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Who can assist with two responses for the following discussion? APA format with a citation Providing culturally sensitive and comprehensive healthcare is crucial for nurses in order to address the uni

Who can assist with two responses for the following discussion? APA format with a citation

  1. Providing culturally sensitive and comprehensive healthcare is crucial for nurses in order to address the unique biological differences that are often present in Korean Americans. Genetic variations and polymorphisms are common in Asian cultures and can result in varying sensitivities to certain medications (Sung & Park, 2019). As a result, it is imperative for healthcare providers to be aware of these differences and take them into account when developing treatment plans. Additionally, given the high incidence of conditions like hepatitis B in the Korean American population, it is crucial to conduct thorough screenings and implement personalized healthcare strategies. By doing so, healthcare providers can ensure that Korean Americans receive the best possible care and treatment (Sung & Park, 2019).
  2. It is crucial to recognize that grouping Puerto Ricans with other Hispanic Americans can lead to significant errors in patient care. When we assume a singular identity for all Hispanics, we fail to consider the diverse cultural nuances, traditions, and health behaviors present within each minority group. For instance, Puerto Ricans have developed their own unique food habits and health beliefs throughout their cultural evolution. Therefore, failing to acknowledge these differences could result in misinterpreted patient needs and preferences, ultimately impacting treatment plans and health outcomes (Silva Díaz et al., 2020).

For instance, if we assume uniform dietary preferences among all people of Hispanic ancestry in the US, we will overlook the distinct eating patterns of Puerto Ricans. This could potentially affect nutritional assessments and interventions. Such errors in patient care can be avoided if we recognize the diverse cultural and ethnic backgrounds of each patient and tailor our approach accordingly (Silva Díaz et al., 2020). By understanding the unique cultural factors that shape a patient’s health practices and beliefs, we can provide more informed, effective, and equitable care.

  1. It is essential to consider the potential impact of regional instability on the health and well-being of Jordanian Americans who have recently immigrated to the United States. Political instability and hostilities in their home country can result in various challenges, including psychological distress, trauma, and limited access to healthcare resources. All these factors can significantly impact their physical and mental health, potentially leading to long-term health problems (Al-Akash et al., 2021).

Furthermore, political instability in Jordan can create multiple difficulties for individuals of Jordanian American descent in receiving medical treatment. They may face challenges in terms of physical accessibility and affordability, which can significantly impact their ability to receive the care they need.

In addition to physical health concerns, recent Jordanian immigrants may also experience mental health challenges. They may struggle with displacement, trauma, and the difficulties associated with integrating into a new culture amidst political unrest. These factors can lead to emotional distress, anxiety, and depression, making it difficult for them to adapt to their new surroundings and establish a sense of stability (Al-Akash et al., 2021).

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