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Week Discussion 4 peer discussion response

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Respond to the two peer discussions below using Specifically the following questions:

1. Where did you and your peers differ in your priorities?

2. How well did your peers plan to incorporate the Operations department and the Talent Development department into the design of this training?

1. Needed Discussion (Peer Response )

To achieve success via distinctive programs, services, skills, and products, firms must prioritize employee training and development. To improve organizational results, businesses spend more than $126 billion annually on staff training and development (Walters & Rodriguez, 2017). Numerous subject areas are covered by this investment, including executive development, customer service, sales, compliance, management, supervisory, and interpersonal skills. A part of human resources management called training and development assists people in achieving various objectives by lowering stress or dissatisfaction at work. Additionally, it makes people feel better about their performance outcomes, which improves retention and performance. Employee training and development are essential components of Human Resources planning activities, as they not only optimize the returns of individuals but also attract superior talent to the organization (Walters & Rodriguez, 2017). Employee development and training requirements may arise at any organizational level, including tactical, operational, and strategic. In order to achieve desired individual performance and business results, managers at all levels of leadership are responsible for determining the requirements for training and development and for choosing the optimal approaches, strategies, programs, methodologies, and venues for assessments.

For a firm, having well-crafted and efficient training may be quite beneficial. It will not only improve an employee’s attitude and desire to acquire new talent, but it will also save the organization money by avoiding the need to develop several ineffective training programs. Imagine the potential conflict between an employer and employee if the business fails to offer training and education. This disagreement may give rise to various complex situations, such as official complaints from the employee that turn into actual lawsuits against the company. These situations might result in significant costs for the business regarding time, money, and energy (Truitt, 2011). I had the following goals in mind for this discussion article.

Course Learning Objectives

Following this course, you will be able to use the new inventory system accurately, make orders, and monitor inventory thanks to your fundamental knowledge and skills.

· Following training, you are going to able to use the new application to make orders, create reports, record and receive payments, scan barcodes, monitor orders, and deliver them. Each designated user will have more specialized tasks depending on the role code they have accomplished.

Providing individuals who are prepared for the new system with further information about how to utilize it and encouraging others who are not to learn more about the program’s benefits is the top priority when it comes to the planning and design of this training. Teaching everyone how to use the following features, which are mentioned in the aforementioned target #2, is one of the other top concerns. Additional training will be available as supplementary training, with more particular functions offered to Group 1. The operations team would have to provide input on how best to utilize the features provided for their role code to contribute to the training’s design. By doing this, training may become more straightforward and easier to understand for those who might not be as tech-savvy. Our recommendation is that, in cases where it is not feasible to develop distinct programs for each trait, you should try to tailor the training to each trait as much as possible. This approach has the benefit of providing multiple approaches to cover the same learning point, which makes learning easier for all participants (Blanchard et al., 2023). This is the point at which knowledge about learning styles becomes useful. Sensing vs intuitive, visual, verbal, sequential, global, active, and reflective learners are some examples of these learning styles (Blanchard et al., 2023). Until the organization chooses to employ additional features of the application, external training will not be required.


Blanchard, P. N., Thacker, J. W., & Cosby, D. (2023). 
Effective Training (7th ed). SAGE Publications, Inc. 

Truitt, D. L. (2011). The Effect of Training and Development on Employee Attitude as it Relates to Training and Work Proficiency. 
1(3), 215824401143333. Sagepub. 

Walters, K., & Rodriguez, J. (2017). 
The Importance of Training and Development in Employee Performance and Evaluation. ResearchGate; 


2. 2. Needed Discussion (Peer Response)

After reviewing the completed TNA and knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSAs) required to complete employees’ jobs (Blanchard et al., 2023, p. 98) for Groups 1 and 2, Opie and I propose the following learning objectives. These objectives result from our collaborative efforts and address our most important priorities for planning and designing the training, maximizing accuracy, quality, and speed for all KSAs, and keeping trainees interested and motivated (Blanchard et al., 2023, p. 165).

Learning Objective Group 1 (Receiving and Distribution & Accounting) – Using “super-user” privileges, the trainee will conduct an order placement, apply warehouse management skills, forecast inventory management, create reports, recordings, and receipts, show the ability to barcode scan and RFID tracking, and complete order delivery, meeting all standards with 90% accuracy.

After completing each learning objective task, talent Development and Operations will conduct an assisted simulation test. Upon course completion, a graded individual simulation test will be conducted to rate the accuracy percentage. All trainees with a score below 90% will conduct a two-hour enhanced training session with one-on-one instructional support the following day.

Learning Objective Group 2 (Manufacturing, Sales, Quality Assurance, Product Development, and Customer Service) – Using view access, the trainee will conduct an order placement review, review reports, recording, receipts, barcode scanning and RFID tracking, and order delivery, meeting all standards with 90% accuracy.  

After completing each learning objective task, a scenario-based question will be asked, which trainees will answer in a group setting. Upon course completion, each trainee will be given a consolidated scenario, which will apply multiple KSAs to show an understanding of all learning objective tasks. All trainees with a score below 90% will stay after class for a one-hour enhanced training session with one-on-one instructional support.

Within the 60 days of training, Talent Development and Operations will collect common errors from trainees and adapt training to focus on these weaker areas. We will also establish an online refresher training module with step-by-step instructions for applying daily Group 1 and 2 learning objective tasks. This online training module will also have a frequent questions and answers page for common errors identified during training and upon continued use of the inventory system. This will also help develop future inventory training around areas where these KSAs are lacking for employees.

Reference: Blanchard, P. B., Thacker, J. W., & Crosby, D. M. (2023).
 Effective training: Systems, strategies, and practices (7th Ed.). Sage Publications, Inc.  ISBN 13: 9781071927809.


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