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Teachers certification course

SS13 Qualities of Effective Teachers

Objective:  Learners will write SMART objectives for their content area, using measurable verbs.  Learners will write a SMART objective as the foundation for the lesson they are planning. 

Academic Language: Language Vocabulary needed for this module:

· Objectives

· SMART Objectives

· Specific

· Measurable

· Achievable

· Relevant

· Time-Bound

· Measurable Verbs


Each day you are in the classroom, you will have at least one objective for every class period. Many districts require teachers to post these objectives daily in their rooms so that students know the expectations for that time frame.

Now that you have TEKS for your content and an understanding of the UBD method, we will focus on writing measurable student objectives.

I want to begin this discussion with a short story.

Several years ago, when my son was in 7th grade, his Spanish teacher gave the class the assignment to learn about South America’s countries and capitals.  So, we diligently made flashcards and practiced calling out either the country or the capital.  By the time the test came around, he knew all the countries and capitals with 100% accuracy.  On test day, I expected either a matching or a fill-in-the-blank test in which the student listed the countries and capitals.  However, that was not the case.  The teacher handed the students an outline map of South America and asked them to write in the countries’ names and show the capitals in their approximate location on the map.  Needless to say, all of the students in the class failed the test since they had never practiced this skill.  The students were frustrated because they felt this test blindsided them, and the teacher was discouraged, saying, “I taught them the material.  They just didn’t study.  Kids these days don’t care.” 

Another activity that same year involved students finding 100 items from Spanish-speaking countries.  Students completed a spreadsheet listing the item, country of origin, and the merchant that sold the item.  There were also several limitations.  For example, only 10 of the items could come from Mexico; only 10 could be food items; only 10 could be on the internet.  This forced parents to drive their children all over the city trying to locate these items.  Students, parents, and local merchants were all frustrated by this activity and asked the question, “What is the objective here?”

The problem with both of these activities was that the teacher did not have a clearly defined objective.  What did she actually want students to know and do by the end of the lesson/unit and how would she know?  A well-written objective should lead to the choice of assessment and activities to prepare for the assessment.

The objective ensures that learning is focused enough so that both students and teachers understand the expectations.  Students should NEVER be surprised by the assessment.

Learning Objectives

Learning objectives are designed to increase an individual’s knowledge (think Bloom’s taxonomy). (Ex:  Given an outline map of South America, the student will 
identify countries and their capitals by correctly labeling the South American countries on the map and placing the capital in the country’s approximate location.) Notice this example states 
identify not appreciate, enjoy, or hear…  The descriptors need to be specific, so it is measurable.

Example of Questions for Each Level


· Who? What? Where? When? How?

· Describe:_______.

· What is _______?


· Re-tell ________ in your own words.

· What is the main idea of ________?

· What differences exist between _____ and _____?

· Write a brief outline.


· How is _____ an example of _____?

· How is _____ related to _____?

· Why is _____ significant?

· Describe an example of when ____ happens.


· What are the parts of ________?

· Classify this according to ________.

· Create an outline/concept map of ________.

· Provide evidence that _____ is correct.


· Compare and contrast _____ to _____.

· Select the best product.

· Critique the play.

· Judge the following in these merits: ___________.

Instructional Goals and Objectives (n.d.). Retrieved from 

to an external site.)Links to an external site.
  (2019, January 20).


The A, B, C, Ds of Objectives

Instructional objectives should specify four main things:

Audience – Who? Who is the target?  Typically, it will be “the student.”

Behavior – What? What do you expect them to be able to do? This behavior should be overt and observable, even if the actual behavior is covert or mental. If you can’t see it, hear it, touch it, taste it, or smell it, you can’t be sure your students learned it.  Here are some examples:         

· 1. Given a map of the United States, a student will 
label the state capitals with 90% accuracy. 

· 2. Given a diagram, the student will 
trace the flow of blood through the heart.

Condition – How? Under what circumstances will the learning occur? What will the student be given or already be expected to know to accomplish the learning?  What equipment or tools can the student access? What will the learner be denied? Here are some examples.                               

Given a problem of the following type the student will . . .                                                             

Given a list of . . .                                                                                                                                 

Without the aid of a calculator. . . 

Degree – How much? Must a specific set of criteria be met? Do you want total mastery (100%), do you want them to respond correctly 80% of the time?  Is there a time limit? Here are some examples:

       1. Given a globe, the student will correctly identify 
the seven continents.                                           

       2. Without using a calculator, the student will solve 10 one-variable algebraic equations involving whole-number coefficients in 5 minutes or less.

Instructional Goals and Objectives (n.d.). Retrieved from 
Links to an external site.  (2019, January 20).

Learning Doctor (2013, Jan 2). Instructional Objectives ABCD . Retrieved from:

Examples of Well-Written Objectives

“Given a shoe with laces, the student will correctly tie the shoelaces, without assistance.

“Given a sentence written in the past or present tense, the student will rewrite the sentence in the future tense, with no errors.”

“After watching a video about students with learning disabilities, the student will demonstrate an increased empathy for others with disabilities as measured by a pre/post inventory.”

Instructional Goals and Objectives (n.d.). Retrieved from 
to an external site.)  (2019, January 20).

Cline, John (2012, Nov 17). Creating Learning Objectives . Retrieved from:

SMART Method of writing objectives:

Specific – Use the ABCDs to create a clear and concise objective.

Measurable – Write the objective so that anyone can observe the learner perform the desired action and objectively assess the performance.

Achievable – Make sure the learner can do what is required. Don’t, for example, ask the learner to perform complex actions if they are a beginner in an area.

Relevant – Demonstrate value to the learner. Don’t teach material that won’t be used or on which you will not assess.

Timely and Time-Bound – Ensure the performance will be used soon, not a year from now. Also, include any necessary time constraints, such as completing a task in “10 minutes or less.”

Instructional Goals and Objectives (n.d.). Retrieved from 
to an external site.)  (2019, January 20).


Here are a few reminders from the John Cline video of incorrectly written objectives and how to improve them: 

In the beginning stages of lesson plan writing, you need to select the TEKS, think about the desired results, and create a learning objective.

Review these examples of TEKS with Objectives.  Measurable verbs are highlighted in blue.

9th Grade Biology

TEKS: TLW (The Learner Will) identify and investigate the role of enzymes.

Objective:  By the end of the unit, given the shapes (enzyme, substrate, product) the student will 
differentiate between enzyme, substrate, and product by name and shape to 80% accuracy.

3rd-Grade Social Studies

TEKS: TLW identifies and defines the term suburb.

Objective: In class given several examples, students will
 identify a suburban community by its characteristics: not as big as a city, many homes and fewer apartments, fewer businesses than a city, homes have grass, etc to 80% accuracy.

11th Grade AP Chemistry

TEKS: TLW understand that the rate at which a chemical reaction occurs can be affected by changing concentration, temperature, or pressure and the addition of a catalyst.

Objective:  Before the experiment and given the products of 5 general types of products, the student will
 predict the products of the five general types of chemical reactions and 
test their prediction by recording the results of their lab experiment.

5th-Grade Language Arts

TEKS: The student listens critically to analyze and evaluate a speaker’s message.

Objective: After an open class discussion with differing viewpoints, the student will 
compose an alternative viewpoint in their journal reflection.

6th-Grade Language Arts – Media Literacy

TEKS: TLW identify point-of-view and interpret media texts using implied messages.

Objective: After viewing several short video clips, the students will
 compare/contrast representations of minority characters from their favorite shows using a Venn diagram.

9th-Grade Computer Applications

TEKS: TLW access, generate, process, and transfer information using appropriate technology.

Objective: For the final unit assignment, students will 
present to the class their portfolio of projects developed over the three week grading period, such as resumes, flyers, and business letters.

Here are some questions to ask yourself:

1. What do the students need to do to achieve the course goals and objectives? Is it only the memorization of concepts? Probably not. Then what activities are necessary to achieve the level of learning you expect?  You can’t only teach at the 
recall level and expect students to 
apply the information later.  Their learning needs to be scaffolded, so they have practice working at the application level.

2. What kind of knowledge/skills do you want the students to apply later in your course or subsequent courses? Problem-solving, analysis, application, or what?

3. What learning activities will motivate students?

4. How will I know when my students leave the class for the day whether they got “it” and 
specifically which students (if any) need more help?

Instructional Goals and Objectives (n.d.). Retrieved from 

to an external site.)Links to an external site.
  (2019, January 20).


Essential Questions:

Now that you have an idea of how to write a SMART objective, start thinking about a formulating one to build your lesson plan.  As part of this planning process,  you also need to think about essential questions.  

What is an essential question in the lesson plan I will be delivering?


Essential Questions (often called EQs) are 
deep, fundamental, and often not easy-to-answer questions used to guide students’ learning.


Essential Questions stimulate thought, provoke inquiry, and transform instruction as a whole. The simplest way to define an essential question is 
to call it an open question. It cannot be answered with a ‘yes’ or a ‘no’ or by being labeled true or false.


1. What does power have to do with fairness and justice?

2. Why do we need beliefs and values?

3. How does the author use the resources of language to impact her audience?

4. What are enduring conflicts the writer grappled with hundreds of years ago that are still relevant today?

5. How does the application of the quadratic formula become useful in our real-world use of the formula?

6. How are large numbers estimated?

7. How do particles combine to form the variety of matter on observes?


To help you see the alignment, below are sample Essential Questions with a Standard and Learning Objective

Example 1


Apply and extend previous understandings of multiplication and division to divide fractions by fractions. Interpret and compute quotients of fractions, and solve word problems involving division of fractions by fractions, e.g., by using visual fraction models and equations to represent the problem. 

Learning Objective

By the end of this lesson, in a small intervention group, when given direct instruction and a worked example, students will accurately solve multi step word problems using a variety of mathematical strategies including multiplication and division of fractions correctly in 4 of 5 trials. 

Essential Question

What information and strategies would you use to solve multi-step word problems involving fractions?


Example 2


Literacy Distinguish long and short vowels when reading regularly spelled one-syllable words.

Learning Objective

By the end of the lesson, in a small group, all five students will be able to read 20 one-syllable words that either end in a silent “e” or are closed syllables with at least 80% accuracy. 

Essential Question

When does a one-syllable word have a short-vowel sound and when does it have a long-vowel sound?

How can I use what I know about words and letter sounds to help me read?



Example 3 


Multiply a whole number of up to four digits by a one-digit whole number, and multiply two 2-digit numbers, using strategies based on place value and the properties of operations. Illustrate and explain the calculation by using equations, rectangular arrays, and/or area models.

Learning Objective

By the end of this lesson, in a small group, these 4 students will be able to use place value understanding and the properties of operation to multiply 3 or 4-digit by 1-digit problems with 80% accuracy, showing their work with an equation, array, or area model. 

Essential Question

What strategies can you use to multiply 3 or 4-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers?


Example 4


Use combined knowledge of all letter-sound correspondences, syllabication patterns, and morphology (e.g., roots and affixes) to read accurately unfamiliar multisyllabic words in context and out of context

Learning Objective

In a small group setting, students will identify words containing the welded sounds -ank and -ink in and out of context independently with at least 80% accuracy by the end of the lesson.

Essential Question

What patterns should I notice in words to help me be a better reader?


· You will need to “bundle/organize” the TEKS into units. (Some schools have already done this for you with their scope and sequence).

· Units will contain a sequence of objectives, one or two for each lesson over a period of time (several weeks) that build off the previous day and prepare for the next.

· Select activities that best meet the objective. Ask yourself, “Will this activity be the best and fastest way to help me reach the goal?  (For example, I might want to teach students about the color gray, but the best and fastest way to do this would NOT involve bringing an elephant into class).

· Post the objectives in class and refer to them during the lesson.

· Each lesson should have a way to clearly assess learning and skills before students leave the room, whether they got “it” (the objective was met) so that reteaching can occur prior to moving to the next objective.

Lemov, Doug. (2010). 
Teach Like A Champion. San Francisco, CA:  Jossey-Bass, pages 64-65.


In the textbox below, select ONE TEK and write 

 SMART objectives using measurable verbs in your content area. 

Be sure to include one essential question for each objective.  (3 pts each)

– Select the best SMART objective to write in your LPG under 
3. Objective.  It’s OK to tweek and refine your objective as you step through the process for lesson planning.

– Identify the Essential Question(s) that will guide the student learning during your planned lesson and write them in on your LPG under 
3. Essential Question. 


Rubric Scoring:

15-13 pts – Practicing as an effective educator

12 – 10 pts – Mastery

9 or less – Resubmission required



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