The Teacher’s name should be Steve Kiser from Skyview high school. He is a PE teacher/
weights teacher.
Each student will be interviewed either through Zoom, Phone or In-Person with a classroom
teacher for 25 minutes. Students need to come up with an open-ended question to ask the
teacher to help the student become more familiar with the career in teaching, such as “What do
you like best about being a teacher?” etc. There are no right or wrong answers. You need to
write up a summary report about the things you learned from this teacher? 2-3 pages. This
report is due at the end of the term on final’s week. You have until March 17, 2024 to work on
this report. You can choose to speak to any teacher of your choice or one that you find available
to speak to you. This teacher must be a public-school teacher that holds a public-school
teaching license. Again, this report is due by March 17, 2024 midnight. (Child and family major
candidates can interview a school counselor, case-worker or non-profit leaders or
peer-educators as another option).