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Research Details

Arnita Norman

Liberty University Online CLED830: Research Methods for Christian Leadership IV (B01)

Brian Pinzer

March 7, 2024,

Research Details

Proposed Title: The Digital Dilemma: Impact of Social Media on Teenagers’ Psychological Well-being, Social and Religious Behavior

Research Problem and Gap

The emergence of social media in the 21st century has transformed the landscape of communication, providing diverse platforms for social interactions that have become central to global information exchange. Teenagers, comprising a substantial demographic, are notably active on various social media platforms, with a staggering 95% engagement and around 75% maintaining at least one active profile (Vannucci et al., 2020). However, this pervasive use of social media among teenagers introduces a complex scenario, “the digital dilemma.” This dilemma encapsulates the juxtaposition of the numerous benefits and opportunities offered by social media against the potential risks and negative consequences associated with its extensive use. Despite the undeniable prevalence of teenagers in the digital realm, there exists a critical knowledge gap regarding the holistic impact of social media on their mental health and social and religious behaviors.

The research problem arises from the dual-faced nature of social media use among teenagers, necessitating a comprehensive investigation into its effects. The study aims to examine the positive and negative aspects of teenagers’ social media engagement, focusing on its psychological, social, and religious implications. The current state of literature is marked by a compartmentalized understanding of these dimensions, warranting a more interconnected approach to understanding their relationship. This underscores the need for a deep examination to bridge this gap in understanding, offering insights that can inform strategies for navigating the challenges and harnessing the potential benefits of social media use among teenagers.

Research Purpose Statement

The purpose of this research is to comprehensively investigate and understand the impact of social media on teenagers, with a focus on their psychological well-being, social behaviors, and religious engagement, aiming to elucidate both the positive and negative consequences and inform strategies for promoting a holistic and positive online experience for this demographic.

Research Questions

1. How does social media use influence the psychological well-being of teenagers, considering factors such as self-esteem, body image, and overall mental health?

2. What is the impact of social media on the social behavior of teenagers, particularly in terms of peer influence, online communities, and the phenomenon of “Fear of Missing Out” (FOMO)?

3. In what ways does social media intersect with the religious beliefs and practices of teenagers, and how does it contribute to the formation of their religious identity?

4. What role does social comparison on social media platforms play in shaping adolescents’ self-esteem and mental health, considering the influence of societal standards and idealized representations?

5. How does cyberbullying on social media affect the psychological well-being of teenagers, including its correlation with depression, anxiety, and academic performance?

6. Can positive online interactions on social media platforms contribute to the mental well-being of teenagers, and how do supportive online communities impact resilience and coping mechanisms?

7. To what extent do online religious communities and interfaith interactions on social media contribute to the spiritual growth and understanding of teenagers?

8. What are the potential long-term effects of social media use on teenagers in terms of their psychological well-being, social behaviors, and religious identity?

9. How do cultural and regional variations influence the impact of social media on teenagers, considering differences in norms, practices, and societal expectations?

10. How can parents, educators, and policymakers effectively use the digital space to optimize positive outcomes and mitigate the potential risks associated with social media use among teenagers?

Delimitations of the Research

The research acknowledges certain delimitations to delineate the scope and focus of the study. First, the investigation primarily concentrates on teenagers aged 13 to 19, recognizing the distinct developmental stage of adolescence. Second, the study centers on popular social media platforms such as WhatsApp, X (formerly Twitter), Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, YouTube, Telegram, Snapchat, WeChat and TikTok, overlooking less prevalent platforms. Additionally, the research does not explore offline factors extensively; instead, it primarily examines the online dimensions of teenagers’ lives. Moreover, the cultural and regional scope is limited to a broad overview, recognizing that in-depth analyses of specific cultural nuances are beyond the scope of this study. Lastly, the research is delimited to examining the impact of social media on mental health, social behaviors, and religious identity without examining the broader aspects of technology or internet usage.

Research Population

The research population for this study comprises teenagers aged 13 to 19 who actively engage with popular social media platforms, including WhatsApp, X (formerly Twitter), Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, YouTube, Telegram, Snapchat, WeChat, and TikTok. These individuals share the commonality of being in the developmental stage of adolescence and utilizing social media as a prominent aspect of their daily lives. The focus is on understanding the experiences and outcomes related to their mental health, social behaviors, and religious identity in the context of their engagement with these widely used online platforms.

Research Sample(s) and Sampling Technique

The research sample for this study consists of teenagers aged 13 to 19 who report actively using popular social media platforms, including WhatsApp, X (formerly Twitter), Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, YouTube, Telegram, Snapchat, WeChat, and TikTok. The sampling technique employed will be a combination of stratified random sampling and convenience sampling. Stratified random sampling will be used to ensure representation from various social media platforms. The population will be divided into strata based on the specific platforms, and participants will be randomly selected from each stratum. This approach helps to capture the diversity of experiences across different social media platforms. Additionally, convenience sampling will be applied to select participants based on accessibility and willingness to participate. This method acknowledges the practical constraints of reaching and engaging with teenagers in the online environment. By combining these sampling techniques, the study aims to achieve a balanced and diverse representation of teenagers using social media while addressing logistical challenges.

Proposed Methodological Design

The proposed methodological design for this study is a mixed-methods approach, combining both qualitative and quantitative research methods. This approach aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the impact of social media on teenagers’ mental health, social behaviors, and religious identity. Quantitative research methods, including surveys and statistical analysis, will be employed to gather numerical data on the frequency and patterns of social media use, as well as its correlations with psychological well-being and social behaviors. This approach allows for the examination of broader trends and patterns within the teenage population.

Qualitative methods, such as in-depth interviews and content analysis of social media interactions, will be utilized to explore the subjective experiences, perceptions, and qualitative aspects of the impact of social media on religious identity and social behaviors among teenagers. This qualitative component adds depth and context to the quantitative findings. Mixed-methods design offers a holistic perspective, allowing for triangulation of data and a more profound understanding of the complex relationship between social media usage and the variables under investigation. This approach ensures a comprehensive exploration of the research questions and a more robust interpretation of the study’s findings.

Proposed Instrumentation

A structured survey will be designed to gather quantitative data on teenagers’ social media usage patterns, frequency, and types of interactions. The survey will include standardized scales to measure psychological well-being, self-esteem, and experiences of cyberbullying. In addition, in-depth interviews will be conducted to capture the qualitative aspects of the impact of social media on religious identity and social behaviors. The interview guide will be developed to explore participants’ perceptions, experiences, and attitudes toward social media in a more detailed and open-ended manner. Both the survey and interview instruments will be pilot-tested for validity and reliability before full-scale implementation. The combination of quantitative and qualitative instruments will provide a comprehensive dataset, allowing for a thorough analysis of the research questions and a deeper understanding of the phenomena.

Limitations of Generalization

The findings of this research are constrained by the characteristics and scope of the selected sample, which consists of teenagers aged 13 to 19 engaging in specific social media platforms. Generalizing the results beyond this demographic and platform selection should be done cautiously. Additionally, the study’s focus on the impact of social media on mental health, social behaviors, and religious identity might limit the generalizability of findings to broader aspects of technology or internet usage. Cultural and regional factors, though acknowledged, are not deeply explored, which may affect the applicability of findings to diverse cultural contexts. The outcomes should be interpreted within the defined parameters of the research population and the specific dimensions under investigation to ensure accurate and contextually relevant generalization.

Research Competencies to Conduct Study

Successful execution of this study requires a set of essential competencies from the researcher. First, the researcher must possess a deep understanding of adolescent psychology and developmental theories to effectively interpret and analyze the impact of social media on teenagers aged 13 to 19. Proficiency in social science research methodologies, both qualitative and quantitative, is imperative for designing and implementing a robust research framework. Furthermore, a deep comprehension of the religious and cultural factors influencing adolescent behavior is essential for contextualizing findings within the broader societal landscape. Additionally, the researcher should demonstrate expertise in the ethical considerations surrounding research involving minors, ensuring the protection and well-being of teenage participants throughout the study. A solid foundation in statistical analysis and data interpretation is crucial for deriving meaningful insights from the collected data. Collaboration with experienced consultants in the fields of psychology, social media studies, and cultural studies may be sought to enrich the study’s depth and breadth.

Precedent Literature

1. Bakar, A., Abas, N., Kasim, T. S. A. T., Saputra, J., Ibrahim, R. Z. A. R., Dagang, M., & Selamat, T. (2022). The effect of social media and religiosity towards sexual misconduct among adolescents. 
International Journal of Data and Network Science
6(4), 1287-1294.

2. Beyens, I., Pouwels, J. L., van Driel, I. I., Keijsers, L., & Valkenburg, P. M. (2020). The effect of social media on well-being differs from adolescent to adolescent. 
Scientific Reports
10(1), 10763.

3. Bilgin, M., Şahin, İ., & Togay, A. (2020). Social Media Addiction in Adolescents and Parent-Adolescent Relationship. 
Education & Science/Egitim ve Bilim

4. Cao, X., Khan, A. N., Ali, A., & Khan, N. A. (2020). Consequences of cyberbullying and social overload while using SNSs: A study of users’ discontinuous usage behavior in SNSs. 
Information Systems Frontiers
22, 1343-1356.

5. Dunbar, R. I. (2021). Religiosity and religious attendance as factors in wellbeing and social engagement. 
Religion, Brain & Behavior
11(1), 17-26.

6. Mann, R. B., & Blumberg, F. (2022). Adolescents and social media: The effects of frequency of use, self-presentation, social comparison, and self- esteem on possible self -imagery. 
Acta Psychologica
228, 103629.

7. Marraccini, M. E., Pittleman, C., Griffard, M., Tow, A. C., Vanderburg, J. L., & Cruz, C. M. (2022). Adolescent, parent, and provider perspectives on school-related influences of mental health in adolescents with suicide-related thoughts and behaviors. 
Journal of school psychology
93, 98-118.

8. Naslund, J. A., Bondre, A., Torous, J., & Aschbrenner, K. A. (2020). Social media and mental health: benefits, risks, and opportunities for research and practice. 
Journal of technology in behavioral science
5, 245-257.

9. Ozukum, T. (2021). 
The Impact of social media on religious tolerance in India: A case study on the digital discourse in religious conflicts (Doctoral dissertation, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU)).

10. Smith, D., Leonis, T., & Anandavalli, S. (2021). Belonging and loneliness in cyberspace: impacts of social media on adolescents’ well-being. 
Australian Journal of Psychology
73(1), 12-23.

11. Uecker, J. E., & McClure, P. K. (2023). Screen Time, Social Media, and Religious Commitment among Adolescents. 
The Sociological Quarterly
64(2), 250-273.

12. Van Bavel, J. J., Robertson, C. E., Del Rosario, K., Rasmussen, J., & Rathje, S. (2023). Social media and morality. 
Annual Review of Psychology

13. Vogels, E. A., Gelles-Watnick, R., & Massarat, N. (2022). Teens, social media and technology 2022.

14. Vannucci, A., Simpson, E. G., Gagnon, S., & Ohannessian, C. M. (2020). Social media use and risky behaviors in adolescents: A meta-analysis. 
Journal of adolescence
79, 258-274.

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