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Teachers Values

 I need help completing the assignments in the attachment. 

Series 3 – Building Relationships

CASEL defines social and emotional learning (SEL) as an integral part of education and human development. SEL is the process through which all young people and adults acquire and apply the knowledge, skills, and attitudes to develop healthy identities, manage emotions and achieve personal and collective goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain supportive relationships, and make responsible and caring decisions.

SEL advances educational equity and excellence through authentic school-family-community partnerships to establish learning environments and experiences that feature trusting and collaborative relationships, rigorous and meaningful curriculum and instruction, and ongoing evaluation. SEL can help address various forms of inequity and empower young people and adults to co-create thriving schools and contribute to safe, healthy, and just communities.

Relationship building is an important part of the teaching process.  This video series will demonstrate how teachers across different grade levels and contents address SEL in their classrooms.  Be prepared to reflect on your content area and grade level to think through examples of how you may incorporate these techniques in your classroom.

1) DIRECTIONS:    Your reflections should answer the specific target question(s) and identify techniques and practices that you would want to implement in your own classroom.

Each reflection should be 3-5 complete sentences in the text box entry. 

-You have unlimited time to complete the quiz, and the quiz will automatically save as you go. So you can leave and come back at any time.

-You must complete a reflection for each of the videos and questions to receive credit for the series.

Source link:

What are key components of an SEL program?

2) DIRECTIONS:    Your reflections should answer the specific target question(s) and identify techniques and practices that you would want to implement in your own classroom.

Each reflection should be 3-5 complete sentences in the text box entry. 

-You have unlimited time to complete the quiz, and the quiz will automatically save as you go. So you can leave and come back at any time.

-You must complete a reflection for each of the videos and questions to receive credit for the series.

Source link:

Describe a way that you can integrate awareness of feelings in your content grade level.

3) DIRECTIONS:    Your reflections should answer the specific target question(s) and identify techniques and practices that you would want to implement in your own classroom.

Each reflection should be 3-5 complete sentences in the text box entry. 

-You have unlimited time to complete the quiz, and the quiz will automatically save as you go. So you can leave and come back at any time.

-You must complete a reflection for each of the videos and questions to receive credit for the series.

Source link:

This group outlined a set of goals where they wanted to see improvement in their student body: being polite to adults, offering forgiveness, and joining a group that that they normally do not sit with at lunch. Once they established goals for their students, they could create meaningful activities and discussions to build confidence. Share an example of a SEL goal that could be used in your content/grade level.

4) DIRECTIONS:    Your reflections should answer the specific target question(s) and identify techniques and practices that you would want to implement in your own classroom.

Each reflection should be 3-5 complete sentences in the text box entry. 

-You have unlimited time to complete the quiz, and the quiz will automatically save as you go. So you can leave and come back at any time.

-You must complete a reflection for each of the videos and questions to receive credit for the series.

Source link:

What are some ways that you can implement movement in to your content / classroom?

5) DIRECTIONS:    Your reflections should answer the specific target question(s) and identify techniques and practices that you would want to implement in your own classroom.

Each reflection should be 3-5 complete sentences in the text box entry. 

-You have unlimited time to complete the quiz, and the quiz will automatically save as you go. So you can leave and come back at any time.

-You must complete a reflection for each of the videos and questions to receive credit for the series.

Source link:

Describe a way that you could use self reflection as an SEL strategy in your content / grade level.

6) DIRECTIONS:    Your reflections should answer the specific target question(s) and identify techniques and practices that you would want to implement in your own classroom.

Each reflection should be 3-5 complete sentences in the text box entry. 

-You have unlimited time to complete the quiz, and the quiz will automatically save as you go. So you can leave and come back at any time.

-You must complete a reflection for each of the videos and questions to receive credit for the series.

Source link:

Describe a way to incorporate responsible decision making discussions in to your content / grade level.

7) DIRECTIONS:    Your reflections should answer the specific target question(s) and identify techniques and practices that you would want to implement in your own classroom.

Each reflection should be 3-5 complete sentences in the text box entry. 

-You have unlimited time to complete the quiz, and the quiz will automatically save as you go. So you can leave and come back at any time.

-You must complete a reflection for each of the videos and questions to receive credit for the series.

Source link:

This teacher shared an example of how to integrate emotional learning in her topic of studying issues in the ocean. Share how you can initiate a conversation on managing emotions in your content / grade level.

8) DIRECTIONS:    Your reflections should answer the specific target question(s) and identify techniques and practices that you would want to implement in your own classroom.

Each reflection should be 3-5 complete sentences in the text box entry. 

-You have unlimited time to complete the quiz, and the quiz will automatically save as you go. So you can leave and come back at any time.

-You must complete a reflection for each of the videos and questions to receive credit for the series.

Source link:

When initiating a new unit, many students can feel complex emotions. Share what a discussion around complex emotions may look like in your content / grade level.

9) DIRECTIONS:    Your reflections should answer the specific target question(s) and identify techniques and practices that you would want to implement in your own classroom.

Each reflection should be 3-5 complete sentences in the text box entry. 

-You have unlimited time to complete the quiz, and the quiz will automatically save as you go. So you can leave and come back at any time.

-You must complete a reflection for each of the videos and questions to receive credit for the series.

Source link:

These teachers share how they use journal time to incorporate SEL time. Describe a journal entry for your content / grade level that could incorporate feelings on current, age appropriate journal topics.


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