PSY 3425 week 6

Instructions/Guidelines are attached  What is the best way to cope with pain? What does your answer depend on, and what are some pros and cons of the different methods discussed in the chapter and lecture? Response Parameters · Use APA-style format for references (MUST be peer-reviewed ) · Each initial post should be at least […]

PSY 3442 week 6 discus

instructions/guidelines attached  Prompt: Apply Abraham Maslow’s needs hierarchy theory or Carl Rogers’ self-actualization theory to the Week 6 Case Conceptualization Download Week 6 Case Conceptualization . You are being asked to conceptualize this case by explaining how this person’s current personality dynamics and presenting problems have developed, what is helping to maintain them in the […]

PSY 3442 week 6 research

instructions/Guidelines are attached  Research Paper Topic: Understanding Robert Mendez (US Senator) Political position, Bribery and personality type Directions Think about a current event and the one person who is at the center of this current event. This could be of any genre, including crime, politics, entertainment, sports, etc. During the upcoming weeks, you will research […]

Professional Development

Professional Development Sample Outline for Professional Development Paper Introduction– counselors and the need for them Counseling as a Career Choice- to acquire new skills . The impact you have on peoples lives daily Personal Growth in Counseling– a love for people Professional Growth– as a professional counselor I will assist clients with acceptance of mental […]

PSyc 621 Questions

see attachment 1. Name at least 3 stressors to optimal family patterns of interaction. 2. Name two disorders that can result due to errors in brain development or formation. 3. Name 3 of the 9 dimensions of infant behavior identified by Thomas and Chess. 4. Describe one way that Christian faith is connected to Child […]

Discussion Question

 Research Stella Wash, keeping in mind the class discussion on gender. Share your thoughts (1) about Stella’s life in general and her circumstances, and (2) Explain why or why you do not think that Stella was treated fairly. Think about the era in which Stella’s journey occurred. Do you think the outcome would be same […]

Behavioral dysfunction disorder

How to do a behavioral dysfunctional report Week 8-Assignment: Develop a Presentation on Body-Focused Disorders, Behavioral Disorders Sexual Dysfunction & Gender Dysphoria Top of Form Hide Folder Information Instructions This week, you will identify a specific condition from one of these diagnostic categories: Body-Focused and Behavioral Disorders and Gender Dysphoria. Select one in which you […]

W7 pc D

After reviewing the above speech discuss your reaction. What were some of the techniques used by the presenter? What techniques do you think that you could incorporate in your next speech? What techniques do you think would be difficult to incorporate and why?

evaluate assessment of intelligence and achievements

Review of the Assessment of Multiple Intelligences by GARY L. CANIVEZ, Professor of Psychology, Department of Psychology, Eastern Illinois University, Charleston, IL: DESCRIPTION. The Assessment of Multiple Intelligences (AMI) purports to measure “which of Gardner’s eight intelligence types a person possesses” for use in pre-employment testing (manual, p. 1). The AMI is also “designed to […]

Child development

Routines and schedules child development week 4 Children need time each day to play, read, eat, interact, and engage with the world around them. Designing effective schedules that incorporate effective routines helps promote children’s development and learning. This assignment will focus on creating a schedule that is flexible but meets children’s need for routine and […]

Help part 2

PSY 321 Part 2 Guide Research Proposal Part 2 Guide: Introduction & Literature Review Assignment Guidelines Write an APA formatted introduction and literature review. Use the Research Proposal Part 2 Template to structure research proposal part 2. Submit your paper via Canvas. Required format is PDF. Assignment Requirements 1. Introduction Requirements a. Define and describe […]

Science II

see attachment  Discussion: Systems Health Instructions: After studying the content of the module and the suggested resources, participate and comment on the balance (homeostasis) that must exist between all body systems to achieve health.    Remember to review the  academic expectations  for your submission. Submission Instructions: · Submit your initial discussion post by 11:59 PM Eastern […]

Science II

see attachment  Discussion: Systems Health Instructions: After studying the content of the module and the suggested resources, participate and comment on the balance (homeostasis) that must exist between all body systems to achieve health.    Remember to review the  academic expectations  for your submission. Submission Instructions: · Submit your initial discussion post by 11:59 PM Eastern […]

Science II

see attachment  Module 5: Assignment: Persuasive Speech This activity pretends to prepare a persuasive speech of the theme of your choice, according to the studied elements from point iii.  Instructions: –    You will prepare a persuasive speech of the theme of your choice, using the elements studied in point iii.  –    Choose the […]


see attachment  Module 5: Assignment: Persuasive Speech This activity pretends to prepare a persuasive speech of the theme of your choice, according to the studied elements from point iii.  Instructions: –    You will prepare a persuasive speech of the theme of your choice, using the elements studied in point iii.  –    Choose the […]


see Attachment  Module 5: Assignment: Persuasion in advertisement and the AIDA Formula Analysis This activity pretends to analyze the elements of the AIDA Formula, using an ad of our choice, according to the studied elements from point ii.  Instructions:  –    You will analyze the elements of the AIDA Formula, through an ad of your […]


see Attachment  Module 5: Discussion Forum Instructions:  1. What elements of persuasion can you see in action daily? Sustain your response with examples. 2. Do you think that all speeches are persuasive? Sustain your response. 3. Why is it important that advertising uses the AIDA Formula for its advertisements? Remember to review the  academic expectations […]


What is your reaction to breastfeeding? This file is too large to display.View in new window

Psychology week 5 assignment 2

  Begin with a title slide including an original name for your seminar. Make sure to comment on all aspects of the slide including visual presentation, audio presentation, content, and rational/approach/activity. Provide constructive feedback to at least two of your peers addressing each of the aspects above.

Psychology Psychology week 5 assignment 2

  Begin with a title slide including an original name for your seminar. Make sure to comment on all aspects of the slide including visual presentation, audio presentation, content, and rational/approach/activity. Provide constructive feedback to at least two of your peers addressing each of the aspects above.

Performance Management

See the attachment and include all required items listed on the rubric.  The process of performance management directly follows the successful onboarding of new employees. This includes ongoing employee training and development, yearly employee performance appraisal evaluations, ongoing feedback through one-to-one meetings with leaders, and readiness for potential promotional opportunities. The challenges related to performance […]

DB replies

Neysa Peer 1   The video and the textbook both emphasize the importance of managing medication effectively in the treatment of bipolar disorder. However, it is important to note that the effectiveness of medication differs between bipolar disorder and schizophrenia. Research indicates that adherence to medication significantly reduces the likelihood of relapse in individuals with […]

Psychology scientific reading assignment

Scientific Reading Assignment Instructions: You can choose any of the three articles (below) to read and answer questions about. As you read, keep in mind what you think is good about these and what you’d do differently. I don’t expect for you to know all of the details of how the results and statistics are […]


PYSCH 300 What is nonexperimental research? List and define the three important types of nonexperimental research. Describe a specific example of each in detail. Make sure to talk about why your example fits each type. Why might a researcher conduct a nonexperimental research study instead of experimental research? Include one article from a peer reviewed […]

feedback Car

 I enjoyed reading your post I like the part that you mentioned,” the instructor can give a research question and expect every student to collect data on a particular group in a specific setting. The information collected is first-hand and will be an additional knowledge to the course” . If the instructor gives the big […]

module 7 sdv

Need done asap please read and answer all correctly all terms definitions are uploaded. 2/10/24, 12:40 PM Quiz: Module 07: Listening Self-Check Quiz 1/6 Module 07: Listening Self-Check Quiz Started: Feb 10 at 12:38pm Quiz Instructions Module 07 Table of Contents ($CANVAS_OBJECT_REFERENCE$/modules/gde7916cc7c6e0557f15083dd3ff6caff) 1 ptsQuestion 1 _________ are verified by clear, unambiguous evidence. Assumptions Facts Opinions […]


Please answer correctly terms definitions are also uploaded 2/10/24, 12:37 PM Quiz: Module 06: Nonverbal Communication Self-check Quiz 1/5 Module 06: Nonverbal Communication Self-check Quiz Started: Feb 10 at 12:36pm Quiz Instructions Module 06 Table of Contents ($CANVAS_OBJECT_REFERENCE$/modules/gacfe0a84b43c0411b3f1cd62b840d43d) Grading 1 ptsQuestion 1 a head-nod or a head-shake that accompanies the verbal messages of “yes” or […]

resp 14

attached Comment about this post: Adolescence is very difficult for adolescents, so the relationships between adolescents and their parents must be good and healthy. Studies have shown that in the stage of adolescents from 12 to 17 years old, a good relationship with their parents improves the state of mental and physical health that they […]

resp 15

attached Comment about this post: Family relationships are a big part of how teens’ minds and emotions grow. Having supportive family relationships eases the transition to maturity for youth by providing a safe space to share stories about their past and aspirations for the future (StudyCorgi, 2022). According to studies on teen family relationships, the […]

resp 16

attached Comment about this post: When coming into finding a bond between adolescence and their parents can be difficult. Adolescence do create this self image of being a capable adult. Which means they tend to attempt to handle personal dilemmas independently. This causes the isolation in most adolescents when being in family. Best way to […]

resp 13

attached Comment about this post: In most families both the parents and the children are transitioning through different stages of their lives. It is so important for parents to be transparent with their children when they’re stressed or having difficulty communicating with them. Open and honest relationships usually lead to better communication.

feedback far

  what elements of a case study are most important when creating a lesson plan using constructivist principles? 

week five feedback adel

 When have you personally engaged in social negotiation? What are some ways one might benchmark to ensure the highest level of success with this type of negotiation? I look forward 

creating a blog

How to create a blog post Week 7 – Assignment: Create a Blog Post for Parent Education Top of Form Hide Folder Information Instructions For this week’s assignment, you will develop a blog post (500 words) or a brief podcast or video (2-3 minutes) in which you provide an accurate summary of the neurodevelopmental diagnosis […]


  d like you to begin researching schools and community providers servicing youths in the Community Board 2 area. Our clinic, Center for Young Adults, serves youths ages 11-24 who have an SA and MH dx – and in efforts to grow our presence here in the community, we need to know who’s here and […]

psy270 discussion 7

Please read thoroughly no ai no references and please attached tetriun  there are two parts to this please pay close attention.

PSY270 Discussion 9

Please Read thoroughly no AI text book attached please complete fully. Attach tenertium report. 2/9/24, 9:10 AM Topic: Module 09: Discussion – Dr. Carroll’s Notebook: Meet Kiki 1/2  This is a graded discussion: 10 points possible due Mar 31 Module 09: Discussion – Dr. Carroll’s Notebook: Meet Kiki This assignment is required and counts […]

psy270 discussion 6

Please read thoroughly please no AI and please attached the tentiun. text book is attached 2/8/24, 8:18 PM Topic: Module 06: Discussion – Sex Needs a New Metaphor 1/2  This is a graded discussion: 10 points possible due Mar 10 Module 06: Discussion – Sex Needs a New Metaphor Sex Needs a New Metaphor […]

psy270 discussion 6

Please read thoroughly please no AI and please attached the tentiun. text book is attached

Psychology CST Assignment Asynchronous: Dialogical Communication & Buber

to an external site. Above is a chart that illustrates dialogical communication and addresses its communicative sensibilities.  See the clip: Buber on Dialogical Communication.  UP TO 5.34 min to an external site. Here are the questions you should be able to answer and discuss with your group: All responses must be supported by  chapter 4.  […]


  FLA Assignment C Rubric 1-    Criteria            Insight into Conflict   Depth of analysis and understanding of the conflict presented including own and others’ roles.       Mark (5%) The work consistently demonstrates clear insight well beyond a recounting of facts.   2-    Criteria            Antecedents to Conflict     Mark (15%) The author provides consistent evidence of deep analysis including: taking multiple perspectives; implications; and […]

Benchmark – The Employee Onboarding Process

See attachments! Also, make sure to include all points in the rubric.  As the director of human resources in a mid-sized retail organization, you have been asked to provide an overview of your entire employee onboarding process. This includes your job evaluation, recruiting, interviewing, hiring, and onboarding, and new employee training processes for the CEO. […]

Discussion Replies

YENROSE Katyja Anderson Feb 5, 2024, 6:01 AM Unread Hello Dr. Pasley and Class,    I feel like discovering one’s purpose involves a combination of introspection, life experiences, and spiritual guidance. Personally, I believe reflection on our passions, talents, and the impact we want to make in the world plays an important role in uncovering […]

PSY 3425 Week 5 reply

Instructions are attached  Instructions: · Respond to two peers’ responses with a minimum of 250 words each · Use APA style Format and references. MUST be peer reviewed · Use APA style in-text citations PEER 1: Tabitha Health behaviors are things that directly affect health outcomes. They are any action or activity undertaken by an […]

Psy270 Discussion 3

Please read thoroughly no references required you must respond to three students post after completing. NO AI and Tentium report is required no grammar mistakes and please read full assignment 

week 5

attached This week we are covering the impact of Families on Adolescents Comment :

PSy270 Discussion 5

Please read thoroughly you only have to choose three questions and answer in two full  paragraphs . No references are required and you have to respond to three students other . Text book is attached

PSY 3442 week 5 reply

instructions are attached  Instructions: · Each reply post is expected to be at least 150 words · Include at least one peer-reviewed article into each reply post and provide APA in-text citations and references for all of your sources PEER 1: Renée Catanzaro Ms. Callsenck is a recently married, middle-aged Caucasian woman. She was raised […]

Study Psyc 631

PSYC 631 Case Study Assignment Instructions Overview The purpose of these assignments is to provide you with an opportunity to apply course material to case studies involving hypothetical adolescents. Doing so will allow you to draw connections between content across modules and integrate that information to explain adolescent behavior and outcomes. The case studies are […]