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Unit 4 Course

Due Date: 11:59 p.m. EST, Sunday of Unit 4
Points: 100


There are many interesting topics in the field of education. For this paper, you will have the
opportunity to research and discuss a topic that is of interest to you. There are ten topics provided
below that cover the major topics that have been or will be discussed throughout the course.
Although there are several topics included that we have not yet discussed, it is important that the
topic you choose is interesting and personally relevant to you. Therefore, if you are interested in
exploring an upcoming topic for your paper, you are welcome to do so.


Select one (1) topic of interest that you would like to write about from the approved list below:

Approved Topics (Choose one):

• Topic 1 – Assessment and Standardized Testing (Chapter 13 & 14): The topics of
assessment and standardized testing are heavily debated. Please discuss the history of
standardized testing in the United States and how it is used in our society for educational
placement and achievement. Conclude with a discussion of where you stand personally on
this debate. Please support your work with a minimum of three (3) relevant scholarly sources.

• Topic 2 – Technology in the Classroom (Chapter 9): Imagine you are a teacher who has
just been offered a job teaching at the grade level of your choice. Describe four (4) ways that
you would incorporate technology use into your classroom instruction. Give specific examples
of lessons you might teach and how they would be enhanced with technology use. Discuss at
least two (2) advantages and two (2) disadvantages of technology use in your classroom.
Make sure the technology you chose is appropriate for your students’ grade level. Please
support your work with a minimum of three (3) relevant scholarly sources.

• Topic 3- Teaching Students with Disabilities (Chapter 12): Choose one (1) type of
disability and provide a description of it. Then, discuss how you would best support a student
with that disability in your classroom to maximize their success academically and socially.
Please support your work with a minimum of three (3) relevant scholarly sources.

• Topic 4- Developmental Theories (Chapter 3): Review the theories by Piaget, Erikson, and
Vygotsky. Choose (1) one developmental model which you believe will be most useful in your

PSY260 – Educational Psychology

Course Topic Paper


work as an educator. Begin your paper by providing a general overview of their developmental
theory. Then, demonstrate your understanding of these concepts by applying each stage of
the theory you have chosen to an individual learner of your choosing. This can be a student, a
family member, or just someone that you know. Please provide basic demographic
information about the learner in your discussion. Be sure to use real-life examples to illustrate
your understanding and application of the theory to the learner. Note: If you choose Erikson’s
theory, it is only necessary to discuss and apply examples to the first five stages of his theory.
Please support your work with a minimum of three (3) relevant scholarly sources.

• Topic 5- Low Socioeconomic Status and Student Achievement (Chapter 4): What can be
done to make lower-income home environments more educationally stimulating for young
children? What kinds of parent training might be effective? What kinds of early intervention
programs might be effective? Please support your work with a minimum of three (3) relevant
scholarly sources.

• Topic 6- Social Learning Theory (Chapter 5): In Bandura’s classic experiment (1965), a
group of young children was exposed to a film of adults who punched, kicked, and yelled at an
inflated “Bodo” doll. Later, in playing with the doll, these children displayed twice as many
aggressive responses as did children who had not seen the aggressive behavior. What does
Bandura’s work suggest about the effects of violence in television shows and movies on
children? What principles of social learning theory support your view? Conclude your paper
with a discussion of ways in which understanding social learning theory can inform intentional
teaching. Please support your work with a minimum of three (3) relevant scholarly sources.

• Topic 7- Memory Strategies (Chapter 6): There are several memory strategies to learn
information effectively and efficiently. For this paper discuss, at least three (3) of these
strategies and provide examples of how each might be utilized in a classroom setting. Be sure
to support your assertions with a minimum of three (3) scholarly sources that provide evidence
for the effectiveness of the strategies that you discuss.

• Topic 8- Summer Learning Loss (Chapter 9): According to studies, all students return from
summer vacation with decreased academic levels of achievement. For low-income students,
however, the decrease is greater than that for middle-class children. What conditions may
contribute to this difference? Discuss at least two (2) possible ways that the “summer loss
gap” can be bridged for low-income students. Please support your work with a minimum of
three (3) relevant scholarly sources.

• Topic 9- Learned Helplessness (Chapter 10): Assume that the students in your class have
adopted the behavior pattern of learned helplessness to avoid failure. First, discuss the
concept of learned helplessness and contributing factors that create this state of demotivation.
Then, design a three-point program that you, as the teacher, would implement to change that
pattern of behavior and motivate your students to learn. Please support your work with a
minimum of three (3) relevant scholarly sources.

• Topic 10- Inclusion (Chapter 12): There are different ways in which inclusion may be
addressed within the classroom setting. Please discuss inclusive education in more detail.
Also, address the following questions within your paper: What are some similarities and

differences between mainstreaming and mixed-ability grouping? What are the student benefits
of mainstreaming mildly disabled and gifted students t? To the teacher? To the social climate
of the school? Please support your work with a minimum of three (3) relevant scholarly


• The body of your paper must consist of at least five (5) full pages with additional title and
reference pages, double-spaced with one-inch margins.

• Use at least three (3) scholarly sources in your work and include all reference citations in
correct APA formatting. You may use your textbook as one scholarly reference. Your paper
must be formatted according to APA guidelines.

• Use complete sentences and appropriate grammar and spelling.

Be sure to read the criteria by which your work will be evaluated before you write and again
after you write.

Evaluation Rubric for Course Topic Paper Assignment

CRITERIA Deficient

Satisfactory Proficient

Topic and

0-23 points 24-31 points 32-35 points 36-40 points

Topic is minimally or
not addressed.
Opinions are
offered, but
arguments lack
information from
scholarly sources.
No specific details
are provided, or a
few specific details
are provided, but
they lack relevance.

Topic is somewhat
Arguments are
partially supported
by information from
scholarly sources
and only contain a
few specific and
relevant details.

Topic is fairly well
Arguments could be
further elaborated
with scholarly
sources and relevant
specific details.

Topic is thoroughly
Arguments are well
elaborated and fully
supported by
scholarly sources
and relevant specific

Structure and Flow 0-11 points 12-15 points 16-17 points 18-20 points

Flow is poor.
Paragraphing is
Transitions are
minimal or absent.
redundancy is

Flow is adequate.
Paragraphs may be
too long or too short.
Transitions are
minimal, and
redundancy is

Flow is good.
Paragraphing is
mostly appropriate.
Transitions are
present, and
redundancies are

Flow is excellent.
Paragraphing is
clear, and transitions
are smooth and
redundancies are

CRITERIA Deficient

Satisfactory Proficient


0-5 points 6-7 points 8 points 9-10 points

Body of paper is less
than four pages in
length. Margin and
line spacing
requirements may
not be followed.

Body of paper is four
to five pages in
length, but margin
and line spacing
requirements are not

Body of paper is four
pages in length, with
one-inch margins,
and line spacing is

Body of paper is at
least five full pages
in length, with one-
inch margins, and
line spacing is

Resources 0-5 points 6-7 points 8 points 9-10 points

Required amount of
resources was not
used, or none of the
resources were from
appropriate sources.

Required amount of
resources was used,
but two were not
from an appropriate

Required amount of
resources was used,
but one was not
from an appropriate

At least three
scholarly resources
were used from
appropriate sources.

APA Citations 0-5 points 6-7 points 8 points 9-10 points

APA citations are
not included or have
significant errors.

APA citations are
included but contain
numerous errors.

APA citations are
included, with minor

APA citations are
included and are

Clear and
Writing and Format

0-5 points 6-7 points 8 points 9-10 points

Significant errors
impede professional

Numerous errors
somewhat interfere
with professional

Few errors that do
not impede

Writing and format
are clear,
professional, and

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