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Week 3 DB 2

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WK 3 DB 2

Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum,

· Review Chapter 10 from your textbook, 
Applied Psychology in Talent Management.

· Review the article 
How to Win The Talent WarLinks to an external site..

· Review the article 
What Does the Tech Revolution Mean for HR?Links to an external site.

The purpose of workforce planning is to anticipate needs, set priorities, and allocate scarce organizational resources (Cascio & Aguinis, 2019).

Consider that you are the vice-president responsible for talent acquisition in a midsize organization located in the United States. You have been tasked with presenting a forecast of what the organization will need to hire within the next 12 months. Incorporate the four components of workforce planning, as outlined in the course textbook, as you address the key points below in your forecast:

· How will you anticipate needs, set priorities, and allocate scarce organizational resources?

· Is it more prudent to hire contractors or in-house?

· Which arrangement produces the highest return for the invested resource?

Guided Response: Your initial response should be a minimum of 200 words. Respond to at least two of your fellow students’ or instructor posts in a substantive manner and provide information or concepts that they may not have considered. Each response should have a minimum of 100 words. Support your position by using information from the week’s resources. You are encouraged to post your required replies earlier in the week to promote more meaningful and interactive discourse in this discussion forum.

Response 1:

Reply from Stacey Barnes

Good afternoon class,

The forecast for the organization’s needs over the next 12 months indicates a requirement for hiring skilled new employees and acquiring necessary resources to optimize operational costs and time during periods of high demand, while also enhancing innovation in processes. To effectively anticipate organizational needs, it is essential to identify upcoming challenges, monitor future demand based on current customer requirements, and allow customers to experience products before purchase. Emphasizing diversity, inclusion, and efficient changes will be crucial. Establishing priorities necessitates a clear understanding of the organization’s vision, determining essential actions for progress, creating an appropriate sequence and pace for future initiatives, and engaging with employees and customers to evaluate the alignment of these priorities. When allocating limited organizational resources, it is important to define the scope and available resources, adopt a holistic perspective, and assess the interdependencies among these resources.

Opting to hire contractors rather than full-time employees is often more advantageous, as it offers greater flexibility, transparency, and access to specialized skills for specific projects, while also streamlining the hiring process and reducing long-term costs. Implementing flexible work arrangements yields the highest return on invested resources, as it necessitates short-term planning, reduces process costs, and minimizes hiring time. “On the other hand, 
contract workers offer flexibility, cost-effectiveness, specialized expertise, and reduced risk”(

www.onbenchmark.comLinks to an external site.



OnBenchMark. (2023, April 27). The Pros and Cons of Hiring Full-Time Employees vs. Contract Workers. 

Response 2

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