HUM Week 4 Learning Activity

see attached Week 4 – Learning Activity Domestic Violence Prior to beginning work on this learning activity, read Chapter 13 in the required text. Select a type of violence that you explored in the text and recommended resources (intimate partner violence, rape, sexual assault, hate crimes involving the LGBTQ+ population, and gang activity). Create a […]

HUM Week 4 Journal

see attached Week 4 – Journal Working with a Victim of Sexual Offenses or Violent Crime or Offender Prior to beginning work on this learning activity, read Chapter 13 in the required text. Locate a job description in a local, regional, or national job search engine that advertises a human services-related position working with either […]

Research proposal

I need guidance on a research proposal THE SIGNATURE PROJECT FINAL SUBMISSION The culminating requirement in ED504 is the final iteration of your Signature Project Stage 1. The Signature Project Stage 1 is your research proposal. It is designed to guide candidates through the steps for planning an experimental study to examine an in-depth school […]


– Explain how different cultures construe primary and secondary control – Explain the differences between high-context cultures and low-context cultures – Explain the impact that language has on various domains according to the Whorfian hypothesis Find one research study (or more) to explain the following concepts to provide either evidence for it (prove it) or […]

wk 7-2025

– Explain how linguistic relativity affects emotional categorization across cultures – Explain how friends and enemies are conceptualized differently across different cultures – Explain the factors that predict whether a culture favors love marriages versus arranged marriages Find one research study (or more) to explain the following concepts to provide either evidence for it (prove […]

Ethical Decision-Making

 Pretend you are a human services professional working with a client named Alex, who is experiencing significant personal and financial difficulties. Alex has shared sensitive information about their struggles, and you are responsible for providing support and resources. For this assignment, using the previously mentioned scenario: · Define mandatory ethics. · Describe one mandatory ethical […]

wk 7-2025

 write a brief summary of the most interesting or valuable things that you have learned in this class(health psychology), and how this knowledge influenced you. How will you use this information to increase your physical and psychological health? 

see below

Please follow any instructions and let me know if you have any questions. You must post before seeing replies. Edit history will be available to instructors. Due Feb 13 80 points Search entries or author… All Sort View Split Screen Back to Week at a Glance (h�ps:// Think back to the Week 1 Discussion about […]


See attached. Reaction Paper Instructions Your reaction paper will be based on one of the options listed below. The goal is to identify two concepts from any of the first four chapters of the class which were present or mentioned in the option you selected. Your reaction paper should have three sections. Part 1, you […]

Familial Worldview Report: Second Interview

Please see attached instruction and reading for this assignment .  Moreland, J. P., & Craig, W. L. (2017). Philosophical foundations for a christian worldview. InterVarsity Press. Created from liberty on 2025-02-11 16:35:58. C op yr ig ht © 2 01 7. In te rV ar si ty P re ss . A ll rig ht […]

Group Counseling

Journal Entry Outline General Instructions Following each group session, students provide a journal entry for the session. Description of the group as a whole – a. Overview of the session including topic of greatest interest to the group b. Overall mood of the session and group including what changes, if any, you noticed c. Activity […]

Group Counseling

Page 1 of 2 Article Review Rubric General Instructions Using the library database, find an article regarding group counseling. The article must be from a professional journal. Write a paper on the article and specific address the following components: Summarize the article, critique the article by answering these questions: • How is this work useful […]

assistance needed p

please see attached PSY 121: Developmental Psychology Learning Unit 11: Journal Journal: A Look Back! SLO: Develop critical thinking skills. All SLO found on the syllabus. This is your last journal entry. I want to say up front that it has been a pleasure having you in the course and I give my many blessings […]


EAB4764 Assessment and Intervention Lecture Engagement: Written Lecture Summary Student Name: Date Completed: Student ID: Please answer the questions below in a narrative form. Each answer should be a complete paragraph. 1. What was the main point of the video/podcast? 2. Provide 2 major points discussed and describe those points. 3. What did you learn […]

see below

Is a discussion . Please read very well You must post before seeing replies. Edit history will be available to instructors. Due Feb 12 50 points Week 6: Discussion 1 Search entries or author… All Sort View Split Screen Back to Week at a Glance ( Planning is an important part of any successful endeavor, […]


stephanie First discussoion Subscribe Cannabis Use Disorder Cannabis use disorder (CUD) is noted to be the third most common substance used worldwide after the use of tobacco and alcohol. Cannabis can be used by numerous methods including smoking, vaping, dabbing, ingesting, and topical creams. CUD affects about 10% of the population of frequent cannabis users […]

Psychology assignment help

PSY-402: Cognitive Neuroscience Topic 6: Introduction to Psychology and Role of Biology  Cognitive Mapping Worksheet   Directions: Be sure to scroll to the end of this document to ensure you have completed all sections before submitting your assignment to your instructor. Researching Cognitive Mapping Conduct research to explore the application and use of cognitive mapping as […]

assitant needed p

please see attachment Adapted from TIP Northwest Module 2 Alternate Activity Assignment Activity Instructions ● Read the following article and watch the following video about brain injuries and sports: o -the-answer-is-no o ● Write one paragraph for each of the following questions: o Summarize the main points a coach/parent should know about concussions and youth […]


certification  This is intended to help you investigate needs for the upcoming transition from graduate to PMHNP. Include the following slides: 1. Title slide: Name, PMHNP graduate, state for license 2. ANCC: What is the application process and eligibility for the PMHNP exam? 3. What are your preparations for the ANCC board certification exam? 4. […]

see below

Please follow instructions very well Week 4 Assignment 3 Template Article: Prevalence and perceived importance of racial matching in the psychotherapeutic dyad: A national survey of addictions treatment clinical practices Instructions: Read the article posted in Announcements and use the following guidelines to complete the sections below. · Write evidence statements and a summary using […]

Professional Counseling

What are some challenges for counselors in rural areas. You will write an article review, relevant to this week’s learning module and readings. You will select the article yourself by searching the UWA Library Databases. The article you choose should be a research article (has a hypothesis that is empirically tested). Pick an article relevant to […]

Cognitive psych

This assignment has three components to it, parts A, B and C. Do three assignments to get full credit for this assignment. Part A #3: Who is in Your Corner? (Read Chapter 5) Assignment title: Who is in Your Corner? Learning objective(s):  Explore the role of social support in coping with your life demands, stressors, […]

Principle of Ethics

First, return to your topic chosen in the week three assignment. ( Week 3; Abortion and Ethics There are few issues that have brought as much controversy in contemporary society as abortion. There have been debates and camps that have formed around the topic, with the issue being a legislative, judicial, and social discussion point […]

Research proposal

I am looking for guidance on how to locate 12-15 sources for a research proposal outline that addresses the effects of counseling in an adverse work culture. In addition, I need further guidance with a literature review, and a methodology/action plan. I must be able to pull at least 10 of the articles if i […]

Article review

Help with Article Review You will write an article review, relevant to this week’s learning module and readings. You will select the article yourself by searching the UWA Library Databases. The article you choose should be a research article (has a hypothesis that is empirically tested). Pick an article relevant to a topic covered in the […]

see below

Make sure is right © 2023 Walden University, LLC Page 1 of 2 Week 4 Assignment 3 Template Example Instructions: Please review the following document, which is an example of a completed template for Assignment 3. The author of this template read the article, “Self-Reported Influences on Psychology Major Choice and Personality,” and used scholarly […]

Article Review

Article Instructions for article review You will write an article review, relevant to this week’s learning module and readings. You will select the article yourself by searching the UWA Library Databases. The article you choose should be a research article (has a hypothesis that is empirically tested). Pick an article relevant to a topic covered in […]

Sedatives, hypnotic, anxiolytics

 Compare and contrast sedative, hypnotic, or anxiolytic use disorder from cannabis use disorder (without the aid of a drug screen). For this discussion, you will need to emphasize how comprehensive assessment could help us arrive at the correct diagnosis and what the signs and symptoms of each are. 

J. Moore Keeping a Dream Journal

Chapter 4 States of Consciousness 104 103 Chapter 4 States of Consciousness HANDOUT 4-3: Student Assignment: Keeping a Dream Journal Your task for this assignment is to keep a dream journal for several weeks in order to record the content of at least five different dreams. Instructions: 1. In order to best remember your dreams, […]


EAB4764 Assessment and Intervention Lecture Engagement: Written Lecture Summary Student Name: Date Completed: Student ID: Please answer the questions below in a narrative form. Each answer should be a complete paragraph. 1. What was the main point of the video/podcast? 2. Provide 2 major points discussed and describe those points. 3. What did you learn […]

critical thinking #2

For the following two links, identify the following: 1) What was the data collection technique used? 2) What type of research was used? 3) Identify the research variables. If appropriate, identify the variables as the independent variable, dependent variable, or quasi independent variable. 4) How are each of the above mentioned variables operationally defined? Article […]

Psychology HUM Week 3 Assignment

see attached Week 3 – Assignment Crisis Intervention in Healthcare Settings Prior to beginning work on this assignment, read Chapter 10 of the assigned text. The human service professional serves the needs of patients and families in a healthcare setting by providing crisis counseling. Reflect on a news story that involved crisis. Briefly explain the […]

HUM Week 3 DB pt 1

see attached Week 3 – Discussion Forum 1  Homelessness in the United States [WLO: 1] [CLOs: 2, 3, 4] Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, read Chapter 9 in the assigned text. Determine and discuss the circumstances, both historical and contemporary, that have contributed to the problem of one of the following populations: […]

HUM Week 3 DB pt 2

see attached Week 3 – Discussion Forum 2  Mental Illness & Mental Disorders [WLO: 2] [CLOs: 2, 4] Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, read Chapter 8 in the assigned text and refer to  Mental Disorders Links to an external site. . Select any  specific mental illness from Chapter 8 of your text. · […]

Introductory Psychology Exercises

Hallo, I need some reference material for a first year psychology student. Can anyone help? I will need to collect documents on psychology topics in about 1-2 months. It’s great if someone can share them with me. [url= Shooters[/url]

Practicum Experience

   · Revisit the goals and objectives from your Practicum Experience Plan. Explain the degree to which you achieved each during the practicum experience. · Reflect on the three (3) most challenging patients you encountered during the practicum experience. What was most challenging about each? · What did you learn from this experience? · What […]

Psychology Advocacy Project: Outline Assignment

Please see the attached, You have already completed Part 1  DBFA 605 Advocacy Project Assignment Instructions Overview For this assignment, you will draw on your studies to produce an advocacy plan for the issue featured in the Persuasive Essay and using the communicative mode of your choice. The issue in the Persuasive Essay will be […]

Psychology Working Outline Assignment

Please see the attached  DBFA 600 Research Paper: Working Outline Assignment Instructions Overview Using current APA format, you will create a Research Paper: Working Outline Assignment towards your Research Paper: Final Submission Assignment. This outline will include a title page and a references page, making any corrections from your Research Paper: Topic Rationale Assignment feedback. […]


Need Help in completing article review This file is too large to display.View in new window

The Signature PJ

Please see all attached files Permission to Conduct Research ABC Elementary School Jane Doe, Kindergarten Teacher 123 Sesame Street Livingston, AL 12345 November 30, 2009 Dr. Sally Frank, Superintendent XYZ County Board Of Education 125 College Street Livingston, AL 12345 Dear Dr. Frank, I would like to conduct a study using the Kindergarten classes of […]

Discussion Board

  Each of the chapters in our textbook provides a box titled Thinking Like a Clinician, in which a family case study is presented, followed by several question prompts geared towards skill application from the chapter/theory(ies).   For this week’s discussion, you may select the Thinking Like a Clinician activity from either Chapter 9 or […]


  This opinion piece by Henry Cisneros, former secretary of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, contends that housing options in America are not prepared for older adults’ growing desire to “age in place.” Please respond with at least 3 sentences for each question. What is the major problem that Cisneros presents in […]


2 Insert your header here by using “Insert” then “Header” then “Edit” Running head: INSERT ABBREVIATED TITLE HERE 1 This is the Title of My Assignment My Name CNDV 5334 Measurement and Assessment Lamar University Repeat Your Title Here This is where you introduce the purpose and format of the paper (Note that you do […]

Job Analysis Data Collection

Choose one of the following two options for this assignment. · Option 1: Job Analysis Questionnaire and Analysis. · Option 2: Job Observation and Analysis. Both options will be graded on the same criteria. Select the best option for you to have access to the appropriate job experts. Collect data as soon as possible. You […]

see below

Please follow the instructions LEARNING RESOURCES Required Readings PSYCHOLOGY CAREER RESOURCES Walden University. (2021). Psychology career exploration toolkit ( . Walden University. (2021). Psychology career hub ( . Walden University Career Planning and Development. (2021). Career exploration ( . FINDING AND APPLYING TO GRADUATE PROGRAMS American Psychological Association. (2022). Applying to graduate school ( . […]

Review Article

I need help completing this article review. This file is too large to display.View in new window

dis 1 70

attached Discussion 1 – Covers Mod 1-2   / Chapters 1-5  After studying the materials on the corresponding Modules and Textbook chapters for this discussion, respond, in your own words, to the topic assigned to you. It is also encouraged to not only base your response on what you have studied from the textbook and modules, […]

Self analysis

Part 1: Leadership Analysis a 525- to 700-word self-analysis of your leadership abilities as it relates to health care organizations.  Explain the skills necessary for leading health care organizations.  Compare leadership in health care environments to leadership in non-health care environments. Analyze yourself as a leader, addressing the questions below:  · What did you learn about being a leader […]