EDUC 730
Instructional Video Project Template
Value of Instruction
For this assignment, you were to create an instructional video you will USE, and that will make the time spent valuable for you and your learners now and in the future. In this section, describe in a single paragraph the instructional video and your choice to either personally explain, demonstrate a skill, or teach a concept. Briefly discuss the quality of your video as a valuable resource that you will continue to use with your learners year after year.
[Type your paragraph here.]
Focus and Audience
You were to focus the instruction on two or three specific learning objectives for a target audience. In this section, list your objectives and define your audience.
Objectives |
Audience |
In a single paragraph, explain how you plan to use this instructional video with your learners and briefly discuss how the video connects to the standards of the broader curriculum.
[Type your paragraph here.]
In a single paragraph, list the methods you used to create interest in order to engage the learner.
[Type your paragraph here.]
Use this section to reflect on the process of creating the instructional video. In a single paragraph, defend the choices you made for video capture and recording (cameras used, etc.), images and sounds, and video editing software selection.
[Type your paragraph here.]
Time Stamps of Required Types of Shots
o Wide-Long: [Type time stamp here]
o Medium: [Type time stamp here]
o Close: [Type time stamp here]
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