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week 2 8030


For your first assignment, youwill identify a need in your community, your agency, or in

your academic setting. Once you have identified a need, determine a possible solution and

create a vision andmission statement for the proposed program or project. A vision
statement should point to the future state you desire after the problem is addressed. The

mission statement should point to how the future state will be accomplished.

In a 3 page paper, identify your position (location where you provide social work services

or knowledge). Then, identify a problem or issue that you believe needs to be addressed

and resolved in order for your clients or learners to function better in their roles. Make

the case for this problem or issue by gathering and sharing data on prevalence, longevity,

and scope. Identify existing and potential data sources to back your arguments.

To complete the assignment successfully, answer the following questions:

● What is the problem?

● Who is it a problem for?

● How long has it been a problem?

● How long do you expect the problem to continue without intervention?

● Who are the stakeholders in the problem and in the solution?

To be successful, you need to be ready to convince a funding source to give youmoney to

address the identified problem. Thus, you need tomake a clear, concise, convincing

argument. Creating a vision andmission statement helps the funder understand your


Submission Requirements

Your paper shouldmeet the following requirements:

● Written communication:Develop accurate written communication and

thoughts that convey the overall goals of the assignment and do not detract

from the overall message. Your paper should demonstrate graduate-level

writing skills.

● References: 6 references to text, peer-reviewed journal articles, and/or
credible websites (nomore than 2web sources).

● Formatting:Use 12-pt, Arial or Times NewRoman font; MSWord documents


● APA style and formatting:Use current APA style and formatting.

You are required to submit your final version of this paper to Turnitin to generate a final

report prior to submitting the assignment for grading. From the Turnitin tool, submit your

work as a draft to check it for any necessary edits. Once the paper is finalized and all edits

have beenmade, submit your final paper to your instructor for grading.

● Submit your assignment using the following file naming format: Your

Name_AssignmentNumber_Assignment Title (example:

Ima_Learner_u02a1_Proposed Project).

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