Review CASE ONE on pages 100-103 in Chapter 5 (Manderscheid and Davidson, 2016). Discuss as a team and answer the 9 questions listed in Table 5.2 on page 99 and create a one-page executive summary
1. What are the most challenging aspects of a leadership transition?
2. What actions did the leader take to facilitate their position as a new leader?
3. What did the leader do to build relationships during their transition?
4. What actions did the leader take during the transition that were not helpful?
5. What did the leader do to learn about their new position?
6. What action taken by the leader would have accelerated their transition?
7. What stages did the leader experience during the transition?
8. What did the leader need to unlearn to be successful in their new position?
9. What uncertainties did the leader experience during their transition?