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week 5 replies

Arnold Campbell

YesterdayFeb 15 at 2:59pm

Manage Discussion Entry

CLED 830 Module 05: Week 5 – Discussion Thread on Successes and Challenges:

The discussion thread on successes and challenges during this process is reminiscent of the scriptures about anxiousness and the ability to do all things through the strength provided by God (
English Standard Version, 2016, Philippians 4:6 &13). The literature review process started with a bit of anxiousness and doubt but has become an enlightening endeavor. This researcher read more than five dissertations recently approved in the past three years related to Christian-based, faith-related, and secular mentorship programs relative to the improved lives of Black males in America. After reading the abstracts and keywords from the various materials, this researcher established gaps from the general perspectives on the research problem related to the subject (Galvan & Galvan, 2017, p. 43). At this point in the study, the successes and challenges found through researching, organizing, and beginning the writing process for the available literature review have begun to take shape for the research methodology needed to move forward in the study.  

Successes in Literature Review Process. This researcher found ways in the required reading material to successfully assemble various articles, journals, dissertations, and books directly related to the topic of interest (Machi & McEvoy, 2016, p. 86). There are vast possibilities about how to arrange material through software. The selected material from the related bibliography was placed in the Zotero software to establish a spreadsheet for cataloging and filtering information. The results from the software work to develop an infographic of what became data patterns and organizational structure to a theological framework, theoretical framework, and related literature for the topics. This researcher successfully organized statistics, notes, dates, and literature types by grouping the material related to the subject of interest (Galvan & Galvan, 2017, p. 88). The researcher will use the material to validate the perceived efficacy of Christian-based mentorship for Black male youths in America compared to the information from previous works.

Challenges in Literature Review Process. Admittedly, this researcher found difficulties in articulating the relation of historical and recent frameworks to the theological and theoretical literature on Christian-based mentorship programs, methods, and foundations related to leadership. The origin of mentorship dates to Greek mythology, so the foundational material was not readily available for the literature review. The scriptural references to the selected topic do not use the term mentorship, but the leadership characteristics of mentors are found in relevant examples throughout the Bible. An article by Freeks (2016) stated a theological belief that God uses mentoring throughout scripture to help mentees grow and develop personally and professionally (
English Standard Version, 2016, Deuteronomy 34:9, 2 Kings 2:19-21). At this point in the literature review, the theological framework’s challenge is balancing historical and current literature relevant to the selected topic.


English Standard Version Bible. (2016). The English Standard Version Bible Online. 

to an external site.
 (Original work published 2001).

Freeks, F. E. (2016). Old Testament figures as possible current “mentors”: Exploratory pastoral-theological reflections. 
Scandinavian Journal of the Old Testament
30(2), 236-248. 

to an external site.

Galvan, J. L., & Galvan, M. C. (2017). 
Writing literature reviews: A guide for students of the social and be

imorrah Majors

WednesdayFeb 14 at 6:58pm

Manage Discussion Entry

Simorrah J. Majors 

CLED830: Research Methods for Christian Leadership IV (B01)

Week 5: Preparing to Write


Over these past weeks, students began the process of developing the literature review of the dissertation. Through the previous week’s exercise of drafting a literature map, students are creating a strategy for organizing how the literature review needs to be written. “And the Lord answered me, and said, Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it. For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end, it shall speak, and not lie: though it tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry.” (
King James Version, 1769/2023, Habakkuk 2:2-3). Through this discussion, this researcher will reflect on the experiences thus far that have been successes and challenges in organizing, writing, and research. Galvan & Galvan (2017) remind students to “keep in mind that the literature review will serve as the basic rationale for conducting your research, and the extent to which you accomplish these goals will contribute in large measure to how well your project will be received” (p.11).


When developing the preliminary outline, there were successes that this researcher had with the Credo research resource. Credo is useful for background and reference information when starting a paper because it identifies keywords and expands the topic academically so that you can narrow down or expand your research (Jerry Falwell Library, 2024). When reviewing the module teaching for research, Credo was very helpful in organizing and beginning the writing. For example, when this researcher looked up time management, it showed that time management falls under the umbrella of project management so that would need to be integrated into the literature outline. Project management was something that this researcher did not realize needed to be added to the literature review. Additionally, a success noted was the option to do a literature map. Creating a literature map allowed this researcher to view where the dissertation was going from a broader scope and indeed was beneficial for completing the assignment. 


When designing and completing the literature map, one challenge this researcher discovered was determining how extensively each topic and sub-topic should be explored. The first draft of this researcher’s literature map had multiple sub-topics and some levels of redundancy when trying to figure out and decide how much should be explored within each category. This researcher combined ideas where possible but later learned that theories, particularly, should be extensive, which is good. 

Another challenge this researcher would like to share is the time needed to find quality references that add value to the dissertation topic. Once the preliminary outline was created, this research became much more manageable but was still time-consuming at times. This researcher attempted to go the extra mile by finding good resources to prepare the way for the upcoming assignments. This exercise felt like a bibliography assignment without adding narratives, which is always intense. 


Galvan, J. L., & Galvan, M. C. (2017). 
Writing Literature Reviews: A Guide for Students of the Social and Behavioral Sciences (7th ed.). Routledge.

Jerry Falwell Library. (2024).
 Beginning the Research Process [Film]. Liberty University.

King James Bible. (2024). King James Bible Online.

  to an external site.
 (Original work published 1769)

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