Topic – Neurobiology OfDepressionGenetic variations associated with most mental disorders arebeing identified, and reliable tests for early detection of riskand disease are now on the horizon. Several brainneurotransmitters systems: glutamate, serotonin,norepinephrine, and dopamine have been implicated indepression and mania. What role do these transmitter systems,as well as other neurochemical systems such as membrane-bound signal transduction systems and intracellular signalingsystems that modulate gene transcription and protein synthesisplay in the etiology of depression? How is this new knowledgeexpected to provide important clues for the development ofselective pharmacological interventions? In your opinion, whatare the top five citations pertaining to this topic that youlocated on PubMed? In your opinion, what are the top fivecitations pertaining to this topic that you located on PubMed?Add an appendix to your paper that lists these citations andgives a short summary of each explaining why you chose thatcitation.
Instructions: You should develop a 10-20-page, double-spaced research-based paper on a topic you select.• Do not forget that this is a biochemistry class and the paper should focus on thebiochemical aspects of the topic. The paper should be a scientific paper designedfor an audience that has completed a biochemistry class. The paper should notbe designed for the public or read like a website.• Your paper should include an abstract, an introduction, a body, a conclusion, alist of references, and an appendix. You should define the problem/issue,indicate its significance, and review relevant literature that includes evidencethat supports the arguments for and against the problem/issue. Please be sureto make your ideas, thoughts, arguments, theories, facts, or evidence very clearto the reader.• You must document evidence with in-text citations, according to the format usedby the Journal of Nutrition ( ). You should use peer-reviewed information for your references. References from internet sourcesshould be used cautiously. If you copy a phrase or a sentence from anothersource, you must quote that source.• Using the words of someone else is simply a form of academic dishonesty andwill not be tolerated. The paper should be prepared solely for this class. Turnitinwill be used to evaluate the originality of the paper as part of the gradingprocess.• After your references section, you should add an appendix that lists your top fivecitations. Give a short summary of each of the citations explaining why youchose that citation