PSY 3442 Week 7 response

Instructions are attached  Instructions: · Include at least one peer-reviewed article into each reply post and provide APA in-text citations and references for all of your sources · Each reply post is expected to be at least 150 words · Integrate at least one peer-reviewed journal article from the last five years into your post […]

PSY 3425 week 7 response

Instructions are attached  Instructions: · Use APA-style format for references, peer-reviewed · Respond to two peers’ responses with a minimum of 250 words Peer 1: Raquel Riley PSY 3425 7.2 Discussion: Chronic Illnesses The documentary “Healing from Within” was profound and groundbreaking when it was recorded. The documentary covers the topic of social support and […]

w9 fe D

Choose one of the values above. Write at least 3 sentences in a paragraph explaining why this one value resonate or will resonate with your professional identity.

Topic 1 Assessment

Use only the attached resources PSY-260: Introduction to Psychological Research and Ethics Topic 1: Media Claims versus Empirical Facts Instructions: 1. Complete the chart below by identifying five media claims and scientific facts that support and refute your media claim statements. 2. Cite the scholarly, peer reviewed sources from which the scientific facts were obtained […]

Discussion Replies

Yenrose responses Audrey Maxie Feb 19, 2024, 5:20 AM Unread Hello class,    Some effective coping mechanisms for stress include: take breaks from watching, reading, or listening to news stories; take care of yourself; take care of your body; make time to unwind; talk to others; connect with your community or faith based organizations; avoid […]

Theory of Sexuality

Resources attached. COUC 691 Benchmark Theoretical Models and Approaches Assignment Instructions OVERVIEW One of the challenges we face as counselors is an understanding of the cause of the disorders we will treat in our clients. Given the complexity and unique characteristics of each client, we know that it is impossible to have a single theory […]


Self-Reflection on character/trait interview (Pg 238) 1. Ability to acquire knowledge, 2. Intellectual curiosity, 3. Artistic/cultural appreciation, 4. Adaptability, 5. Multicultural appreciation, 6. Leadership, 7. Interpersonal skills, 8. social responsibility, 9. Physical/Psychological health, 10. Career orientation, 11. Perseverance, and 12. Ethics. Step 1 Rank the above list according to your own application of importance. Step […]

Theories of Personality

How can you use personality in multidisciplinary environments, and how do you analyze various personality states?


PART A Maya Method Assignment Top of Form Bottom of Form Assignment Content 1. Top of Form How to get kids to do chores: The role of conditioning in parenting. Introduction: This assignment requires an understanding of learning principles and how they can be applied in parenting situations. This assignment fulfills/Supports: · Module Outcome: 1 […]


 Do you personally enjoy change? Is it easier for you to embrace changes in the professional setting or in the personal setting, and why? Class, how might you use this knowledge to help as we embrace the ever-changing technological landscape? 


How do you show competence in analyzing theories of personality?

Psychology assignment

Please see attachment Please review attached links in connection to assignment The Jamaica Slave Rebellion – YouTube Biography of Mahommah G. Baquaqua by Samuel Downing MOORE read by Leni | Full Audio Book ( PART ONE Discussion Board: Compare El Antillano and Slave Revolt and the Abolition of Slavery on Toussanint Louverture in terms of […]

Don Assignement

See attached file.  1. Please see attachment links in reference to assignment and read/overview them. Director of Nina Simone Documentary Calls Zoe Saldana Film an “Ugly and Inaccurate Portrayal” (Guest Column) ( 10 Things We Learned From New Nina Simone Doc ( The Irresponsibility of ‘What Happened, Miss Simone?’ – IndieWire 2. WATCH FOR THIS […]

resp 24

attached Comment about this post: A school’s organization has a great impact on the cognitive development of a child. The organization also is a direct reflection of the needs of the community. Thats why for example in Orlando, Fl Boone High School is located in a rich neighborhood and has mostly Caucasian students versus Evans […]

resp 21

attached Comment about this post: Higher education is a major focus in a lot of public schools across America, it’s almost expected for students to have some kind of higher education plan in mind before they graduate. Our text talks about the issues between students who go to and complete college in comparison to those […]

resp 22

attached Comment about this post: It was interesting to learn in this chapter that there were fewer behavioral issues and higher academic achievements from a two school model. I personally did not mind a three school model, but I didn’t experience the two school model. The transition period in between schools no matter the grade […]

resp 23

attached Comment about this post: I can recall my first field trip in middle school. Going to bush gardens. I can recall how we had recived the trust from our teachers to roam freely but still had to meet at certain times to assure we are safe. This built a character in all of us […]

week 7

attached Comment about it: Can you believe we are in week 7 of the course already? This semester is flying by! This week we are covering the topic of Schools. You’ll be reading about changes in education that have impacted teens in the past century and the role our school peers play in our development. […]

Need corrections made

Hi, I need some assistance with fixing some corrections on my homework This file is too large to display.View in new window


last psychology project Title: When basketball athletes get these major contracts and bankrupt after their career Study: case study Background and context: There are many athletes who earn 7,8,9 figures during there career. Most are bankrupt 3-5. What is there motivation, Qualitative data: YouTube videos, podcast, documentaries Main points: 1 Broke nba players rodman AI […]

week 7

 What steps might a teacher take to ensure equal participation amongst students (even the quieter or more shy ones)? 

Classical Psychoanalysis: George Kelly

 1. What is the basic purpose/goal of life? 2. What are the basic parts/elements of the personality that carry out the goal? 3. What happens when these basic elements encounter the demands of others  (developmental statements)? 4. Finally, how does the theory account for individual differences in personality?     

Classical Psychoanalysis: Alfred Adler

 1. What is the basic purpose/goal of life? 2. What are the basic parts/elements of the personality that carry out the goal? 3. What happens when these basic elements encounter the demands of others  (developmental statements)? 4. Finally, how does the theory account for individual differences in personality?     

Help Please

Please see the attachment  Professional Development Paper Complete a professional development paper in APA style with 5-8 pages. Answer the following in the paper: · How will you develop yourself as a professional in the field of counseling? · What are your values? · How may they interfere with or promote our own ethical behavior? […]

Psychology PSY 3442 week 7 assignment

Instructions are attached.  first step to this final one is also attached for reference  Instructions: For your final paper, please answer the questions below as they are numbered here, retyping the question (typed below in bold) before answering it. 1. Did you revise your short-term (end of the quarter) goal in any way? If so, […]


1. Each week you must write a paper of approximately 250 words reflecting upon the week’s learning experiences at the agency in which you are completing your practicum. 2. Summarize the task areas you performed and the number of hours in each, as per the “Weekly Hours Form.” 4 hours in group counseling and 2 […]

PSY 3442 week 7 discussion

Instructions are attached  Instructions: Prompt: Apply B. F. Skinner’s reinforcement theory or Albert Bandura’s modeling theory to the Week 7 Case Conceptualization Download Week 7 Case Conceptualization . You are being asked to conceptualize this case by explaining how this person’s current personality dynamics and presenting problems have developed, what is helping to maintain them […]

PSY 3425 week 7 discussion

Instructions are attached  Instructions: Watch Bill Moyers’ “Healing and the Mind” segment on social support and breast cancer in Bill Moyers’ Healing from Within Links to an external site. . Reflect on the role of a social group, and notice the different ways people cope. List what is seen as the benefits of social support […]


  “To what extent does your personality influence your academic performance” 1. describe Personality.   2, describe personality traits. 3. How do your personality traits influence your academic performance? 4. What approaches could you take to ensure success in your studies?

Psychology 1-2 Journal Assignment:

1-2 Journal Assignment: Take An Assessment To complete this assignment, you will take a self-assessment. You will then be asked to reflect on the aspects and results of it. There are many personality tests available to use for personal and professional use. To complete this assignment, first choose one of the following self-assessments to take: […]


Learning using the library this question will be more detailed once the bid is accepted Essentially 3 Typewrites sheets 


1-1 Discussion: Introduction and Assessment Tools Why you are taking this class (PSY-550-X3247 Measurement & Assessment 24TW3)and what experience you have related to measurement and assessment. Then, think about ways in your current or future field (or in your experience) in which assessment tools are used. Which assessments are used, and do you think they […]

Reflection Psyc 635

 Fowler, J. W. (2000). Becoming Adult, Becoming Christian: Adult Development and Christian Faith (revised). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass. ISBN: 9780787951344. 

db psyc 620 #2

PSYC 620 In this week’s textbook readings, the chapter emphasizes the importance of using universal fundamentals that have been found to be effective in treating particular disorders and the importance of tailoring psychotherapy to the individuality of the patient in his or her context. For this week’s discussion, after viewing the Watch: Relational Cognitive Therapy From a Christian […]

Psychology Psyc 631 Communication Assignment

PSYC 631 Communication Project: Final Assignment Instructions Overview For this assignment, you will submit a creative project focusing on the communication of a major content area covered in the course to a hypothetical layperson audience (e.g., adolescents, parents, teachers). You must communicate the material in a creative/engaging way (e.g., PowerPoint presentation, website, pamphlet, YouTube video/PSA) […]

db Psyc 635

Psyc 631 Eccles and Roeser (2011) discuss three levels of school context that can influence students. Choose one of the levels discussed and relate research about this level to your personal experiences in school when you were an adolescent. How did your experiences at this level positively and/or negatively impact you personally or academically? Next, discuss […]

db psyc 620

PSYC 620 You will be focusing on the specific video Watch: Couple’s Forgiveness Therapy for Marital Conflict. Discuss how this model may differ from the models described in the textbook chapter(s) assigned. Further, provide 1 example from Scripture to support the use of forgiveness in resolving conflict. Read: Barlow: Chapters 10 and 1 9 Barlow, D. H. (2021). Clinical […]

Article Review

  Regehr, Cheryl and Antle, Beverly. (1997). Coercive Influences: Informed Consent in Court-Mandated Social Work Practice. Social Work. May97, Vol. 42 Issue 3, p300-306. 7p.


attached Students can create 10 multiple choice questions for a practice exam. Content of questions must be relative to the course modules and formatted as multiple choice with 4 possible responses (e.g., A-D). Correct answers must be indicated in bold font. See example format below. Questions must be typed in font size 12. Points will be […]

Science II

see attachment  Assignment: Viruses REMINDER:  All coursework is due by 11:59 PM Eastern on Saturday of this last module. Instructions: After having studied the content of this module, you may be wondering: · · What group do viruses belong to? · Do they belong to the category of bacteria, archaea, or protists? · Which shape […]

Science II

see attachment  Discussion: The most Important Systems of the Human Body REMINDER:  All coursework is due by 11:59 PM Eastern on Saturday of this last module. Instructions: Discuss, in this forum,  which three body systems seem most important and explain why.  In addition,  the main human practices can affect their proper functioning.   Remember to review the  […]


see attachment  Module 7:  Assignment: Essay – Social Media Analysis This activity aims to have students analyze a social media platform of their choice, according to studied content from point ii. Instructions: · You will analyze a social media platform of your choice, according to what you studied in point ii. · Pick a social […]


see attachment  Module 7: Assignment: Written Feedback – Classifying Exercise This activity has its objective to classify in order of importance the different ways of communication via the internet, according to what you studied in point i. Instructions: · You will classify, in order of importance, the different ways to communicate through the internet, using […]


see attachment  Module 7: Discussion Forum: Amplification of the Internet and Future of Social Media After studying all the material in this module, answer the following questions: 1.    How has the internet amplified the way we communicate?  2.    How do you think the future of social media might look like according to their […]

generalist social work versus clinical social work

Similarities and differences between generalist (foundation component) and clinical social work (advanced). Mention the places and areas where each type of social work is carried out, with which of those places/areas you feel most identified and why. 

Psychology Week 9 Assignment

Week 9 Assignment: Your Career in Applied Behavior Analysis PART 1: SMART Goals Using SMART goals, identify three goals you have for your career. Try to think beyond completion of this program and becoming certified. Below are some suggested goals that relate to a career in behavior analysis: networking, attending conferences, completing specific CEs on […]

PSyc 621 replies

2 replies to peers 200 words. Angelo Peer 1 In the introductory video for this week’s lesson on sleep and eating disorders, I was intrigued to learn about the prevalence of sleep disorders among adults. It was particularly interesting to note that approximately 6% suffer from insomnia, with up to 33% experiencing it at some […]


  The “Activity Plan” is a vital tool designed to empower aspiring counselors in their journey towards becoming proficient professionals in the field. By meticulously outlining the resources, consultations, observations, and timelines necessary to achieve your learning goals, this template equips you with a structured approach to skill development and knowledge acquisition. In your career […]

Psychology draft assignment

Please help with assignment  Feedback Please note when completing presentation Please include the number of participants when possible in the table. This is a good start. Please see comments in purple tbas and rubric. Where are all of these article coming from if you just selected three? Please clarify that method section. The beginning of […]

Psychology Therapeutic Communication Assignment

Readings:  Weikel, K.F. K. (2019). Helping Skills for Human Service Workers: Building Relationships and Encouraging Productive Change (4th ed.). Charles C Thomas Publisher Ltd..     Petersen, J. (2022). Why Don’t We Listen Better? Communicating & Connecting in Relationships (3rd ed.). MBS Content. please see attached for the instructions and readings