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Part A

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Question <bdi></bdi>


For this assignment, you will watch a recording of a live performance, then write a report in which you outline details of the play you choose to watch, along with your response to the play.

The Assignment

Step 1: Log in to Digital Theatre Plus (opens in a new window) using the following credentials:

username: dra111

password: island@5960

Step 2: search in DT+ for a play that you would like to watch. The easiest way to browse their selection (which is considerable) is to do the following:

· scroll to the bottom of the main page

· click on Table of Contents

· click on Productions

· you will notice that some productions are Blocked; this is due to mature language and/or content.

· some productions are audio only; for this assignment, you need to watch a full performance, one that includes audio and video.

· you are welcome to narrow your search if you are more interested in watching a particular genre or style; you can do so by selecting the genre/style in the left-hand menu on DT+ website.

Step 3: watch your chosen play. Most plays are 1.5-2 hours long, so make sure you leave yourself plenty of time. It may be helpful to preview the assignment and take notes on what you will need to include in your Performance Report.


See above information for directions to log in to Digital Theatre Plus.

See attachment entitled “Performance Report” below; this is the template for your report.

To Submit

Click on the title of this assignment to complete and submit the Performance Report. Two options for submitting your report:

· Option 1: complete the document (linked above), save it as a unique document (.docx or PDF), titled with your first and last name plus the name of the play you watched; then click on the assignment title, attach the appropriate document, then click Submit.

· Option 2: complete the document, then open the assignment, click on Write Assignment, then copy and paste your information from the document you completed; then click submit.

Part B

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Log into Digital Theatre Plus, search for the following videos, which focus on various jobs within the topic of Technical Theatre:


· My West End: An Insight into Working in Stage Management

· My West End: An Insight into Working in Stage Operations

Choose 2 of the following videos to find on DT+ and watch, based on your own interests:

· My West End: An Insight into Working as Head of Wardrobe

· My West End: An Insight into Working as Head of Wigs and Make-up

· My West End: An Insight into Working in Millenry

· My West End: An Insight into Working in Lighting Design

· Practitioners on Practice: Costume Design (there are several videos of different people, choose which one you watch)

· Practitioners on Practice: Lighting Design (there are several videos of different people, choose which one you watch)

· Practitioners on Practice: Sound Design (there are several videos of different people, choose which one you watch)

· On Props: Linda Balfour

The Introduction

In this module, you have explored the role of several people in the theatre ensemble: the designers and people who bring their work to life. Considering all of these roles, which would you most like to fill?

The Assignment

In 150 words or more, answer the following questions:

· Which job on the creative or production team seems like one you would most like to do? Explain why you think you would like to do this job and/or why you think you would be good at it?

· Describe this person’s major functions in the production of a play.

Be sure to respond, thoughtfully and constructively, to three (3) other people’s posts.

Grading Criteria

Write 150 words or more answering the questions listed above.

For a top score, you must respond constructively to at least three (3) other students.  

Part C

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In this module, you will hear from industry professionals about the work that they do in technical fields, such as stage management, wardrobe, and stage operations. In this assignment, you will share the information that you learned from these professionals.

The Assignment

After you watch all four (4) videos in this module, summarize what you learned, what you found interesting, and/or what you still have questions about.

For each video, write 5-7 bullet points (in your own words). If you quote one of the people interviewed in the videos, make sure to cite that you are quoting and include whom is being quoted.


Title of Video

· point #1

· point #2

· point #3

· point #4

· point #5

· point #6

Repeat this for all 4 videos; the notes for all three videos should be included in one document.

Grading Criteria

You should include 5-7 notes for each of the four (4) required videos. Make sure to label each set of notes with the title of the video.


The videos that inform this assignment are found on Digital Theatre Plus. The link and login information for DT+ is included in the Videos file in the module content.

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