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Please response to EACH status below using the discussion questions. Please cite references for each response:

TA1. What are the main differences between the minimum pay regulations in the United States and one other country’s practices discussed in this chapter?

The minimum pay regulations in the United States, as discussed in (Martocchio, 2020), are governed by the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). The FLSA imposes the federal minimum wage on employees and mandates overtime requirements. By Martocchio’s 2020 version, the federal minimum wage is $7.25 an hour, though it is generally higher in most states. FLSA also mandates a 1.5x regular rate for overtime on any hours worked over 40 a week to guard workers against unjust wages and ensure living wages for low-wage employees (Martocchio, 2020).

Instead, most European states have collective agreements, which tend to settle for sectoral or regional minimum wages instead of national statutory minimum wages. Germany, for example, has had a mandatory minimum wage since 2015; the most recent estimates show it to be approximately $14 in 2024. German labor laws permit minimum wages to be adjusted by industry and collective bargaining outcomes, making it more flexible and complicated than the standard US solution (OECD, 2023).

How do these differences affect companies’ ability to compete with other companies worldwide?

· Costs of Labor: If you work in a country with a higher minimum wage, such as Germany, your labor costs might be higher than in the U.S., where the minimum wage is generally low. The products or services must be more economically viable to manufacture in the respective countries, which can also influence global competitiveness.

· Employing Talent: Higher wages may also keep skilled individuals or higher living standards in the country, which increases productivity and innovation. US firms paying lower minimum wages will find it easier to recruit high-quality employees if their international competitors pay more.

· Business Adaptability: US businesses can conduct wage administration more efficiently with more standardized national regulations. Meanwhile, collective bargaining agreements and local differences in countries such as Germany make wage control more complex but better suited to industry-level demands.

· Compliance & Global Operations: When doing business globally, multinational companies must manage different wage regimes, which are costly in administrative terms. The capacity to accommodate differential wage demands can impact the company’s allocation of resources across borders and ability to compete in markets with different labor cost structures.


Martocchio, J. J. (2020). Strategic Compensation: A Human Resource Management Approach

(10th ed.). Pearson.

OECD (2023). Minimum wages. Retrieved from 

What are the main differences between the minimum pay regulations in the United States and one other country’s practices discussed in this chapter? How do these differences affect companies’ ability to compete with other companies worldwide?

LW2.) In the United States, the government has issued laws and regulations that require organizations to provide their employees with a minimum pay wage. The federal minimum wage provisions are contained in the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). The current federal minimum wage rate is $7.25 per hour; however, some states have higher minimum wage rates. For example, Florida’s minimum rate per hour is currently $12.00 and is scheduled to increase by a $1.00 each year until reaching $15.00 per hour by September 30, 2026. Organizations are required to comply with both, meaning if they are located in Florida, they would currently need to be paying employees $12.00 per hour. Because the employee is entitled to the higher of the two minimum wage amounts, according to wage laws (Martocchio, 2020).

The United States lags behind several other countries in the federal minimum wage rate. For example, South Korea has a minimum wage of $9.46 per hour, while Canada is at $11.12 per hour, and France’s minimum wage is at $13.92 per hour. As of April 2024, only about 17% of countries have wages at or above the cost of living, many of these countries are in Western Europe ( Hickerson, 2024). While some of these countries my look better in terms of wage, other factors must be considered when thinking of moving to another country to work. First cost of living is a factor, second is fringe benefits like insurance, and lastly government taxes. Most countries, like South Korea, Canada, and France, have universal healthcare (World Population Review, 2024). Having universal healthcare tends to mean workers in these countries pay higher taxes to the government in order to compensate. Also, one must consider the cost of living, depending on where you go some places may have a lower cost of living while others have a higher cost of living.

I do think it all comes down to the total compensation package offered, when everything is factored in making the competition for these organizations no more than what they already experience with other rivals within the market. An employee job seeking or even being recruited, most consider the whole compensation package as well as other factors mentioned before accepting a job, whether in the US or another country.



Hickerson, A. (2024). 
How the US minimum wage compares to other countries. Miami Herald. 

Martocchio, J. (2020). 
Strategic Compensation: A Human Resource Management Approach (10th ed.) Pearson.

World Population Review (2024). Countries with Universal Healthcare 2024. World Population Review. 

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