Drugs for Treating Psychological Disorders Discussion

 SHORT RESPONSE NO MORE THAN TWO SENTENCES   SHORT RESPONSE NO MORE THAN TWO SENTENCES Discuss the medical model of mental disorders and why many professionals oppose it. ü Describe the typical characteristics of anxiety disorders, schizophrenia, and mood disorders. Explain the historical context and the importance of the discovery of the phenothiazine antipsychotics. ü […]

PSY 3425 week 4 response

Instructions are attached  Respond to both peers with a minimum of 250 words and APA peer-reviewed references. PEER 1: Ava Tisdale Biological, psychological, and social components all play a crucial role in shaping behaviors. Furthermore, these factors help understand the challenges associated, and are essential for behavioral intervention to occur. The biologic component of behavioral […]

PSY 3425 week 4

Instructions are attached  Instructions: 10 short-answer essay questions. The questions will assess your knowledge of the reading assignments and videos from Weeks 1 through 4. · Do not use quotes (paraphrase) · Each answer should include at least one citation from your textbook and/or an outside source (MUST BE peer-reviewed) · You must cite and […]

resp 12

attached Comment about this post: I believe that as society progresses adolescents and emerging adults have an increased external locus of control. This means that they put blame on outside forces on how their life is currently going. This also leads to depression and other mental illnesses because they feel like they have no control […]

resp 9

attached Comment about this post: Hey everyone, Hope everyone has had a great week so far. I personally have really enjoyed reading this weeks material. Many people may like to say that emerging adulthood is the most difficult, I disagree. Although it is a confusing stage due to you growing up and figuring out how […]

resp 10

attached Comment about this post: I thought this was a very interesting topic in this weeks chapter. I feel like adolescence is such a stressful and awkward time, and the fact that this is the longest it has ever been in human history is quite concerning. We know adolescence starts with puberty, but pin pointing […]

resp 11

attached Comment about this post: When it comes to the growth of a teenager, the conditions of their location have a huge influence on the progress that they make. One of the reasons for this is that the environment in which an adolescent is brought up has the potential to influence their behavior, attitudes, and […]

SOCW 6311 Research

Assistance with question Medical Social Work week 10 HIPAA, PATIENT RIGHTS, AND MEDICAL SOCIAL WORKER DILEMMAS As a patient in a healthcare setting, you have likely been given a HIPAA form to sign, either in hard copy or electronically. But what is HIPAA actually all about?  The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) gives […]

Psychology week 4 assignment 2

 Complete the following readings from your textbook, Educational Psychology: Chapter 8: Cognitive Views of Learning Chapter 9: Complex Cognitive Processes  


 This is always a fun debate: Nature Versus Nurture… Which do you feel has a GREATER role in human development? DO NOT PUSH BOTH!!! I am aware that they both aid in development. You could almost always say both in psychological debates; however, I want you all thinking critically. Weigh the options and defend whichever one tips […]

Riverbend City Child Development Center Brochure

In your psychology career, you may find yourself working for an agency or organization that offers medical, counseling, or behavior analysis services, and you may be asked to design literature or marketing materials to promote these services in your community. Not only will you need to have strong communication skills, but you will need to […]


worksheet help  Roberta Roberta is a 16-year-old African American, a high school sophomore whose grades have recently been dropping after having been a high achiever in elementary, junior high, and in her freshmen year. An excellent athlete, Roberta abruptly quit the swimming team last week. Her parents, teachers, and school counselor are all at a […]

SOCW 6311 Social work Practice Research II

  Provide a brief description of the foster parent training program (1–2 sentences). Identify which group research design you will use (from those outlined in the Resources as appropriate for the Program Evaluation case study) and state why. Identify the outcomes to be measured. Describe specific measurements that you will use to assess those outcomes.  […]


help with a brochure assignment  Week 4 Research Activity: Locate Sources for This Week’s Assignment For your assignment this week, you will create a brochure advertising a service that a child development center offers. If you have not done so yet, review the assignment instructions. Then, take a look at the following resources which will […]

discussion replies

Alberto’s replies: Jill Derevage Jan 29, 2024, 5:42 AM Unread   Christians portray that Jesus is the only way to salvation because they know that God sent his one and only son to die on the cross for our sins.  For, those who seek to gain eternal life know that they do this only through […]

SCOW 6204 Week 10 DQ

 Post a brief description of a medical social worker’s responsibilities under HIPAA guidelines that apply to the case you selected. Then, answer the questions associated with your chosen case, providing justification for your responses.   

feedback Kimberly, MARC

 How about instructor experience? Specifically, how might instructor experience with virtual learning affect quality of learning for students in a virtual environment? 

feedback julia

 Thank you for your post this week. Although this new way of teaching has gained some popularity, what are your thoughts about whether the benefits of online learning and teaching have created another issue connected to social skills and how this may be negatively contributing to mental health? Relative to online learning and the new […]

psyc 620 db3 replies

Angelo Peer 1 In the “Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Anxiety and Depression (Session 1 of 6)” video, Dr. Wenzel utilizes cognitive behavioral therapy to assist a 24-year-old man grappling with anxiety and mild depression, which are impacting his academic performance and workplace behavior. The foundational methods of cognitive behavioral therapy demonstrated in this video involve […]

week 5 professor feedback

 Given insights gained during the pandemic, what new research on virtual learning would be especially beneficial to educators? Why do you feel that way?   

DB 2 Psyc 631 Replies

Russel Peer 1 Eisenberg and colleagues (2009) stated prosocial behavior refers to voluntary actions intentionally performed to benefit others. Prosocial actions are characterized by a genuine desire to contribute positively to the well-being of others, reflecting a sense of empathy, compassion, or altruism. It’s worth noting that prosocial behavior can manifest in various ways, from […]

db psyc 635 replies

Kristti Peer 1 One of the topics in this module that was extremely interesting to me was the reading on,  Growth after Trauma, by Lorna Collier. Since trauma is an area of interest for me already, due to personal aspects in my own life and my children’s life, I was really drawn to the fact of […]

doc 4

attached In this week, students will define social transitions and review biological and cognitive transitions in order to assess the impact of context on these major transitions (biological, social, cognitive) and explain differences in developmental outcomes Comment about video:

Science II

see attachment  Discussion: Biodiversity Instructions: After studying the module content and suggested resources, describe the importance of ecosystem conservation to guarantee biodiversity.    Remember to review the  academic expectations  for your submission. Submission Instructions: · Submit your initial discussion post by 11:59 PM Eastern on Wednesday.  You will receive a 10 point deduction per day if […]


1.Jesus made many absolute statements such as the following:  John 14:6: “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me” (NIV).  Matthew 7:13-14: “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter […]


1 Motivational Factors in Adherence to Educational Technology Policies Despite the fact that we live in a dynamic era of educational technology where policy changes overshadow everything, institutions are adapting to these changing realities by amending their previously adopted policies, which have received mixed reactions from students who either seek to adopt enthusiastically or vehemently […]


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Week 4 Thesis Statement

This assignment can Only be completed using a prev assignment. Week4 instructions ATTACHED . Week2 assignment (Attention Deficit) ATTACHED .  Tips for Week4 Thesis from my Professor ATTACHED .