- Use the Internet or Basic Search: Strayer University Online Library to research the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) and how it affects employers and employees.
- Assess the importance of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) when an employer provides benefits of any kind. Classify two pros of an employee using employer-provided benefits, and at least one con, such as a conflict for an employee using such benefits. Note: Refer to cases in your textbook as you formulate your response.
SEE ATTACHED TCOB Graduate Studies Discussion Rubric Criteria No Submission 0 points Novice (Criterion is missing or not in evidence) 1-13 points Basic (works towards meeting expectations; performance needs improvement) 14-16 points Proficient (meets expectations; performance is satisfactory) 17-18 points Exemplary (exceeds expectations; performance is outstanding) 19-20 points Support of