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EQUITY FOR ALL: 2 – The Identification Process

Objective: Learners will describe the three tiers of the RTI process for each level.

This widely used 
Framework for Systemic Social and Emotional Learning identifies five core 

that educate hearts, inspire minds, and help people navigate the world more effectively. Many schools use this framework to set strategic goals in serving their students’ needs as a whole child. This CASEL framework is a foundation of Social and Emotional Learning (SEL).

Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL). 815 West Van Buren St., Suite 210, Chicago, IL 60607-3566

Within this framework are school efforts that support students called MTSS and RTI.

What is MTSS?

A Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) is defined as a prevention-based framework of team-driven, data-based problem solving to improve each student’s outcomes through family, school, and community partnering, and a layered continuum of evidence-based practices applied at the classroom, school, and district.

MTSS intends to ensure that an organization (i.e., school) has in place a culture founded on actions and goals that target serving 
all students 
all the time and focuses on the “whole child.” MTSS supports academic growth and achievement, but it also supports many other areas, including behavior, social and emotional needs, and absenteeism.

For students who are facing various levels of learning challenges, and before referral for special education services, educators may meet their needs through the pre-referral process, or RTI – Response to Intervention.  

RTI Action Network (2009, Nov 6) Response to Intervention: Helping All Students Succeed . Retrieved from:

What is RTI?

Response to Intervention (RTI) is a multi-tier approach to the early identification and support of students with learning and behavior needs. The RTI process begins with high-quality instruction and universal screening of all children in the general education classroom. Struggling learners are provided with interventions at increasing levels of intensity to accelerate their rate of learning. Various personnel, including general education teachers, special educators, and specialists may provide these services. They closely monitor individual students to assess both their learning rate and performance level. Individual student responses determine the educational decisions about the intensity and duration of interventions. RTI is designed for use when making general and special education decisions, creating a well-integrated intervention and instruction system of instruction guided by child outcome data.


Tier 1

High-Quality Classroom Instruction, Screening, and Group Interventions: Within Tier 1, all students receive high-quality, scientifically based instruction provided by qualified personnel to ensure that their difficulties are not due to inadequate instruction. All students are screened periodically to establish an academic and behavioral baseline and to identify struggling learners who need additional support. Students identified as being “at-risk” through universal screenings and/or results on state or districtwide tests receive supplemental instruction during the school day in the regular classroom. The length of time for this step can vary, but it generally should not exceed 8 weeks. During that time, student progress is closely monitored using a validated screening system such as curriculum-based measurement. At the end of this period, students showing significant progress are generally returned to the regular classroom program. Students not showing adequate progress are moved to Tier 2.



Tier 2

Targeted Interventions: Students not making adequate progress in the regular classroom in Tier 1 are provided with increasingly intensive instruction matched to their needs based on performance levels and rates of progress. Intensity varies across group size, frequency, duration of intervention, and training of the professionals providing instruction or intervention. These services and interventions are provided in small-group settings in addition to instruction in the general curriculum. In the early grades (kindergarten through 3rd grade), interventions are usually in reading and math. This tier may require a longer time, but it should generally not exceed a grading period. Students who continue to show too little progress at this level of intervention are then considered for more intensive interventions as part of Tier 3.


Tier 3

Intensive Interventions and Comprehensive Evaluation: At this level, students receive individualized, intensive interventions that target each student’s skill deficits. Students who do not achieve the desired level of progress in response to these targeted interventions are then referred for a comprehensive evaluation and considered for eligibility for special education services under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004 (IDEA 2004). The data collected during Tiers 1, 2, and 3 are included and used to make the eligibility decision.


Please note that at any point in an RTI process, IDEA 2004 allows parents to request a formal evaluation to determine eligibility for special education. An RTI process cannot be used to deny or delay a formal evaluation for special education.


In addition to variations in the tiers used to deliver RTI services, schools use different implementation approaches, such as problem-solving, functional assessment, standard protocol, and hybrid approaches. Although there are many formats for how a school might implement RTI to best serve its students’ needs, in every case, RTI can be a school-wide framework for efficiently allocating resources to improve student outcomes.

So what are the differences between RTI and MTSS so we can know how they are both used in our teaching and learning environment?


Visit www.rtinetwork.org for more information on this topic.

Adapted from National Center for Learning Disabilities, Inc.



Click NEXT on the bottom of the page.   Complete the reflection questions over RTI.

Note: Reminder to use the Return button in the top right-hand corner of the assignment to return to the modules.

Checkpoint: Your understanding of the RTI elements and the techniques you can use to support each tier is paramount to your development as a teacher.  Submit your answers to the following questions, either in the text box or using an uploaded word document.


Three points for each question.

1. What is RTI?

2. Describe the components of Tier 1 and the techniques you have learned that could be implemented at this level?

3. Describe the components of Tier 2 and the techniques you have learned that could be implemented at this level?

 4. Describe the components of Tier 3 and the techniques you have learned that could be implemented at this level?



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