Saudi Arabia’s selection to host the FIFA 2034 World Cup represents a pivotal moment in its journey toward global sports recognition and cultural integration. This milestone provides a platform to showcase the Kingdom’s rich heritage, traditions, and values to the world.
The project focuses on designing a cultural campaign targeting iconic international cities with passionate soccer fanbases:
My project is for Barcelona, Spain
The goal is to promote Saudi culture, fostering global understanding and appreciation in anticipation of the prestigious event.
College of Administrative and Financial Sciences
E-commerce Department
Group Project
Group Students Names:
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Course Title: Introduction to EManagement
Course Code: ECOM 201
Academic Year/ Semester: 2024/20252nd Term
Instructor Name:
Student Grade: out of 20
Grade Level: Low/ Mid/ High
ECOM 201 Project
Virtual Management
Saudi Arabia’s selection to host the FIFA 2034 World Cup represents a pivotal moment in its
journey toward global sports recognition and cultural integration. This milestone provides a
platform to showcase the Kingdom’s rich heritage, traditions, and values to the world.
The project focuses on designing a cultural campaign targeting iconic international cities with
passionate soccer fanbases:
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Paris, France
Barcelona, Spain
Milan, Italy
Munich, Germany
Tokyo, Japan
The goal is to promote Saudi culture, fostering global understanding and appreciation in
anticipation of the prestigious event.
Suppose your group (among other groups) works as a virtual team for the Ministry of Sports in
Saudi Arabia. Your task is to design a five-day cultural campaign for one of the above cities to
promote Saudi culture and provide international visitors with more information about the
country. Each team member is responsible for a specific aspect of the campaign. Each group will
have a Campaign Manager, Cultural Content Specialist, Marketing Strategist, Logistics
Coordinator, and Partnership Liaison.
The task is considered completed when the team submits a detailed campaign proposal to the
Ministry of Sports and writes a reflection of their teamwork.
First: Reflection [8 marks – ~800 words]
The reflection should be written after you establish a successful virtual team. It is based on your
team’s experience and not hypothetical scenarios. Please use these guidelines on how to do so:
1. Virtual Team: (2 marks – 100 words)
In this section, you need to describe the virtual team.
• Name your team and specify the city you will focus on.
• Who are your team members, and what are their roles?
• What are the personal objectives of each member (why you joined the team)?
• What is the collective goal for your team (how will your team be successful in that
2. Virtual Tool: (3 marks – 300 words)
In this section, you describe choosing a tool for your virtual team.
• What are the main and complementary virtual tools you used to manage the tasks?
(Provide pictures of your team interaction.)
• Describe the features of these tools that were useful to your teamwork. (Provide pictures
of your team interactions.)
• How frequently does your team meet? How long is each meeting? (Provide photos of
the team meetings and one example of a meeting minute.)
3. Virtual Work Dynamics: (2 marks – 300 words)
• How did you create a virtual office?
• How did you utilize vacation time and holiday time?
• What are the challenges that your team faced in communication, and how did the team
overcome them?
4. Conclude Your Reflection: (1 mark – 100 words)
• Tell us how your teamwork was, what you would do better, and how you will thrive in
the future.
Second: Campaign Proposal (10 marks- 1000 words)
1. Introduction to the Campaign Plan: (1 mark – 100 words)
• Provide a clear overview of your campaign, including the proposed budget and timeline
required to execute the activities.
2. Cultural Activities Plan: (2 marks – 200 words)
• Propose events showcasing Saudi traditions, food, arts, and history for the duration of 5
• Specify how the local culture differs from the Saudi one.
3. Marketing Strategy: (2 marks – 200 words)
• Develop a digital and in-person promotional plan targeting soccer fans in the respective
• Specify the budget that you need the MoS to sponsor.
4. Logistics: (2 marks – 200 words)
• Outline how the campaign will operate in the city, considering venues, timing, and local
• What considerations must be taken in the respective city (e.g., holiday times)?
5. Partnerships: (2 marks – 200 words)
• Identify potential collaborators like local soccer clubs, fan groups, or cultural
• Specify how you will get local support to ensure attendance.
6. Conclusion: (1 mark – 100 words)
• Conclude your proposal by asking the MoS for any feedback or modifications.
Third: References and in-text citations (2 marks)
Each answer in both the Reflection and Proposal sections must include proper references
to support your claims or ideas.
Use a minimum of 6 resources (e.g., academic articles, industry reports, or official
websites) that are no older than 2021.
Ensure all references are formatted according to a standard citation style: APA.
Guidelines for the assignment:
This is a group project (4-5 students in each group), which is part of your course score.
It requires effort, collaboration, and critical thinking.
Use the given template. One mark will be deducted if this template is not used.
The questions should NOT be deleted.
Your assignment must be supported by evidence and resources. Otherwise, your
answer will not be valid.
Use font Times New Roman, Calibri, or Arial, with 1.5 or double line spacing,
and left justify.
Your project report length should be between 1800 to 2000 words.
Up to 20% of the total grade will be deducted for providing a poor assignment structure. The
structure includes elements such as paper style, being free of spelling and grammar mistakes,
referencing, and format.
Useful links:
APA reference system
About plagiarism
About plagiarism
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