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For this assignment, you will delve deeper into a social problem that really interests you. This can be the social problem you
identified in assignment one or you can choose something new. 




For this assignment, you will put together a presentation of 8 slides minimum. You may use a presentation program of your choice such as PowerPoint or any of these which offer free use: 
Prezi, Powtoon, 
Adobe Spark
Google Slides
Canva, Visme, 
Libre Office, Slidedog, 
Haiku Deck.  Please attach, embed, or provide a link to your presentation to submit it for grading.


Your Presentation must do the following:

1.  Include a title slide with your title (title of the presentation,
not the title of the assignment), your name, the class, and a visual representing your topic choice. 
[1 slide]

2. Select “one” social problem of your choice, explain why it is a social problem, and define the scope of this social problem (
local, national, international – all three
[2 slides]

3. Explore the history of your social problem. Think about how it has changed over time and what major milestones have impacted the problem. For example, if you explore racism, you will want to note major Civil Rights legislation, etc. What transpired in the 
1960s, 70s, 80s, 90s, 2000s (up to today)? Be sure to include some “text” under each milestone; at least two sentences
[at least 2 slides]

3.    Next, analyze

two significant ways
that the chosen social problem impacts

two groups; Do not select the same group(s) as your topic. 
For example, if you are looking at drug use, you might analyze the impact of drug use on families, minorities, women, men, and so forth.   Include a current statistics chart here to support your points (no more than five years old).
[at least 2 slides]

Define one sociological theory from our readings/materials related to your chosen social problem and
analyze how this theory helps us better understand the social problem you are discussing. Sociological theories include functionalism, conflict theory, feminist theory, symbolic interactionism, as mentioned in our readings and materials. 
[at least 1 slide]

5. Include full references in APA formatting. 
[at least 1 slide]. 


General requirements:

Font Size: Between 18 to 24

· Use APA format for citations and references; although this is a PowerPoint presentation, in-text citations should still be utilized similarly to a paper. 

· Include

only bullet points
in your presentation. You should not have massive paragraphs on your slides. (You may clarify your bullet points in speaker notes.)

· View the grading rubric to understand how you will be assessed on this Assignment. 

· Disclaimer- Originality of attachments will be verified by Turnitin. Both you and your instructor will receive the results.

· This course has “Resubmission” status enabled to help you if need to submit multiple documents as part of your Assignment. Resubmission of an Assignment after it is graded to attempt a better grade is not permitted.


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