Topic: Computer ScienceDistributed Database Management Systems (DDBMS), is the next generation of Database Management Systems, where the data is stored at several geographical locations, but from the user or application perspective, it is still one Database. These are the advantages of this paradigm: enlarged availability and reliability of data, and an increased ability to scale in the given information landscapes. Several principles of DDBMS stem from the aspects of data dispersion, openness, and self-sufficiency. Storing is relative to the strategic arrangement of data in different sites to enhance their performance and dependence. Transparency ensures that the distribution of data cannot be easily noted by the users and they deal with the system as if it is centralized. Client-server architecture means that each database site works on its own with the help of other sites for such operations as the handling of queries or transactions. However, DDBMS also contains the following technical issues: Data synchronization is challenging across multiple sites where data is stored and maintained and where failures in the network may occur and data be accessed simultaneously by multiple users. Data distribution over different places makes efficient query processing and optimization a more complex problem. Control of distributed transactions, as well as ACID properties (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability), is another challenging factor. Further, to ensure data security and its quality in the distributed applications’ environment, leaders must develop sound mechanisms for securing the data against any threats of illegitimate access and leakage. This paper, which seeks to analyze DDBMS, will look into these elements and difficulties, which make the development as well as management of distributed databases difficult.
REMINDER: This is an INDIVIDUAL assignment. You may not share / look at anybody else’s code. Code similarity will be checked and the honor pol- icy will be invoked if necessary. In this assignment
REMINDER: This is an INDIVIDUAL assignment. You may not share / look at anybody else’s code. Code similarity will be checked and the honor pol- icy will be invoked if necessary. In this assignment, you will implement a simple regu- lar expression parser (with a very simplified input format). The