peer name:Lila Davis Dysfunction is defined as a behavior that interferes with daily functioning (Comer & Comer, 2021). Being dysfunctional or engaging in dysfunctional behaviors alone does not equal abnormal behavior. To be defined as abnormal, the behavior must […]

knowledge check

  The newest neural diathesis-stress model states that the risk of having schizophrenia comes from several factors like genetics, outside influences like substance abuse, and previous trauma. Along with these factors, stress could also be added in the cases that it heightens the individuals’ psychosis. Those who suffer from these precursors can have their overall […]

Discussion Board

 read the article by  Perepiczka et al. in this week’s assigned readings. 1. Choose one of the major sections of the article to evaluate. The 4 major sections of a research article are: 1) Introduction/Literature Review2) Methods3) Results, and 4) Discussion/Conclusion. Use the ARTICLE EVALUATION GUIDE to critique the section you choose. Follow the directions […]

Case Study.

Jeremy, 17, and Alex, 16, are brothers. Alex has Cerebral Palsy and uses either a wheelchair or walker and has unclear speech whereas Jeremy is typically functioning. Both attend high school, although Jeremy will be finishing in the next year and is currently exploring options for his next step. Jeremy has a part-time job at […]

Answer the following questions.

Using your readings from this week, reflect on the following questions: What does inclusion look like in the classroom? Should students with disabilities be required to demonstrate the same academic competence as their peers without disabilities to receive a high school diploma? Explain why or why not.

Discussion Replies

YENROSE REPLIES 1: James English Mar 4, 2024, 7:50 AM Unread An advantage to studying identical twins is that they have the same genetic makeup, so any differences between the two are likely to be the result of the environment. A disadvantage of studying identical twins is that they are often treated similarly and are […]


3-2 Quiz: Modules One, Two, and Three This Module Three quiz will cover topics from the first three modules, including psychological testing and assessment, test development, features of tests, reliability, and validity. This quiz is not timed. You will have two attempts to take this quiz, but questions may be different on each try.


3-1 Discussion: Ethical Dilemma in Relation to Reliability and Validity In this discussion, you will debate an ethical dilemma around test development while relating it to validity and reliability concepts. Consider the following scenario: A private school utilizes a test with well-established predictive validity for admissions. However, members of a particular group tend to score […]

feedback lin

  I agree with your take on this topic. A structured environment is the key for positive outcomes. I’m currenlty dealing with a work conflict between two employees and I see that lack of structure in the work that they are doing might be influencing the dispute. Thes methods are not only effective in classroom […]

psychology flyer

Healthy Mind, Healthy Body Perfect clothes? Perfect make-up? Perfect GPA? Perfect BODY? Yeah, right… The stress of trying to live up to the unrealistic (and often UNREAL) standards set by social media can take a toll on mental health. The result? For many preteens, it’s low self-esteem, which can lead to emotional eating, which can […]

The Mystery of Mercury

  By successfully completing this assignment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and grading criteria: Competency 2: Interpret human behaviors using theories of human lifespan development across developmental domains. Apply Gilligan’s and Kohlberg’s theory of moral development to a case study. Apply Perry’s theory of cognitive development to a case study. […]

resp 27

attached Comment about this post: As we all know, adolescents’ leisure time can be spent watching television, listening to music, reading, browsing the Internet, and doing more active recreations like sports, extracurricular activities, and clubs and organizations at school. However, I never thought about the importance leisure activities play in the lives of adolescents and […]

resp 28

attached Comment about this post: In today’s dynamic society, achieving a harmonious balance between work, leisure, and media consumption is paramount. While work provides financial stability and personal growth opportunities, engaging in leisure activities like reading or sports rejuvenates the mind and promotes overall well-being. However, the pervasive influence of media, particularly social media, necessitates […]

resp 25

attached Comment about this post: One important difference between leisure and other activities is that adolescents choose their leisure activities, whereas their time at school and work is dictated by others. Which theory of media’s impact emphasizes the fact that adolescents choose the media?The Media Practice Model states that adolescents choose and interact with media based on […]

resp 26

attached Comment about this post: Numerous studies demonstrate the negative effects of higher levels of social media use among kids and teenagers, which include depression and anxiety, inadequate sleep, low self-esteem, negative body image, eating disorders, and online harassment. The effects of teenage paid employment are a topic of much debate, with researchers consistently reaching […]

db replies 620

200 words for each peer Kylie Peer 1 In this Module, we learned about the universal core principles of psychotherapy. The textbook emphasizes the importance of a unified transdiagnostic approach. This approach is customized to those seeking therapy for emotional disorders. The transdiagnostic approach by Barlow is tailored within four to five modules. The first […]

help with 2ab

attached For assignment 2(a), TOPIC : MEANING OF LIFE conduct an APA data-base search and from the list of the search results, determine and read the most authoritative secondary sources (books and/or review papers) to propel yourself to the forefront of the knowledge base regarding this construct. Then determine and read the most informative, authoritative, […]


Describe a behavior that was once considered defiant but it now considered acceptable

General Phycology II

see attachment  Introduction to Psychology Instructions: · Define in your own words the following concepts related to memory and cognition: · age-related positivity effect · anterograde amnesia · chunking · consolidation · constructive process · distributed practice · elaborative rehearsal · encoding · encoding-specificity principle · encoding, storage, and retrieval (ESR) model · episodic memory […]

Identify a specific psychiatric condiction

how to Identify a specific psychiatric condition Instructions For this final assignment, you will identify a specific psychiatric condition about which you would like to develop a deeper understanding. To do this, you will prepare a narrated PowerPoint presentation in which you will present a clinical case, provide a diagnosis, and outline a treatment approach […]

Psyc 621 Final Questions

1. Differentiate between phonology and morphology. 2. List the milestones of morphosyntactic development in production. 3. Name 3 sources of risk for literacy failure.  4. What behavior problems are the three most common reasons why children are referred to mental health settings? 5. Define assessment. 6. Briefly describe joint attention and talk about why it’s […]

db 635

DB 635 Part 1: Discuss your Research Paper topic. If the topic has personal significance to you, or if you have an opinion about the topic, write about that in the post. If you did not include a biblical perspective in your paper, incorporate a biblical perspective regarding your topic into the post.  Part 2: […]

db 631 replies

DB 631 Replies James Peer 1 Teacher credentials and beliefs, classroom environment and curriculum, general school policies and culture, and district policies and characteristics can all be areas of school context that interfere or enhance the student experience. Eccles and Roeser (2011) identify three levels of contexts similar to the ones above but within each […]

week 8

attached Comment about it: This week we are focusing on those influence outside of family and peers – work, leisure, and the media. On the discussion board, you’ll be discussing what impact the media (social media, youtube, and television too! not just major news outlets) have on adolescents and whether or not adolescents should have […]


  The neural diathesis-stress model of schizophrenia revisited: An update on recent findings considering illness stage and neurobiological and methodological complexities.” Evaluate the vulnerability factors of developing schizophrenia according to the updated neural diathesis-stress model. Discuss the implication this updated model has for the treatment of schizophrenia. In your opinion, should individuals diagnosed with schizophrenia have […]

psych week 2 discussion question

  © 2020 Walden University Page 1 of 4 PSYC 6800: Applied Psychology Research Methods Final Project Overview Connecting Real-World Data through Quantitative Analysis Your Final Project is made up of five parts. To help you develop your Final Project, each of these parts relate to specific elements that will help you develop your final […]


SEE ATTACHMENT A 4-5 page essay about Combat Stress……….The symptoms, the affects, how it is caused and who it can affect


  REQ #3: Brendtro Book, Entire Part 3 (not Chapter 3—Part 3!) 4 Revelations/takeaways—4 things you have learned about how to work effectively with youth that you had not realized before 1 Emotional Reaction 1 Question  

selection interview

Selection Interview *Submit on Canvas under ‘Assignments’ Tab within ‘Weekly Assignment’ Group **Answer the questions on a blank page of this document. Keep the requirements in mind (.5 pages, double spaced, 12 point Times New Roman, 1” margins, not including title page or references). Name: Student ID: Instructions: Watch the Office video (13 min; […]


please help with assignment Hello, all! I will be asking for your help as participants in several studies this term, as they are approved:  If you would like to help out, please consider participating in these studies (or any of them) for 1 percentage point extra credit each (up to 3 percentage points! So, if […]

Psychology Final assignment

Please help with assignment  Feedback from instructor Please add that this is a review study somewhere in your title. I like your research questions but am not 100% sure what you mean by connotations – why is this important? Include in the question what it might tell us. Be sure to spell this out in […]

Discussion Question

 How do you see identities such as race, class, gender, and sexual orientation affect people’s sexuality?  

PSY 3761 Abnormal PSY

Instructions and Guidelines are attached.  Modern Pressures, Modern Problems Prompt: Why does dysfunction, alone, not necessarily indicate psychological abnormality? Instructions/Guidelines: Posts should read approximately 200 words in APA format, including any citations View the RISE Model. Your meaningful feedback should reflect all four categories: Reflect, Inquire, Suggest, and Elevate.

PSY 3100

instructions are attached  Prompt: Why is discretion in the application of the law important? What are some problems that can emerge when discretion is used? Instructions/Guidelines: A minimum of two paragraphs of substance with appropriate citations to earn a grade of “C.” You can increase your grade with effort, even bring in outside sources (using […]


What answers surprised you? What questions made you think or reflect? Disability Awareness Quiz    Next to each statement, indicate if you believe that statement to be true or false.    1. Only people who can’t walk use wheelchairs.  2. You have a friend who has a speech impairment and sometimes you’re not sure what he  said. To make things easier, you should pretend that you understand.  3. When you meet someone who is blind or visually impaired, you should introduce  yourself to that person.  4. When communicating with people who are deaf or hard of hearing, it is necessary to  speak through an interpreter.   5. It’s safe to assume that people with disabilities usually need help.  6. It’s okay to gossip about people who are deaf hard or hearing because they can’t hear you  anyway.  7. People who use wheelchairs can’t go anyplace fun.  8. People with cerebral palsy usually have a cognitive disability, too.  9. People with disabilities want to be treated just like everyone else.  10. When you meet someone with a guide or companion dog, you should make friends with  the dog first so that the dog is comfortable with you being nearby.  11. Among other professions, people with disabilities work as stockbrokers, lawyers, doctors  and teachers.  12. People with disabilities prefer to hang out with others who have disabilities.  13. Most public places such as movie theaters, restaurants and ballparks are easy for people  who use wheelchairs to enjoy.  14. People with disabilities can’t dance.  15. It’s okay to ask people with disabilities about their disabilities.  16. People with disabilities can participate in competitive sports.  17. […]

W10 pc A

View the video THEN write an acceptance speech that would be 45-60 seconds in length, if presented orally. Be sure you identify the reason for the award and use the guidelines from the lecture notes to write the speech. It can be for an award you have actually received or it can be an award that you would aspire […]

W10 film

reading A Midsummer Night’s Dream, it is important to keep track of the different characters and relationships. Tell us about your experience with Shakespeare–what you have read, what you like/dislike about Shakespeare. After reading the first two acts, what have you learned? Who are the major characters? What are the relationships? How is Puck behaving? Tell […]

General Phycology II

see attachment  Ideas, Existing knowledge and Experiences Related to Psychology Instructions: You will write 3 paragraphs, in total. No research (or outside materials) are required in this discussion – focus on what you already know and have experienced.  Paragraph 1 – Introduction Start with introducing yourself. Tell us: · Your location · Your current job […]

Elements of Statistics II 2 time

see attachment  Module 1:  Discussion Forum: Probability Instructions After reading the module, participate and  comment on the following. 1. Introduce yourself to your instructor and classmates. Make sure to include the following: · Indicate the academic program in which you are enrolled. · Explain why you decided to enroll in this program. 2. Provide an example […]

Part 2

Part 1 (5 pts): Read and review two articles on the topic of fixed and growth mindsets (supplied just below). Using APA writing style, offer a Title Page, three short  reflection paragraphs (introduction, body and conclusion) and a reference page listing the two supplied articles. The term paper will evolve, moving away from a “reflection” paper, toward a research paper. The […]

One Student Response

Respond to at least one of your colleagues’ post and determine whether you are able to understand the “whole picture” of the data or understand the data in its entirety. What might you add to their display and why? What might you change to their display and why?

week one safe

  Can effective classroom management be observed and assessed? In your response provide two short scenarios that illustrate what you may observe for both positive and negative classroom management skills. Label your responses K-12 or Higher Education. As an education leader, explain how you might conduct classroom management analysis of the instructors in these two […]


Product Development and Creating Value for Consumers Directions: Address each of the questions below in the textbox provided. 1. Identify one specific product/service from your brand. For example, Chick-fil-A you would choose Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, Late-Night). 2. Identify where the product is in the product life cycle and discuss how that is reflected in the […]

DSM-5 and PTSD Diagnosis

 While the DSM-5 is considered a reputable standard for determining psychopathology, it has been criticized by some professionals in the behavioral health fields. As you study psychopathology, it is important for you to understand the varied viewpoints regarding this diagnostic tool and to be able to critique and evaluate its relevance. you will demonstrate your ability to critique […]

Abnormal Psy HW

See attached This file is too large to display.View in new window

Psychology 120

Research  · Step 1: Select one of the major developmental periods you have studied thus far in the course: infancy, early childhood, middle childhood, adolescence, early adulthood, or  middle adulthood .  · Step 2: Select a phenomenon or construct that features prominently in your chosen developmental stage. The construct should reflect one or more of the major […]

PSY 3425 week 8

instructions attached  1) Describe the characteristics of one eating disorder. Mention whether there are any ethnic differences in prevalence rates. 2) Biological, psychological, and sociological factors influence whether people smoke. Choose two of these factors and discuss one research finding to support each theoretical perspective. 3) Describe and discuss differences in pain between males and […]

Psychology CST 110 assignment When Harry Met Sally

PLEASE READ THE ATTACHMENT. READ THROUGHLY. NO AI ATTACH TENTRIUM  rect Links to an external site. Film Analysis Paper When Harry Met Sally This paper is an individual effort assignment, not a group assignment. Be WARNED I HAVE TURNITIN. This is a program that checks for plagiarism. If your document reports that is at least […]