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EQUITY 6 – Modifications and Accommodations

Objective:  Learners will list specific accommodations and modifications for a student with an IEP.

Students that qualify for special education services will have an ARD to determine necessary accommodations. or modifications.  Once these adjustments become part of the ARD paperwork, you are legally required to implement them.

Accommodations vs. Modifications

Being able to provide ample opportunities for success to all students requires a clear understanding of each student’s needs.  Every student has a unique learning style, and some students require more help than others. Students who receive special education services have a plan to identify the type of support(s) needed.

Supports, accommodations, modifications, oh my! It is not uncommon for these terms to be misused interchangeably, so here is an opportunity for clarification.

 describe both modifications and accommodations. So, what’s the difference between providing modification and accommodation?

An easy way to remember the difference between the two is to think of accommodation as leveling the playing field for students by changing “how” they work through the general education curriculum.

Modifications go beyond that and alter the field (game) entirely. Modifications change “what” is learned and therefore change the content of the grade-specific curriculum.

ECACorg. (Jan 25, 2016). Accommodations and Modifications for Students with Disabilities. 

Accommodations – An accommodation is a change that helps a student overcome or work around the disability. These changes are typically physical or environmental. Allowing a student who has trouble writing to give his answers orally is an example of an accommodation. This sort of accommodation extends across assignments and content areas.

Examples: Teacher provides notes/outlines, allows typewritten work, allows printed work, provides a peer note-taker, allows the use of wider lined paper for written tasks, provides highlighted text, allows the use of spell-checker, daily agenda checks between home/school, additional progress reports, preferential seating, ability to leave the room without permission, peer buddy, behavior reward system, extended time on assignments, shortened assignments, simplification of directions, tests read aloud to the student, verbal response acceptable instead of written response, fewer multiple-choice responses (2 instead of 4), multiple-choice response instead of fill-in-the-blank or short answer/essay, word banks provided for fill in the blank questions.

Modifications – Modifications are generally connected to instruction and assessment: things that can be tangibly changed or modified.  Making the assignment easier, so the student is not doing the same level of work as other students is an example of a modification. This change is specific to a particular type of assignment. Making a slight modification to an assignment can drastically improve a student’s ability to be academically successful. Changing what is being taught could make the difference in whether a student becomes proficient in the general education curriculum, which could result in the attainment of a regular diploma as opposed to achieving an IEP diploma.

Examples: Reduction of homework, reduction of classwork, omitting story problems, using specialized/alternative curricula written at a lower level, simplified vocabulary and concepts, alternative reading books at independent reading level, tests written at a lower level of understanding, preview tests provided as a study guide, providing picture supports, use of a calculator, grading based on pass/fail, grading based on work completion.

adapted from: K. Hamilton and E. Kessler, professional special educator and NICHCY advisor

Truth About Supports

The reality is that often a student requires both modifications and accommodations to support learning. Modifications and/or accommodations are most often made in scheduling, setting, materials, instruction, and student response. Modifications deliberately lower the instructional contents’ intellectual level, while accommodations are generally best practices for all students in a differentiated classroom. What is most important to know about modifications and accommodations is that both are meant to help children learn.

Many educators, special and general educators alike, are confused by these two terms. A third-grade teacher in Michigan who shared a student with autism with me posted a big, colorful sign at her classroom entry. It read: “Fair isn’t always equal!” This sentiment was not just intended for our shared student, whose understanding of the world was very black and white, but for all students and parents who entered. It intended to inform everyone that this classroom teacher gave students what they needed to be successful. It wasn’t always the same, but it was always what each student needed, and it was always fair.


Review the 
Nine Types of Curriculum Adaptations grid. Notice that the last two elements, Alternate Goals, and Substitute Curriculum, usually indicate that the student may be receiving services in a location other than the regular class setting.  

Nine Types of Accommodations.pdf

Download Nine Types of Accommodations.pdf

You will want to save this document to your Canvas Tool Box Folder so you can have access to it when you are in the classroom.

Nine Types of Curriculum Adaptations


Adapt the number of items that the learner is expected to learn or the number of activities students will complete prior to assessment for mastery.

For example:

Reduce the number of social studies terms a learner must learn at any one time. Add more practice activities or worksheets.


Adapt the time allotted and allowed for learning, task completion, or testing.

For example:

Individualize a timeline for completing a task; pace learning differently (increase or decrease) for some learners.



Level of Support 

Increase the amount of personal assistance to keep the student on task, to reinforce or prompt the use of specific skills. Enhance adult-student relationships; use physical space and environmental structure.

For example:

Assign peer buddies, teaching assistants, peer tutors, or cross-age tutors. Specify how to interact with the student or how to structure the environment.



Adapt the way instruction is delivered to the learner.

For example:

Use different visual aids, enlarge text, plan more concrete examples, provide hands-on activities, place students in cooperative groups, pre-teach key concepts or terms before the lesson.



Adapt the skill level, problem type, or the rules on how the learner may approach the work.

For example:

Allow the use of a calculator to figure math problems, simplify task directions, or change rules to accommodate learner needs.


Adapt how the student can respond to instruction.

For example:

Instead of answering questions in writing, allow a verbal response. Use a communication book for some students, or allow students to show knowledge with hands-on materials.


Adapt the extent to which a learner is actively involved in the task.

For example:

In geography, have a student hold the globe, while others point out locations. Ask the student to lead a group. Have the student turn the pages while sitting on your lap (kindergarten).

Alternate Goals 

Adapt the goals or outcome expectations while using the same materials. When routinely utilized, this is only for students with moderate to severe disabilities.

For example:

In a social studies lesson, expect a student to be able to locate the colors of the states on a map, while other students learn to locate each state and name the capital.

Substitute Curriculum 

Sometimes called “functional curriculum”

Provide different instruction and materials to meet a learner’s individual goals. When routinely utilized, this is only for students with moderate to severe disabilities.

For example:

During a language lesson, a student is learning toileting skills with an aide.

Substantially altered by Diana Browning Wright with permission from Jeff Sprague, Ph.D. from an original by DeSchenes, C., Ebeling, D., & Sprague, J. (1994). 
Adapting Curriculum & Instruction in Inclusive Classrooms: A Teachers Desk Reference. ISDD- CSCI Publication.

Diana Browning Wright,
 Teaching & Learning 2005.


Access your GO TO Page. 

1. Define what it means to provide each type of support and provide an example of how you would modify the lesson you created in 

For example, if your lesson is for 3rd grade Reading, write what it means to modify by QUANTITY and give an example of how you would modify
your lesson from Curriculum


Rubric Scoring:

This activity has 18 elements (the definition of the modification and the modification of your lesson plan)

18-16 pts – Practicing as an effective educator

15 – 12 pts – Mastery

11 or less – Resubmission required


2. Access your Lesson Plan Guide (LPG) and fill in ways you would modify that specific lesson in section  
12. Academic Supports for Students. 





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