I need you to go through the matrix assignments you did for me and write me up one of the theories in the matrix, and make it last 3 minutes. I will do the video, I just need you to write it up for me. Follow the directions and just write it up as best you can and make it last 3 minutes.
3 Minute Presentation
Students are charged with developing a
3 Minute Video Presentation on
ONE Theory of Leadership and its Application. I encourage you to select a topic that’s interesting to you, draws on your prior work and might some day inform for your Applied Project/Thesis.
This assignment has these expectations:
· You are on camera (This is important, as so much of our society/work utilizes this style of communication)
· Summarizes the general topic under investigation
· Incorporates at least 1 research or literature article as evidence/background
· Incorporates at least 1 thought leader/practitioner on your topic (a blog, or popular article, for example) as additional background
· Explains how the theory can be applied in a real world setting or situation. This should “show” the theory in action
· Is no shorter than 2:45 and no longer than 3:30.
The ability to distill research into a 3-minute presentation is not an easy task because you really need to think about what is important and articulate it well on camera. It needs to be you talking. NO slides. Of course, you can script it out but no slides.
Imagine that you are talking a co-worker who just asked you something like, “What did you read yesterday?” Keep it informal yet professional, focused clearly on the theory, and within the time limit.