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week 7 cled 988

CLED 988

Research Prospectus: Defense Hearing Assignment Instructions


The purpose of this research task is to present the proposed doctoral research study at the defense hearing and to gain approval to apply for IRB approval from the Dissertation Committee.

Upon the approval of the Dissertation Supervisorvyou will be allowed to defend your
Research Prospectus. The oral defense or hearing of the
Research Prospectus is an online video-based conference with the Supervisor. During the hearing, the student takes approximately 15 to 20 minutes to present the rationale for the study and describe the proposed research design. The use of a PowerPoint or similar presentation summarizing the research design is to be used. Follow the instructions provided in preparing this presentation. This presentation is then followed by an approximately 40 to 45-minute dialogue with the Supervisor.


This task requires the completion of the follow steps. Please read and follow these carefully.

Step 1 – Defense-Ready Draft Submission Approval

The student will submit
Research Prospectus: Defense-Ready Draft Submission. The Supervisor reads this draft and determines if the document is ready for defense. If a positive review results, the Supervisor holds the video conference defense hearing and provides access links to the doctoral candidate.

Step 2 – Preparation for the Video Conference Hearing

In preparation for the hearing, the candidate will create a PowerPoint presentation. During the hearing, the candidate will be allowed 15-20 minutes to present the rationale for the study and describe the proposed research design. The following ten slides should be included in the presentation. Remember, as you prepare, that your Supervisor will have read the
Research Prospectus, so this is summative in nature. Do not merely copy large amounts of information to the slides.

· Dissertation Title (15-17 words maximum)

· Research Purpose Statement

· Research Questions and Hypotheses

· Key Terminology and Significant Abbreviations

· Research Assumptions and Delimitations

· Population and Sample Summary

· Synopsis of the Research Design

· Proposed Instrumentation

· Proposed Statistical Measures and Data Analysis

· Value of Conducting the Research

Step 3 – The Video Conference Defense Hearing

The hearing constitutes the oral defense of the
Research Prospectus
. It is conducted as an online video-based meeting that includes the candidate and the Dissertation Supervisor. During the hearing, the candidate takes approximately 15-20 minutes to present the rationale for the study and describe the proposed research design. This presentation is then followed by an approximately 40 to 45-minute dialogue with the Supervisor. The purpose of this dialogue is to help the candidate refine, further delimit, or clarify the research design.

The hearing will be assessed by the committee using four categories. A student must achieve a score of
85 points or higher to pass the Research Prospectus Defense.

Note: The defense hearing must be scheduled during Week 12 and must be conducted before the close of the week.

ADVANCED: Approved with little or no revision required. (97-100 points)

PROFICIENT: Approved with minor, identified revision required. (85-96 points)

DEVELOPING: Not approved, a second hearing will be rescheduled. (1-84 points)

NOT PRESENT: The student did not complete this task. (0 points)

Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.

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