Psychology CST110 Assignment

Please read and complete throughly and read throughly. Skills for Healthy Romantic Relationships | Joanne Davila | TEDxSBU (Links to an external site.) Skills For A Healthy Relationship: Ted Talk According to the author what is relationship competence? (Provide a clear definition, the definition the author gives). Identify the 3 skills that comprise the relationship competence […]


 Treatment planning is emphasized as collaborative, but is this an ideal that is not realized in practice? How does the treatment planning process at your site differ from the ideal that is described in the lecture for this topic? 


2-2 Worksheet: Test Data For the Module Two Worksheet, you will identify two journal articles for each of the tests used in the final project vignette you have chosen from the following list: ● Vignette One PDF ● Vignette Two PDF Your research should focus on finding resources that support these topics: ● Specific aspects […]


2-1 Short Paper: Test Development In this short paper, you will investigate what makes a good test and identify the various aspects of a good test. To complete this assignment, review the guidelines and rubric.


Completing this assignment will enhance your ability to assess clients, develop tailored treatment plans, and apply counseling skills effectively. By analyzing a provided case study and developing a treatment plan for the client, you will cultivate crucial abilities in clinical assessment, treatment planning, and therapeutic intervention. For this assignment, you will utilize a provided prompt […]

So many diseases can be prevented if you assess your risk factors and consult your medical professional early on.

 So many diseases can be prevented if you assess your risk factors and consult your medical professional early on. Visit the     Washington University School of Medicine’s Siteman Cancer Center website (Direct Link: to assess your risk of the following diseases: Cancer Diabetes Heart Disease Osteoporosis Stroke

Psychology Assignment 7

Please help with assignment  Presentation Guide 1. Please follow your outline and provide rationale for your study. Begin your presentation with your research question, followed by your search terms in the literature, the total number of articles you have found currently that meet your inclusion criteria (also include those). You may still be screening studies, […]

PSyc 620 replies

200 word count per peer reply Angelo Peer 1 Dr. Robert D. Enright’s approach to forgiveness therapy, as presented in this week’s video titled “Couple’s Forgiveness Therapy for Marital Conflict,” distinguishes itself from the Traditional Behavioral Couple Therapy (TBCT) discussed in Chapter 19 of this week’s text. Enright’s method prioritizes understanding and empathizing with each […]

PSyc 635 replies

100 word count each peer Tess Peer 1 The cognitive processes involved in both relationships and work have always held special interest for me, probably because they are two things that take up most of our time in life. There are many theories floating around about relationships and what attracts two people. From soul mates […]

Psyc 631

PSYC 620 Case Study Paper Assignment Instructions Overview Through this paper, you will demonstrate your conceptual comprehension and clinical intervention skills by identifying and describing diagnostic criteria based on the disorders studied in this course. You will create a hypothetical case of a patient who is presenting with 2 psychological disorders and provide a detailed […]

Psyc 621

PSYC 621 Research Paper: Final Submission Assignment Instructions Overview Organizing and integrating information from multiple sources is an important part of developing a strong research paper. As graduate students, it is important to be able to develop this process for writing and developing a research paper. This assignment will provide you the opportunity to write […]

Psyc 620

PSYC 620 Case Study Paper Assignment Instructions Overview Through this paper, you will demonstrate your conceptual comprehension and clinical intervention skills by identifying and describing diagnostic criteria based on the disorders studied in this course. You will create a hypothetical case of a patient who is presenting with 2 psychological disorders and provide a detailed […]

Psyc 635

PSYC 635 Research Paper: Final Submission Assignment Instructions Overview Understanding and evaluating original research is an important skill for psychologists. This assignment will help you learn to objectively evaluate research on an adult psychology topic and to seek, understand, and integrate scholarly sources of information. This assignment will also help you gain scholarly knowledge of […]

feed back kim

 I enjoyed reading your thoughts on the concepts this week. Your use of formative and summative assessments in your classroom sounds very reasonable. I do have a few questions regarding your plans. You had mentioned the use of formative assessment after teaching a large lesson to the class. Would you piggyback this with a summative […]

DB Psyc 635

PSYC 635 As you engage with the material for this Module, what issues come up for you? What are your thoughts and feelings about the topics for this Module? Share your perspectives on the material, including discussion of your perspectives on relationships and work, incorporating at least 3 of the videos and/or articles from this […]


  Critique the first 4 categories of the Outline for Cultural Formulation. Discuss the 1 criterion you believe is the most important for understanding how a client’s presenting issue is affecting them, and why. In your opinion, what would be the consequence(s) of ignoring an individual’s cultural customs and beliefs when conducting a comprehensive assessment […]

Psychology soc assignment 10

please read and complete no AI and attached tentrium report. All necessary documents are attach. 1/26/24, 1:02 PM Ch 10 Web Activity – Understanding Social Problems 1/2 Ch 10 Web Activity – Understanding Social Problems Due Apr 24 by 11:59pm Points 40 Submitting a text entry box, a media recording, or a file upload Start […]

Psychology SOC Assignment 8

Please read and complete throughly all necessary are attached. 1/26/24, 1:03 PM Ch 8 Web Activity – Understanding Social Problems 1/2 Ch 8 Web Activity – Understanding Social Problems Due Apr 17 by 11:59pm Points 40 Submitting a text entry box or a file upload Start Assignment Select a country (NOT the United States) and […]

Psychology SVD100 assignment

I need completed today no later. All attachments are attached, also dropped downs are attached. 2/29/24, 5:58 AM Mail – LeShaela “Shae” Williams – Outlook 1/1


The 7-Step Marketing Analytics Process Part I: The 7-Step Marketing Analytics Process Diagram Directions: For the brand you have selected, complete the diagram below by providing the 7-step process that you would take for marketing analytics. Assume that you have received data based on sales, social media analytics, and digital marketing efforts. 2 1 3 […]


YenRose questions? 1. When comparing the personality theories of Allport, Murray, and Cattell, what are the key similarities and differences between their approaches, and how do these theories contribute to our understanding of human personality? Consider their perspectives on personality traits, individual differences, and the methods they employed in their research. Additionally, discuss the implications […]

lifespan project 1

Lifespan Project (Part 1) Instructions In this project, you will be using the knowledge that you are gaining about developmental milestones throughout the lifespan and relating them to your own experiences to get an even more personalized view of how the course directly relates to you.  This assignment is divided up into 3 parts with […]

Research Methods Competencies -1

How do you Determine an appropriate research methodology and design aligned to a research question and develop a research plan?

Eyewitness Memory

just need 4 to 5 paragraph. and please see all the resources that I sent Kara Moore Unit [replace with unit title] Evil Genius? How Dishonesty Can Lead to Greater Creativity Motivation: Previous research has found a correlation between dishonesty and creativity but it was not clear whether being dishonest actually causes an increase in […]

Ethical and practical issues diagnosis

work of ethical practical issues diagnosis Week 10 Print Ethical and Practical Issues in Diagnosis While diagnosis is a very important part of an MFT’s work, it must be done skillfully with respect for the client and their circumstances.  Misdiagnosis has the potential to negatively impact clients either in their internal assessment of themselves or […]

Resource Assessment

What is a resource file? This file is too large to display.View in new window

Discussion Board

   Outcome Accountability Process | Friends NRC In the field of social work, it is an ethical responsability to engage in evaluation and continuous quality improvement. But even the best intended processes can have biases. Consider the materials developed by FRIENDS Community Based Child Abuse Prevention. What potential biases, privileges and demands may be build […]

Discussion Board

   The stage of adolescence is one of the more difficult developmental stages.  Therefore, there are psychosocial issues related to this developmental stage of which social workers should be knowledgeable.  Identify a psychosocial issue related to  adolescence (e.g. suicide, depression, bullying). How might this psychosocial issue influence an adolescent’s identity development?  Present an intervention that […]


Please see attached  2 Research Topic Selection Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Course Name Professor’s Name Due Date I chose the effect of programs for co-parenting on the welfare of children in blended families as the topic to determine whether co-parenting programs are beneficial in improving the welfare of blended-family children. The topic also helps us to […]

Compare and Contrast Support Groups and Treatment

Resources attached. COUC 691 Benchmark Support Groups and Treatment Groups Compare and Contrast Paper Support Groups and Treatment Groups Instructions During this class you have been required to visit a minimum of one meeting each of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), Narcotics Anonymous (NA), and Al-Anon (support groups). Now you will write a paper that compares and […]

DB 9

  1. Do you think there is a stigma associated with mentally ill persons today? Why or why not? 2. Provide feedback on how you liked the OpenStax free textbook.  Did you feel the textbook was a good quality textbook?  How did you feel about your first course in Canvas?  Would you change anything about the […]

Create an advocacy plan psychology/counseling

1 Site-Visit Interview Paper: Francis Lopez LMHC Nicolle Baraque School of Education, Leadership, and Human Development, Barry University CSL 501: Orientation to Counseling Profession Dr. Yahyahan Aras February 1st, 2024 2 After weeks of calling and researching counseling centers near me, I could not reach anyone available to me for a site visit or interview […]

Psychology assignment

  1) Given that patients in the ICU require, on average, 178 tasks or checks per day, how has the medical profession typically dealt with this overwhelming responsibility?  How is the checklist a departure from the traditional approach? 2) Would you support lobbying Congress to implement these checklists in hospitals across the country?  If yes, […]


Instructions For this assignment, you will write a 3 page paper analyzing the case study presented in the video. You will need to do some research on Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, an evidence-based treatment for affective and mood disorders.    Your paper should be double-spaced, 12 point font.  You will utilize APA format to cite your sources […]

QR&A One Student Response

Remembering that all research has some error, respond to at least one colleague’s post and comment on how we as social change agents and critical consumers of research can balance the usefulness with the error in the research. Do we throw the research out because of too much error, or is there something useful that […]


PSYC 222: Adolescent Psychology Research Paper (50 points) The goal of this project is to expose students to various topics in adolescent psychology within various contexts. This project is worth 50 points. You will need to upload your paper to the associated drop box in D2L. Below is a list of suggested research questions for […]

Psychology psy270 assignment 6

Please read thoroughly and complete. All Requirements are attach.  2/26/24, 11:49 AM Module 06: Suggested Activity – Personal Reflection: Making Cognitive Space: (Spring 2024) PSY 270 (E50W) – Psychology of Human Sexuality 1/1 Module 06: Suggested Activity – Personal Reflection: Making Cognitive Space John Gottman, one of the top relationship experts in the world who […]


 What is the difference between a resume and a curriculum vitae (CV)? Which document do you believe would best serve your professional and academic goals/aspirations? How do you see your skills, experiences, and accomplishments as tools for serving others and fulfilling your God-given purpose?  


 How can creating a CV empower you to showcase your individual identity and strengths as a counselor, rather than conforming to an agency’s predefined mold? Share your thoughts on what aspects of your professional journey, skills, and values you would highlight in your CV to communicate who you are or aspire to be as a […]

assist random

Guidelines for the Psychological Experiment paper: Your second paper will be to choose one experimental psychological study (the list is located in the Files tab in Canvas). Please familiarize yourself with your chosen experiment via research such as academic publications or videos. For this paper, please address the following: 1. Briefly discuss your chosen psychological […]

child development wk 5

DIP to DAP—Key Assessment Write it up and I will record video Top of Form Bottom of Form Key Assessment Content 1. Top of Form Introduction  It is extremely important for Early Childhood educators to understand the importance of creating developmentally appropriate activity plans. This assignment will assist you in gaining knowledge of developmentally appropriate practices as […]

child development creating literacy

For this DB you will create a video using Flipgrid. The link for you to use is:  . You will need to  select the google button when signing in to Flipgrid and will have to use your student email.  Click the pink record button. Once your video is created in Flipgrid, you will then post the video/link in […]

PSY 3442 Week 8 Discussion

Instructions are attached  Prompt: We have learned about a number of different personality theories throughout the course. Which theory or theories do you believe best account for human personality? Be specific about why you chose the theory or theories you did. We saw that many of the theorists discussed incorporated concepts into their theory that […]

PSY 3425 Week 8 Discussion

Instructions are attached  Discuss at least two areas of health psychology that require more research. What does the current research in those areas tell us? Why are these areas important for further study? Response Parameters · Use APA-style format for references and in-text citations · Each initial post should be at least 400 words · […]