Mock Jury

resources: PRELIMINARY JURY INSTRUCTIONS Duty of Jury It is your duty to find what the facts are. You alone are the judges of the facts. You must apply to those facts the law as the judge explains it to you. You must follow that law whether you agree with it or not. Nothing the judge […]

Plant Biodiversity and Adaptation

 how adaptations allowed plants to move from an aquatic environment to the variety of habitats they inhabit today. begin discussing single celled algae and include the transition from prokaryotes to eukaryotes.It may be helpful to write about plants that you have observed (using correct scientific nomenclature), and consider their traits and habitat. Then explain why […]

week 7 discussion

  Select two learning theories/strategies covered in this class that are difficult or impossible to use in a virtual setting. Explain the theory/strategy and explain your reasoning. Use at least one scholarly article to support your view. Post by Wednesday.

W8 film D

In the short story The Tale Tale Heart, the main character raises many questions for the reader. Discuss the psychological aspects of the narrator. How does the narrative explore the theme of madness, and what factors contribute to the narrator’s descent into madness?

Science II

see attachment  Assignment: Chromosomal Abnormality Instructions: Delve into the topic (s) discussed in the module by doing the following: Identify any inheritable chromosomal abnormalities and prepare a written essay. Include the following information in your presentation: · Description of the chromosomal abnormality. · How common is it, and what is its origin? · How can it […]

Science II

see attachment  Discussion: Heritable Diseases and Conditions  Instructions: After studying the content of the module and the suggested resources, participate and comment on the most prevalent diseases and health conditions and their possible inheritable component. Support your answer using the material studied.    Remember to review the  academic expectations  for your submission. Submission Instructions: · Submit your initial […]

PSY 3425 week 6 reply

instructions attached  · Respond to two peers’ responses with a minimum of 250 words · Use APA-style format for references · Peer-reviewed articles Peer1: Heather Vangorkum The best way to cope with pain can depend on a variety of factors, including the type and severity of the pain, the individual’s overall health and lifestyle, and […]

PSY 3442 week 6 reply

instructions are attached  · Each reply post is expected to be at least 150 words · Include at least one peer-reviewed article into each reply post and provide APA in-text citations and references for all of your sources Peer1: Michele Gross For this week’s case conceptualization, I will be using Abraham Maslow’s Needs Hierarchy Theory. […]

Models of Addiction

Instructions attached COUC 691 Benchmark Theoretical Models and Approaches Assignment Instructions OVERVIEW One of the challenges we face as counselors is an understanding of the cause of the disorders we will treat in our clients. Given the complexity and unique characteristics of each client, we know that it is impossible to have a single theory […]


Consumer Decision Buying Process vs. Organizational Buying Process Directions: Complete the Consumer Decision Buying Process chart by identifying a product you have recently purchased and discussing the five steps in the consumer decision buying process and your own experience during each step. For example, what you did, how much time was involved, any problems or […]

week 8

Week 8 For your Signature Assignment, present your proposal for a prevention or promotion program that could be implemented in your selected community. The proposal should include the following: Identify the problem or issue facing a community, along with the specific population your proposal is addressing. Provide a comprehensive background of the history of the […]

Abnormal Psych HW

See attached. Instruction and lecture material posted.  This file is too large to display.View in new window


 how does teaching in a business setting differ from teaching in an educational setting? I  

Carlie anna, linesy

  what are the biggest advantages of incorporating technology into a teaching approach? What are the biggest disadvantages/concerns?   

w8 pc

Did the speaker in the video persuade the audience to accept his/her point of view? Discuss the characteristics of a successful persuasive speech. Should a speaker feel defeated if his or her speech fails to persuade every listener?

discussion Carlie

 Class, what type of feedback is easiest for you to digest? Why do you feel that way?   


Psychology homework study help Week 6 Research Activity: Choose Your Theory Now that you have navigated through the Riverbend City: Meet the Washingtons interactive media piece, for the assignment, you will write a 2–3 page paper based on one of the children or teens. After choosing a character, you will apply a theory and its […]

week 8 discussion educ

 What is the most creative approach that you’ve taken when teaching others? Did it pay off for you and your students? Why/why not?    

resp 20

attached Comment about this post: When kids grow into teenagers, they often start hanging out with their friends more and spending less time with their families. What’s more, these peer relationships are getting more and more unregulated by adults. Adolescents’ ideas of friendship are increasingly centered on private exchanges of ideas and feelings, whereas children’s […]

resp 17

attached Comment about this post: The similarity between friends can be explained by a combination of selection and socialization; they both play a crucial role. The idea behind selection is that the traits of teens affect the people they choose. To put it another way, people choose friends who are like them in some way, […]

resp 18

attached Comment about this post: Peer groups certainly play a critical rold in the development of the adolescent population. Especially if an adolescent is easily influenced by others, they may be at risk for being easily influnced by their peers. I am a strong believer that the type of people we surround ourselves with greatly […]

resp 19

attached Comment about this post: This week’s discussion about peer groups brought me back to my high school days and thinking about where I fit in. I agree with the textbook, which says that students who are neither too popular nor too unpopular seem to have the easiest time in high school. My time was […]

week 6

attached Comment about it: In this week, students will explore the history of adolescent peer groups, peer influences, and the characteristics of different peer groups and how they change over time. 

Psyc 620 replies

200 words response Julia Peer 1        Substance related disorders are classified into 10 distinct categories representing different kinds of drugs. Each producing their own feelings of pleasure for the user, they highly activate a reward system that can inhibit a person’s self-control and cause them to neglect normal activities ( DSM-5). According […]

psyc 635 replies

peer replies of at least 100 words Tess Peer 1 The Brickman Models present an interesting dilemma in helping and coping by asking two questions right off the bat: 1) Who is responsible for the problem and 2) who is responsible for the solution (Liberty University [LU], n.d.)? Under the Moral Model, the individual is […]

Psychology Homework

   Rebekah Roberts entered the United States as a mail order bride. At 28 years of age, she considered herself pretty lucky when the magazine she paid five hundred dollars to advertise herself called that they have found her a match. The 58-year-old man who picked her from a list of other women was a […]

research SSBH

RESEARCH and find out what is was like for him in the institution like what conditions did he have to live in, how were his rights violated, did he have to do work, did he received any treatment to help him, was he abused and any other information that pertains to this part of the […]


Please follow the instructions attached, attach are the text book chapters and other assignment materials. 2/15/24, 6:37 PM New York Times Article 1/4 New York Times Article Due Mar 22 by 9:30am Points 25 Submitting a file upload Available Aug 30, 2020 at 12am – Mar 29 at 11:59pm Start Assignment Article below: Modern Love.pdf […]

Help with new university project

attached TOPIC – Well-Being (positive construct) conduct a thorough APA (PsycInfo) data-base search for a published scale for  the construct you have selected. Print out its reference as well as the full scale. The following is an example of a scale pertaining  to humour. (15%) From the following two sources, you could find this scale […]


GRADING RUBRIC FOR PAPER II (35 points total) Proficient On your way Need assistance Inadequate 1. Demographics: reports percentages of demographic characteristics, including gender, age, and ethnicity/race, and reports descriptive statistics (means, SD, frequencies) for all including the N. statistic terms are italicized. reports percentages of most demographic characteristics, & reports most descriptive statistics (means, […]


See Attachment  Module 6: Assignment: Essay – Mass Media Analysis According to the studied content in point ii, this activity pretends to analyze a mass medium of your choice. Instructions: · According to what you studied in point ii, you will analyze a mass medium of your choice. · Choose a mass medium from the […]


See attachment  Module 6: Assignment: Group Communication Representation This module has an objective to represent group communication with a theme of your choice, according to the studied content from point i. Instructions: You will represent group communication with a theme of your choice, using the studied content from point i. You will be working in […]


see Attachment  Module 6: Discussion Forum: Communications After studying all the material in this module, answer the following questions: · Explain interpersonal, intrapersonal, and group communication. How do you compare them, and how can you apply them in your daily life? · Compare digital media with broadcast media. Do they correlate? Sustain your response. Remember […]

Discussion Board

   For this week,  we will be discussing the Ethical issues faced in the field.   Please address the following question with in-text citations for your content.   How do issues of influence, control, and power affect service delivery?  My topic: Child & Adolescent Mental Health

Discussion Replies

YENROSE DISCUSSION 1 REPLIES Bradley Schmidt Feb 12, 2024, 2:21 AM Unread I accept the Merriam-Webster Dictionary definition of personality. They say personality is “the complex of characteristics that distinguishes an individual or nation or group especially: the totality of an individual’s behavioral and emotional characteristics”.  As a baby we are blank slates ready to […]

Job analysis project

Job Description The Senior Recruitment Manager for Employer Development and Relations (EDR) at University of Campus Services (UCS) is an elaborate, yet exciting job with many essential functions. The scope of this job position is to assist and support the EDR team, which includes on and off-campus relationship building, reporting on employer data, managing on-campus […]

Psychology SDV Stress Assignment

Please follow all instruction and guide lines  please no AI aattached  the tertuim report afterwards be creative and please only want guarantee A+ work. Pleases see what is required and attached is the course materials.

Psychology History assignment psychology EX

Please read carefully and follow directions This  is a major grade and this assignment has three parts I will attached the source text book and the primary text book. This requires watcfilms whichhing  I have attached and use must must must use PRIMARY SOURCES NOT SECONDARY BUT PRIMARY SOURCES PLEASE FOLLOW the instructions. ALL written […]

Jury Decision Making reflection

Research Report Looking Deathworthy Perceived Stereotypicality of Black Defendants Predicts Capital-Sentencing Outcomes Jennifer L. Eberhardt,1 Paul G. Davies,2 Valerie J. Purdie-Vaughns,3 and Sheri Lynn Johnson4 1Department of Psychology, Stanford University; 2Department of Psychology, University of California, Los Angeles; 3Department of Psychology, Yale University; and 4Cornell Law School ABSTRACT—Researchers previously have investigated the role of race […]

Psyc 621

PSYC 621 Research Paper: Outline Template Title Page Introduction Thesis statement: one sentence that states the focus of your paper 1. Key Points (include 3–5 main points) 0. Point 1 0. Point 2 0. Point 3 0. Point 4 0. Point 5 Body of Paper Topic sentence and supporting research for each of your key […]

PSYC 631

PSYC 631 Family Analysis Assignment Instructions Overview The purpose of this assignment is to provide you with an opportunity to apply course content to what is shown in the media. For this assignment, you will be analyzing dynamics from a family found in either a TV show, movie, or book. The family must include an […]

db psyc 635

Share your perspectives on personality assessment, mental health, mental illness, and models of coping, incorporating at least 2 of the presentations and/or articles from this Module. Some ideas and questions to consider are: · What are your views on the medical, moral, compensatory, and enlightenment models? Do you subscribe more to one than to the […]

db psyc 621

Thread: Pick one of the diagnoses of preschool children discussed in your textbook (pages 363-367):  Oppositional Defiant Disorder, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, or Separation Anxiety, and provide a discussion related to the diagnosis. Then identify and discuss one intervention program from scholarly journal article references that may be effective for treatment for preschool children with this […]

db 620 PSYC

PSYC 620 Discuss the similarities and differences noted between the videos on the treatment of sleep disorders and eating disorders and the treatment protocol described in the textbook chapters for these disorders. Discuss any particular behavioral interventions noted in the videos and how they may relate to those described in the text. Read: Barlow: Chapters […]


Psyc 620 The importance of motivation in treating alcohol use disorders and substance use disorders cannot be overstated. Chapter 14 notes the impact of motivation on alcohol use disorders and discusses Prochaska and DiClemente’s Stages of Change Model (2005) and Miller and Rollnick’s Motivational Interviewing Model (2002) as theoretical frameworks for working with this disorder. […]

His 101 packback 5

Please answer the professor question it is 3 parts to this assignments first response to the teacher with a thesis and your response and reference. second come up with your own question. then you have to reply to one student. Below is the professor question that needs to be answered.   respond in two paragraph […]

Discussion Board

   In a social work practice that focuses on children, understanding the developmental stage and the learning theories for practice is important.  For this discussion, we are focusing on the social development of children ages 3-5 years.   Respond to the following:  Review the handout 40 Developmental Assets for Early Childhood.  Discuss one external asset […]

Psychology Homework

 Any approved topic from Multicultural Psychology of which must consists of the title, Introduction, at least, 2 headings and 2 subheadings, conclusion, and then references. Any topic chosen must reference the worldview of at least three cultures/ethnic groups. 

Discussion 5

please help with assignment  Discussion 5 If you are doing a review paper, you will discuss your final research question, your inclusion and exclusion criteria, and begin a placeholder for where you will eventually include patterns or trends of outcomes from the studies. Do you have some ideas of how to tie these ideas together? Are […]

Psychology Assignment 5

please help with assignment Feedback from first Box Score Great table – please include number of participants if possible in your final version. Please see comments and let me know if you have any questions. You definitely need more articles -see if you can locate actual online (zoom etc) as well as telephone as well […]