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This is my rhetorical analysis paper below Yahuza Flatiou ENG 170: Writing and Rhetoric February 2024 LEGO Therapy In her article “LEGO Therapy: How Building with LEGO Bricks Can A

This is my rhetorical analysis paper below

 Yahuza Flatiou

 ENG 170: Writing and Rhetoric 

February 2024 

LEGO Therapy 

In her article “LEGO Therapy: How Building with LEGO Bricks Can Aid in Child Development and Therapy” from the Game of Bricks blog, Eve Alessa Arevalo provides a comprehensive overview of the history and principles of LEGO therapy. Arevalo’s evidence-based explanation of how LEGO bricks are used as therapeutic tools reveals the persuasiveness of her arguments about their benefits. The author starts by explaining how Legos began as a simple toy but became a tool to help kids. She talks about how Legos are still popular and can encourage creativity. The main point is that Lego therapy uses Legos in a whole-body way to help kids. The goal is to teach parents, teachers, and doctors about the good things Lego therapy can do. The author wants to show them studies and real examples so more people will try it. Kids need different types of help sometimes. The author wants to share how Legos can really help kids in lots of ways. The author proves she knows about this topic well. She defines psychology words and explains therapy methods clearly. Studies and experts back up the authors points. Stories that really happened show how Legos help kids in real life too. This includes both mind and feelings. Put together, the author makes Legos seem very valuable for kids. She arranges her evidence and examples nicely. The author knows her stuff which makes people trust her more. And the true stories tap into peoples’ emotions. All together, it creates a strong case that Legos should be part of helping kids grow up in a holistic way. The author wants to convince readers of Legos real benefits. Some examples from the source text that demonstrate the rhetorical appeals along with an analysis. On ethos, the author cites “pioneering therapists like Ole Kirk Kristiansen and Dr. Daniel LeGoff who scientifically observed and developed LEGO therapy.” By referencing these experts, Arevalo establishes her credibility on the topic. On pathos, Arevalo discusses “heartwarming case studies showing children overcoming social, cognitive, and behavioral challenges” through LEGO therapy. Relating specific success stories would elicit the audience’s emotions. She discusses a boy who “gained confidence through social interaction in LEGO sessions” and a girl for whom “LEGO became Mia’s language, bridging the gap between her world and ours” (Arevalo). The author uses good reasoning to support Lego therapy. She says it is based on proven principles of how kids learn and play together. Arevalo also mentions the Strong Museum, a famous place for toys. Citing places like this makes her point more logical. The author tells true stories about kids to make an emotional connection too. She shares about a boy who was shy but socialized with other kids when playing with Legos. And a girl who spoke more by making scenes with Legos. These examples show how it really helps. Arevalo gives clear examples too. She explains how Legos encourage kids with autism to work together and communicate. They can share ideas, take turns, and talk when building. This shows the reasoning behind how it builds important skills. The author’s goal is to help parents, teachers and doctors understand more about Lego therapy. She discusses both the good parts and areas to watch out for. Arevalo uses a tone that is easy to understand but also serious. It seems her readers want what’s best for the healthy development of children. Arevalo advocates sensitively for alternative therapeutic methods like LEGO building that engage children through structured yet creative play. She notes a “need to raise recognition of LEGO therapy’s potential” given children’s varying needs. However, her balanced approach does not present it as a panacea. Arevalo opens discussions on collaboratively enhancing development, urging neither blind acceptance nor dismissal of LEGO therapy based on misconceptions. She navigates the nuances deftly and respectfully to bring wider attention to options supporting healthy growth. 

                                        Work Cited 

Arevalo, Eve Alessa. “LEGO Therapy: How Building with LEGO Bricks Can Aid in Child Development and Therapy.” SEP 28, 2023, Accessed 16th Feb. 2024

This is the feedback the professor gave me 

((( Thanks for resending this, and thanks for stopping by last week. I hope you’re doing well. Here are my remarks on your essay.

Page 1

There should be a running header with your last name and the page number at the top of the page.

The date should be formatted as 19 Feb. 2024 (or whatever date you’re using).

No bold for the title.

Good introduction to your source to provide context for your reader.

I’d still like to see more objective description in the first paragraph. We start with the description of the object because it’s largely neutral and serves as a foundation on which to build the argument.

Good summary in the second paragraph. I’d like to see a short quote integrated here to show the reader where your idea are coming from. In academic writing, quotes serve as our evidence.

Same comment for the third paragraph. You seem to have a good understanding of the article and the rhetorical situation, but adding a quote would strengthen your claims even more.

Same comments for the last two paragraphs on this page.

Page 2

OK–I can see that you have examples here. The next step as you revise would be to combine the claims and the examples into the same paragraphs. It requires a little bit of reorganization, but all of the content is here.

Good example for credibility.

Good quote for pathos. Try not to end a paragraph with a quote. It’s like giving up your mic drop. Always follow up on the quote with your analysis.

Make sure that you’re citing every time you summarize, paraphrase, or quote from the text.

Page 3

I’d love to see an example of tone here.

There’s an interesting conclusion here that needs more support from the text itself.

Page 4

No bold for Work Cited )))   I got a 7/9 on this paper 

This is my Extended definition paper below 

Yahuza Flaitou

 English 170 SWW

 February 22nd 2024 

LEGO Lights: Illuminating Childhood 

The LEGO brick, as the most recognizable and everlasting emblem of children’s play, has undergone a tremendous change with the use of LEGO Lights. The extended definition essay explores the profound impact of LEGO Lights on the idea of childhood. By combining the ideas from the Rhetorical Analysis by Arevalo and an extra source from Jones, this journey sheds light on how LEGO Lights redefines childhood and the consequences of this transformation. 

Identification of How LEGO Lights Define Childhood 

Childhood, which was once defined by play, discovery, and boundless imagination, changes as technology makes its way into LEGO Lights. The combination of brightly lit play zones with standard playground equipment creates a new way of playing for the children to be actively engaged. During the building process, children interact with the material–that is, the building blocks–in a process that is enhanced by the visual stimulation provided by the illumination. In the course of this activity, children engage in hands-on exploration of fundamental concepts such as light, color, and design (Arevalo). Using LEGO lights is not just for decoration; they get transformed into an ‘invisible paint’ that beckons children to bring the most incredible pictures from their minds onto the canvas of their Lego play. 

Extended Definition The intertwining of the development of play and technology is a fascinating aspect of LEGO Lights. These lights do not only mean an extra light to a traditional toy but also represent the transformation of the timeless rule of play to the digital era. By making use of the interactive tactile building with visual input, LEGO Lights transforms childhood from pure playtime to a technology exploration and creative expression period (Jones). Within this modern paradigm, childhood is a sensory-rich learning environment and the line between physical and digital play blurs. This combination of historical play principles with contemporary improvements illustrates the durability of the LEGO brand and its intentions to provide children with a comprehensive and immersive play experience. 

Negative Definition Amidst the empowering emotional possibilities of LEGO Lights, there is a challenge to old ideas that play should be limited in childhood. The counter-definition reverses the traditional perceptions of the game to conclude that expectations should not bind a child to a good childhood. LEGO Lights, in so doing, helps children develop non-traditional thinking and defy the conventional limits of play. In the sense of this definition, childhood is not threatened by fixed age boundaries; rather, it becomes a chance for children to reflect, seek, and grow their imaginative systems. Apart from that, as Arevalo says, LEGO Lights have changed the way children approach LEGO, transforming static structures into pieces of illuminated art that enthrall young minds, thus showing the ability of these lights to transform how children play (Arevalo). 

Quotes and Examples 

Jones stresses the interactive engagement through LEGO Lights by saying, “LEGO Lights offer a dynamic way for children to play with their environment, which includes the tactile experience of building with the visual stimulation of light and color” (Jones). This dynamic engagement might even let children see their creations from a completely new angle. This is further deepened by the discussion added by Arevalo, who states, “LEGO Lights has changed the way children interact with LEGO, turning regular structures into lit artwork that stirs the imagination.” Thus, these examples clearly depict the role played by LEGO Lights in shaping the childhood play experience from the sensory and imaginative aspects. 


 LEGO Lights come up as a shaping force, reworking the idea of childhood by establishing a playground for discovery and self-expression. While we face the challenges of reshaping the digital childhood era, the lamps serve as the beacon of creativity and innovation. The synthesis of historical play principles and contemporary technology signifies that childhood is not a mere time for playing; however, it is a time of exploration, imagination, and seamless integration of traditional and modern elements. LEGO Lights make the way for our next generation, who are encouraged to create, think, and literally light up the world with their choices and innovative minds. 

                                                 Works Cited

 Arevalo, E. A. (n.d.). Lego therapy: HOW BUILDING WITH LEGO bricks can aid in child development and therapy. Game of Bricks. Jones, Sarah. “The Evolution of LEGO: From Toy to Therapeutic Tool.” Child Psychology Today, vol. 12, no. 3, 2022, pp. 45-58

( The professor gave me a 6.5/12 on this paper and this is her feedback..

Thanks for sending this along. I hope you’re doing well. Here are my remarks on your essay.

Page 1

There should be a running header with your last name and the page number on every page.

It’s not an SWW course. The heading is incorrect.

The order of the heading is incorrect.

The date should be formatted as 22 Feb. 2024.

No bold for the title.

I tend to prefer when writers just use “I” to avoid awkward, passive sentences like you have in the introduction, but I see where you’re going and I appreciate the forecasting.

I’d love to see one good, clear sentence in the first paragraph to make a claim about the definition.

The essay isn’t really long enough to warrant section headings. No bold. Use your topic sentences and the analysis at the end of each paragraph to show the transitions.

Once defined that way by whom? Part of the idea of the assignment is that there have always been competing definitions at work.

I need a clearer definition of what LEGO lights means. I’m not quite sure I understand what this object is, so your reader needs a little more context.

By the second paragraph, I should have a clearer introduction to the source that you’re working with. You mentioned the name briefly, but I’d like to see a title, author, and quote to show the context by this point.

Use single quotes only for quotes within quotes.

Be consistent with LEGO or Lego.

The second paragraph needs a quote for support and the end of the paragraph needs an explicit definitional statement. Use the structure of “LEGO lights define childhood as a time to…”

Page 2

I’m reading the first two sentences on this page, and I’m not sure what this means. There’s not enough description to support this claim, and while the language is formal and academic, it’s not actually saying anything. If we were meeting in person, how would you describe this to me? I’d rather see that voice in your writing for clarity’s sake than try to wade through unclear language.

There’s just not enough engagement with the sources. The assignment description specifically calls for quotes to show the argument. That’s your evidence and your ethos.

I’m not sure what the first paragraph on this page means.

What are children’s “imaginative systems”? Honestly, the wording is so strange here that I ran it through Turnitin to see if it’s written by AI. If this essay is written by a human, it doesn’t sound like it’s written by a human, and that makes for a really awkward, problematic relationship with the reader.

There’s too much summary of the sources.

I’m confused about why the quotes aren’t integrated within the paragraphs. This feels more like an outline than a formal essay. I’m glad they’re here at least.

Page 3

I still need a description of what LEGO lights are.

These are good quotes, but they need to be integrated with the rest of your arguments for clarity and support. The organizational structure comes across as really confusing and frustrating for the reader here.

It’s not that they shape play but how they define play as a time to… Focus on the definitional argument throughout.

There’s as lot of repetition of confusing concepts in the conclusion. I’d like to see a clearer, more concrete argument throughout, with quotes to support the claims.

The first source still looks like APA instead of MLA.

I honestly could not summarize what the argument of this paper is. It needs a lot of revision for clarity.)    

Based on these information provided, please make the necessary correction of the feedbacks and write a clear paper with the instructions below ( Cultural analysis paper project ) 

Cultural Analysis paper Project (12 points, required to pass the course; submit to Turnitin on Brightspace)

Cite (in MLA format) your two sources from the Rhetorical Analysis and the Extended Definition.

Cite (in MLA format) an additional source that adds variety and sophistication to your argument for the Cultural Analysis portion.

Write a thesis statement that explains the purpose for teaching the audience about this object/artifact.

Revise your Rhetorical Analysis based on the feedback I provided.

Revise your Extended Definition based on the feedback I provided.

Locate your object/artifact within a cultural context.

Conclude with an action.

Use quotes and examples from your sources to support your arguments.

Conform to MLA format and rhetorically-appropriate conventions of grammar and punctuation.

Write between 1,500-2,000 words (including the revised portions of your Rhetorical Analysis and your Extended Definition).

Submit your essay on Turnitin (Brightspace)

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