Xbox Game Pass

KE1246 August 16, 2023 © 2023 by the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University. This case was prepared by Professor Mohanbir Sawhney. Cases are developed solely as the basis for class discussion and are not intended to serve as endorsements, sources of primary data, or illustrations of effective or ineffective management. This case was […]

Website Review

Does the author have expert knowledge on the subject? In this assignment, you will conduct a website review. Select one of the following websites: Center for Middle Eastern Studies. (n.d.).  Y’alla: A Texan journal of Middle Eastern literature Links to an external site. . You will conduct a review of the website in which you evaluate its […]

social problems

In this milestone you will select a social problem for your final project. Outline a social problem in the United States you may want to refer to your journal entry, “What is the Biggest Social Problem in the U.S.?” or you may select another. Refer to your instructor’s feedback on that assignment whether you choose […]

Control Phase,

See attached doc Control Phase, Part One—Mitigating Unwanted Consequences First, read Chapter 9 in  The Essential Workplace Conflict Handbook. Additionally, review the  CONTROL Supplementary Document . In your initial post, address the following: · How has your identification of unwanted consequences from your Improve phase informed your understanding of what you need to control? · […]


Exlplain why certain movements of the heart such as hatred toward another human being, lust or covetousness, are wrong? 50-100 wrds


Is it wrong to do something that only does harm to yourself (eg. suicide, certain sexual sins such as lust or adulterous/homosexual desires, certain instances of stealing, etc.)? Explain why or why not using concepts from the course. (50-100 wrds) 

Obeying the law

When the law makes it illegal to copy and share with friends certain copyright-protected content (eg. music, movies, etc). is it your moral duty to obey the law? Explain why or why not using concepts from Weeks 1-4 such as justice, perfect/imperfect duties, respect (observantia. and obedience to authority. (50-100 wrds)

Understanding Group Formation

See attached doc Understanding Group Formation Dynamics to Manage and Resolve Conflict First, review your work from the small group discussion in Module Four, including your group’s final SIPOC diagram, and consider the relationships between and among the individuals involved—the suppliers and the customers. Also, be sure to read  Forming, Storming, Norming, and Performing: Understanding […]

Mitigating Unwanted Consequences

See attached doc Mitigating Unwanted Consequences First, read Chapter 8 in  The Essential Workplace Conflict Handbook. Also review your work from Module Five on the first aspect of the Improve process, including the  IMPROVE Supplementary Document . Next, in your initial post, address the following: · In what ways do you perceive the Improve phase […]

SIPOC Diagram and Analysis

See attached doc First, watch the video   SIPOC: Suppliers Inputs Process Outputs Customer . Additionally, be sure to review the  DEFINE Supplementary Document ,  MEASURE Supplementary Document , and  ANALYZE Supplementary Document . Next, evaluate your selected final project case study in order to deconstruct it into each element of the SIPOC diagram, which […]


to an external site.

Types of thinking

Why is critical thinking the necessary approach when presented with a problem? For this discussion, choose TWO of the following approaches. · systems thinking · contextual thinking · perspective taking · integrative thinking · ethical analysis Explain why such approaches are critical for addressing complex problems by providing a specific example of an issue where […]

Measuring and Analyzing Conflict

See attached doc Measuring and Analyzing Conflict Overview For this second milestone, due in  Module Five, you will provide the Measure and Analyze phases of the DMAIC process and apply them to your selected final project case study. You will first measure performance by creating a process to gather data on the current situation and […]

The Essential Workplace Conflict

See attached doc First, read Chapter 7 in  The Essential Workplace Conflict Handbook and  Fishbone (Ishikawa) Diagram . Additionally, refer to the  IMPROVE Supplementary Document . Next, in your initial post, address the following: · How has your completion of the Ishikawa diagram assisted your understanding of the root causes and ultimate effects of the conflict? […]

Public Speaking

A Pocket Guide to Public Speaking 6th Edition Chapter 23 Principles of Persuasion Speaking Focus on Motivation Use information from audience analysis Demonstrate the benefit to the audience Establish your credibility Set modest goals Demonstrate how attitudes can prevent satisfaction Greater success comes when the audience holds a similar position 2 Classical Persuasive Appeals: Ethos, […]

Water Resouces

How does water scarcity impact relations between Middle Eastern countries? Submit an initial post in which you include the following:  · a description of water resources in the Middle East and the strategies used to increase water supply, · an explanation of how water scarcity impacts relations between Middle Eastern countries, and · an assessment […]

Developmental Theory

 Cognitive theory and how it might be used to influence the planning and delivery of lesson instruction.  Only need 1 paragraph 

film ec

Presentation Title: Monsters, Men, & Magic in Film Storytelling Each group will be presenting together. Please see below to find your name. Because our theme is Monster, Men, & Magic each group will address these three aspect by addressing the characters, the plot, and the magical/supernatural elements in the story. Cinderella (the film) depiction of […]

The Analyze Phase and Its Tools for Success in DMAIC

Se attached doc The Analyze Phase and Its Tools for Success in DMAIC First, read Chapter 6 in  The Essential Workplace Conflict Handbook as well as  Determine the Root Cause: 5 Whys . Additionally, be sure to refer to the  ANALYZE Supplementary Document . Next, in your initial paper, address the following: · How has your […]

LesMis/Shawshank Redemption Reflection

finish the document without using AI!! Movie Reflection Paper Watch the movie Les Mis (1998 or 2012) or Shawshank Redemption. Choose which movie you would like to review. · LesMis 1998: Staring Liam Neeson and Geoffrey Rush – Presented in all talking · LesMis 2012: Hugh Jackman and Russel Crow – Presented in almost all […]

anarchy videos

Watch the following AXE commercials “Anarchy” at: Das Neue AXE Anarchy – For Him and For HerLinks to an external site. AXE AnarchyLinks to an external site. AXE Anarchy the graphic novelLinks to an external site. The graphic novel – AXE AnarchyLinks to an external site. discuss how use of social media in IMC mix […]

Research lll

Student will develop a proposal that will outline an issue/challenge/problem that they feel that needs to be addressed at your agency. Your proposal must be needed and that will bring change or make an impact. The goal is to enable students to learn about their agency’s mission, function, organizational structure, and how their agencies fit […]

Case Study

See attache doc Overview For this first paper, due in  Module Three, you will take what you have learned about Define and begin your work on your selected final project case study, establishing the Define phase of the DMAIC process for your organization. Prompt Your case study from   Final Project Case Study Two . […]

Define Organizational Conflict

See attached doc First, read Chapters 2, 3, and 4 in  The Essential Workplace Conflict Handbook, regarding how diversity and inclusion (Chapter 2) and team building (Chapter 3) inform your understanding of the Define piece of the DMAIC process model. Chapter 4 moves into an examples-based consideration of the problem definition, from a narrative perspective. […]


 How does the structure of the excerpt help the author make his argument about life in California for Dust Bowl migrants? 

SMART goals

See attached doc Overview For this assignment, due in  Module Two, you will complete a SMART goals chart. By now, you should be able to see how the DMAIC phases are interconnected. This SMART goals task provides an analysis tool to help you define the conflict in the selected case study for your final project. […]

Application to a Real Organizational Conflict

See attached doc What is your experience with organizational conflict, whether as an employee or as a supervisor? What do you plan to accomplish in the next five to eight years? Next, having read Chapter 1 in the textbook, as well as the Garden Depot case study, address the following in your initial post: · […]

dis JM

Part A Your initial post should be clearly written and use APA (7th) citations.  Make sure you use in-text citations from the class resources and cite the resources at the end of your entry.  You need a well-detailed paragraph or two to answer the prompt. make sure you are answering in an academic manner by recognizing what you agreed with, […]

lesson plan

Chpt 5: LESSON PLAN FORMAT Planning format Your name ______________ Grade ____________ Topic ______________________________ Alabama State Standard: ___________________________________________________________________ CCSS_______________________________________________________________________ Objective written in student friendly terms: Essential Question: Unit Title: How does this fit into what is being studied I. CONTENT: (What will be taught? ) II. INSTRUCTIONAL OUTCOME/OBJECTIVE: (What students know at the end of […]

Work needed

I have attached it. Scott’s MATH 110 Answer each discussion question with 125 words each, with references. Discussion 7.1 What is the cofactor of an entry of a matrix? How are cofactors used to find the determinant of the matrix? Discussion 7.2 Find a 4×4 matrix whose determinant is equal to ax3+bx2+cx+d. Scott’s ENGL107 Summary-Response […]

Gender Studies / Feminism

Please see the attached photos and ready the prompt and understand it clearly and we will discuss the rest in chat. Reading Number 1 Reading Number 2 Blank Page Blank Page Blank Page


See attached doc This discussion offers you the opportunity to reflect on previous assignments and discussions, and to share thoughts, ideas, and questions. Drawing on what you have learned throughout this course, discuss how your current understanding of terrorism is different from your understanding of terrorism when you first started this course. Take a look […]

Character Locker – LOng Live The Pumpkin Queen

You will select one character from your book and create a” locker ” for that character that accurately reflects their personality and character traits .Then you will write a paragraph explaining the significance of the items selected. 

The 5th Wave

See attached doc The Fifth Wave   In Module Two, you explored Rapoport’s wave theory. In this theory, Rapoport describes each wave as dominated by a particular form of terrorism: anarchist, anticolonialist, New Left, or religious terrorism. Rapoport also described each wave as a cycle lasting about forty years. Rapoport suggested that this was due […]

health info

Evaluate the current update of the “Affordable Care Act” and its impact on Healthcare. E-health; ACO  (Accountable Care Organization); Medical Home; E-Prescribing

Reading Macro Assignment

Rubric for Case Analysis Criteria Points Points Earned Comments Analysis 10 Identification of the problem 10 Identification of the strategies (macro, micro and mezzo) 20 Recommendations 10 Supporting literature to support the writer’s thoughts, (use of resources as required for the assignment) 15 Organization(grammar, integration of writing style, student answered all questions and followed directions) […]

Alternative Futures Analysis

See attached doc Alternative Futures Analysis Overview In a globalized world, counterterrorism efforts and research within the criminal justice field continue to expand, and their need is repeatedly underscored by each new attack. Those who seek to mitigate terrorist threats understand that terror does not occur in a vacuum. They explore how historical events, geopolitics, […]


Which details should be included in a summary of “The Chenoo”? Check all that apply. The brothers find evidence of the Chenoo, a frightening monster. The Chenoo’s footprints are over two feet wide. Because of the siblings’ kind treatment, the Chenoo transforms into their grandfather. To save herself, Nolka pretends that the Chenoo is her […]